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Mar 2018 · 599
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
Everyday I watched Daisy dance in the park.
She was a girl of eight years old.
She always looked so carefree and
without a single problem in the world.

I came to watch her dance each day,
because I envied her beautiful innocence.
She twirled and leaped and curtisied and tip toed
across the playground without a hint of wickedness.

I watched her and thought of the work I had to do,
but Daisy had an abundance of free time.
I knew I was much too busy to be watching her,
but I loved the reminder of my long lost prime.

She was the ideal of who I aspired to be.
A girl who can dance with all of her soul
and not worry about anyone that may be watching.
A girl who knows the simple things make us whole.

I feared for my little Daisy.
I was afraid of the day she'd start to comprehend
that this life isn't one giant beautiful ballet.
When that day comes, her dancing will violently end.

I feared for myself as well.
What will happen to me when her dancing is done?
Who will I watch and admire each day?
The restless sinful flesh will have won.
Mar 2018 · 439
I Remember Me and You.
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
I remember sixth grade.
Everyone told me you couldn't fall
in love so young. So I distanced myself from you.

I remember seventh grade.
You begged me to come back,
but I told you all the words they told me were true.

I remember eighth grade.
I never saw you even once but couldn't
stop thinking about all the things we used to do.

I remember ninth grade.
I saw you every single day but,
by then, you were with someone brand new.

I remember tenth grade.
You were still with her happily
and I cried. It was all my fault, I knew.

I remember eleventh grade.
You were single and I had high hopes
that once again it'd be me and you.

I remember twelfth grade.
You had graduated the year before
so I saw exactly zero of you.

I remember yesterday.
I ran into you at the store and thought
'this is my chance' until I noticed a girl that was new.
Mar 2018 · 522
"No," It Says.
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
How can we breathe
in a society that
is constantly squeezing
our throats?

How can we walk
in a world that
is constantly chaining
our legs?

How can we be
in a place that
is constantly telling
us no?

"No," it says,
"That job isn't
enough for you to

"No," it says,
"Those clothes aren't
enough for you to
win him."

"No," it says,
"That thing isn't
enough for you to

"No," it says,
"You are not ever
enough to amount to

Well, I think it's time
we say "No" back.
Mar 2018 · 1.4k
If Love is...
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
If love is what fixes every deepened wound
then why am I hurting?
If love is the answer to every problem
then why am I questioning?

If love is the sunshine on a dark day
then why am I feeling cold?
If love is a miracle potion that keeps you young
then why am I feeling old?

If love is what makes the world go round
then why am I stuck standing still?
If love is the band aid that protects all of your cuts
then why am I not yet healed?

If love is the only thing that is true
then why do I doubt?
If love demands you to be faithful
then why do I want to bail out?

If love is what you claim to be giving
then why am I always crying?
If love is what you say you're doing
then why inside am I dying?

If love is when you hold my throat
then why do they say I should want it?
If love is when you call me names
then why do they say I should like it?

If love is the night you pinned me to the ground
then why is everyone searching for it?
If love is the way you slammed me against the wall
then why is it crushing my spirits?

If love is the thing I'm receiving from you
then why am I always bruised?
If this is love, I do not want it.
Love is sacred, and not abuse.
Mar 2018 · 889
A Princess to Me
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
I don't know who she is,
but I can make
believe the truth.

She’s a princess
Of an island
Somewhere right outside Peru.

She’s the daughter
Of a grand king
And a lovely queen too.

I imagine
A long line
Of men who’d want to pursue

The fair maiden
the heiress
Of a throne she’ll soon assume.

She’ll rule with power and grace,
A smile on her face,
Kindness in her heart,
She’ll give the kingdom a new start.

Though some may doubt,
I know that's who she'll be.
Even if she's not,
She'll always be a princess to me.
Mar 2018 · 567
A dusty bookshelf
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
She ran her fingers
across her bookshelf,
allowing the dust
to coat her nails.
The sound of shuffling pages
filled the room,
creating music,
to which she couldn't help
but dance.
Mar 2018 · 502
The End of the World
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
The end of the world was today.
It started with a simple delay—
A stop of motion
A miss of beat
A soft "hello"
swept off my feet.

The end of the world was today.
It shifted to a vulnerable display—
A life that's shattered
A ground that's cracked
A heart in pieces
the odds were stacked.

The end of the world was today.
It sparked from a word to say—
Red flashes of light
Sweet kisses and strife
Smiles and screams
At the end of life.
Mar 2018 · 9.8k
If Tomorrow was my Last
Tiana Marie Mar 2018
If tomorrow was my last
I'd do nothing.
I wouldn't skydive
I wouldn't travel
I wouldn't do everything
I've ever wanted to do.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd do as always.
I'd get up
I'd read my bible
I'd go to school
and have an average day.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd act as normal.
I'd smile to others
I'd say "hello"
I'd do my best
as I try every day.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd tell no one.
I wouldn't shout it
I wouldn't scream it
I wouldn't sing it
from every single rooftop.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd never know it.
That's why my usual
day to day consists
of all things I love
the very most.

If tomorrow were my very last
what I do today would be enough.
It would make me smile
It would make me laugh
It would make me happy
Because I have learned always
to be content in the ordinary.
Feb 2018 · 74.5k
She was like Music
Tiana Marie Feb 2018
She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I begged for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.
Feb 2018 · 498
Tiana Marie Feb 2018
He was kind–
Just like you.
When you looked into his eyes
You just knew.
He always put others
Above himself.
Lots of things about him
Are just like yourself.
He was good–
I wouldn’t kid.
He would’ve died for his crew,
And he did.
You remind me of him;
You’re both kind-hearted men.
When I look in your eyes
It’s like he’s looking back into mine.
I’m reminded of him
Every time you say a word.
You sound just like him–
Every adjective and verb.
Yes, you remind me of him.
That’s the best compliment I could give.
Captain, you remind me of my Captain.
Tiana Marie Jan 2018
Time and I like to race,
And the both of us won’t give in.
We wish to claim first place;
We both deny what’s not a win.

With my eye on the prize,
I try to beat my nemesis.
For it’s time I despise,
It is a thief with arrogance.

And for the longest time,
My rival was in the craved lead.
I now forbid his crime;
I have stolen his spot, indeed.

“How I do this?” you ask.
Well, it is the most simple thing.
Within each day I bask,
And in each small moment, I sing.

I don’t say “Next week I…”
And I don’t mention what has past.
I live for the day, though,
attempting just to make it last.

One day I will have won,
And I will claim my spot: first place.
I am who made time run,
All because I slowed down my pace.
Jan 2018 · 392
I don't know you.
Tiana Marie Jan 2018
I don’t know you.
You don't know me.
One talk isn't enough
to believe in destiny.

I don't know you.
You don't know me.
Your love isn’t a locked door
and I haven't been searching for a key.

I don't know you.
You don't know me.
Something about it doesn't sound right
Why can’t I let it be?

I don't know you.
You don't know me.
I’m not a bird in a cage,
Waiting for you to set it free.

I don’t know you.
You don’t know me.
Then why can’t I give it up?
I want to; it is my plea.

I don’t know you.
You don’t me.
I wish this desire I have for you
Would just go away and flee.

I want to know you
Do you want to know me?
Could it be just lust or...?
Perhaps it's love? Maybe? Hopefully.
Jan 2018 · 385
It is no longer I, But her.
Tiana Marie Jan 2018
Seems now I’m just another girl to you,
And in the end, that’s all I ever was.
You won’t be satisfied with one or two.
One girl for you will never be enough.

I spent too many hours daydreaming
Up scenarios that will never come true.
I was loving the idea of love
Far more than I could ever love you.  

I’m not hurt that you asked for her number
I’m not hurt that you didn’t say hello.
I hurt for the girl because It is no longer I
that has to put up with you, but her.
Tiana Marie Jan 2018
Do I give up on love altogether
Or do I hope that It makes us both better?
Are we better together or better apart?
Does it really even matter after a broken heart?

Do I pretend none of it even happened
After all that I’ve taken for granted?
Like the food on my table and the roof over my head.
I’m not the one starving, and I’m not the one dead.

Do I act as if everything’s fine?
Though everyone can see through those lies.
I can try to fake a smile and seem alright
If it’ll help you be the one to sleep at night.

Do I move on and find another
Or stay alone, hoping things will get better?
Are we better together or better apart?
Does it really even matter after a broken heart?
Jan 2018 · 600
Will We Ever Talk Again?
Tiana Marie Jan 2018
Will we ever talk again?
The question circles in my head.
I ruined my only chance.
Will the romance be only in my head?

Will we ever talk again?
It’s something hard to answer.
Did I lose what we once had?
Now that’s something hard to answer.

Will we ever talk again?
Would he even really want to?
If we happened to bump into each other,
Is it something he’d even really want to?

Will we ever talk again?
Is the answer yes or no?
If yes, I’m broken. If no, I’m broken.
Does the answer have to be yes or no?

Will we ever talk again?
Maybe It’s a choice I must make.
I will walk up to him and say “Hello,”
For it’s a choice I must make.
Jan 2018 · 5.2k
Tiana Marie Jan 2018
At first, I wasn’t interested.
It wasn’t a love at first sight kind of deal.
The moment he started talking, however,
I felt something real.

Hard to believe, I know–
Especially in a world of desire and lust.
What is real and what is fake?
Will someday these feelings turn to dust?

He asked me for my number.
Despite my better judgment, I said yes.
I was too caught up in my feelings.
I couldn’t make my heart beat rest.

Full of butterflies my stomach was
As we said our last goodbye.
Butterflies don’t always tell the truth, though.
Unfortunately, sometimes they lie.

To listen to your heart or head–
That is the ultimate test!
For sometimes you’re right and sometimes you’re wrong,
it‘s hard to tell what’s best.

Do I take it one step at a time
Hoping his feelings haven’t changed?
I never texted him back that day.
What if he’s hurt from the words never exchanged?

Then there’s another problem
Oh, yes, the other boy.
The one who won’t move on,
Claiming I’m his only joy.

If I were to find someone else
Would I destroy his entire life?
If I choose to not hurt him and stay alone
Then would my own be full of strife?

Too many questions and too many answers
Makes me fear my heart is wrong
Listen to your head, I beg.
It’s hard, for my heart is strong.

Give it up, for it’s what’s best.
We both know It’s true.
My heart and my head now both agree.
It’s what I have to do.

I have made up my mind.
The boy has got to go.
Anyhow, we’ve only had one chat.
I need to tell him no.

There he goes now smiling at me.
I wish he would stop.
“Hi,” He says…
Well, here we go. I’m back up to the top.
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
The Monster under the Bed
Tiana Marie Nov 2017
There is a monster
And it's under her bed
Beneath her pillow
Where she rests her head

It has claws like sharp blades
That pierce her skin
It's eyes are dark
And they let no light in

It has a tongue of venom
That licks her ear
And whispers the things
She does not wish to hear

"Your pants are too tight.
Your stomach's too chubby.
Your eyes are too crossed.
You will never have beauty."

It whispers these a lot
For its how it moves to her head
From the small place it's hiding
Beneath her bed.

She believes him completely
Though every word is a lie
She's now tucked in her bed
Where she starts to cry

"Your pants are too tight.
Your stomach's too chubby.
Your eyes are too crossed.
You will never have beauty."

She only heard rumors
And she only heard myths
She never thought the monster
Would be in her midst

"Your pants are too tight.
Your stomach's too chubby.
Your eyes are too crossed.
You will never have beauty."

The kids down at school
Say the monster's not real
But that's just not true
They can't feel what she feels

She's gone off hiding
She's tries to keep it away
She's praying it won't find her
Afraid of the things it might say

"Your pants are too tight.
Your stomach's too chubby.
Your eyes are too crossed.
You will never have beauty."

Now the monster had moved
from the bed to the shelf.
Staring up at it now,
She realizes it's herself.

— The End —