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Apr 2021 · 957
Unspoken Words
Wolftrax Apr 2021
Prove to me that love still exists
Show me that I'm worthy for love
Let me hold you and tell you stories
Share me your most passionate dream
Convince me that you're worth the wait
Please don't let my heart continue to break

My mind is full of anxiety and frustration
I promise my heart that this is different
Let me know that I'm not making a mistake
For all I ever wanted was to be with you
Going down this lonely road with you by my side
I hope you see the love I have for you, deep inside

These lonely nights, they get so old and restless
Drinking cheap whiskey, to chase away the pain
Peeling back old memories, that refuse to go away
Holding out for a little bit longer, to be with you
Feelings so strong, they will never let go
If you only knew, how much I love you so

Trying to move on, finding someone new
I've tried over a dozen times, I lost count
But when I see them all flop on their ***
I find myself coming back to you, nobody else
There's something I cannot describe
You keep me in check and help me get by

There are nights when I can't sleep, I think of you
Thoughts race through my mind, like a wild fire
I cannot get over you, it's just too **** strong
Please help me understand what I'm feeling
I'm just feeling so guilty, what I'm doing is wrong
For all I want in life, more than anything, is to love you
When you love someone, they tell you that you deserve better, you try to move on. However, when you try over a dozen times (off and on) to do so, you find yourself coming back to them. There's something about that person, they draw you in, they know you well, they are easy to talk to.
Apr 2020 · 361
The Class of 2020
Wolftrax Apr 2020
This was supposed to be your year
You were supposed to rule the halls
The things you had planned
Spending time with your friends
One last year, making memories
Sadly, they were cut so short

Told to stay home, keeping a distance
The rest of the school year, gone like that
I hope your school reschedules a prom
Nothing else, have a gathering later on
Your teachers, they really miss you
The sound of your laughter, shouts and jokes

Things were not supposed to go this way
Sitting at home, losing track of the days
You were supposed to have an amazing year
Instead, you feel like it's a scene from Groundhog Day
Are you taking time off, will you stick with your plan?
No matter what, just do the best that you can

To the class of 2020. I wish you nothing but the best!
After about a year away from writing, I decided to try and write something to the Class of 2020.
Nov 2018 · 356
Memories of a Summer Love
Wolftrax Nov 2018
She was so beautiful, I just can't explain it
Her gorgeous brunette hair, and her cute smile
She was petite, and had a port-wine stain
But that didn't matter, I was madly in love

That summer went by way too fast, it ******
When we said our goodbye, I just had no clue
Would I ever see her again, was there a chance?
I wanted to stay in touch, she meant a lot to me

We had great chemistry, and she had my heart
I saw her about a year or so later, still beautiful
If I had known we would never cross paths again
I would've told her then and there, how I felt

No doubt about it, I still think about her today
I wonder what she's up to, hope she's well
I've tried to look her up, but nowhere to be found
Whenever I hear that song, I think of her

I was definitely in love, she had my heart
She will always be something special to me
Just wish I could find her, and let her know
The summer of 1989, I remember it well
In the summer of 1989, while working at this job, I met an amazing girl. She was amazing, and we clicked from the start. One day, a group of us were in the car, heading across town. I'll never forget the song "So Alive" by Love and Rockets starts playing on the radio... and I'm seeing this beautiful girl and that smile that drove me crazy. I just wish I had kept in touch.
Jun 2017 · 629
Always Amazing
Wolftrax Jun 2017
​Your smile is beautiful
Always share that vibe
A quality worth showing
No matter what day it is
Because you'll be amazed
Just how much it means

No matter the pain
No matter the fear
You have so much love
It's tucked down inside
You just need to dig deep
Know it's always there all along

Days can get the best of you
I've seen them at their worst
You just need to let them go
Move on, and see what's ahead
Never give up hope, I see so much
You will always be amazing in my heart
Another quick one that I wrote, hope you like it.
Jun 2017 · 819
That's How I Roll
Wolftrax Jun 2017
Strawberry Kiwi makes makes me queasy
I know it's a bit crazy, and a bit cheesy
But this place has me so confused, so lost
Sometimes I feel like I'm owning it like a boss
Drinking Green Tea and ******* on a Jolly Rancher
Knowing that the taste is pretty far out there

Been kicked off a horse, been kicked in the nuts
I've seen the sun go down, seen it come up
It's safe to say, I've been running on a lot of luck
My mind is clear, and I'm ready to ride this buck
Don't stop me now, don't get in my way, here I go
I've been working for this, I need to do this, let's roll
Decided to have a little fun with this one, hope you like it. :)
Jun 2017 · 439
The Rambling Cowboy
Wolftrax Jun 2017
Take me through your private garden, need not be afraid
I promise not to get hooked, as I have to be on my way
The sun is bright, the air is humid, my mind is confused
I just need to be assured that I’m not going insane
It’s been so long since I’ve been with a beautiful soul
Someone who knows all about learning as you go

Feeling like I’m about to collapse, my body is weak
I’m in need of water and a place to stay and rest
If you could only see the places I’ve traveled to
It’s safe to say I’ll keep my distance, it’s for the best
Too much drama, too many worries, I can’t handle it
I need my peace, silence and know where it’s not fit

I’ve been traveling around for several years, 5 or so
Will I ever settle down, and give all that up for a woman?
I have to be honest, right now, I just don’t know
I’ve been hurt so many times, I’m scared to love again
Given the reason I don’t get attached, just so you know
Maybe one day all that will change, and I’ll travel no more

My horse Harley, by my side is all I really need
I mean no offense, but he’s had my back
As I leave you, and thank you once again
Please don’t judge me, that’s just the way I am
I’m a rambler, I do this alone, just how I was raised
As I ride into the sunset, know that I’ll remember you
May 2017 · 782
One Last Attempt
Wolftrax May 2017
In my eyes, you have nothing to prove
Your beauty is both, inside and out
Never be ashamed to be who you are
Your flaws will never push me away
If you could only see it from my side
You would never have to ask me why

Your long brown hair, gorgeous as ever
That smile, it always brings me to my knees
The sound of your voice, it's comforting
Your impact on me, it's more than you know
If only I could get through to you, to make you see
I want you so bad, that I can't stop thinking about you

I keep going through my mind, trying to figure it out
What is it that I'm doing wrong, what is it that I'm saying
I just can't understand this, at times I feel like I'm not enough
It's like you're pushing me away, yet I've done nothing to hurt you
Please understand that I'm fragile, but willing to take a chance
Just know that I'm always there for you, I'll never break that promise

If you could take a little time, to think about all of this and hear me out
Understand just how much I care, how much love I have, respect as well
You might find it in your heart, to give me a chance, and let me get close to you
I would never hurt you, would never run out on you, I would never disrespect you
You have to understand, I'm crazy about you... in a romantic/loving kind of way
Please don't ignore this, please don't let this go without a though, this took a lot
A guy is in love with this girl, she's everything he's always wanted. However, she's too blind to see it, and puts up a wall. The guy tries to be there, and tries to understand, and take things easy and be a friend. The wall is still there, and he cannot understand why she acts this way. He refuses to give up on her, but he does get irritated at times. All he wants, is to show her that she can trust him, and know that whatever she's going through, he will be there for her every step of the way. He tries to make her understand where he's coming from, but wants her to know he will never give up on her.
May 2017 · 747
Dreaming of DFW
Wolftrax May 2017
I thought she was it, for sure the one
She took my heart, from the very start
I was just hanging out, having some fun
Had a feeling I needed to play this smart
Looked at her, as I gave a polite smile
I'll never forget her in the Blackhawks shirt

I asked the bartender to send her a shot
Why not? it was worth a try, at this point
I'll be honest my friends, she was so hot
We started talking and finally left the joint
Being out of town, I asked her about DFW
She showed me around, I enjoyed the view

That day was something else, my friend
If I could, I'd definitely go back there again
Corona on ice, relaxing in the sand
That girl by my side and her dog Benjamin
It would get me away from the blues I'm in
Knowing she'd be there for me everyday

Then I wake up, and realize it was a dream
None of it was real, not one **** thing
So it's back to my daily boring routine
I have some Corona, that's a good thing
Gotta love those dreams, such jokers
Guess I'll have a beer and play video poker
Sometimes, we have these beautiful dreams, they feel so real, and you get so caught up in them. Until you wake up, and realize that they are nothing more than just that... a dream. I had a dream I was on vacation down in Dallas-Fort Worth, and met this beautiful lady. Yeah, you get the idea. lol
Feb 2017 · 418
Smoky Memories
Wolftrax Feb 2017
The smell of burning leaves in the fall moonlight
The sound of the traffic, as it passes by my place
Watching the kids running around, having fun
As I’m watching the news and drinking a beer
Fall weather, there’s nothing like it my friend
Beautiful sunsets, bonfires, and warm hoodies

Back in high school, I remember it quite well
Football games, hanging with friends, such fun
Weekends in town, seeing my girl, just being kids
Never knowing what was ahead, didn’t care to know
Thinking about the moment, enjoying it while it lasts
Girlfriends come and go, as do the friends, some stay

You hang on to the good times, they were so fun
You try to forget the bad times, as they hurt too much
You try to remember things that you forgot about
You remember things, that you completely forgot about
You want to go back, and ask that one girl out
The one you were too scared to ask out

Great weather brings back a mixed bag of memories
You never know what to expect, it can get interesting
Some may be good, some bad, some to make you laugh
Just remember one thing, you’ll always have them to share
Hang on to them good, hang on to them tight, they’re yours
Write them down if you must, journal them along the way
Fall is one of my favorite times of year. For some reason, it seems to spark a lot of memories, growing up.
Jan 2017 · 812
I Just Wanna Be With You
Wolftrax Jan 2017
I'd like to sit and explain all this to you
Maybe buy you a drink if that's cool
I don't mean any harm, I'm a quiet guy
I just want you to know I'm really shy
So if I seem to stumble with my words
Just understand this is hard for me

I've been trying to figure out what to say
Wasn't even sure if I was worth your time
Seeing you makes what was bad, a better day
All I'm asking is for you to hear me out
Your pretty blue eyes and long blonde hair
Makes me wish I was the guy you're taking home

Hangin' in the bed of the truck, cool summer night
Nobody but us, and George Strait on the radio
With a six pack, blanket, and a clear Midwest sky
Just talking and doing whatever we **** well please
I'm in love with you darling, it may not seem that way
But I'm crazy about you, I'd love to be with you every day

Just a moment of your time, is all I'm asking
Don't need anything more, nothing less
Just hear me out, then you can walk away
But do me a favor, be honest, don't lie to me
If you can say you're not feeling this, that's okay
But if you do, always remember I just wanna be with you
I wrote this about 3 years ago, thought I'd share it on here. I hope you like it.
Jan 2017 · 701
Moments Like These
Wolftrax Jan 2017
Holding you next to me, in the winter months
Feeling you near me as we share our dreams
Knowing what we always wanted is finally here
I can’t think of anything better to do right now
Than to make passionate sweet love to you
Knowing that what we have, will always remain

Your beautiful smile pulls me in, I cannot lie
Your eyes, they lock me in and bring me to my knees
The touch of your hands, I beg for them every day
The sound of your voice, it helps guide the way
I never want this to go away, never leave my side
Together we will see it all, one amazing ride

Kissing your sweet lips under the stars so bright
Holding you by the fire on a Midwestern night
I never want these moments to go, only to grow
Drinking wine from the bottle, feeling the love flow
The little things that make my life so much better
Hearing your laugh and seeing you in my sweater
Wolftrax Nov 2016
I see you out with him, and I’m not impressed
Lying to me and saying he’s just a friend
For once, could you just be straight with me
Your ignorance is nothing but a slap in the face
I could run laps around you two, without trying
I’m leaving, heading back home, where I belong

The dreams I once shared, they turned into dust
Your lies turned all of my memories into pain
The love we had, it was nothing more than a joke
You were working a way into my heart, only to break it
Now that I’m on my knees, you’ve taken all you wanted
Left me behind, trying to start over from the beginning

I hope he does to you, what you’ve done to me
I know it sounds cruel, but it’s the honest truth
You don’t care about anybody else, but yourself
Love is one thing you know nothing about, never will
You think you do, but I have news for you… no way
You show no respect, no love, no patience, it’s so sad

As I pack my stuff and look things over one more time
I leave you with the one final though, I hope you remember
Don’t ever call me, don’t ever look for me, I’m through with you
I need you out of my life, I need to move on, I need to completely heal
I’m on a long road to looking for a new love, not sure it’ll happen
This really did me in, I hope one day things get better, I really do
I just started writing this, and yeah... It pretty much fell into place. There's no personal story behind this. It's just something that I wrote, based on a person who was hurt after being cheated on. I hope you like it.
Oct 2016 · 413
Distant, Yet Close
Wolftrax Oct 2016
Her lips are like red cherry wine
Her hair is brunette, soft to the touch
Her arms, they hold me when I’m down
Her smile, it lets me know I’m going to be alright
Her touch, it’s unlike any other in this world
Her heart, it’s there for me… at least I hope

She seems to want me, but she’s kind of distant
She starts to tell me things, but then closes up
She will open her heart to me, but close it right away
She listens to me, is understanding, but I often wonder
Is she scared or she hiding something? I just don’t know
I love her so much, but I don’t want to hurt her, I’m scared

I’ve been hurt before, so many times, I lost count
I don’t want to jump to conclusions, assuming things
I just want her to know how much I really care
But knowing I’m not going to hurt her, I’m not that way
It’s hard to explain the feelings I have, they’re pretty deep
I just want her to know, I’m not one of them guys who cheat
You find that person who you really like, you have things in common, and you seem to click. There's just one problem... they're distant. They pull back, they start to get involved, but back off. It makes you wonder. Is it you, is it her, is it something else? You want to say something, but don't want to put the relationship/friendship in jeopardy. It seems to go great for a while, but it drops, only to picks up again... and have it happen, once again.
Aug 2016 · 685
Friends Or More
Wolftrax Aug 2016
Would you give me a chance, if I asked?
I’m not begging, I’m not making a scene
All I ask is a simple yes or no from you
If only you could see how much this means
I think you’d understand things a bit better
Maybe then, you’d open yourself up to me

I know it’s hard, after all you’ve been through
But know this much, I would never hurt you
I’m too scared, too shy and just not that type
I think the world of you, my heart races for you
You give me something to look forward too
All my worries are gone, when you’re near me

To have you by me everyday, would mean the world
Let me know that this is something you feel, as well
Please don’t hold back the feelings, I need to know
I have to try and move on, if this wasn’t meant to be
You’re so beautiful, I want you so bad, it’s easy to see
But if it’s isn’t meant to be, then friends we’ll always be
That moment when you cash in your chips, and lay it all on line. You ask the person you've been having deep feelings for, is there anything more or not. If not, you hope and pray that you remain friends, and it doesn't make things awkward.
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
One Sweet Ride
Wolftrax Aug 2016
I remember the year of ’95
She was beautiful, and so right
We spent every day together
I knew it wouldn’t last forever
Those kind of things never last
But man oh man, did I have a blast

We spent the days out riding the town
Never thinking about winding down
The guys were jealous, my girlfriend too
She was such a beauty, I treated her good
So delicate and gentle, I never wanted it to end
Sadly one day, the day I dreaded, finally happened

My best friend, back home from serving overseas
Picking up his Mustang GT, after months apart
Knowing it was in good hands, never a worry
I still miss that car, it was one sweet ride
Take one for a ride, if you ever get the chance
There’s nothing like it, you’ll always remember it
Wrote this, after a dream I had.
Jul 2016 · 13.5k
I'm Lost (Without You)
Wolftrax Jul 2016
I can’t get you out of my mind
In my dreams, I think about you
There are days when I can’t go on
The thought of wanting you is strong
You make my heart want so much
I cry in my sleep, because I’m not enough

Your beauty, it keeps me interested in you
There’s nothing I can do, to shake the blues
If only I was enough, if only I could show you
How serious I am, when it comes down to you
Never have I wanted anyone so much more
Until the day I saw you, then it was for sure

You took my heart, you put these feelings inside me
I never knew I could feel that way, not about a girl
I’m not sure how to act, not sure what I should do
Just know one thing, I honestly, without a doubt, love you
I know you see things different,  please try and understand
It’s breaking my heart, I’m trying to move on, I need your hand

I’m such a mess, I just don’t know anymore what to do, anymore
I’m so in love with you, there’s nobody else, and it’s tearing me apart
You mean everything to me, everything in the world, isn’t that enough?
Or am I just another guy, who has fallen into love, only to be turned away?
Never would I hurt you, never would I betray you, I would be there every day
My heart is delicate, my heart is kind, my heart will be yours, if you’ll be mine
There's nothing worse than wanting someone so bad, and knowing it may not work out. Sometimes... love's an evil *****!
Jun 2016 · 667
Missing You
Wolftrax Jun 2016
I don’t think I’ve ever wanted you this bad
Not sure if I missed anyone quite as much
I’m feeling like I can’t go on, without you
I wake in morning, missing your touch
You were a big part of helping me grow
I loved you from the first day, just so you know

I learned a lot about myself, because of you
Things that made me a better person, no doubt
Now that you left, I’m trying to move on with my life
This will be a challenge, I hope it’s on the right route
I hope one day, you’ll realize what we had together
You’ll come back to me, and we can plan our future

Don’t give up on me, it’s not too late to work things out
I have so much faith in you, If you could only see inside
From the beginning, I knew you had a hold of my heart
I’m not going to lie, there’ve been times I’ve sat and cried
You destroyed something great, something so beautiful
My friends could believe it, they said that wasn’t like you

I often wonder if it was someone talking you into doing it
Was there something better, was I just not good enough?
I just don’t understand it, I’m confused by all this, quite honestly
I’m almost ready to put all my chips in, and call your bluff
Because at this point, I’m mad, I’m hurt, I’m upset and sad
But most of all, know this much… I’m really missing you
Jun 2016 · 401
Shattered Love
Wolftrax Jun 2016
Let me hold you, even if it’s for just a minute
I just want one more touch, before you leave
Knowing I was nothing but honest and fair
You seem to make me out to be the thief
I can honestly say that I really loved you
But the look on your face, is total disbelief

The time I put into this, it means so much more
Realizing that I did it for nothing, as you walk away
My life starting to fall apart, my heart hitting the floor
Looking for a way out of this, finding help every day
I see now, my guard will have to go up a bit more
Because of the damage, my heart having to pay

As I wipe my tears, and tell you one more goodbye
I hope you understand, I was all about us from the start
I just wish you wouldn’t have do so much damage, as I cry
I know eventually I’ll be alright, I just have to get over us apart
Some say I’m better off, others say you’ll come back in time
I just don’t know, I honestly think you have a cold heart
May 2016 · 344
You're The One
Wolftrax May 2016
Looking at you, I feel better already
Just wanting you near me every day
I can't run from this, it's too strong
Please tell me this feeling isn't wrong

You're on my mind, inside my heart
I think about you and it rips me apart
I love you so much, I can't walk away
If I asked, would you be mine today?

I don't have much, don't need much
I'm just craving your loving touch
Come on and take a walk with me
You'll understand the quieter side of me

Hold on to me, promise you'll never let go
I really love you, more than you know
So with my heart reaching out to you
Baby, all I want to know is if you do

Because I really love you
Promising to always be true
Your smile keeps me from being blue
I only want to share my life with you
Something I wrote, a few years ago. I hope you like it.
May 2016 · 2.2k
Asking For A Chance
Wolftrax May 2016
My arms, they want so bad to hold you
My lips, so badly want to kiss yours
My mind, it’s going insane without you
My heart, it keeps begging for more
You have my heart, not even aware of it
I’m so in love with you, there’s no denying it

Since the very first day, I knew there was something
I couldn’t put my finger on it, you’re so amazing
Keeping me caught up in you, wanting you like I do
I can’t help feeling this way, but I’m so in love with you
You make me feel good, make me feel something amazing
If you could look inside me, and see how much it’s changing

I would never give up on you, never cheat, never lie
I would treat you so good, just give me a chance to try
All I want, is someone to love and spend my life with
You’re the one I want, and to make memories with
Please don’t be mad, please understand all of this
I never meant to come on so strong, but I can’t fight this

Holding you in my arms, loving you like no other
Please understand, I’m a caring and passionate lover
I would never hurt you, never walk out on you
My heart is too fragile, I’d forever be faithful to you
Just give me a chance, to show you what you mean to me
You’ll never regret it, and would make my life complete
May 2016 · 341
Hopefully More
Wolftrax May 2016
I want to take a walk with you in this beautiful weather
Just you and I alone, we don’t need our friends together
There’s something on my mind, it’s been needing to come out
I’m not really sure how you’re going to feel, or how this will work out

You’ve been a good friend for so long now, longer than any other
I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, times like I’m a brother
There comes a time where a friendship reaches a point, something more
I have to be honest, true to both of us, this is something I can’t ignore

I’m finding you more and more attractive, as we spend time together.
I know this s a risky move, but saying how I feel would make me feel better
I’m really in love with you, you really make me feel like a different man
Whenever we hang out together, I try to stretch it out as long as I can

My life has been pretty quiet and lonely, I’m ready to turn the page
Please say that you’ll think about this, and be a part of the change
When I look in your eyes, I can see the emptiness you feel, as well
I know you hide it deep inside, you’re scared, and ashamed to tell

Your secrets are safe with me, my love will keep you safe, I’m there for you
Just remember I’m always by your side, you’ll never have to hide, I love you
I know there's a lot here to think about, but I found the one I've been looking for
I just hope you understand, and maybe you too can see, you and I... hopefully more
May 2016 · 957
Small Town Girls
Wolftrax May 2016
I used to run around with that kind
I remember being attracted to them
I never understood what it all meant
I never took the time to think about it
I just remember chasing after them
I’ll never get over the small town girls

They used to light up the night, so bright
You could make magic in the moonlight
They’d love you, they’d break your heart
No matter what, they’re loyal from the start
They would always have your back, in the end
If you were betrayed, you always had a friend

Small town girls, they’re girlfriends, best friends
You grew up next door to them, such sweet gems
Sharing secrets, riding all the back country roads
Making out, as the 4th of July fireworks explode
Friday night football games, they never get old
Giving her your jacket, when she starts to get cold

Still to this day, I’m 100% dedicated, that will never change
Small town girls have my heart, I know it sounds strange
But if you never lived in a small town all your life, my friend
There’s nothing else like it in the world, I don’t mean to offend
I’m sure the big city has some amazing girls, the suburbs, too
But the small town girls, they’re worth it, and always pull through
Wolftrax May 2016
Looking at you tonight, I feel blessed
How did a guy like me, end up with you?
I can’t figure it out, you have me hooked
Wherever you go, I’ll be right by your side
Never worry about being alone, in this world
I’ll always be there for you, this… I promise

Sometimes, I may not show my true feelings
But know this much, I love you beyond words
I get lost, trying to find the right thing to say
I stumble and feel like part of me begins to fall
Your beautiful smile knocks me off my feet
I feel at times, I’m not worthy of your love

As I lay down to sleep, I pray for your safety
I never want to lose what we have, together
I don’t think I could ever be with anyone else
We have too much history together, too much love
Since day we met, I’ve become a better person
Not out late, drinking with the guys, spending cash

So when I say you’re the one I want to be with
Know that I really mean it, know it’s not some lie
You keep me strong, when I hit my weakest point
Just knowing you’re by my side, I’m not scared
I can be myself, never having to show off to anyone
You see me for who I am, and love me just the same
May 2016 · 590
20 Year Crush
Wolftrax May 2016
Looking back at those football games
I remember the rush from the crowd
The charge that it drove right through us
****, that's something I haven't felt in years

I ran into an old friend, from our high school days
We started talking about being on top, and having it all
I look back now, wishing I could have some of that now
Because I'm sitting here, wishing I had asked her out

Everyone thought I had it all, but I was missing one thing
I was really wanting to ask her out, but couldn't do it
I just felt out of her league, there was no point in asking
I'm the type with a fragile heart, I'm so afraid of rejection

I was a happy guy back then, don't get me wrong
I had a lot going for me, and our team was strong
The girls I dated, just used me to show off to friends
I felt miserable, all I wanted was a real girlfriend

When I see her now, still looking beautiful as ever
It dawns on me, how my feelings haven't changed
Now that I finally have the courage to finally speak
Is it too late? Do I stand a chance? All I want is her.

A high school crush from 20 years ago
I just wish it hadn't taken so long
Because I feel like I've wasted time
Just hope it was worth it, in the end
May 2016 · 365
Never Satisfied
Wolftrax May 2016
I tried to love you, but you shut me out
You said I wasn’t enough, for your future
I was willing to give up my dreams, for you
But it seemed like that wasn’t enough, you left
I tried everything, to show how much I cared
You pushed me away, refusing to see the truth

I’m sorry you’re too blind too see what you lost
If only you listened to me, and gave me a chance
You could’ve had the boyfriend you always wanted
From what I can tell, you just weren’t satisfied with me
My friends told me I was wasting my time, being with you
I gave you everything I had, yet it didn’t make you happy

Was I a fool for believing in you? I just don’t know
Maybe I felt you were lost, and needed me to be there
But I realized later on, you had all these other plans
Sadly, none of them included me, so I was left behind
My heart was ripped to shreds, without any notice
Leaving me to pick up the pieces, in a world of pain
May 2016 · 2.8k
Come Ride With Me
Wolftrax May 2016
Put your arms around me, never let go
Tonight we’re going down this winding road
I’ve got all I need right here, tonight
If you agree to come along and make this right

My life has been lonely for too **** long
My heart has been beaten and trying to hold on
You don’t know how close I’ve come to giving up
The pain hurt too much, I had more than enough

Then I saw you walk into my life, on that summer day
You turned my life around, I had better things to say
I knew there was something about you, yet to see
I was so glad you took that chance, to be with me

So as I pack the last of my things, and ask one more time
Will you come with me, ride with me, forever be mine?
The road gets lonely, and together we could do more
This could open so many options, who knows whats in store
May 2016 · 546
Stale Beer and Nicotine
Wolftrax May 2016
I sit here in my apartment, on a Sunday morning
Completely hung over, without a **** warning
Last night was brutal and harsh, it wasn’t kind
Things went to ****, I was drunk out of my mind
Lost my girlfriend of 15 years, that evil *****
Cheating with my best friend, he’s not even rich

I never saw it coming, I’ve been so busy as of late
Working to pay the bills, it’s getting old at this rate
The social life is something I try to make time for
I feel like here lately, the battle is a never-ending war
My friends want me to go out, every Friday night
But I’m sick of them starting a ******* fight

I need to break from the pack, start finding new friends
Looking at the last few years, I need to make a cleanse
As I sit here and try to make sense of every **** thing
It’s a struggle, it’s nothing but stale beer and nicotine
The pain has sent me into this spiral, I’m freaking out
Not really sure if I can go on, I really have my doubts
May 2016 · 1.8k
Always Near
Wolftrax May 2016
When you feel like the walls are closing in, don't be scared
When you feel like the waters are about to take you under, don't panic
When you feel the road you're on is coming to an end, don't worry
Just remember this, I promise to always be there, no matter what

When things get the better part of you, call my name
When you're feeling like you can't go on, I'll be there to help you along
Don't feel embarrassed, never feel ashamed
I'll always be there, and respect you just the same

Take my hand, I promise I'll never let you go
If I hold on too tight, please let me know
Your pretty smile brightens my day, it helps my heart heal
I want you to know my words are true and sincere
May 2016 · 345
Deep From The Heart
Wolftrax May 2016
Gazing at the sunset, I’m thinking about you
The thought of us together, someday soon
Hoping I’m enough, when it comes to us
The last thing I want, is to lose your trust
Words can’t describe the way I feel, it’s a mess
Nothing compares to the love we have, I’m blessed

I want you to know, my heart will forever be yours
Just promise to never hurt me or treat me unkind
I’ll be completely respectful and honest to you
If you promise in return to be the same with me
I’ll give you my love, my respect.. this, I guarantee
My heart will belong to you, and nobody else

Know that from this day on, I’m here by your side
Never will I stray away, or doubt you a single day
I just want to kiss and hold you, and never let go
Fall in love with you all over again, as I lose control
You make me feel things, that I haven’t felt in years
When I see you hurting, it brings me to tears

Being there for you is my one and only desire
I’ll never forget the night, we met by the campfire
Your beautiful laugh and your gorgeous smile
It captured my heart from that point on
You were the only one I wanted to spend time with
I know it sounds crazy, but I feel I have it all with you

— The End —