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3.6k · May 2021
A Vision of My Future
Orion Rosemary May 2021
I have a vision of my future
one I’m not sure could ever come true
A vision where the world won’t  judge
the love I share with you

A vision of my future
where I could have the guts
To hold your hand in public
Hold each other on the bus

I wish that I could find a place
where I will not be shamed
For gazing in your pretty eyes
that lack in any pain

I wish we could get married
without hearing a complaint
And no one thought twice of our lives and we were normal, plain

But as we walk the sidewalk
most people stare and gawk
As though we are a freak show
or evil they must stop

I only want to love you
Without living in fear
I wish that I could say “I do”
and keep my lovers near
Just some thoughts that can apply to multiple situations.
3.1k · Feb 2021
One, Two, three?
Orion Rosemary Feb 2021
Fiery soul with emerald eyes,
Listen close to my words and what therein lies
Dear sweet thing with dancing sliver hues
A stormy grey or seeping blue

There's nothing more I need than both of you.
So I'll tell you now, I cannot choose
And my dear lover supports, approves

Soft uncertain smile, now please don't shy
Listen close to my words and what therein lies
As for the large bubbly boy holding my hand
Intimidation is not his plan

I would only love one if I found I can
Instead I want to be you gentleman
So I'll approach this gently then

Long-full boy, wishful sighs
Listen close to my words and what therein lies
Because I love you both and hope you'll love me
I want to write a love song for three

Please listen closed
And do respond, darling
It's for my love of you both I'll sing
Ahhh, I'm so lucky my boyfriend is accepting of me and my endeavors. I really hope I can get my crush to unde stand and feel the same.... Regardless, good luck to those who nderstand, and any who are searching for love or maintaining it already.
3.1k · Feb 2019
Orion Rosemary Feb 2019
I love all of  my family
As I always have since birth
Problem is my family has
And may always see me as a Girl

My mom remembers fondly
How I used to love dressing up in pink
But now it seems to bother me,
Like my voice, when I think and speak

I’ve always been a tomBoy
In very single fond memory
I’ve hated being Sister, Small, a Girl, or Mallory
Why can’t it leave Me be

So please, I’m not your Daughter, not one of your Ladies, Sis or Girlfriend
I’m not trying to **** your loved one
Just trying to help you recognize Him
Dead name.... ughhhhhhhhhh
2.4k · Dec 2018
Orion Rosemary Dec 2018
They imagined Him again
And again
And again

They tried to replace Him with Her
But They couldn’t
He just kept coming back

They Never took interest in Dolls
Or Castles
Or princes and Princesses

They played King of the hill
with the Guys
Pretended that They were a Knight

They felt and looked awkward in Dresses, the Feminine makeup
Or Long hair

They wore button ups tucked into black, Combing Back hair
And tightening a Necktie

They would cringe at the sound of Their voice,
Their laugh

And hope that They could slip by as Their self
Despite it all

They had denied

Just androgynous
They lied

They lied
They lied
They lied

Make Him go away

Make Her go away

What were They supposed to tell Their loved ones
Though, perhaps They aren’t the only one.
Orion Rosemary May 2021
I'm just trying to live my life
Like any other human being
I get on the bus, sit on the guys side
I go through my day-to-day

I get called down to the office
I'm told I have to sit on the girls side because I'm in the system as a girl
I tell him I'm not a girl and the heteronormative system is ridiculous
I didn't do anything wrong and sit by myself anyways

He says he will see what he can do
In the hallway not long after, after school ends, going down stairs
I group of kids scream near my ears
I mumble to myself and they touch my head

I said stop
They didn't stop
I turned around
And for the first time in my life I lower myself to violence
And punch one in the leg

I break down
I'm lucky to work with such wonderful people in theatre
I just want to live my life
I just want to be left and not harassed

Im told I can sit on the boys side
I have to sit alone
I can only sit in the front or back
I have to tell the stranger next to me he can't sit there

I want to tell him why
I don't want to out myself
I have to give up the ounce of validation of being treated like a normal guy on the bus by the other guys, who are unafraid to get in trouble for sitting with me cause they don't know what I am or care

I wish...
I wish I was born right just like he and every other guy on the bus

But if I was I would not be me.

I could not understand my own struggles
Or sympathize so much with others

I could not learn and adapt the way I do now
Could not have taught myself to be brave in the same way I am

I could not have the experience of having kids with my spouse the way I want to

I would not have needed to stand up for my rights or that of others

I would not have addresssed my lack of understanding and my internalized transphobia

I am stronger for who and what I am.
My gestalt.
For learning to come to terms with the harsh truths of what I am to the world.

If that wish came true, I would not be me. I would not be
An improv prompt from my theatre teacher/director. My group decided to do a funny skit but I wanted to answer it in a heartfelt way on my own separately.
1.1k · May 2021
I don’t know.
Orion Rosemary May 2021
                              ­     Passion
                                         Fine Point        
                 And  Need
   There is a very

I barely seem to miss it each time

     I don’t know what I want
               I don’t know what I really

I know I need to do  s o m e t h i n g   I know I need            s o m e t h i n g
             I need             s o m e t h i n g
s o m e t h i n g          s o m e t h i n g

I can’t seem to learn
                               ­        What am I
                                     Looking for by
                                          Being here
        ­             Why bother
I know I
Cannot have what
I want
                                         But if I could
                             Give my all for you

              There is no question.
I don’t really know, honestly. But I’ll still try my best.
634 · Mar 2018
Dear Mr. Finch
Orion Rosemary Mar 2018
Dear Mr. Finch

I fear I’m just like Aunty
Dissappointed, so it’d seem
The need to scold and rid myself
Of good, encouraging things

Calpurnia would not approve
My earnest and impatience
‘ve been left behind, fell out of line
Feel cold sweat as my heart races

Crushed my own hopes;
Sent far away my own dreams
Wallowed in my own despair
Lacked to care for all the needs

Confess t’ you; am I Mayella now?
All of this was my own doing
And now we face the coin flip
My luck being his killing

I could hardly breathe
I couldn’t dine
My conscience could not clear
In time

Today I finally realized;
It took me too much time
That I had killed a mocking bird
A simple, humid-aired crime

He’s innocent and suffers

And here I am.
Dear Mr. Finch, someone had to take the fall.
531 · Jan 2018
Spinning Cobwebs
Orion Rosemary Jan 2018
Words unspoken, truths unsaid
Lies are spinning spiderwebs

Sleek, sticky, uncouth, unclean,
Hisses, dies, but won’t quite leave

Regret sinks, seeps through cracks
Bursting, rotting, emotion lacks

Like a fly; caught in a web,
Buzzes, struggles, alive then dead

Spreading poison through the flies,
Sticking, hurting webs of lives

“Change me! Change me!”

Birds that sing
Screeching, die with broken wings

Crawling, creeping, chills my back
Hissing, dying, emotion lacks

No more flies, cannot feed,
Hisses, dies, but won’t quite leave

Remaining behind, even still,
Cobwebs spun,
Lives fall apart or are even killed.
Be careful not to indulge in lies, white or not.
528 · Jan 2018
Orion Rosemary Jan 2018
Difference between lives best left said,
do not compare, don’t get caught dead

People experience different things different ways
Better to sympathize than to relate

I once said me too, to too many different things
failed to see all the trouble ‘Twould bring

To want to take my own live, without considering
Others who truly did who I cared for and who’d cared for me

My best friend attempted recently such a thing
Not realizing to me how much pain it would bring

If she did, I really would too

Me too if I’m too late,

There’d be nothing more to do

And when now others simply remark such words
I think of them, oh, I think
‘how pereverse’

They and you may yet know one day
know what it’s like to be too, to be too too late
For a dear friend, and for dear others who may be as I once was or am now. Or how she was and is.
525 · Jan 2019
You Choose, Fear does not
Orion Rosemary Jan 2019
Is a terrible reason
Not To

In Something

In Someone

In a God

In Others

In Yourself

Fear is a grandeur adversary to many

But Courage

To Go On and Stand
In the face of Fear

Is the grandest Ally

So many fail to choose
A simple note to others and more so to myself.
479 · Jan 2018
Orion Rosemary Jan 2018
Light softly dimming
From bright rays to gentle brush
The night has come
A haiku
437 · Aug 2018
Orion Rosemary Aug 2018
You’re eyes are like the lake;
They dance and reflect a thousand golden hues, as the morning sun rises, ghastly, secretive fog fading over awe-inspiring, welcoming green warmth.

Your smiles are brighter than anything I’ve ever seen; the sun pales in comparison to the bright and inviting, wondrous expression I long to witness more times than can be counted.

Your voice is like a fire on a cold winter’s night; I am thoroughly chilled before the crackling brings heat to the very core of my being, soft as a blanket, felt even without touch.

We hardly speak, and yet, I feel connected.

You may not know it, but I do; You’re amazing.

Please don’t ever stop.

A descriptive list poem.
To a boy that never fails to leave me wordless even with so much to say.
423 · Sep 2018
Little Things
Orion Rosemary Sep 2018
Little things
Little things
However small they be
Make all the difference
All the importance
Mean the world to me

The curious glancing
Gentle smiles
These little things
Make up my while

The time conversing
Awkward pause
Little things
Make up life’s laws

The moments spent
Before we leave
Quite plain for all to see
They mean the world to poets
Who love
The little things
Just a little things from a little thing about the little things. One last little thing- don’t take the little things for granted.
401 · Jan 2018
Orion Rosemary Jan 2018
In the hot, blistering, orange summer haze,
I’d once again been left;
Left in a haze

And the calming effects,
Of words you had left,
Grew on,
Into a haunting repetance

I lack in any response

In the light, reminiscent autumn breeze
I’d been held to watch again;
Watch again as you leave

And the dazzling effects,
Of the touch you had left,
They fade,
Slowly, into a wish for such again

I lack in any response

In the cold,
Monochromatic ice,
I grasped just too late;
Too late to think twice

And the chilling effects,
Of assurance you’d left,
As I failed to accept it

I lack in any response

In the first light,
Brightest of spring,
You return to me,
This to cause me to gleam

And the way I effect,
Your return from having left,
I glow before you

You lack in any response
About a girl who has difficulty physically expressing emotions.
379 · Feb 2018
Orion Rosemary Feb 2018
Something once had sat upon, no- clinged to, my mind
Gripping and clawing
until I would cry

Remember, remember

But who or what was it?
coming to question this
Previously making myself believe
it does not exist

Remember, remember

That print on a page
that error the same
My hearing isn’t working
I am deaf to that name

Remember, remember
What Tom-foolery is this?

Remember, remember
He no longer exists

To me.
“Want me to hurt him?” “Hurt who?” (No)

He no longer exists to me.
340 · Jan 2018
Orion Rosemary Jan 2018
Tiny petals,
Tinted pink
Dew drops drip down,
Smooth and sleek

The wind whispers,
Gentle, calm
Dance and settle,
Within the palm

Of a small child,
Pure and sweet
Ever so slowly,
Drifting to sleep

And on,
The willow quietly weeps
Before the becoming,
Of a mindless sheep
Generations blame one another so much nowadays... they don’t realize we are all merely humans.. simple creatures bound to make and repeat many mistakes.
289 · Oct 2018
The Road
Orion Rosemary Oct 2018
A never ending road
To where I’ll never be alone

The Sun rises and falls
Emotions experienced; near all

It’s bumpy or it’s smooth
Based upon the paths we choose

A never ending road
To where we’ll never be alone

Passing through at dusk and dawn following along
a road of life time change, choices, decisions
Butterflies; our hearts flutter on

The feelings make you do
All we had never even knew

A never ending road
To a place called ‘home’
When things happen, things happen. If something is or isn’t meant, it’s just that.

— The End —