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9.4k · Jun 2016
Light Pollution
G H Goodland Jun 2016
A streak of his tail, the laminations of my soul
Is today still day or has night kept busy
A third no more, he's hidden the signs
That dragon waits while the woman gives birth
It's a counterfeit of the true light. Yeshua is that light.
9.2k · Apr 2014
Word For Soul
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Give me your word. To you I give my soul.
4.7k · Apr 2014
Fast Food Diet
G H Goodland Apr 2014
A grand moment when TacoBell opened in 1962
Great multitude of folks spent all day in the loo.
Dont be so up-tight; have a laugh!
4.1k · May 2014
Passion tis Poetry (10w)
G H Goodland May 2014
Common *** for common man
Leave passion for the poet
2.9k · Jan 2016
To The Fool
1.3k · May 2014
Solar & Luna
G H Goodland May 2014
Brother solar
Bring benevolence today
Sister luna
Lend solace tonight
1.3k · May 2014
Let Go (10w)
G H Goodland May 2014
For the sake of your loved;
You must let go
1.2k · Mar 2015
G H Goodland Mar 2015
Genesis 4:6-7

Verse 6.  Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?”

Sin, our own sin, causes us to produce the fruits of the flesh; anger is one of many and it leads to destruction. God is asking Cain a question to which he already knows the answer to. Our loving and gracious Father desires for us to be free. To do this we must be honest, let go and speak freely to God and open up. Give your passed sin and wickedness to Jesus; He’s far more suitable to carry such a burden. Regret truly can weigh heavily on ones heart. I may not understand the regret of ****** but I can understand hate and the regret that forms out of it. In 1 John 3:15 it says, “Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.” So to those who are, God asks, “why are you angry?” “Why is your face downcast?.”

Verse 7. “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?”

A Holy God must always separate good and evil. When you turn from God and forget the love He has and the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us; God must pull back. But even in that He is there, although you will soon find yourself in the darkest place you've ever known. God is there, waiting with open arms for you to return. “Do what is right.” What is right, what is good and holy in the eyes of our Lord? James 1:27(NIV) says,  “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Where are the broken? Who will go to those who have nothing?

Verse 7. “But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door”

Like Peter, once you take your focus off of Jesus, you begin to sink. Put your full trust in our Savior. Let go, be free, and allow the Spirit of God to lead you, to guid you; only through Him and with Him will you accomplish wonders. Until our Father allows Jesus to return we are to fight the good fight of faith. Be strong, be unyielding; Fierce as a lion and gentle like a lamb. Sin will always wait, at times it seems to be far more patient then Gods people. Give in to sin and it will choke you out. Like a ravenous dog, sin is ready to thrash and rip apart anything in sight. and it’s been doing just that since the fall of Lucifer.

Verse 7.  “It desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

In Gods own mercy he decides to give Cain advise. Yahweh speaks gently to Cain with words of wisdom; warning him of what sin has in store. “It desires to have you.” Sin wants control and complete control over you; “give it a foot and it will take a mile.” Thankfully, we have hope, even more so now since we have the Spirit of God living and dwelling within us, something Cain couldn't fathom at that time. God say’s “you must rule over it.” Rule over our sin? How much more can we, having God living in us and empowering us, do just that; we can rule over our sin.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Two of Twelve
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Ten remain hidden, two thousand years lost.

Two struck down by bullet, gas, and flame; the ghetto stage one.
Six million perished before the world ended this crooked crime
Remanent of those lost rose like the cedar in Lebanon, Ezekiel knew best
Twas God who gave men courage; they fought such tyranny, such hate
Twelve mourned for a season while two given back old land
North and south, east, west flock to come home, a great exodus at hand
Two now settled, secure where they stay; diligently searching for those...

Ten remain hidden, two thousand years lost.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Two Trees
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Oh tree to my right how you mirror the left
Tree on the left, with great vigor you grow
When waters run dry, your roots search below
To the ends of all branches; lush fruits like Eden
Hundred thousand leaves dance in the wind

Oh tree to my right what phantom did come
Yielding fruit no more; nor vivid leaves to sway
All branches have ceased, no more but a stump
Fifty thousand leaves dance in the wind

Oh tree to my left so valiant, so true
A whip of your branch & firm grip of the wind
To the right, one seed you give; let life grow anew
Solitude tis as fire bound for a tree, a simple truth to all
Fifty thousand leaves dance in the wind

Oh tree to my right; look, now you're grown
As was, now are; from the tree to the left came your rebirth
Teeming with life & beauty displayed
Hundred thousand leaves dance in the wind
1.1k · May 2014
Birds & Swine
G H Goodland May 2014
Once said
Birds of a feather flock together
Same goes for pigs and swine
I say
People together; all shape & size
Love n dance & commune with wine.
1.0k · May 2014
Simple Simon's Law
G H Goodland May 2014
As when Simon fished for a whale in a bucket
Likewise to those who drop book for play
Pie is what he craved yet no penny in hand
Mirror to the ones who sleep in all day
Belly still boasting he grabs thistle for a plum
Same goes for all when choosing to play dumb
theres a lot of inspiration in nursery rhymes!
978 · Apr 2014
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Nine in mind when thinking of intuitive

Intelligence honed, ‘swhen finger pressed pen
Narrowed of folks, lest one grasps thee ant
*** for tat induced, Anatol did conceive
Unsolder misfortune; twas this you lost heart?
Iambics in poets, well known from the Greeks
Treaties raised high, nations rise higher
Introvert dig deep, tis best; never lose sight of ones antipode
Versatile ‘twill  mold you, to truth will it lead
Eyes fixed on all creatures, tis they that know best
947 · Jan 2016
G H Goodland Jan 2016
Solem vow to which I owe
Lost to all unless all is given
Fearful mute is all I am
Coward among the blind
Whimpering lion hides in is den
The passer-by, nose up, grins

On the Rock to whom I'm grounded
I sit among the thorns
The unscathed one they'll call me
Omega is calling and thunder is near
Last note to you I must plead
Loose the grip and dine with adoration
917 · Apr 2014
Memory Lane (condensed)
G H Goodland Apr 2014
We are Titanic, our past an iceberg;
yet able to challenge the orbit of time.
897 · May 2014
I Will
G H Goodland May 2014
In literature I go
Still I search for you
Firm grasp of the pen
Still I search for you
To the canvas & brush
Still I search for you
Until my passion is met
I will always search for you
840 · Apr 2014
Sticks & Words
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Sticks and stones my break my bones
but words may never leave me.
physical pain will always heal more quickly than words filled with bitterness, anger, and hate (we've all done it). Just try and think of the end result before speaking.
790 · Apr 2014
Those They Loved
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Heart like wax thrown into a furnace, Bones as a tree in the loggers hand. So goes the peoples who’ve lost those they loved.
789 · Apr 2014
G H Goodland Apr 2014
The days grow shorter, the nights grow longer,
    The headstones thicken along the way;
And life grows sadder but love grows stronger,
    For those who walk with us day by day.
The tear comes quicker, the laugh comes slower,
    The courage is lesser to do and dare;
And the tide of joy in the heart runs lower
    And seldom covers the reefs of care.
But all true things in the world seem truer,
    And the better things of the earth seem best,
And friends are dearer as friends are fewer,
    And love is all as our sun dips west.
Then let us clasp hands as we walk together,
    And let us speak softly, in love's sweet tone;
For no man knows on the morrow whether
    We two pass on--or but one alone!

                                               By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
One of my favorite poems
782 · Apr 2014
The Poet
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Latter-day poet, be parallel to the prophets of old.
Bold, tis lion on tongue; idol not, unless on Saturday.
781 · Jan 2016
G H Goodland Jan 2016
Drink of the water from the rock struck once. Eat from the manna that falls from heaven and is a gift from God. Clamour not for the ravens that also fall and make you sick and put not your tongue to the vat of strong wine, old and festering with poison. Many men seek the wisdom of experience; probability and culmination and death. In the vast sea of the world, there flows a secret river that flows from the throne of God and pours into the secret chambers of the hearts of meek and humble men. There, wisdom is found and the tree of life springs forth its seed. There is a famine of the mind and of the soul and of the flesh. Its sores, the fruit of tribulation and its **** the wrath of God. Would you not cut or burn it out? My people live in a glorious city set on a hill and want not. They dwell with me and I with them. Harken unto me the words of the book written in your inward parts and I will inscribe a new sound on your lips, a song that never ends, a sun that never sets, a flesh that never corrupts, a love that never fails, a truth that never kills, a life that never sees death. Give Glory to God the Alpha and Give Honour to His Son the Omega and Rest in His Holy Spirit who Reigns: Beginning to End, Age to Age, Universe to Multiverse, Forever and Ever to Everlasting Everlasting. Man.

                                                                                                     - Joshua Morrow
From my brother.
717 · Apr 2014
A Simple Thought (10w)
702 · Apr 2014
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Invariant exaltation these beings of light, loyalty and true.You to us the image we bear. Our hearts, our minds, God make them new.
676 · Mar 2015
G H Goodland Mar 2015
“I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.”

To be intoxicated by strong drink (within the moment) what a pleasure and delight it is; to let go, give up, and pour out your soul to our holy and loving Father, what can compare? Jesus reminds us that His burden is easy and His yoke is light, when you confess the bitterness in your heart, or the other evils that are sure to lurk, the heaviness of this world begin to lift off your shoulders, you are free.

Hannah, like us, must have been stubborn. For years she would go to the house of the Lord and weep. Year after year Hannah would give most of what she had to God but not all. It was only when she could take it no more, that she finally gave all to God, as the widow did for Elijah. The one thing she wanted, was the one thing she didn't have, and was the last thing God wanted from her.
662 · Apr 2014
Memory Lane
G H Goodland Apr 2014
The past is a most peculiar thing and not for the faint of heart. If we are to live a life worth living; we must all take a trip down memory lane.

You must, you must, you must face your problems, we all have them. Our past is filled with failure; we are Titanic, our past an iceberg, yet able to challenge the orbit of time. Yesterdays story, lacking not regret, and it takes more than just learning to move on. Free, let loose our past mistakes and the mistakes others have done to us; we must face it, challenge it, analyze, and never forget. We don't forget in order to be consumed by bitterness, by rage. We never ever forget so we know not to let it happen again, to save a friend or foe when recognized.

The past is a most peculiar thing and not for the faint of heart. If we are to live a life worth living; we must all take a trip down memory lane.
624 · May 2014
All Consuming Thoughts
G H Goodland May 2014
My heart aches & a burden lingers
Soul of me, to what gallops your cry
To my depths have I not searched?
Of each apex unknown?
Repetition, repetition, all consuming thoughts

Ah, perhaps not my mind must I venture
Keys of felicity in the helping hand
When hungry I eat; thirsty I'll drink
All peoples rich & poor; the previous is owed
Repetition, repetition, all consuming thoughts
576 · Apr 2014
True Love
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Always forbearing, forever kind;
the interpretation of love in mind.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
524 · Mar 2015
Here on Earth
G H Goodland Mar 2015
A world of people who stand aloof
Gesture to dine yet lack the proof.
517 · Apr 2014
Our Home
G H Goodland Apr 2014
I opened my eyes to a scintillated house all in splendor. Feet firm on what could only be told as a sea of crystal, to this there could be no contender.
Not a lonesome soul or a beggar in need of a token. Multitudes of all people, yet no remembrance of a heart torn and broken.
512 · May 2014
Love Not Lost (10w)
490 · Apr 2014
Word For Soul pt.2
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Give me your word; tis life to my bones
Mind once divided, with you now sown
Courageous they’ll say with you by my side
Dig deep, expand, ah hah! It's I by your side
What could I give, a being so radiant, far from dull.
To you, only you,  I give my soul.
438 · Apr 2014
Be Somebody
G H Goodland Apr 2014
Do this, do that, once consumed my mind.
Be anxious for nothing, to this I was blind.
369 · Jun 2016
Cheap Ticket
G H Goodland Jun 2016
Words are cheap
When action remains stubborn.
Be a man or woman of God. Don't give up on Life (Jesus).

— The End —