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1.7k · Aug 2015
Two Years With Agnes
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
I adopted my Chihuahua Dog two years ago today.
I'll be Agnes's last owner, she's here to stay.
I adopted her in Morristown, Tennessee.
I am lucky because Agnes is with me.
Two years has been how long I've known her.
I'm very happy and proud to be her owner.
Today I'm celebrating the 2nd anniversary with my dog.
1.7k · Nov 2015
I Won't Congratulate You
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
You're moving in with your girlfriend and many people have congratulated you.
You've asked me to do the same but that is something I can't and won't do.
I won't congratulate you because you and your girlfriend will be living in sin.
I won't condone premarital ***, don't ask for my congratulations ever again.
Yes, I have old-fashioned morals that you consider to be out of date.
I won't congratulate you because you're doing something that God hates.
1.7k · Oct 2016
Resist The Temptation
Randy Johnson Oct 2016
The world gets worse as each day passes and that's no exaggeration.
When you are tempted to commit a sin, please resist the temptation.
If you want to hit a person, please don't commit assault.
Resist the temptation even if the other person is at fault.
If you are tempted to do drugs, please resist the temptation.
It's dangerous as well as being a sin and can cause devastation.
Please resist the temptation if you're tempted to commit adultery.
Not only is it breaking one of God's commandments, you can also get an STD.
Please resist the temptation if you're tempted to steal or ****.
Turn to The Lord, he can help people cope with any ordeal.
1.7k · Dec 2022
Bernard's Birthday
Randy Johnson Dec 2022
You were a talented British actor but sadly, not anymore.
If you hadn't died, today you would've turned ninety-four.
You starred in an episode of "Fawlty Towers" and "Dalziel and Pascoe".
Forty-four years ago, you starred in "The Adventures Of Picasso".
You starred in an episode of "Last Of The Summer Wine".
You starred in an episode of "Mogul" and "Space: 1999".
You starred in a short lived British sitcom titled "Cuffy".
After living a long life, you died at the age of ninety-three.
When you starred in Fawlty Towers, you beat up John Cleese.
Today would have been your birthday, may you Rest In Peace.
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
To get on God's good side, we must pray again and again.
We must pray and ask Jehovah to wash away our sins.
We must treat everybody like a sister or a brother.
We must show Jehovah that we love one another.
Heaven is the reward for all of the good people who have died.
We must obey the ten commandments to get on the Lord's good side.
Randy Johnson Aug 2023
You were born on August the 2nd of 1948.
Your death was sad and hard to contemplate.
Today would've been your birthday but you didn't survive.
If you hadn't died, today you would've turned seventy-five.

Your death was a very painful thing that I was forced to experience.
It was hard to accept your demise because it ended your existence.
You gave money to the homeless because you loved to give.
You were the greatest mother on the planet while you lived.

It was so sad to learn that you were going to die.
And it was very painful when I had to say goodbye.
I wanted you to survive but I didn't get my way.
You were my mom and I wish you a happy birthday.
1.6k · Aug 2022
Happy Birthday, Mom - Part X
Randy Johnson Aug 2022
You were a very special and unique person until you passed away.
If you hadn't died, you would be celebrating your 74th birthday.
You were honest, unselfish and sincere.
You should've won Mother Of The Year.

I would've bought you a cake if you were still alive.
Today is special because your birthday has arrived.
I can't celebrate your birthday with you because you died in 2013.
Your death was very painful, it was the worst thing I've ever seen.

You were always a caring and generous person, that's something that I proclaim.
It saddened me when you died, I knew that life could never again be the same.
We would be celebrating together if you hadn't perished.
Happy Birthday, Mom, you will always be loved and cherished.
1.6k · Dec 2015
The Kingdom Hall
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
I've been going to a Kingdom Hall and I've become a Jehovah's Witness.
The people are very friendly to each other which means we are blessed.
The Kingdom Halls have different preachers on each Sunday and Tuesday.
Unlike other Denominations, our preachers never receive pay.

At the Kingdom Halls, we are taught that Jehovah is God's name.
Some people tell lies about Jehovah Witnesses and it's a shame.
One lie that people tell is that we don't believe in Jesus.
We are good people, I hope that you'll come to see us.

Unlike other churches, we don't pass around a collection plate.
People at the Kingdom Halls are treated like family, it is great.
Besides listening to the preachers sermons, we study the Bible as well.
When people are untruthful about us, please ignore the lies that they tell.
1.6k · Aug 2019
Nintendo Fired Mario
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
His name is Mario Mario and he was Nintendo's mascot.
He used to be Nintendo's biggest star but now he's not.
Nintendo fired Mario when they learned that he has a Playstation 4.
They didn't want an employee who plays the games of a competitor.
He thought Luigi would take up for him but he's the one who turned Mario in.
When Mario got done with him, he was sorry and he won't betray Mario again.
When Luigi turned his brother in, Nintendo agreed to let Luigi take his place.
After Mario beat Luigi senseless, he started jumping up and down on his face.
Luigi learned that turning his brother in was a really stupid thing to do.
Mario broke several of Luigi's body parts and his face looks like an old shoe.
Mario believes that Nintendo is dumb because they made his first and last names the same.
And the entire world is shocked because there will be no future Mario games.
1.6k · Sep 2022
John Brown's 52nd Birthday
Randy Johnson Sep 2022
John Brown died in 2019, it's sad and it's true.
If he hadn't died, today he would've turned 52.
We met at Bean Station Elementary School in 1979.
We quickly became friends, he was a buddy of mine.
But during the last few years of his life, he caused a lot of grief.
He didn't want to pay back what he owed and he became a thief.
When my back was turned, he swiped twenty of my pills.
I wish that it was just a bad dream but sadly, it was real.
I didn't know that John would turn to drugs when I was a kid.
mark my words, if you do drugs, you will die just like he did.
1.6k · May 2015
God Is Benevolent
Randy Johnson May 2015
God can be vengeful but he's mostly benevolent.
He helps us when we're down, he is magnificent.
God kept one of my relatives safe in Vietnam because of people's prayers.
God will never forsake us and he loves all of us, he truly cares.
It's like the money says, 'In God We Trust'.
God is wonderful and he's always there for us.
1.6k · Jun 2015
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
A **** was set free even though he committed a crime.
The reason why he was set free was because I'm a Mime.
I was on the witness stand but because I'm a Mime, I wouldn't talk.
I take my job way too seriously and that was why that criminal walked.
Because I wouldn't testify, everybody in the courtroom started to yell.
The judge was so mad that he found me in contempt and put me in jail.
People are still angry because I wouldn't give my testimony.
My wife divorced me and now I have to pay her alimony.
If I hadn't taken my job so seriously, that criminal would be rotting in prison.
I'm going to get a new career because that's something that needs to be done.
This is a fictional poem.
1.6k · May 2015
I'm Not The Father
Randy Johnson May 2015
I learned that my ex wife was unfaithful when she gave birth to a baby who is black.
I was stunned and so infuriated at her that I came very close to giving her a smack.
My ex best friend is the baby's dad.
His betrayal really made me mad.
I should've realized what was going on but I was a fool.
I beat the hell out of him because what he did was cruel.
My ex begged me to forgive her and to help her raise the baby as my own.
I packed my things and walked out the door and now that ***** is all alone.
While she was pregnant, I was very happy because I thought the baby was mine.
That **** had a lot of nerve, she broke our wedding vows because she's a swine.
The love that I once felt for her was something I savored.
I was faithful to that witch but she didn't return the favor.
Infidelity is the one thing that I can't forgive.
I'll despise that woman for as long as I live.
This is a fictional poem.
1.6k · Sep 2015
The Lord Deserves Our Praise
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
Some people plan to praise the Lord when they go to Heaven but they should praise him now.
Jehovah deserves our praise and gratitude and if he were in front of me, I would bow.
We wouldn't even be here if it hadn't been for Jehovah and for that, he should be praised.
The world is in a bad shape but at some point in the future, he has promised us better days.
When those days come, people will no longer be consumed by hate, greed, anger and sorrow.
We should praise the Lord today, let's not wait until we're in Heaven, let's not even wait until tomorrow.
1.6k · May 2015
As Ugly As A Wicked Witch
Randy Johnson May 2015
I told my wife that she looks like a wicked witch.
And then I had to go to the hospital to be stitched.
She's always been angry and bitter because she's not good looking.
She looks even more like a witch when she eats because her face turns green from my terrible cooking.
She tells people that she's pretty but they refuse to hear her.
I have to clean up the broken glass after she looks in mirrors.
If each broken mirror brings seven years of bad luck, she's in for seven hundred unlucky years.
I also have bad luck because she says that she'll never leave me and that drives me to tears.
This is a fictional poem.
1.6k · Sep 2016
Undeserved Kindness
Randy Johnson Sep 2016
God gives people kindness whether we deserve it or not.
He gives us undeserved kindness because he loves us a lot.
The Lord will give us kindness even though we make mistakes and sin.
If we repent and turn to God, he will help us with the trouble we're in.
God gives us undeserved kindness when we have food on the table.
There are starving people who want to eat but they are not able.
We should be thankful when God gives us undeserved kindness.
When he is kind to a man or a woman, he or she has been blessed.
Randy Johnson May 2019
My fourteen year old daughter was the star of a children's TV show.
But because she grew large *******, they decided to let her go.
They said that because of her growth spurt, it would be inappropriate for her to be on a children's show.
They said they were sure that I would understand but I was furious and I said "Hell no".
I said that it was discrimination and it was an immoral reason for firing my teenage daughter.
She was more than willing to sue because of the morals that my wife and I have taught her.
It was wrong to fire her because of mother nature 's handiwork and the judge agreed.
My daughter was awarded ten million dollars, that was what the judge decreed.
We didn't sue because of the money, we sued to stand up to their discrimination.
When I say that they didn't get away with what they did, it's not an exaggeration.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
There are celebrities who people idolize.
They may not know it but it's wrong in God's eyes.
Jehovah God is the only one who deserves to be idolized.
This may anger some people and some may be surprised.
It's okay for people to respect celebrities and to be their fans.
But we should idolize only God and never any woman or man.
We shouldn't idolize people because it's a terrible sin.
If you idolize somebody, please let it come to an end.
1.5k · Jul 2023
Papaw's 100th Birthday
Randy Johnson Jul 2023
He was my papaw and he was my father's dad.
When he died in 1994, it was both tragic and sad.
If Papaw had survived, he would be celebrating his birthday.
If he hadn't died, he would've become 100 years old today.
He was born on July the 28th of 1923.
Today he would've lived for a century.
When Papaw took some medication, he became very sick.
He died six days after his birthday because he was allergic.
Dad was hurt by Papaw's death and so was I.
It's always painful to learn that a grandparent is going to die.
1.5k · May 2015
Shirley Temple
Randy Johnson May 2015
She was very cute with her curly hair and dimples.
The lady who I'm speaking of was Shirley Temple.
She starred in Curly Top and Stand Up And Cheer.
She starred in 60 films during her fabulous career.
It was so sad and tragic when she died in February of 2014.
She was the biggest child star that the world has ever seen.
Dedicated to Shirley Temple who died at the age of 85 on February 10, 2014.
1.5k · Jan 2020
Prohibition In The USA
Randy Johnson Jan 2020
Prohibition began one hundred years ago in the USA.
People had their right to drink ***** taken away.
This made people unhappy and they began to whine.
And this caused Al Capone to start peddling moonshine.
Capone was evil and because of him, people were killed.
On December 5 1933, the 18th Amendment was repealed.
People were very happy because prohibition came to an end.
They were as giddy as school girls to have the right to drink again.
1.5k · May 2015
Randy Johnson May 2015
I went to the hospital and they said they were going to shove a camera up my ***.
I told them that I didn't want that to happen, I told them that I was going to pass.
But they said it was too late because I'd already signed the papers that allowed them to treat me.
But I didn't want a camera up my ***, I would've rather that they used baseball bats to beat me.
They shoved the camera up my *** and it went in deep.
It really hurt because the idiots forgot to put me to sleep.
I cussed those ******* out and they said that they didn't like my attitude.
But they disliked it even more when they had to pay me two million bucks after I sued.
This poem is only half fictional. I really did have a Colonoscopy in 2010 and I'm having to have another one next week.
1.5k · Feb 2016
Let's Make God Rejoice
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Every time we make a good choice,
it makes Jehovah God rejoice.
When we're honest and kind and do other good things,
Jehovah God is very happy, rejoice is what it brings.
When we avoid sinning, it makes God rejoice and it makes Satan mad.
Everybody should make Satan angry because that will make God glad.
1.5k · Aug 2019
We Don't Have an STD
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
I'm one of the owners of a trucking company that's called STD.
Nobody will hire us, even when we offered to work for free.
The STD stands for Simpson, Taylor and Drees.
But people think it stands for sexually transmitted disease.
My partners suggested that we rename our company to DTS or TDS.
But I'm Simpson and I founded the company, so I refused to say yes.
You don't see any of our trucks on the road because people are afraid of us.
They think we have Aids or ****** and it causes a lot of anger and disgust.
We don't have an STD, so please hire us, I'm so desperate that I'm willing to crawl.
If you don't hire us, I'll personally come to your house and kick you in the *****.
1.5k · Apr 2015
My Hand Is Stuck In My Butt
Randy Johnson Apr 2015
I inserted a suppository right after I had been using super glue.
My hand is stuck in my **** and I don't know what I'm going to do.
When I went to the hospital, the doctors and nurses laughed.
They were in hysterics from laughter and they called me daft.
When they laughed, it offended me so I kicked the doctors below the belt.
They kicked me out and blacklisted me because they didn't like how it felt.
Because of my problem, I can't drive a car or ride my bike.
I can't afford a taxi so to get to places, I have to hitchhike.
The drivers also laugh and I have to slap them to make them keep their mouths shut.
It's been three years and I don't think I'll ever be able to get my hand out of my ****.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Every day is a good day because God is a part of my life.
I don't need children to be happy and I don't need a wife.
Jehovah God is all that I need, he gives me happiness.
He can do the same for you because he truly is the best.
1.4k · Oct 2021
Dad's 74th Birthday
Randy Johnson Oct 2021
In November of 2011, Dad was told that he was terminal and wouldn't survive.
He was diagnosed with Leukemia and he passed away at the age of sixty-five.
Dad worked hard for many years to feed his family and keep a roof over our heads.
He lost his battle after 20 months of Chemo and would have no more years ahead.
When he was diagnosed with his horrible illness, Mom called me at once.
A nurse told Dad that she'd never seen a Leukemia patient survive longer than 18 months.
Dad survived for 20 months, that was two months longer than what the nurse said.
Mom died in March of 2013 and just four more months later, Dad was also dead.
Dad suddenly took a turn for the worse and sadly, he couldn't live anymore.
Today would've been Dad's birthday and he would've turned seventy-four.
1.4k · Mar 2017
What A Wonderful Mother
Randy Johnson Mar 2017
When I think about the past, I think about what a wonderful mother I had.
She died four years ago today and it broke my heart because it was so sad.
My mom has been dead for 1,461 days and 208 weeks.
Before she died, she didn't recognize people and she couldn't even speak.
Time flies, it doesn't seem like it's been four years.
My life would be better if my mother was still here
When a person loses a family member, it's rotten.
My mom is dead but she will never be forgotten.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
1.4k · Dec 2016
The Baptism of Jesus
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
The Baptism of Jesus was a great experience and because of it, you and I are moved.
When Jesus was baptized, God said "This is my son, the beloved, whom I have approved".
When Jesus asked John to baptize him, John thought it should be the other way around.
Jesus got into the water and he was dipped down.
Jesus wasn't baptized for repentance of sin but because he could do his Father's will.
Jesus is the glorious son of The Almighty God and I love them both, that is how I feel.
1.4k · Nov 2018
Randy Johnson Nov 2018
This morning, I experienced some good luck.
I bought a Chihuahua for one hundred bucks.
My new dog is brown and his name is Red.
He will be my dog for many years ahead.
Like other dogs, he probably loves to gnaw on bones.
Red makes the third Chihuahua dog that I own.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Jehovah is our creator and I appreciate the love that he has shown.
I will worship and love the Lord forever even if people break my bones.
People can beat me, stone me and whip me too.
But they can't stop me from loving Jehovah, that's something they will never be able to do.
If people want to persecute and attack me, let them take their best shot.
But if they think that violence will make me stop loving Jehovah, it will not.
1.4k · Jun 2015
Everybody Could Trust Her
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
When Mom died, life lost a lot of its luster.
While she lived, everybody could trust her.
Everybody could trust her because she was so good.
She was wonderful, she helped everybody who she could.
I would've trusted her with my life, that's how much I trusted her.
She was one hundred percent trustworthy, that's for **** sure.
When she died so young, it was unfair and unjust.
She was a terrific lady who everybody could trust.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away at the age of 64 on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
The Philippi rulers had Paul and Silas beaten, imprisoned and their feet clamped into the stocks.
Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to The Lord continuously after the cell was locked.
But at midnight the prisoners bonds were unfastened when the foundation started to shake.
This happened because God caused an earthquake.
The jailer feared the rulers because he thought the prisoners had escaped and he was going to commit suicide.
But Paul told him that they were still there and the jailer saw all of the prisoners, what Paul said was verified.
The jailer asked Paul and Silas how that he could be saved and he was told.
They said to believe in Jesus and he would be saved along with his household.
The jailer cleaned Paul and Silas's wounds and then they baptized the jailer's family.
Paul and Silas were released from prison and then they were asked to leave the city.
Randy Johnson Oct 2018
Disney may have bitten off more than they can chew.
They call certain fans nasty names, that's a bad thing to do.
Because they call certain fans nasty names, fans may not watch their movies anymore.
Disney has crossed the line and they're certainly not people who I adore.
It's the fans who make them and it's the fans who can break them.
When it comes to Disney, I have decided to forsake them.
Just because certain people disliked The Last Jedi, they have no right to call us racist and sexist.
I'm taking a stand by boycotting them and as far as I'm concerned, they will not be missed.
They have insulted me and they've insulted other fans too.
Disney may have bitten off more than they can chew.
1.4k · Sep 2015
God Is A Scientist
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
God created all life on Earth and that's the definition of science.
God is there for us and we can always count on him for reliance.
When I tell you that God is a scientist, I'm not trying to deceive.
He knew the secret of life when he gave us hearts that pump blood and lungs that allow us to breathe.
God has the greatest scientific mind in all of creation.
That is a stone cold fact, it is not an observation.
It was science when God put the birds in the sky and the fish in the seas.
It was science when God caused tiny seeds to grow into large trees.
God put his scientific skills to work when he created the sky, oceans, animals and Mankind.
I am grateful to Jehovah because he's wonderful and because of his incredible scientific mind.
1.4k · May 2015
$50,000,000 Bucks
Randy Johnson May 2015
I expected to be a millionaire or at least that was what I thought.
I killed a homeless man to get the lottery ticket that he bought.
When I demanded that he give me his lottery ticket, he refused to give it.
I stabbed him with my knife and I foolishly thought I would get away with it.
After I cashed in the lottery ticket, I received fifty million bucks.
But the Police traced the knife back to me and I was out of luck.
When I took that poor man's life, I stood there and watched him bleed.
I wouldn't be in jail and he'd still be alive if it hadn't been for my greed.
Please don't be greedy like I was because it's a terrible sin.
Because of my greed, I'll never see the light of day again.
Even though this poem is fictional, Greed really does drive some people to ****.
1.3k · Jun 2015
Christopher Lee
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
Something terrible has happened to the entire world, we've lost Christopher Lee.
He was Count Dracula and he was also Saruman in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
He starred as Francisco Scaramanga in a James Bond film and as Lord Summerisle in The Wicker Man.
He believed that his greatest performance was as Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of modern Pakistan.

He starred in two Star Wars movies as Count Dooku.
He was a talented actor, a singer and an author too.
Sadly, this fantastic thespian has died at the age of ninety-three.
People are shedding tears as we say goodbye to Christopher Lee.
Dedicated to Christopher Lee who died on June 7, 2015.
1.3k · Apr 2015
The Wig Maker
Randy Johnson Apr 2015
When a wig maker saw my wife's hair, he adored it.
He wanted it and said that he'd pay top dollar for it.
So I cut my wife's hair off while she was asleep.
She walked out the door after calling me a creep.
Perhaps I did go too far.
But I wanted to buy a car.
I went to a used car lot and bought a beautiful red Camaro.
If you're wondering if I got away with it, the answer is no.
My wife went home to be with her mother.
And then I got a visit from her two brothers.
One came at me with an axe, I was lucky that my head wasn't severed.
The other torched my Camaro and covered me with tar and feathers.
It took four weeks to get that tar out of my hair and off my skin.
If I live to be a hundred, I'll never cut off a woman's hair again.
This is a fictional poem.
1.3k · Jan 2022
Saying Hello To 2022
Randy Johnson Jan 2022
This is New Year's Day.
The new year has arrived today.
I hope things will be great during this new year.
I hope there will be no misery, suffering or tears.
2021 came to an end at twelve o'clock last night.
During this new year, I hope things will shine bright.
I hope life will be very pleasant in this year that is new.
We said goodbye to 2021 and we're saying hello to 2022.
1.3k · May 2020
Smoke Free - Part V
Randy Johnson May 2020
I'm proud of myself and I have something to say.
I quit smoking last year on the 3rd of May.
It was one year ago when I smoked for the last time.
When it came to spending money for tobacco, I haven't spent a dime.

I was coughing up phlegm and I quit smoking because of my health.
My uncle died of lung cancer and I didn't want to do that to myself.
Because I was able to quit smoking, I know others can too.
If you smoke but decide to quit, it will be an excellent thing to do.
1.3k · Jan 2017
Trump's Inauguration
Randy Johnson Jan 2017
Some people are celebrating while others feel devastation.
I am happy because today is Donald Trump's Inauguration.
It's what some people want and what others resent.
Donald John Trump is now our forty-fifth President.
I support him as his Presidency begins to advance.
I believe that he should be given the benefit of the doubt, he deserves a chance.
1.3k · Jan 2016
He Said No To Fellatio
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
When a man gave a ride to a stranger, she wanted to perform *******.
But he is a gentleman who has high moral standards so he said no.
He said no because it was sinful and dangerous.
When he said no, she got mad and began to cuss.
Even if he didn't have morals, he would've said no because of the possibility of a car crash.
And he figured that a woman who would do that to a stranger had to be a piece of trash.
He pulled over and sat her out on the side of the road.
She was screaming cuss words and was mad enough to explode.
Morality is something that this gentleman doesn't lack.
If I ever meet that man, I'll give him a pat on the back.
Randy Johnson Nov 2022
When a surgeon had to operate on a man, she was ******.
She botched the operation because the patient was sexist.
She learned he was sexist and botched the operation so that he would die.
She bragged about it to her friends, it was something that she did not deny.
But she didn't expect one of her friends to turn her in.
Now she's rotting in prison, she's no longer a surgeon.
She doesn't even realize she did wrong, she thought she had the right to ****.
A surgeon is never supposed to take a life, it's a surgeon's duty to try to heal.
She thinks her patient was **** but he was a better person than her.
At least he didn't **** another human being, he was not a murderer.
1.3k · May 2015
King Solomon's Wisdom
Randy Johnson May 2015
King Solomon received a gift from the Lord, the gift of being wise.
He was able to use his great wisdom to see through people's lies.
When a woman stole a baby, she told King Solomon to cut him in two.
The other lady begged Solomon to give the baby to the thief and he knew that was what the true mother would do.
Perhaps God has given as much wisdom to some others because only he can.
If I only had ten percent of King Solomon's wisdom, I would be a better man.
1.3k · Nov 2019
Red II
Randy Johnson Nov 2019
I bought my newest dog one year ago, today is our first anniversary.
Last year, some nice people cut the price in half and sold him to me.
When I bought him, I only paid one hundred.
They sold me a Chihuahua and his name is Red.
I take care of him and he lives in my basement.
When I bought him, it was a hundred bucks that was well spent.
When I bought him, I was amazed at how fast he warmed up to me.
Red is very pretty with brown fur and today is our first anniversary.
1.3k · Jan 2016
When Mom Is Resurrected
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
When Mom died, it broke my heart, that was how I was affected.
But the best day of my life will be the day when she's resurrected.
When Mom is resurrected, she will be in perfect health and she will be young again.
This will happen one day in the future when Jesus returns, the world will be free of sin.
It was very sad and painful when Mom's life came to an end.
But when Mom is resurrected, I'll be reunited with my best friend.
We will be reunited with our loved ones because Jehovah God is so glorious.
Satan will be defeated after this happens, Jehovah and his son will be victorious.
When Mom is resurrected, what a wonderful day it will be.
When this happens, I'll tell her how much she means to me.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Aug 2016
Some people worship cows and the Egyptians worshipped cats.
They should've worshipped Jehovah God but they didn't do that.
Some people have also worshipped plants when they saw them sprout.
Only God should be worshipped, without him, humanity wouldn't have come about.
Worshipping animals and plants is wrong in the eyes of God, worshipping The Lord is what we must do.
Worshipping anything other than The Almighty God is unacceptable and that is one hundred percent true.
People also practice false worship when they show their love of ***, money and drugs.
More people are getting killed as each day passes by because of crime, sin and thugs.
When people idolize anything other than God, it is terrible and wrong.
We can devote our worship only to The Lord, he can make us strong.
Randy Johnson Jul 2022
Andy Griffith found success when he starred in "The Andy Griffith Show".
That sitcom is still popular today and it was created over sixty years ago.
It was one decade ago today when Andy Griffith took his final breath.
Andy didn't have a funeral, he was buried immediately after his death.
He starred in "Matlock" from 1986 to 1995.
Andy would be ninety-six if he had survived.
Ten years ago today, a famous man died.
Andy had Charisma and talent and that can't be denied.
Dedicated to Andy Griffith (1926-2012) who died ten years ago today on July 3, 2012.
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
Because I'm not wearing green on Saint Patrick's Day, a man gave me a pinch and I gave him a punch.
I hit that ***** so hard in the stomach that he lost his lunch.
About an hour ago, another man pinched me and I kicked him in the crotch.
He fell down and started crying like a two year old, he deserved what he got.
Nobody else had better pinch me for not wearing green.
I'll kick your **** if you pinch me because I'm very mean.
This is a fictional poem.
1.3k · Jul 2016
Moses's Punishment
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
Moses, Miriam, Aaron and the children of Israel wandered into the wilderness of Zin.
The Israelites complained because there was no water, their patience was wearing thin.
God told Moses to take the rod, call the people and speak to the rock.
God said there would be enough water for the people and their livestock.
But instead of speaking to the rock like God commanded, Moses raised his hand and struck it with the rod.
Water flowed from the rock but Moses was punished because he became angry and didn't follow the command of God.
Because Moses didn't do as God commanded, God wouldn't let him lead the Israelites into the promised land.
Moses quickly learned that the best thing to do is to always do as Jehovah God commands.
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