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Mar 2018 · 629
The Spirits
I see you on the track
Breathing heavily, sighing
Running in circles
We returned to our lands
Ages ago
With bright yellow discs
Hung on our necks,
Pride of our nation's glory,
I see you on the track
Breathing heavily, sighing
Running in circles
What happened to you?
Are you deaf or blind?
Or awaiting a signal to stop?
We returned to our lands
Ages ago
But I see you on the track
Breathing heavily, sighing
Running in circles
A flaming spirit behind
Driving your worldly desires
To glorify the nation
Shattering your own limits.
We retured to our lands
Ages ago
Quiet and silent
We rest sitting here
Meditating. . .
I see you on the track
Breathing heavily, sighing
Running in circles
2018 March 15
Mar 2018 · 513
A company grows
Fabulous and rich
In sixteen years,
Just considering you dead.
Another grows
Fabulous and rich
In sixteen years,
Just considering you living.
You remain still,
The living dead
For sixteen years
At the same account
Is it called "Karma"?
‏2018‎ March 14
Feb 2018 · 302
Today, 27 Feb 2018
If I remain,
Wish, never alone
But merged into nothingness
In the vast emptiness above.
Aug 2016 · 874
The Flames unread.
Read the flames,
I implored
They smiled.
Read the flames,
I shouted
They cheered.
Read the flames,
I ordered
They sat around me in a circle.
Read the flames,
Read the flames,
Action, Action, Action!!!
I wept.
They danced around me in celebration!
Read the flames,
No action,
Read the flames,
Read the flames,
No Action,
I prayed and
I prayed and
I prayed.
Annoyed at my silence
They picked me up
And threw me into the flames!
2016 August 17
Aug 2016 · 494
The Spirit
With the sharp sword raised
High upto the sky,
"Into the Fire!",  
He ordered.
They all went in.
The blazing flame in his eyes
Prompted his quicker senses.
"Retrieve & return",
He shouted.
They obeyed in silence.
Looking around he felt
The only shock in his life
The sword thrown away
He sat down and wept.
The crowd looked on anxiously
Their vision was perfect:
A heap of ashes!!
And a hungry look on every face.
2016 August 14, 09:30
Mar 2016 · 1.9k
My sorrow,
Silent, unexpressed,
Burns me alone.
It burns millions.
We relieve nothing,
Share nothing.
Mere words,
And on gadgets
Having no feelings!
27 March 2016
Oct 2015 · 481
You can know the truth,
Get the knowledge you thirst for.
If you have patience!
For just a few thousand years!!
28 OCT 2015 11:08
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Up or Down?
Metros of the dark are fearless
But closed are their eyes
To the human miseries.
Visions limited to human
Shrinks one's body to a grass.
No say in the global destiny
Firmly rooted on the land.
No hurricane plucks it
But direct every other grass in the neighbor
A global envelope, sealed at sunlight
May we all rest and live in peace
Where ever our feet touch the earth.
2016 FEB 19
Oct 2015 · 3.3k
I love to carry two flags in my hands
Where ever I be on the Earth.
One belongs to the country where I started
My  earthly journey.
The other drawn on the limits
On my global choices as a human.
A defined context,
The power of sight my eyes permit.
A global white of the snow or the clouds
A global blue of the sky or the sea
A global black of the night or eyes closed
A global green of the grassy land and leaves
Shades of red, yellow and orange merge into a disk
My heart is there, the gateway to nature's breath.
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
My mind
Impure is my mind,
The gnawing desires,
Unfulfilled, weakening neurally
My being, second by second.
Not millions of them
A dozen, may be.
Whom can I disclose,
Gripped with fear,
Of getting trapped
For lives?
2015 September 21
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
"What do you want? . . . ",
She burst out-
In throbbing conflict,
I vomited:
She could never learn
How to alter
Printed scripts.
2015 August 12.
About 28 years ago!
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Questions from tomorrow
I can answer only neurally
When pressed hard
For answers unknown today
You hurt me.
Give all an option
To say yes or no,
2015 June
May 2015 · 6.6k
Post script to Judge
Post script to Judge
If scripted, play follows.
Script to actions?
Professional converters?
Chance or democratic?
Cotrolled by power?
Nature, sacred will?  
Or just  human error?
Post script to Judge.
Apr 2015 · 3.6k
Our conveniences
Are all shared
And inconvenices
A perfect privacy!
Apr 2015 · 605
I picked up a few words
Fitting to my emotional grooves
Mirroring my love,pangs,pain and bliss
Who knows from which end and
Who starts reading
The bits already rhyming
Submitted to the scripted Gods
Presenting you, this poem.
Apr 2015 · 717
Give every spoken word,
Oh, listener,
A work-space in your mind.
Even if it's misinterpreted
No harm is sprouted.
Allot double the space
If and when it's written.
Knowing my limits I realize,
I am not a machine!
Mar 2015 · 761
I burnt in love of emotions
For years . . .
And recovered.
I offered my unemotional love
To my spouse.
Weeping aloud, my poor girl,
She ran to join an emotional school
To train herself and gain a certificate
To beat me!
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Marriage is
For neural wellbeing
Of the Human World.
The goal is not mere
Reproduction and
Of human miseries!!
That is why it is
Defined as living together,
Dividing and sharing
The life's neural issues
For a life time . . .
It is done as a pair,
Groups of 3,4,5, . . .,
The entire humanity.
Still feel alone?
Find your own Guru
A Master of Yoga
And a discipline of your choice
And be married to
The entire world.
Enjoy the marital bliss!
Mar 2015 · 3.1k
Is for
Neural Wellbeing
Of the
Human World.
Mar 2015 · 557
matham kayam samam manam
matham kayam
samam manam
മതം കയം
സമം മനം
Mar 2015 · 805
Never believe
In the
Power of the Earth
To shatter your dreams
To pieces.
That is the way
To live for ever
Blissful ignorance!
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
World Peace
World Peace
Is a percolation problem
And not of chance
Of needs and fulfillment-
The common wealth
Of the humanity.
Focus too much on one man or his human words
Be it Christ, Buddha, Krishna or Ram
He is crucified! and the light is gone!!
If it can not be prevented
And help them be in peace in this world we call real,
Rules of the Heaven, subtle and known but to them,
Will lie hidden in mere words, empty as the sky, for ever.
Mar 2015 · 3.4k
Human Focus
The earth sings on day and night,
For men to work and sleep in grace.
But when you Focus day and night
From the man-made hooded net,
One human, body, mind or spirit  
He can be but dead, or
An eternal fire kindled!
Fri 20-03-2015
Mar 2015 · 397
I love to swim,sleep and dream,
In this sea . . .
Forgetting past,present and future
Of gentle emotions.
2015, March 19.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Gods, Humans and Stones
They build tall towers around my neglected home,
Filling my weakened heart with jealousy and pain.
All they want is respect, the power of muscle and money.
The empty huge structures will host thousands,
For ages of birth and deaths, far away from the human world.
While in the human forms their minds are stone
They can not feel or think of any human weakling.
When free from the human case, they are specialists,
Mechanically repeating lives of existential happiness.
Who puts them on top, stamping on our human race?
Gods, Humans or Stones?
Mar 2015 · 906
To some, life is a collection of public functions and the rest is death,
To some others, life is a collection of private functions and the rest is death.
Advaita destroys this worldly order.
2015 March 6
Mar 2015 · 330
My life -
Is a small poem
Written in my love
For you!
05-03-2015 "LOVE"  from "Attempts in Poetry Writing" 1987
Feb 2015 · 17.1k
To my dearest friend,
Who broke my shells with patience,
For the warmth, trust and loving care,
And the spring of joy
That's gushing from my heart,
I have no words to express
My gratitude.
27-02-2015; 1987 From "Attempts In Poetry Writing".
Feb 2015 · 960
What is meant by Speed, darling,
When the goal is Eternity?
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
Sweetness to all
I see a speck of sugar,
One sparkling crystal
Holding the sky, stars and the earth
Here on my palm.
I can not send it to you
But I pick it on the tip of my tongue
To share with you all
The sweetness.
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
They come marching . . . The night before an exam,  interview,  festival or  celebration.
They call the visit a mere chance
With no crooked intentions.  
In human clothes when they come
They trade on my pains.
A machine  of  exchange they run,
To the netherworlds beyond my gains.
Every pain on my nerve grows their ego-filled pleasures.
Cruel, sadistic stones they are.
Never know a human child!
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Glory to God
God is kind to me
My heart is not bleeding.
My nose is but flowing
And my naywe paining.
But WHO enforces
Unbalancing tricks . . . ?
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Farthest World
Farthest World
You haven't reached this world yet, of mine
You, the distant viewer.
My words are no arrow
And aimed at none.
If you feel provoked,
Wait a moment, meditate . . .
I am no more
But you are still there!
Feb 2015 · 340
It is so simple,
And faster than reading?
Just a plugin
And, ****?
2015-02-17 Compulsive interference psychosis!
Feb 2015 · 395
I love cats
Not as much as I used to
While I was a dear darling child.
They asked me, why?
And I told them once:
I learnt my lessons in life
Not to be a cat
While you haven't yet.
Guess what happened then?
They all just disappeared!
2015 February 16
Feb 2015 · 384
Without Love . . .
I am,
"The Eternal"
A Neural Machine.
08 February 2015.
Jan 2015 · 325
Who snatched away my Body a few minutes ago?
Notes (optional). It is hard recollecting. Knowing it it is a trade exploiting. I have no desire to e-x-p-l-o-d-e!!
Jan 2015 · 7.2k
Nows merged, and, seconds,minutes and hours
Days,months and years merged,
Life has become a dream!
A solid reality.
27 Jan 2015
Jan 2015 · 443
On the life's highway
My secrets made public
The day created me, in the new Republic.
My memory lapses are creations by Him,
Preserving my freedom till eternity.
Nothing premeditated, we met at the junction
Fixing everything- space,time and date.
A missing smile drove my face into oblivion.
Brief as a sigh, we were back, in motion
To meet again
On the life's highway.
A sleepless night. I had forgotten that today is the Republic day and was rushing to complete some boring transactions!
Jan 2015 · 363
To the Mighty
May you ride on emblems,
Of all Nations,
In the breathing space
Turning the wheel of Dharma,
Always towards right
Halting every misstep,
Of us, human weaklings.
Jan 2015 · 435
It is not your doings.
It is their planning and verdict,
On your doings.
If you think they are wrong,
Know that your first step was meddled up by some other planners,
Of the Human World.
Appeal is heard, some where high up
But they accept none in plain paper!
Jan 2015 · 372
Clarity, they assume
And obscurity all mine.
No need to listen to poets!
But if you ignore poetry,
You lose all your senses,
Even while they call you 'living'.
My poem #2  2015-01-21
Jan 2015 · 298
My Poem
Oh, brevity,
Thy name is:
First input to 20-01-2015.

— The End —