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B Oct 2019
Look up there, really look.
The line of your sight and the path that it took.
Try to understand the truth of life’s vocation.
While you grasp the depths of its bitter isolation.
There is nothing up there, nothing watching.
Just a barren universe, casually mocking.
Existence is a catalog of aligned integration.
Just a system of knowledge and past information.
Your ability to experience in all of its brilliance.
Is merely the outcome of your required existence.
The world we inhabit, manipulate yet trust.
Is a game of mathematics that acts as it must.
For nothing can happen without the passing of time.
This is a terrifying, existential crime.
I’m just starting out and feedback is welcomed!
B Nov 2020
I am alone inside of you,
While being alone inside of me,
I am alone inside of everyone,
Who has ever met me!

Me, who is me,
Is he the me inside of you,
Or the me inside of me,
Could he be the me inside of anyone,
Who has ever met me?

But there is no me, or even you,
No single individual,
Can really be true,
When they’re created by the minds,
Of really quite a few.
Your identity lives not only in you but in those you have met, don’t be bound by it
B Dec 2020
Adrift asleep,
Among the stars,
Existence pops in,
As it discards,
Flickers of light,
Rush right past,
The cosmic giant,
Slumbers so fast.
Time is relative, even for the stars.
B Dec 2020
Adrift asleep,
Among the stars,
Existence arrives,
As it discards,
Flickers of light,
Rush right past,
The cosmic giant,
Slumbers so fast.
Time is relative even for the stars
B Oct 2019
Every possibility presents itself as failure,
Every day merges into the last,
Every word torments the user,
Every moment reflects the past,
Every choice is torture,
While every mistake will be my last,
The fog is my saviour,
But I wish I wasn't sad.
I’m just starting out and would really like feedback!
B Oct 2019
I think it’s time to say goodnight,
My words are no longer In flight,
There are many things I want to say,
But these rhymes are leading me astray,
So goodbye my friends just for now,
I’ll comeback one day when I’ve figured how!
B Dec 2019
Expressions woven through madness,
The character confined by depravity,
It’s soul so incorporated with sadness,
Yet the power of hate lies in its clarity,
Observe the consequences of the sickness,
That tears a path through humanity,
Take advantage of their weakness,
Wear a mask of twisted anonymity.
“Some men just want to watch the world burn”
B Mar 2020
Why do we do what we do,
When all we need to do,
Is do what we don’t,
It’ll fix every problem we have,
Yet for some reason we just won’t
B Oct 2019
One day in the future.

Someone will look at you.

They will try to define.

All the things you do.

They will ask themselves.

What it meant to be you.

They will ponder all the choices.

All the things that you knew.

They will wonder why you didn’t.

When you knew it to be true.

They will see that your problem.

Is your human through and through!
Don’t let your legacy be,
That you could have acted and you didn’t
That you acted when you shouldn’t
B Dec 2020
God is dead, and my world is so much bigger.
God is dead, and my life is so much smaller.
God is dead, and I am alone for ever.
B Dec 2019
There is no dark and no light, no wrong and no right.
There is no pain and no pleasure, no chaos and no measure.
There is no want and no need, no gift and no greed.
There is no love and no hate, and we are not governed by fate.
They are all just words,
Learn to accept it, before it’s too late.
B Dec 2020
Offspring! to all of creation.
A child! of your own constellation.
In the universe's own desperation,
to define a single location!
Along the dismount of concentration.
The ever growing degradation.
Bound only by your imagination.
So stand up!
And be, it’s salvation.
B Apr 2020
Offspring! to all of creation.
A child! of its own constellation,
In the universe's own desperation,
To define a single location!
Along the dismount of concentration,
The ever growing degradation,
Bestowed the gift of observation,
And bound only by its imagination.
Grown by it's internal elevation.
Tainted by surrounding information
But powered! to stand up! and be it's salvation.
Embrace life
B Oct 2019
Before my feet you fall
Your twist and turns
Your heights of hard gruel
Years of travel and tracks
Is why you have grown
Yet you lead me through bliss
And deep into the unknown!
B Oct 2019
I am whatever I need to be.
I am never what I want to be.
B Oct 2019
Why does the moon cry,
When the sun leaves her sight,
Does she not know,
He shines for her bright!
Want comes before doubt knocks at your door
B Oct 2019
When you’ve lived every human life there ever was,
You will finally be ready to join your brothers in the cosmos!
B Dec 2020
Love is learnt and failure leads to hate.
The journey is our gift and the cage that seals our fate.
B Oct 2019
I wake to a world,
I no longer know,
The pain that I feel,
Has begun to grow,
The life that I live,
Is no longer worth it,
But then it dawns,
I never had it.
Every morning is a battle,
Every night has to end.
B Jul 2021
Adrift asleep,
Among the stars,
Eternity sleeps,
Existence discards,
Flashes of light,
Rush right past,
While this cosmic giant,
Slumbers so fast.
B Jul 2020
I awoke today, my surroundings seemed distant and bleak. While I stared across the horizon of strange shapes and monoliths, my eyes where drawn to a window. The grey light drawled in and infected my habitat, rushing over everything as it darted straight for me. I lay there, or stood, yet I existed. My head was occupied by nothing and all my concepts had failed. The weight of all things bare down upon me and I am lost eternally in the dark.
B Dec 2020
Hello, poetry?
Where have you gone,
The world needs you now,
To sing it’s song.

Hello, poetry?
Where have you gone,
You sang so proud,
But now, you’ve gone!
B Jan 2020
Down here, the river is king,
It’s path through the rocks,
Is how it does sing,
Tunnels and chambers,
Left only in it’s wake,
The beauty of nature’s,
Elegant mistakes.
Time does stand still,
And the air fails to travel,
Light dances endlessly,
Above the gravel,
But the majestic secrets,
This dwelling does hold,
Will reveal themselves,
To only the bold
B May 2020
To Question Is To Understand
To Understand Is To Suffer
To Suffer Is To Live
B Oct 2019
This voice in my mind,
Screams at me that it’s time,
To lose control,
And say goodbye to it all!
He won’t leave me alone,
He’s even taken my home!
B May 2020
Look up there, really look!
The line of your sight and the path that it took.
Try to understand the truth of life’s vocation.
While you grasp the depths of its bitter isolation.
There is nothing up there, nothing watching.
Just a barren universe, casually mocking.
Existence, is a catalog of aligned integration.
Just a system of knowledge and past information.
Your ability to experience in all of its brilliance.
Is merely the outcome of your required existence.
B Dec 2019
The saddest thing I have ever seen,
Was a baby duckling all alone in a stream,
In search of guidance left and right he looks,
Before being beguiled and taken by the rooks.
A simple allegorical poem about the challenges of growing up
B Oct 2019
You hang there incandescently bright,
Fighting a battle with a dark night,
Only a part of your face is in our sight,
Yet your weight pulls our oceans tight,
Even the wind can feel your might,
The sky’s most loyal knight!
B Oct 2019
I’m stricken by the sight of you,
You cleave my soul in two,
One side wants to have you,
The other wants to run!
B Oct 2019
We adorn our masks, of physical taste.
While our mental states, lay in waste.
We keep up face, and carry on.
So you do not see, how far we've gone.
We turn our eyes, on to you.
To stop you seeing, straight through.
We fear our minds, and what they do.
For time alone, is time to rue.
We are not all as we seem
B Nov 2019
We wait for a tomorrow that never comes,
When what we wanted has already begun!
B Dec 2019
There is only myself, and I will do what I please.
I do not care for you, and I exist like this with ease.
The pain that I have suffered, has made my soul seize.
A world full of hate, has brought me to my knees.
The suffering will continue, to varying degrees.
All I can do is live out, this insidious disease.
B Oct 2019
The idiotic ideology of internally inactive
B Oct 2019
The destruction of silence
Tares a path through my skull
And reverberates the darkest parts
Of my already shattered soul!
B Apr 2020
A candle can only stand so long against the never ending dark.
It flickers and wanes as it struggles to leave its mark.
This game will always be won by the never ending dark.
A simple allegorical poem about depression.
B Oct 2019
Why do we crave the dark,
Why do we want the pain,
Why do we wish for hurt,
Why do we give it a name!
We are our most damaging to ourselves
B Jun 2020
The trail of destruction,
The silence of screams,
All of humanity,
Forgotten to dreams.

The silence of life,
That has become no more,
Haunts only the rocks,
And the broken sea floor.

The storms that once ravished,
Humanity’s home,
Now carry fire,
Melting even their stone.

The ground is all scarred,
Where the meadows once grew,
Just a crack in the surface,
Where rivers once drew.

Night and day,
No longer opposed,
The contrast of weather,
No longer imposed.

The passing of time,
Is no longer consistent,
The bonds of its measure,
No longer resistant.

The world is all quiet,
There is nothing to hear it,
Existence is lost,
While nothing can live it.
Read slowly
B Oct 2019
Anxiety makes me seem peculiar.
Anxiety stops me from being a monster.
Anxiety is the belt that confines my strengths.
Anxiety is the filter that hides my atrocities.
With out my anxiety I would never be and with my anxiety I cannot be
Feedback on all my writing is greatly appreciated!
B Sep 2020
The days after the revolution, have turned sour,
We lost what was important, in that bitter hour,
We gave our strength, in the face of their power,
We confined ourselves, in this political tower,
We grew them in hate, like a poppy flower!
The uprising must come before the fall
B Oct 2019
The saddest thing I’ve seen,
A baby duckling in a stream,
Left and right he looks,
Before being taken,
by the rooks.
The decisions our youth take,
Will ultimately define there shape
Be kind to them,
And guide them through their mistakes
B Oct 2019
There is veracity in our vernacular,
Rhythm in our rhetorics,
This power that I speak of,
Lies only with the poets.
For all of you lovely people, the world needs more of you!
B Oct 2019
It spoke again,
In the dark recess of my mind,
This voice of mine,
The one I blame,
For all my crimes!
Feedback greatly encouraged, I want to be a better writer!
B Oct 2019
The trail of destruction,
The silence of screams,
All of humanity,
Forgotten to dreams.

The silence of life,
That has become no more,
Haunts only the rocks,
And the broken sea floor.

The storms that once ravished,
Humanity’s home,
Now carry fire,
Melting even their stone.

The ground is all scarred,
Where the meadows once grew,
Just a crack in the surface,
Where rivers once drew.

Night and day,
No longer opposed,
The contrast of weather,
No longer imposed.

The passing of time,
Is no longer consistent,
The bonds of its measure,
No longer resistant.

The world is all quiet,
There is nothing to hear it,
Existence is lost,
While nothing can live it.

So the pain has all gone,
The tears have dried,
Humanity lived wrong,
Now the planet has died
I’m just starting out and feedback is welcomed
B Nov 2019
We take back the power, for the people,
We fight to the last, for the people,
We work together, for the people,
We ask no questions, for the people,
We accept all information, for the people,
We hate those we are told, for the people,
We sacrifice the individual, for the people,
We live and die, for the people,
For the people!
The people....
What people?
The worst crimes in history,
Where committed with the best intentions!
B Oct 2019
My cart draws on,
But life goes no further,
It twists and turns,
My grip gets tighter,
The path I chose,
Won’t go on for ever,
Yet I cling to this cart,
I can’t hold on much longer.
As time goes on,
My hold gets lighter,
It bucks and kicks,
I thought I was a fighter,
Can I let go,
I can’t go any further,
I don’t want to be here,
Fighting any longer.
My tracks seem to go no further
B Dec 2019
They spoke with warmth, their ideas so bright.
They told us for too long, we have had to fight.
It’s time to take it back, they told us all with might.
It’s time to end humanity’s, bitterly long night!

The next day we rose, with a correction of sight.
While the white men in their towers, look at us with fright.
Because our power now displayed, so ominously bright.
Now we fight together, for everything’s that’s right!
B Jun 2020
They spoke with warmth, their ideas so bright.
They told us for too long, we have had to fight.
It’s time to take it back, they told us all with might.
It’s time to end humanity’s, bitterly long night!

The next day we rose, with a correction of sight.
While the white men in their towers, looked at us with fright.
For our power now displayed, so ominously bright.
Now we fight together, for everything’s that’s right!
B Dec 2019
The Veracious veracity of the voxpopli vernacular
Your voice does count
B Oct 2019
Where does the sun go,
When he’s not in the sky.
Does the moon know,
Or does she just cry?
B Jun 2020
Isn’t it funny, how life can fall,
Yesterday things were great, I felt so tall,
But today it’s all gone south,
Now all that’s left,
Is this bitter taste in my mouth,
I had no idea life would go this way,
I was happy for a time,
but it’s all gone today,
Yesterday was time for action,
But it’s too late now,
My life has lost its traction.
You wake up to realise you’ve fallen a very long way
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