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Donielle Aug 2020
He gripped her hand and called her "dangerously beautiful,"
From a place one could only describe as where his broken pieces must lie.
Who taught this man the lesson,
That someone could be a such pleasure to behold,
So much that he'd face punishment for enjoying it?
Who is the source of the fear he held in his eyes,
As he clutched her hand, frozen,
Silently expecting her to rake his heart across the coals?
Donielle Apr 2017
I thought the storm had ceased,
passed by me without damage.
I thought we withstood the test,
in the harbor.
But no,
my ship is rocking,
unsteady in the water.
Our smooth ride
has come to an abrupt halt -
each untruth you spew,
throws another wave in our course.
Every break
at the peak of each wave
the water over my sides,
filling me,
weighing me down,
and I don't know how long I can swim.
Donielle Aug 2020
My hands are rough from all the nights I've had to push myself up off my knees.

My lips are chapped from biting back the screams -
Fits of rage still linger in the corners of my eyes. I have been tired.

My shoulders are strong from the weight I carry for those around me.
I'd go hungry to lessen the growls within you.

I'd build a city,
Live on the streets to know I have lit up your nights
And sheltered you from the storm that blows around me.
Donielle Oct 2020
Maybe the reason I thought your eyes were a different color
Was because they seemed so dark
So heavy with worry and sadness.
I didn't see the sun shining in your eyes,
Didn't realize the grass was gleaming,
Bursting like flowers in the summer time.
Maybe you just needed a little love to help them grow.
Donielle Nov 2020
Flowers do not bloom within her.
Seeds do not sprout
And the only roots she sees are her own,
Withering with age and leaving her to find her way alone.
This temple sees only weather,
Torrential abuse because it doesn't do its job
It fails
To produce
Every passing week is simply another reminder that
At the end of the road
There will be no semblance of immortality,
The end of the road will be just that.
The end of her,
Her name,
Her grief.
Gardens bloom around her,
But the willow weeps and dries up.
She may keep her sleep,
But that's all she'll have at the end of the day.
Donielle Apr 2017
The feeling of being trapped
is no longer my concern.
Now I find myself lost,
and left far behind
in the dust of those who have pulled ahead.
Fear keeps me stuck here,
and it is that which I have yet to overcome.
Success is always an option,
but failure seems such a guarantee.
It's that familiar chill
of my back pinned,
against the cold hard surface behind me.
I run my fingertips along the corners
and the cracks
and imperfections
hoping for some escape.
As always
I find myself against the wall
nowhere to run
but head first.
Donielle Jul 2020
I've got diamonds in my spine
That help me stand tall and sparkle
But I hide from the sun
So no one sees me clearly.
Donielle Aug 2020
For me, this has only existed in time, not space.
A time when the words in my mind echo the advice I give with love-
"Be kind to yourself."
"Stand tall, chin up."
"Things will get better."
It is a time when I feel peace in all the parts of my body
That are usually tense like an unmaintained machine,
Or when I take a deep breath,
And upon exhale I melt into a puddle of rest-
Not in defeat,
But in comfort.
Based on a writing prompt, asking what "heaven on earth" means to you.
Donielle Jul 2020
The only thing I enjoy more than saying your name

Is hearing you say mine.
Donielle Aug 2020
I've been lookin' for you.
The one with the kind eyes and the humble laugh,
The smile that spreads across the whole sky
As I find myself lost in the clouds that are born from the scent of you.
I don't think I ever knew what you'd be like,
Other than that the warmth of your heart could thaw my hands after trying to keep me afloat all winter,
That a keen stare could be so gentle that it smooths every corner of my armor,
Or that a tree so steady could bend so far
To show me that soft can still be strong.
Donielle Apr 2017
Within the creases that
outline your eyes,
I can see
traces of the things
that have made you smile.
In the hearty whistle
that is the gunshot of your laugh,
I can taste the places you have lived.
In the wrinkles
in the palms of your hands,
I can feel
the happy you have
tried to spread in the world.
In the sighs
that you whisper at night,
I hear your successes,
the dreams you have lived,
your setbacks reconciled
before the close of the day.
The scent of your skin
emits hope
and all that is good
and peaceful.
The dust
and tatters in your clothing
bear witness
to your honest attempts
to stay true to you.
The gentle strength
with which you hold me
at night,
screams promises
of your intentions
and the tales
of your own past bruises.
My mind searches for these words
so I can tell you in my way
that my soul sees you.
I see where you've been,
what you will do -
I see your errors as well as your winnings.
I see your flaws as well as your excellence.
I hear the shame in your voice
when you admit a mistake.
But my soul,
it still cries out for  you.
Despite anything you've done,
I see you,
and I love you.
Donielle Jul 2020
Is the glass half-empty
Or half-full?
May I be half of you, or would you rather be
Half of me?
What if we
Each made half of us?
Or maybe
The glass was spilled
And as fate would have it
The milk is sour.
Donielle Jul 2020
The fan blows quietly and aged snored murmur in the corner. 

The window is open and I dont mind

The sounds of lives, buzzing outside. 

I can almost hear how soft my blankets are as I lay upon them,

Warm light from a low place illuminates mountains around me. 

We are safe.

We are home.
Donielle Oct 2020
The strongest hands that have ever grazed my lower back
Hold my face with such delicacy,
It's clear you're not here to hurt me.
I swore
I'd never return here
I'd never go back to this place
But what's safe
Can't be argued,
And I've never slept more soundly
Than I do beside you.
Donielle Apr 2017
I want to reach out,
pour my heart out
and tell you everything -
You can't hear me.
You're too far out.
The rims of your eyes
are red all around,
making your irises
brighter than the sky.
But they're not blue in the same way,
they're the desperate color
that screams
you haven't slept in days.
Your skin is ashen
and your hands are clammy,
you shake and tremble without
even knowing it.
I want to be close to you,
but I want you to go away.
I don't want to leave you lonely,
but I want you to leave me alone.
I can't feel you
when you feel the way you do.
I want to push you away,
but I want you to hold me
tight like the way you clench your jaw.
When your muscles flex
in the side of your face
and I see your pulse throbbing,
the life fluid hurriedly pumping
throughout your body.
I want to distance myself from you,
but I want you to pull me in
like your bottom lip,
when you unconsciously toy
with the parts of your mouth
of which you're normally unaware.
I want to forget you, turn away,
but I want you to busy yourself
with me -
if you must do something
with your hands,
put them on me,
run them over my skin
like you run your teeth
upon each other,
grind against me.
If you'd like to stay up all night,
we can stay awake together,
run wild in the night,
or we can lie still together
and soak in the seconds,
and minutes and hours -
if it's time that you want,
I can give you that.
But I cannot be anything for you,
do anything with you,
when your nose
leads you away from me.
Donielle May 2017
I left my heart naked to you,
handed it to you in the moonlight
and you ravaged it,
tore it to pieces and spat them on me.
But since you didn't mean it,
I suppose I should wipe my face and make the bed.
Donielle Jul 2020
Calm doesn't work for me
Because when I am still,
I climb the walls of my mind
Like I tear at my skin
And pick at my fingers. 

If I'm not having fun, I'm just slowly dying.
Donielle Jul 2020
When it pours, take my hand
and I'll help you find the music to dance to amongst the raindrops -
If you listen closely, my heart beats to the same rhythm as the lost notes from your favorite childhood song.
When it's dark, follow my flashlight -
I'll lead you into my fort of blankets
And keep you warm through the night.
Donielle Jul 2020
Freedom is
A wooden floor with a nest of blankets
And snuggling up to the baseboards
To keep my pride warm.
Donielle Jul 2020
The hunger darkness has for the scent of the blues
Is what chases away any chance for light to shine upon your waters.
The depths are boundless,
It's easy to get lost in not knowing where it ends.
Donielle Aug 2020
You're bleeding.
You're getting it all over me,
All over my ****.
You're leaking it on everything
And it's going everywhere.
It's already in every part of my life,
I made a mistake
And took memories of you everywhere
And left them lay.
Now you've become part of my day,
Part of my night.
I put you away
And you still find a place to sneak in.
You warned me,
You didn't want this.
But here I am,
Trying to figure out
Whether I want to clean it up or just throw it out.
Donielle Aug 2020
I cover my face with my hands even when I cry alone
Because I learned pretty early on that you're the only one who can actually dry your tears,
For the same reason that I Crack ****** jokes
To an empty room,
Because laughter after crying always has so much more power behind it.
Donielle May 2017
Drag me around knowing full well
I cannot resist you.
Leave a trail of breadcrumbs
or promises of love to see how far I'll walk
behind your chariot,
while I idolize your crown
and make excuses for your sins.
Donielle May 2017
One empty nightstand and a closet half-full,
dim the lights and don't bother
to draw back the covers before you
surrender to the time.
The windows are drab and unclean
because you've lost the ambition to see clearly.
The sink is cluttered with the ghosts
of your last meal together and the rotting smell
filling the kitchen
is your favorite reminder that you didn't really
enjoy her cooking anyway.
Donielle Jul 2020
It's always blown me away how people can sleep with a sweatshirt on -
That burns me up,
Chokes me.

It wasn't until now,
Now that I sleep alone in the dead of winter,
Desperately trying to be my own best friend,
Doing my best to hold myself together,
That I've realized
The more layers I wear,
The longer it should take for me to fall completely apart.
Donielle Apr 2017
Your eyes like pools of the clearest water beckon me,
beg me to drink from them.
With each blink,
their color grows warmer,
smoother, more welcoming.
I move closer, toeing the edge of your abyss,
heeding no warnings of eternal falling with the miss of a step.
The swirls of blue mirror the sky
on the most beautiful day,
mesmerizing me, hypnotizing me,
easily fooling me into stepping in
without testing the depth of your water.
My blind faith does not lead me to drown.
your waters surround me,
wrapping me in warmth and keeping me afloat.
Each blink is a wave rocking me steady,
rhythmically, peacefully,
matching my own heartbeat,
repeating, promising an ever-continuing symphony,
a lullaby
that claims an end to my nightmares.
Donielle Sep 2020
I leave my dishes ***** so I have nothing to eat from,
Sadness makes me hungry and I dont want to be fat.
I dont shower until I'm crawling out of my skin
Because then I have an excuse to avoid people.
I sleep
So I can dream of better days
But in my nightmares you're there anyway,
Following me all through the night
Until I awake tired, unrested.
I'm a fool.
I stand before my mirror in the sunrise
And beg myself
Forgiveness for failure,
But I drop my gaze,
And all I can see is the darkness of the drain,
And little bits of myself circling it.
Donielle Jul 2020
Just when things begin falling into place,
Like stars dancing above the earth in some grand display,
The wings fall off the butterflies in my stomach
And the sun burns out.
Donielle Feb 2021
Sleep sound, love,
And the let myself and the shadows handle the world for the night.
I'll keep the blanket straight and the darkness will cater your dreams.
I'll trace the constellations on your back and the darkness can give them a place to shine.
Donielle Apr 2017
You're light and bubbly, intoxicating.
I drink you in,
and it goes straight to my head.
Inhaling your breath
I'm higher than
the mountains I would climb to
get my fix of you.
Your side of the bed hasn't even cooled
and I need more of you,
just one more kiss,
one more minute.
Just. One. More.
Donielle Apr 2017
A low rumble within my soul,
a flash of light in my eyes,
leaving me without a glint
of hope.
much hotter than a normal rain.
My body trembles with the fear
of not knowing,
the pain of surprise.
The wind blows within me,
and my hair stands on end.
Fight-or-flight time;
so often I've stood to fight,
only to be the fool in the end.
This time I feel it,
electricity in my legs,
A signal to run,
I can already feel
my feet pounding the concrete
like a hammer,
blowing the sidewalk to pieces
while my toes crunch in my shoes.
I run,
as fast as my body will take me,
far away from the place
where my heart lies
in shambles,
scattered among our ashes.
Donielle Aug 2020
Maybe I'll be presented
With something of higher priority
That I'll choose to ignore
Because the threat of being with you
Looms over me like a pinata,
Just slightly out of my reach.

You know,
Maybe might
Actually sting worse
Than an outright no.
Donielle Jul 2020
The journey to insanity seems long,
But worry not, as each attraction is short-lived--
Allowing for only a minute to stop
At each broken heart,
Late nights and early mornings,
Memories of dark
Under-eye circles and unbrushed hair,
And each iteration
Of the inability to recall the last time you ate a good meal.
Donielle Apr 2017
I am the rolled up dollar bill
making your pocket burn.
I will loosen the pain
and you can pick it off your face
while you sit up all night.
Donielle Sep 2020
Silent sunrise
Or cataclysmic rainfall.
The magic exists regardless of what you want,
But you have to make the choice whether or not you want to see just how beautiful it is.
Donielle Aug 2020
How many times can I really get back up
After being knocked down, again and again.
How many times do I get back up
Before I start calling myself stubborn?
Just let it be,
Accept failure for what it is
And call it out by name when turning out the lights.
Donielle Jul 2020
I fear the depths of your eyes
Because it's been so easy to get lost.
I dont know what's the sky
Or where the road is unfolding before me.
Those big blue orbs,
Pools of curiosity that beckon me to the edge.
I've always been a risk taker
And I'm thinking about jumping in.
Donielle Jul 2020
As a blooming flower in the garden I'm always plucked,
Used too many times for an indecisive man
To find his way,
Ripping out my petals, singing
"I love her, I love her not."
But as a wildflower, slurping up the raindrops and growing towards the sunshine,
You might be surprised what wishes come true
Now that I've taken root.
Donielle Apr 2017
Our lips meet like an
The pieces of debris
cannot be
traced to a source.
There is no me,
there is no you -
where one ends
the other begins.
We are
one infinite breath
One life,
the origin
of everything.
We lunge
forward and back
with our souls,
using only our hearts
to speak.
The corners of your smile
edge chasms
for my mind's feet to tread,
my tongue,
a soft landing for you
to count on.
Our mouths,
two pillows
in the midst of a battle
only to be won,
by our forces
bringing peace
to the wrinkles
in our bedsheets.
Donielle May 2017
How easily I could give in,
allow my soul to harden
as the evil rakes its claws across my skin,
trying to swallow my soul.
How easy it would be
to allow the hate to consume me,
I could release,
all my rage built up inside.
But instead I just paint my nails black.
Donielle Oct 2020
She was too busy screaming
To hear him quietly realizing his mistakes.
But eventually the world went quiet,
And as she retreated to lick her wounds and move on,
He learned her favorite song and sang it patiently,
Every night,
Until the melody lead her back home.
Donielle Apr 2017
I want to dance
across your eyelashes like fingers on a piano.
I want to curl those fingers,
twirl them in your beard
like ballerinas,
twisting and jumping
gently with grace
across the stage.
I want to be close to the city of your soul,
listen to the sounds
that echo off the buildings of memories.
I want to be a tourist of you,
snapping pictures and
standing in awe
of the landscape that is your temple.
I'll build a monument to you,
an ode to your good deeds-
we could fill a museum with you.
I want it to rain in your voice,
pour over me
so I can drink your thoughts
and grow toward the sun of your smile.
I want to reach down
and dig my fingers into your Earth,
fill my mouth with your soil
and let your nature consume me
while I consume
I want to bathe in your ocean,
wash my sins away
while I exalt in yours.
I want to feel your ground beneath me,
steady and sure,
as I take this journey,
my pilgrimage to your heart.
Donielle Sep 2020
You get what you see
With me
But what you don't see
Is what ill always keep inside.
It is not yours, but mine,
And if I choose to show you
It is still mine.
I will take it with me when you go,
Or ask me to leave,
And then all you have left
Are the promises
You couldn't keep.
Donielle Jul 2020
Once I have the perfect words in my pocket,
I could write love notes on paper airplanes
And preserve our youth -
The novelty of what makes it so  special -
Filling Mason jars with all the ways you make it easier to get through the day.
Donielle Oct 2017
Our mouths are clogged with lazy abbreviations and shortened versions of intelligence.

Hands bound with all the cords needed to charge and sync and transfer data to our brains, empty of original thought.

Our storage is at max capacity with the lies we're fed and the senseless information we're expected to regurgitate to earn our badge of Respected Member of Society.

But you have an opportunity to do things with purpose. Don't jam your pockets with phone numbers and calendars and one hundred versions of the same picture.

If your pockets are heavy, may they be weighted with the rocks you find while you walk beside the river that calms you.

And if your eyes grow tired, may it be from staring into the distance at the mountains you were born to climb.
Donielle Jul 2020
I want to learn little tricks to make me interesting at parties
Because who doesn't love a girl
Who has more to offer than who she is.
Donielle Apr 2017
Lead him with a leash,
drag him along like the dog that has died
but you won't give up your walk.
You took your shot at the love
but you missed,
now you think you can give it another try.
Bounce back in like there's no penalty,
like hearts don't break,
as if you can simply tape it back together
and it will continue beating.
Just because you don't have a scoreboard in life
doesn't mean the points don't count.
When everything is tallied up
at the end of the day,
will you really come out on top
like you hope?
Donielle Aug 2020
or what, would you be running from,
or to?
Would you be aiming for a vacation, some relaxing,
a respite in the sand?
Or would you be trying to escape something,
or someone,
that is persistently after you in this moment?
Upon prompt,
did your mind flip to a lover's arms, a safe place of warmth
or did your stomach drop
at the thought of a pair of cold,
sharp eyes you'd love to hide from?

Or are you one of the lucky ones,
one of the blessed that feels no discomfort in this exact place and time?
"If you could pack up and leave today, why would you?"
Donielle May 2017
The beast slinking in your eyes
scans my body,
searching for placement of your first bite.
The heat from your fire burns,
Soaking me in the desire that drips from your teeth.
Shooting stars land on my shoulders
where you rip me open,
and your gods steal my breath
to coax a song from my heart.
Donielle Oct 2020
Everything I thought i knew
Ceased to be true the moment
You smiled my way.
The green of the sky dropped out
And purple doves shot rainbows out their eyes.
Nothing in the world is as it was,
But my hand is in yours
And there's no more denying
It all makes sense.
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