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Latina1813 Feb 2018
You agree
When you want to shout, curse, and swear
The Almighty....answer this weeping willow
Made of concrete air
Of unfeeling movement
You cower behinds browned bodies, montezuma minds, and your license
Power to go as you please, be as you please, please help me to see
The inner child trapped in mordant cornerstones, and sitting on your own weight
To grasp the folly by the throat and twist him into existance
Not so much absolution
In agreement with other fancies
Prayers unanswered
Dwelling on ginger hands and knees
In ******* when his course has never enter into being....real
Or really close
His path to plunge thick into purple passionate trance
His path askew from my own
Though a followed trendy line
A drink
When it makes your journey into trees, and speed, and gluttony
A laugh
When scorned mouth spewed and sput into russet wounds already *****
A smoke
When it clogs your memory into patchwork and quilted thoughts unwoven
Youre unspoken!
You agree?
Write this about a friend who never spoke their mind and always agreed with everyone else. Its like we all never got to really know him.
Tashea Young Dec 2017
My scars are NOT just scars sometimes they remind me of traumatic experiences.
Sometimes people would stare at them with a look so curious, that I myself, would become furious.
Because my scars felt like a punishment of a series of consecutive jail sentences.
They had me Feeling overwhelmed by weariness
So I put up a fence to hide what I believe was my hideousness.
Then my naked eyes realized the true lies, that behinds these marks are where the truth hides
My scars are NOT  just scars they are Evidence of a Wound, evidence that after pain healing must come soon.
My scars are a sign to show Life was adjusted just as a violin being tuned
My scars are not just scars they show that I have gone thru a Transformation.
My scars are not just scars The give me motivation in my times desperation.
My scars aren't just scars They signify even after my trails, I am Triumphed!
My scars are Marks Of my pass History to celebrate even I was hurt I have the victory! For Greater is He that is within me.
My scars are NOT just scars, they show that God was With me thru it all Truly!
My scars are not just scars they are Permanent sacred Marks Of Beauty.
Sitting in the car
Waiting for traffic to move
The cold rain tumbling down the window
The drops collide into a single line.
Inside my father and I wait in the warm heat.

We probably just left to get pizza,
Or Chinese food,
A regular Friday night.

The sound of the radio hums softly in the background.
The soft rumbling of the engine.
The drumming of the rain.

Not a word is spoken
between my father and I,
Each of us just ******* up the silence.
Breathing peacefully.

Over the radio comes a song.
A little old, though well known.
Wimoweh, wimoweh, wehoweh, wimoweh.

We both know this song.
Grinning we turn the radio up.
Singing along. Dancing along.

With each beat of the drum
My father touches the brake.
Quickly, rapidly
Making the car ****.

The car behinds us honks the horn
Making us laugh harder.
My dad persists.
Continuing in this child’s play.

Suddenly it doesn’t matter,
that it is pouring, or
that we are stuck in traffic.
It only matters that we are having fun.

The song ends.
The radio gets turned back down.
We return to our former silent state.
Jupiter moon v Saturn Methane

Today Javk Dyer and Chris Mainwaring are having a fun day at Jupiter Moon oval, to celebrate the after life UFL tournament, and Jack Dyer started the ball rolling with two space kickers, Daniel Morecmbe and Graham Thorne, and Graham Thorne kicked about 2 goals and 17 behinds and he beat Daniel Morecambe who just kicked 1 goal and no behinds and after they was over we went to the handball competition run by Tony Campbell, and we had some great participants like Don Bradman and Tony Grieg, and Zara Baker came in and was the first to get a bulls eye, and she got it twice, and also Peter Sargent handballed two through the bullseye and him and Zara were looking like winning, untill Blske came in and scored a superb bulls eye three times and he won the hand ball competition, there were two more entries, who were Peter Harvey and graham Kennedy, but neither of them got bulls eyes, so Peter Sargent won the prize, the next thing was the tie up footy game, you see if you miss a goal you get a part of your body ******* and if you get a goal, you don't, so the aim is to not get it wrong, because you will find it hard to get free to kick your next attempted goal, so the first was Naomi Innes, and she kicked a behind and Ted Bundy tied her legs together, and then Brett Eggins kicked a great goal, and he yelled put, boys are better, your going down little girlie, and then Zara Baker kicked a goal and she went over to Brett and said, girl's are smarter than you, na, nani, na na, then Scott Macdonald came up and kicked a goal and went up to Zara Baker and said boys rule the afterlife, chicks rule the bed afterwards, and then Marilyn Monroe came over and kicked a behind and the boys tied her legs together and both Naomi and Marilyn were trying to be free the next time, and then River Phoenix had a shot and he scored a behind and he disgraced the boys when Ted Bundy came out and tied his legs together, yes Ted felt good and the final person was Micheal Jackson, and he scored a beautiful goal, and now for the second and last series, and first Naomi with her legs tied together, tried to push her legs up, and because it was tbe afterlife, Naomi pushed her legs and showed us her skills she learnt in death, then Brett Eggins, kicked another goal, and Brett said I am the ruler of this afterlife, no one will beat me, no way no chance no hope and then Zara Baker, who requested to run with the ball with defenders trying to stop her, but that was a trick, because little Zara Baker was too fast as she swung around everyone and scored her second goal, and she said, go Zara, go Zara, I am the greatest in the afterlife, oh yeah I am and then Marilyn Monroe came to magically kick with her feet tied together, and she tried a full somersault over the top of Jupiter moon and scored a great goal and Marilyn said, I am the greatest kicker in the after life, and seeing I don't know much about Aussie rules, I seem alright, dudes, River Phoenis had the next kick and he wasn't too lucky and Ted Bundy tied his hands together as well as gag his mouth, and he is the loser, so he is going to burn in hell or get burnt by the methane, whatever came first, Micheal Jackson came in next to score a great goal,  and Zara, Brett and Micheal Jackson were our winners, congratulations to you 3 dudes, yes this was a great day at Jupiter moon, and everybody had fun.
When I was young, I used to
Watch behind the curtains
As men walked up and down the street. Wino men, old men.
Young men sharp as mustard.
See them. Men are always
Going somewhere.
They knew I was there. Fifteen
Years old and starving for them.
Under my window, they would pause,
Their shoulders high like the
******* of a young girl,
Jacket tails slapping over
Those behinds,

One day they hold you in the
Palms of their hands, gentle, as if you
Were the last raw egg in the world. Then
They tighten up. Just a little. The
First squeeze is nice. A quick hug.
Soft into your defenselessness. A little
More. The hurt begins. Wrench out a
Smile that slides around the fear. When the
Air disappears,
Your mind pops, exploding fiercely, briefly,
Like the head of a kitchen match. Shattered.
It is your juice
That runs down their legs. Staining their shoes.
When the earth rights itself again,
And taste tries to return to the tongue,
Your body has slammed shut. Forever.
No keys exist.

Then the window draws full upon
Your mind. There, just beyond
The sway of curtains, men walk.
Knowing something.
Going someplace.
But this time, I will simply
Stand and watch.

Meagan Moore Jan 2014
Draped in fresh-knitted pearls
we traipsed
into saccharine peach orchard

The summer heat loped about our dew-kissed ******
****** - appropriated from dawn spent on neatly shorn plantation grass

Ambling into the knotted palatial arbor
we sat each in our own tree crux
behinds nestled upon ashen bark

Juice dripping in our grip
down our cast nets of flesh
sprawled about the branches
inset with gravity-defying liquescent orbs
dusted in translucent mink
painted with smears of
citrine, coral, amber, and ichorous
clinging to brass stem

The rondures secede to mandible
taut between palms pull and polished ivories
- torn-

Fluent in dulcet discourse
We cloak ourselves in provocative juice tatting
Until such time that our congealing garments
were found mapping the bark's topography
A saccharine map to the breath of soil

Bloodstone ants found our map
and had begun traversing - portent
to seize our treasure

We surrendered our jewelled cages
and took flight
to the sun-drunken lake to bathe
and swim
until heavy lids kissed moistly
heavily supped on the draught
sleep - beckoned transience
Zhivagos Muse Nov 2014
It comes to you in your darkest days,
disguised in a familiar face,
It whispers words you've waited for,
uttered with eloquence & grace.

It touches your skin, holds your face,
Then consumes your self worth without care.
It hides behind a mask, planning & scheming,
leaving you unaware.

It hugs you as you dry your eyes,
it fills your head & heart with lies.
It utters hollow apologies with no intention of change,
It shouts vulgarities in a crowded coney island,
Filling you with embarrassment & shame.

It fakes compassion as you wait to hear,
whether you may indeed have cancer,
You question why it chose you?
but you never get an answer.

It prays at every meal,
mocking God without fear,
It attacks your reputation, your humanity,
and all that you hold dear.

It hides behinds friends, half truths,
and a sea of endless lies,
It marinates in every excess,
so it never has to open its' eyes.

You cannot give it love, expect empathy, or regret,
It is never satisfied because its true needs are not being met.

I'll never understand the cruelty,
the why or even how,
But some things have no answer,
and it no longer matters now.

Despite what has been DONE TO ME,
This I will always implore,
Evil may destroy this world,
WILL win the war.
(* never be so quick to judge have no idea the hell they have gone through or are going through & remember abusers will show you only a morsel of the truth, they will tailor everything to make it seem as though they were the victim...I know because it happened to me. My hope is that this may help someone out there to know that you will survive, & in time, thrive. Sure I hope someday I receive a heartfelt apology, but I won't be holding my breath. It's heartbreaking what drugs & alcohol can do to someone. You know who you are. Please, get help & stop hurting others.
*and no, this is not about Mozart.
...a year ago I didn't want to wake my art is headed to the 2015 Golden Globes...thank you for taking the time to read this.)
Perig3e Dec 2010
I saw the best behinds of my generation destroyed by muffins,
strudel hydrolyzed aphids dragging themselves through Chicano streets at dawn for tickets to fix,
bagel headed tipsters yearning for flagrant connection to the sorry dim sum macarena nights ...

*apologies to Allen Ginsberg
All rights reserved by the author
John F McCullagh Jan 2012
The markets up, the Markets down
For weeks it just meanders.
Alas, my stocks are always down
Each time I take a gander.

GM, Lehman, Citicorp
My broker bought for me-
And you can guess the net result-
I’m broker now, not he.

Those friends who don’t avoid me
Say I’ve reversed Midas’ touch.
I don’t turn things I touch to gold
I turn gold into rust.

I’d heard dart tossing Simians
Can best the S & P
So I went to the Zoo this March
to consult a Chimpanzee.

He perused the chart then flung a dart
to pick a stock for me-
And now I’m getting margin calls
because I bought BP.

He seemed the sage of Omaha
before he ruined me.
I should have tried Orangutans
And paid their higher fee .

They wanted five bananas
My monkey worked for three.
But now I’m bust because I used
a discount Chimpanzee.

I might have dodged a massive loss
And profited besides
Had I but heeded the baboons’
Sell signaling behinds
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
you are fragile
and the boy in the year above you calls you fat
and the girl in the row behind says you look like a rat
and you sit and think about it for a few minutes
minutes turn to hours, hours turn to days
and soon you've lost track of the last time you ate
and soon you've become obsessed with your weight
you forgot what colour your skin used to be
because your arms are covered in red lines
and you cry all the time

you are fragile
and the girl in the hospital bed groans
she is short and she is thin,
skin and bones
this girl is you
and there is only one thing you need to do
but again, all you can do is cry
all you hear the doctor do is sigh
you hear the boy in the year above has died
drunk with a car, an upsetting fate
and the girl in the row behinds period is late
when was the last time you ate?

you are fragile
and the man in the street smiles
he stares for a while
he soaks up any sadness
laughs at your jokes
you are happy -
you remember what colour your skin was
and the last time you ate
because he has fixed you

*you are not fragile
louis rams Apr 2015
for centuries they have been around in  every city, village and town
they was known under many different names and yet no two
were ever the same.
they are known as the angels of mercy, also te kind hearted souls
who helped the sick , the dieing , the old.
they see aches, pains and suffering every day while family members
may hide or run away.
they share with the sick , stories. pains and tears
and they wipe away their fears.
their faces may be the last faces that the dieing may see
as they bring them comfort in the life to be.
nurses don't work under doctors , they work as equals with them !
they give them meds and hold their hands to let them know they understand.
the nurses are the soldiers on the battlefields who fight the wars
they are the ones who know the score.
when they have to turn a patient on their side so
that they can clean their behinds and making sure
they have no bedsores before they  walk out the door.
they also have times of joy when they see the birth
of a girl or boy, and of when a patient can walk out the door on their own
because of the caring a nurse has shown.
they are the last stop between healing and dieing
and of this there is no denying.
(C) L . RAMS042715
Dr Strange Jul 2016
I can't breath, I can't breath!!!
But because I'm big and black they continued to terrorise me
Choking me until I seized to gasp for my final breathe
Now I'm dead
Looking down from the heavens wondering how could this be
How could this be?
So let me get this straight
I died for so called selling illegally
And you would think it was at least **** I was selling
I was selling the american dream of creating
Creating a profit..
To take care of my family
Then they shot me
And I couldn't stop it
I saw death as clear as the time
What is this

And if that's not a crime
Then what is...

I told him I had a gun
Even asked him if I could get my license from my pocket
He said sure why not
But as I proceeded to reach for my pocket he shot me anyways
Now I'm dead
Looking down from the heavens wondering what did I do
What did I do?
Why am I looking at myself stained red
I got pulled over for a taillight but ended up satisfying someone's bloodlust
There wasn't even a fuss
But look at me now
Dead six feet under

And if that's not a crime
Then what is...

Can't you see
They're picking us off one by one
Getting off scott free by saying they feared for their lives
What about our lives
Shouldn't we be the ones panicking behinds our guns
We can't even take a jog down the street without being accused of something
Don't we have rights
Last time I checked we're human too
Not animals who deserves to be stuffed in cages
And poked with sticks like they did back in the ages
So how do we evade this
Better yet...
How are we supposed to survive this
Black lives matter
How many times do we have to say this
Just Me Jun 2013

She stands alone
Abandoned by those she called friends
Left behind by those she thought were her family
Left behinds
But not....

Embraced in a world of unseen white
Her guardian
Her angel
Wings smooth as silk
Soft as a feather
White as pure snow
Strong as steel

They surround her
Protect her from the harshness of the world
Her guardian angel
Never leaving
Always staying
Never seen
Always being

She stands alone, head bowed
Abandoned by those she called friends
Left behind by those she thought were family
Left behind
But not...
William A Poppen May 2015
There is just enough morning sunlight
filtering through the english laurel
for aging eyes to capture the purple tint
of carnations blooming
in the front of the rocks
jutting toward the porch

Night-time had been colorless
in the midst of a celebration
announced by a sign signaling
an event in the main ballroom

With a loud voice
a long-named minister
toyed with religion
and flirted with comedy
before the silverware
clanged against the china

Boredom captured the moment
in the middle of the clatter and chatter
Even stunning silks and satins
around bodacious behinds
failed to entertain

Now perhaps the oldest in the crowd
he carefully quenches each desire
to know the delicacies of the evening
with the efforts of survival.  He was slowly
dying in the madness of the crowd
My wife commented on this poem with "Obviously you didn't have a good time."
We had left  early morning for sight of the phallus stone
Dragging our feet through the stones of ice mountains
Our horses plodded on with us some times and without,
Our behinds   aching with their  bony backs in contact.
Old men sat hunched up in two feet long wooden boxes
On young men's shoulders , latter feet dragging stones
The boxes felt like our old men's journey of no return
To  a stone phallus to be bathed in tears in the snow hills
Where they will join a mountain stream and flow as river
To return to  plains and land in the seas of their villages.

The mountains were cruel and beautiful to our tired feet
The horses zigzagged their way up with their droppings
Filling the cold  air with a warm smell mixed with bodies
Their tails swished unending imaginary flies in  behinds
As they were lost to their green dreams of the mountains.

Old men paddled  all the way up in their wooden boxes
Crouched as in their mother's stomachs,with eyes shut
From their lips came muttering sounds like buzzing bees
That filled the empty silence of the hills in the morning.
It felt  as if  it was  a return to where they had started out
Where this  thing had begun, the sea of their first floating.
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, sometimes what we want is not what we're granted;>

brought to you

no you came brought to me

painted with lines on the finements of my destiny

not on the deads

in the lives you float

rent free on a mind I own

called boat

a ship a rocket you name

there is no bound no limit no aim

in the terror of my cave

you bring the symphonies you carve and pave

pave the way to my hands

to board their journeys

to make their plans

feel the world upon tips

like the steps of sand

the breath of land

the sight of dear

the sense of mere

the drip of downs

the realize of nows

the dive of sea

in blues of surreal

up taken by the fingers to a deal

of a fluent flow a pleasant kneel

not to the gods but to the clear

no more on the behinds of blood and set and Neptune

to a slender of a violin a shiver soon

you know your lights and shades on my moon

not aware of my nights anytime for you

although my gates are open to infinite

no stops to the intimate

you color you steep

on the curves of my leap

Sam Temple Aug 2015
is there any room for hope…
no longer is friendly white Jesus
waiting on a cloud with harp playing angles
that image has been replaced
with Catholic officials proclaiming
Alien saviors will soon be at our doorstep…
a doorstep sprinkled with nuclear fallout
and massive carbon and methane emissions
a doorstep in which hate resides
based on skin color,
religious dogma,
and anything else the media outlets
promote to the mindless ninnies
forever entranced by the glowing box…
a glowing box spilling lies onto children’s ears
forcing sexuality and violence on children’s eyes
promoting genetically modified foods
flavored with prescription drugs
for children’s mouths’
all the while singing about the future
and the world we are leaving behind…
and so many behinds must parish
so many parishes of Pharisees
pleading to the Presbyterians
that the Pleiadian’s
probably will save us all
from our own collective choices
or maybe they are coming to feed…
we feed on the flesh of the endangered
for status
we frolic in the delicate forests
for fun
we fight amongst ourselves
for fear
but I am free from that frivolity
Silence Screamz Oct 2014
What hide behinds, that ******* cloud?
Listen, real close..Shhh!!!

BOOM!!  Nice and loud!!!!

Flashes of light,
ballet across the sky.
Pulsating surges
electrify the night.

The mother is mad,
in all of her glory,
vengeance is amongst us,
hell hath no fury.

The rains subside,
damage is done.
No rainbows to see,
where is the sun?
Chirayu Writer Jun 2016
One Rose for you Madame
the most beautiful woman in the world.
My Story of love inspired from
" the Romeo and Juliet screening to the pink rose
Flattered in your Eyes, your voice
a memorial day of 24 hours
delivered your birthday night
Proposing you by this Rose to
promise you to live for the whole life & to shelter you in
my heart to define the Color of love
Fragrances around, the world you tuner of blooming night
Gifting you a secret beauty
Crafting up on the toes, folding hand behinds
Taking one hand forward with, Beautiful Rose to say,
               will you marry me?...

Answer : This story of love will never end until the Rose speaks your heart
voice to accept my proposal for the love life that's "yes".
Axiomighty Nov 2013
Seen something move out the corner of my eye
Can’t tell the difference between dreams and real life
Maybe that’s why I got such unrealistic visions
They tell me to create a real list of things I could be
But I ainte a realist, because life’s too silly to sit around waiting for the reel to end
They don’t see what I see
These pupils are blood shot with conformity stuck up their rear ends
They just live a broken hope smothered in icing, while I sit on the ledge
My brains got no drive these days, see it flies eh, I’m livin’ on a flaming jet
They keep asking me to flash my knowledge
Maybe that’s why they call it a mind-set
But hell, I only know ledge, never seen over the hedge
Is the grass greener?
I don’t know, I haven’t smoked it yet
I felt high above but then life got plain and crashed into the edge
Of the Earth
And I rose again like smoke does when things get heated
And I know the Earth isn’t flat, it’s got a nice set of behemoths
Ones Mount Everest
And then there’s me mounting every verse until I’ve fulfilled my thirst
Eating creativity alive and only leaving behind the skeletons
So when they pile up you can identify their behinds and come find me in my cabin
Would you like to see my trophies mounted?
Dates below from when they were founded?
They weren’t found, they were downed
And only a fool would mount’em
I’d rather stack’em and climb’em like a mountain
And prove I’m the chest of the world
Look inside and find golden albums

… What the ****, that was a weird dream
REM sleep sure knows how to deceive
And it left me with such a cliff-hanger too
Or should I say aircraft hangar
To store my fly art in ‘er
Feels like I was at a witch-craft banger
I’m feelin cursed as I spell
Feels like the devils got my voodoo doll
Maybe that’s why I’m on fire
I’m so tired my words tie together in red
The line between my dreams and reality is ceasing to exist
My two worlds dance, my thoughts prance and draw blood, in a beautiful dissonance
It’s only when I’m half asleep that I’m truly awake to my passionate presence
Insomnia is a curse and a blessing
Catrina J Nov 2013
rainy days come and they go.
so blissful they breeze by the seems of all we fail to know.
picking up the left behinds and whisking them away to a land..far away.
back in my day we would say "rain rain go away.. come back another day.
But unlike any other day i feel a calming comfort when alerted by bursts of winds and when the storm settles you'll fell better.

rainy days get the best of me.
they get my creativity.
they get that unlike the rest, i have yet to express the simplicity that's instilled in..rainy days.

we nuzzled together to ward off the cold but behold this rainy day came to the rescue to hold you in my arms. This blanket was our armor. this rain was our guard.
these memories will be ours.

soon enough the stars will appear in the distance and then we may dance & kiss til the end is near but sit for a second while the rain does his dance. give it chance to prance for a moment. for soon we shall own the night
Jackson Feb 2014
Passing Tweetsie on my way home from work.

In the Food Lion, low-calorie chicken soup
cans under tinny lights.
Sick-green avocados and riding-hood bacon
celebrated the day all your shoes moved in.
Can't we pair those together again?

The blank space on the floor
like a good friend's face seen
without glasses,
washed out.
the smell of my own laundry.
mi colada es su colada

By the pond, the gazebo we never spent time in
but might have.
The dusk-dark evergreens with delicate lace tips
like spidery lingerie
leggings ripped wide open,
recovered from the trash can.

Rainbow polka-dot gift wrap
on my light-blue chest,
flagship of her left-behinds;
A tawny feather earring, the lonely fore-mast
lacking a mate


Demure winter-cabin-smile, framed:
green scarf turned seaweed,
the face-down figurehead drowns.
A list of triggers, right after my girlfriend moved out. March 20th, 2013.
Chris Voss Jan 2014
When my grandfather passed away, my brothers and I held my dad with slanted eyebrows and stiff, silent upper lips. Because we are young and foolish and still learning. Because we’d never really had to do the holding before and, as far as we knew, this is how men mourn.

We dusted antique left-behinds with delicate, moth-wing hands that fluttered here and there and never stopped trembling -- dead giveaways that within the corridors of our arms our heartbeats went stampeding, arrhythmic. We couldn’t quite bend them into the proper shape for prayer, so instead we ran them, with touch somewhere between float and feel, along every ashtray and age-stained picture album. In that moment I think we each wished that memory read like braille, but no one ever said as much. Because this is how men mourn.

We honored our patriarch with whiskey, hidden away for what must have been twice my age, between the carved out pages of old stacked books.
We drank like secrets. His portrait played witness.

We promised between our teeth with tinged lips tight, keeping words in that might otherwise crumble us like great ancient empires.

We singed and smoldered in a burn that coated our throats, quelling a choke that kept climbing its way up from a chest that never quite stayed sunk. Boys grow up loving the clinking twist of unlocking deadbolts but men peek through keyholes. Because this is how men mourn. Silent and straight with head only slightly slanted.

But when my father betrayed his rigidity with words that clicked clean like unfastening locks, we traded this stale air in for wind laced with the electric taste of thunderstorms. We forgot how men mourn.

When my grandfather passed away, my brothers and I held my dad with lightning behind bleared eyes. Because we are young and foolish and still learning. Because we have umpteen days left to dress in bittersweet vestiges and, as far as we know, this is how men live on.
kristine marie Jun 2013
I like the way you look at me.
Your eyes have that little twinkle
and your pupils dialate --

I can see it clearly in the pale green of your irises.
The corners of your lips curl into a smile, a smirk, a grin,
and the butterflies in my tummy start to flutter all over.
They creep into my bloodstream and send tingles throughout my limbs,
a tantalizing numbness that I'd savor 'til the end.

I like the way you look at me
when your fingertips graze my skin.
Goosebumps raise and my heart begins to race
as your hands find themselves in the right place;
Thighs, hips, and behinds; *******, necks, hands tangled in hair.

I see that twinkle in your eye and the grin playing on your lips,
and your usual pale green eyes darken a deeper shade of lust --

or is it love?

That sultry look and your bedroom eyes,
the rasp of your voice and your hand on my thigh --

*is this love or is this lust?
written on may 29, 2013; originally posted on my blogspot as a drabble.
You're a mad rapper
I'm a mad hatter
Ideas in my head always bleeding
So lyrics you won't be needing
You spit them
I write them
You rap them
I rhyme them
Lines we be exchanging
Like I'd be interchanging
The lanes fast on the freeway
Paving the roads leading away
From the ghetto
Like Pinocchio was to Geppetto
We be each others woodwork
Combined we be the spork
Together in our minds
Like buns on girls behinds
We ain't getting lost
Whatever the cost
We'll stay in the light
Never fly stay and fight
Cause we be the illest
Cough Cough we infect the rest
Wanting to be part of the fuss
They try and copy 'r' us
But they will never ever
Be as swift or as clever...
© okpoet
Big Virge Oct 2014
They say they want men
who speak ... " The Truth " ... !!!!!
But ...
when they get them ...
What do they do ... ???
Run like ...  "The Wind" .......
in ... High-Heeled ... shoes ... !!!?!!!
See ....
Girls like this ...
like to act ... "The Fool" ... !!!!!
They'd rather stick ...
to men who choose ...
to ... tell them ... Lies ... ?!!!?
to ... SPREAD ... "Their Thighs" ... !?!
So ...
Why ... Oh Why ... ???!!!???
do they ... always try ...
to blame ... All Men ...
for their ... " Problems ! " ...
Once they find out ...
that they've been ... HAD ... !!!
"Stupid ***** !!!
fell for his ****,
and now dumb cow
you've got his kid !!!!!
So then you licked
and rode his ****,
you've made your bed
so, lie in it !!!!!
don't run your mouth
cos' you've been clowned"
" You gave YOURSELF
The RUN AROUND !!!!!! "
" BUT YOU DON'T KNOW !!!!! "
" Oh here we go !!!
I don't know ... WHAT ... ?!?
How you got ... stuffed ... !!!
and ... put in ... " Cuffs " ... !!!
Try ... "Listening" ... Love ... !!!
cos i've heard ... ENOUGH ... !!!
You're the type ...
The ... " Man-***** " ... Like ... !!!
Gal' with .... " Weak Minds " ...
but ... STRONG ... Behinds ... !!!!!!!!!
The type who fall ... for ...
...... Any Old Line ...... !!!!!! "
cos there ... THEY GO ... !!!!!"
" The girls now known
as .... Stupid **'s .... !!!!! "
The ones who think ...
Their ... " *****-Hole " ...
will make man .... sink ....
whenever it's shown ....
or ... gives a ... Wink ... !!!!!
Even when ... it's ...
.... " CLOSED " .... ??!??
From what I ... HEAR ...
Dem' holes dem' ... STINK ... !!!!!
of ... NAaaaaAArsty Things ... !!!!!!!!
that may just bring .....
" Your Nose " ...... to ..... " TEARS " ...... !!!!!!!!
Holes like ... "These" ...
" Harbour " ... " DISEASE " ... !!!!!
NOT ... " Sweet ******* " ...
So ...
" Listen up chief ! "
"Wrap up son ... PLEASE ... !!!!!
Don't give these ... FREAKS ...
.... " Little Kiddies " ....
Yes ... make them ... WET ... !!!
"AGAIN and AGAIN ... !!!!! ...
Then ... " Walk Away " ...
when you've played ... SAFE ... !!!
Son, make your game ....
FILL UP ... Their Brain ... !!!!!
cos it's fair to ... wage ...
it won't have ... MUCH SPACE ... !!!!!!"
"Hit the ... SPOT ...
when ... ******* ... DROP ... !!!!!
Then .... " Hit The Road " ....
before they ... Throw ........
Your Game ... " Off Course " ... !!!!!
"I'm pregnant and
The Child is YOURS !!!"
it won' take ... long ...
to see her change ... !!! ...
"TRUST" ...
No More ... THONGS ... !!!!!
No More ... *** GAMES ... !!!!!!
No matter ... What ...
They ... Try To Say ... !!!!!
These girls ... " Switch Lanes " ...
like spies ... change names ... !!!
Soon ... what they ... CLAIM ...
and ... what they say ...
and ... what they state ...
when it comes to ... LOVE ...
doesn't quite ... " ADD UP " ... ?!?
They're ... Quick  to use ...
Their mouths to ... SHOUT ... !!!!!
about ... Mens' moves ...
that ... leave them ... " ******* !!! " ...
"I really loved him !
he was so slick
I never thought
he'd leave so quick !!!"
"Well, it's clear
you didn't think !!!
but, what about now ???"
"He's a liar and a cheat
who just, used me !!!"
"Stupid cows !!!
See what I mean !!!!!"
They'll use their heads ...
to ... " Play " ... with men ...
IN FACT ... with ... BOYS ... !!!?!!!!
like kids do ... Toys ...
But ....
when ... " The Toy " ... Breaks ... !!!
and ... Runs Away ............................
They never accept ...
MISTAKES  .... " They've Made " .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It was all his fault !!!
He never talked ... !!!!"
"What about you ?
What did you do ??
Spread your legs ???
before a word was said !?!
or did you have *** ?
cos' of things he said ??
that filled your head
with false promises !!!"
Well ....
Here's some ... TRUTH ... !!!!!
The smoothest dudes ...
are quick to use ...
"Deceipt-filled" ... moves ...
to ... " Ease your mood " ...
So that they .....
Can ... YES ...
***** YOU ... !!!!!
Just like ... CLEVER ...
" RAPISTS " ... do ... !!!!!!!
Girls ..... " Beauty " ...
ISN"T ... Everything ... !!!!!!
Weak men will ...
PROMISE ... " ANYTHING " ... !!!!!!
because they're ... WEAK ... !!!!!
and ... Have To ... CHEAT ... !!!!!
to get to .... Split ....
Your ..... " Juicy Lips " ..... !!!!!
So ....
Think about this ....
cos' ... this IS ... My View ... !!!!!
If they'll do it for you ...
They'll do it for ...
The ... NEXT GIRL ... too ... !!!!!
You ... KNOW ... The Score ...
There are ... PLENTY of ... ****** ...
But ....
Enough about them
and their ... " Problems " ... !!!!!
The ... BIG PROBLEM ...
...... I think ...... ?!?
is with girls who .....
..... " ***** " ...... !!!!!!!!
About .... " Us Men " ....
when men ... " They Pick " ...
cause them ... " PROBLEMS " ... !!! ? !!!
They're quick to .....
..... " Suggest " .....
that they ...
" DON'T PLAY GAMES " ... !!!!!
and use their brains ...
when it comes to ...
" Picking Males " .....
and ... DON'T want men
with ... " Devious Traits " ... !!!!!
But .....
When ... " Strong Men " ... !!!
come at them ... " Straight " ... !!!
and move to ... them ...
" He's NOT ...
My Type ... !!! "
is the usual line ....
because .....
and came on,
Too Strong !!!!"
and then of course ...
They ... Make The Claim ... !!!
" There's no good men out there,
............ ANYWAY !!! " ..................
Well .......
....... " So They Say !?! " .........
Relationships & the FAIRER *** !?!?!?!
TLK May 2013
I shall love you in all the small moments; I shall live in those scant seconds when you forget. I will be the bursting seam of a lie in your mouth; I will nestle amongst the many frayed edges of your hungry anemone heart. Feed on our memories and sense the truth that true love stains you, through and through you are deep and black with this iodine. It soaks in and reveals the fractures, it lies behinds the smiles you manufacture. So now we cup our empty hands and wait for nothing. And it is in the small moments that this phantom's hands will touch yours, and your cup will fill to spilling with half-dreamed maybes.
R J Apr 2013
I'm excavating strained crevices in complete caves of royal silence,

A coil of better-left-behinds trail me
Frail me,
Bear in mind that I'm to blame.

Brute valor left undervalued
Caliber I drowned to death in her
A messenger of baptized alibis

Who am I who am I

Distant soundscapes of times ago
Blue-light memories aglow
I thought this was what I wanted…

If (only) I told you all my vaulted causes,
My daunted losses haunted with flaunted gauzes

I could have had what I always daydream of
But the day seems to have, still, just begun.










                                © Belema .S. Ekine
It Is International Women's Day today. Lets us all come together to show support for our women and girls. Men, boys, women, girls , we all need to work together to ensure that the future is better.
Giants of Manuka

Johnny’. Hello and welcome to the cold Manuka oval in Canberra for the last giants home match being played here and tonight, the opponent is the mighty Adelaide crows, who were last years runners up, and this year they meet with giants are 4th while the crows are on 12th, it should be a great game this evening and hopefully we won’t get anymore rain but we very well might and now at the gate here is Gil tucker, well Gil have we got any happy crowd members
Gil’. Yes Johnny we have 4 people from rivett singing a jingle they made up this morning
4 from Rivett’
Come on giants, the crows have had their chance, they lost last years grand final and we fell one game short but who cares about 2017 when the giants are still up in the 8 and if we win today we will be pressing to beat what we did for the last 2 years so carn the mighty giants mate pile the pressure on mate
Carn the mighty giants never give up without a fight
Go giants, Adelaide are finished
Go the mighty giants
Gil’. Thank you for that lovely bit of entertainment here at giants at Manuka and Johnny, I think it will be a lovely night for footy here at Manuka
Johnny’. Thank you Gil and now both teams are out on the ground training and getting a feel of the ground and there is no sign of rain at the moment but who knows what will happen later, now the banners of the giants and crows have just arrived on the ground and mate there are a lot people who are part of both teams especially the giants, playing to get themselves back to the top 4 and the mascots have come on the ground as well, this is very exciting ready for a footy party mate and what a party it is, first of all the giants running on, and then came the crows, this is going to be a great night for footy, and now over to Gil, with some more spectators chants
Gil’ thanks Johnny and here is Bradley Simmons from Queanbeyan with a song for you
Brad’ ok we are cheering loud
And also strong the team is the mighty giants
They will put on the power to get back in the 4
Where they ****** belong
I know the crows are good
But they have had their chances
Yes we must go one better this year
So the way we will do that
Is to win our last match here
In Manuka
Go giants of Manuka
Gil’ thank you brad and now back to Johnny
Johnny’ yeah,what a chant and I hope the giants have what it takes to win this evening
So let’s get ready to party dudes, let’s see if the giants have what it takes to beat the crows tonight
Quarter time
Johnny’ welcome to the quarter time show and our giants and the crows are head to head
Giants are 4 4 28 just 1 point in front of the crows 4 3 27 and it is a crackerjack game so far and dance cam has just started and they dance holding the ball in the air and meanwhile the giants and the crows are still in their groups and here is Gil with his fan
Gil’ yes here is rob
Rob go giants keep it up
A close first quarter now we must break away
Go giants
Gil’. Thank you rob and now back to the match
Johnny’ yes what a match this has turned out to be the crows are 7 7 49 to our mighty giants of Manuka 6 9 45, a very close match for both teams tonight and now over to Gil with some spectators with their chants, hopefully these chants will inspire our giants to play a good second half
Gil’. Thank you Johnny and yes it is a very exciting game and now here is Jane with her chant
Jane’. My name is Jane and I say right here
That the giants are good enough to win the cup this year
You see they need to hold their marks and kick goals rather than behinds but if they do that
The sky is the limit you see
So if you are enjoying this close game the giants are definately going to claim the fame
Go giants
Gil’ thank you Jane and now bob with his chant
Bob go go go go go the giants must win
Go go go go go go they are the best around
In every single town oh yeah
The mascots are having fun
But they prefer us to be leading
We need to cut them up till they are bleeding go giants go
Gil’ ok thanks bob and now back to Johnny
Johnny’ love the chants and now queen are blasting the stadium as our giants of Manuka have entered the ground as well as the crows and umpires, oh well here is the second half
Go the mighty giants
Johnny’ welcome to three quarter time and a great match with the giants getting back in front the giants are 11 14 80 to the crows 10 9 69, 11 points up and I can tell you that the giants have the power to win, but Adelaide are keeping it close
What a great game here is Gil
Gil’ thank you and now here is a chant from jack from Sydney
I love you I love you I love you said the umpire to the crows
I love you I love you I love you
We are counting all their wohs
The march has a quarter to go
So go the giants give us a go
Gil’ thank you and now time for the final quarter go giants
Johnny’ welcome to the full time wrap and what a win for the GWS, over the Adelaide crows
GWS 15 16 106 to Adelaide 13 14 92 and the giants of Manuka surely reigned supreme and here is Gil with some of the spectators
Gil’. Yeah what a win for the giants and that put them back in the top 3 and now here is Peter from Campbelltown with his victory song
Peter’ it is the big big sound
From Canberra town
The team is the mighty giants
They won the match
The crows will splat
In the boots before the giants
We jump up to our highest peak
Better than the rest
We are the greater western Sydney giants
Stronger than the rest
Gil’ thanks Peter and mate it was a great game
Peter’ yeah what a win by the greater western Sydney giants
Top win better than the rest
Go giants
Gil’ and now here is olly
Olly’ go giants we have won
We knocked the crows to kingdom come
Yes we’re great and we can make the grand final
We will be ready for the tigers
We will win
Go giants go giants go giants go
The team from Sydney with a lot of get up and go
Go giants
Gil’ yeah thank you olly and I can say just one thing go the mighty giants for 2018
And now back to Johnny to sign off from giants of Manuka
Johnny’ yeah, what a win
The giants 15 16 106 to the crows 13 14 92 and I want to say to all the kick to kick dudes
Just one thing, are you ready dudes
Kick to kick people’
And now we draw the final curtain
Yes it’s the giants triumphant against the crows
There were a few hiccups
But at the end it was totally wild
Everybody cheered forever
The party was pretty cool
Now let’s go home or to our parties yes go the giants yeseree
Go the giants
Johnny’ thanks for watching giants of Manuka and go the giants for the rest of the year ok
Catch ya dudes and dudettes
We can never never forget
our birth right !
we among we are we who are not
****** for the demiurg's

No one is !
self assured
are born with a silver platter
beneath their behinds
and golden locks around their hearts

Open the gates ! to compassion
to love and beauty

Mems are inherently deep
mims singing their song
of freedom forlorn

Endlessly lost in a wicked
vastness of matter

Dark tea time
The other one - is - medica !

Heal me
O'neal me
Nurture our love
Embrace me
Yearn to be yearned
(by her, by me)

Give me your spirit - to fly !
for a wide                    
I'll lend you - my shape !
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
previously inspired by Aha's old video and their magnificent
Chirayu Writer Feb 2016
Dear You!...,
                  This Letter Literate you by my world of Writing.!!..
       This is me a poetry teller
       Rhyming down the line
       Shimmering light of love
       Pouching out my heart
       in flame of different words..
       Gifting you a secret beauty    
       Falling down on knees
       folding hand behinds
       Rearing one hand by
       Beautiful Rose to say!..
      Will you be my valentine!...
     the rays of beauty shines on face
     where hides the blushing rose,
     Pride of fragrant poetry
     Prepared in sane of love;
    Garland meet for beauty's brows,
       Hill and dale adorning?
   Gentle maid the summer's fled
   And the hopeless Rose bright forever!!..
       Till the next Valentine day!!...
                                                       - Chirayu
Valentine's gift by writing poem
Bob B Oct 2016
Merle and June needed a break
From their Midwestern town.
Inundated with sales and receipts,
Both were starting to drown.
After years without a vacation,
June found an ideal
Vacation spot at a mountain resort,
And the price was a steal.
Ah, finally, to be one with nature!
To sit on their behinds!
To escape the intolerable prairie heat!
To put work out of their minds!
During their drive, Merle said, "Dear,
This trip should calm your nerves."
He couldn't see the fear in June's face
As he sped 'round the mountain curves.
Once they were settled in their cabin,
June's calm turned out to be brief.
Staring out the window she shrieked
"What?" in disbelief.
"Merle," she said, "On the path out there…
I tell you, I could have sworn
I saw a man and woman walk by
As naked as the day they were born!"
Grabbing her glasses to read the brochure,
June had to squint
To see that it stated "nudist camp"
In very, very small print.
More **** couples sauntered by
With body parts a-dangling.
"Bite the bullet," she said to poor
Merle whose nerves were jangling.
"Lock up all of our clothes in our safe
So no one can purloin 'em.
It states right here: No Refund, so
If you CAN'T beat 'em, join 'em."
So au naturel Merle and June
Enjoyed the fresh mountain air.
Then Merle got a mosquito bite
On his…well…you know…down there.
They started to feel a bit more relaxed
After sitting and sipping
On a few cold drinks. Suddenly, they realized:
They'd never gone skinny dipping.
Merle learned in the cool mountain lake
That he was a quick reactor:
Walking back to the shore he complained,
"Blasted shrinkage factor!"
Walking around unclad was fine--
With that they had no disputes.
But dining felt a little bit strange
In their birthday suits.
Swimming, golfing, hiking, riding,
And sunbathing were all fun,
But they burned parts of their bodies that
Had never seen the sun.
Burning his *** wasn't part of the plan,
Merle had to admit.
For three whole days it curtailed activities
Because he couldn't sit.
After two weeks of mosquito bites
And sunburned rumps they set
Off on their journey home from a trip
The two would never forget.
So, what lessons did they learn?
Being a nature lover
Is fine and dandy, but next time they'll do it
With some sort of cover.
And to feel the wind blow on them
Could put their mind at ease;
But they also learned that parts of the body
Don’t need to feel a breeze.

- by Bob B
Tom Lefort May 2023
The ones that leave us first,
Their uneven ground we ever tread.
Stumbling after each of them,
Wading through their wake.
But God forbid we take their path,
And fall hard upon such wasted life.
Fumbling for their left behinds,
Drowning in the same mistakes.

Tom Lefort - May 2023
Leal Knowone Sep 2016
So many may attempt to use words to describe the beauty in her eyes, but I do not attempt to hide behinds words that pale in comparison to the truth.
The true site of beauty she is, and the power she holds in her hands,
in her eyes, and between her thighs.
Idiotic mumbling, or dead silence may be more appropriate,
then trying to find the words that will never be as elegant as she.
Classy J Apr 2017
Blurred lines confined between dulled rhymes, yet I got one stone and a sling shot and I'll use it to take out the big rich bird. Blurred ideals and morals, for we lost touch with reality because yawl feel offended and I just think you're petty tantrum is so adorable. It's time for us to grow up, because you ******* are making me sick so give me a sec to throw up. Poor you dealing with first world problems, so selfish and entitled like ******* are you serious gosh ****. Blurred minds thinking you'll only be excepted if you fake who you are, and blurred thinking that says you'll only be cool if you have a fancy car. Blurred perceptions and expectations that wants a man or woman to look a certain way, but if you just accept that we are made from flesh not plastic and with that said **** the media and society. You are beautiful without make up, for their is no need to cake up your face and play dress up. No need to body shame, and there is no need to call other people names. Be a star don't be a bully, for we have all been through **** man so I don't give a **** what you're reason for doing it you still should just say sorry.

**** man I get it, but it's time to overcome it and not let it make you quit. Blurred lines of over indulgent minds, so helpless without material things that they freak out and attack you man these ******* need belts to their behinds. Blurred lines in terms of being a parent because it's apparent that some people grew up without parents or with horrible parents. Again though I repeat it's time to let offence and anger leave, because you best believe that you'll be not better than your oppressors and I hope you are listening to this message and it has been received. Blurred lines in terms of relationships, this worlds pressures us to have *** right away and with whoever but if you want something intimate then you have to look at relationships as a partnership. It takes time to develop trust, and it takes times to clear out your issues so when you're in relationship it sets up a confidence boost.

Because *** is great but so are drugs, but there will come a day where that begins to fade and it doesn't even feel good anymore to give yourself a quick rub or tug. What are you trying to shove down, what are you trying to cope with and why can't you seem to smile but can only seem to frown? Buying this or that, for it isn't coming with you in the afterlife so try thinking about that. Classy j you're being brutally honest, well yeah I want to make sure you have a wide view from a mountain instead of letting you stay blinded in the forest. Its time to focus on where the line is, it's time to build boundaries and do some inner analysis. Become a rebel don't become a mindless robot, and continue to be strong don't become feeble and let someone else be the pilot. I refuse to be a zombie or some sheep, I refuse to be a wannabe, but I will accept a faithful leap. A leap into the unknown as a unknown and come out of it changed and grown. For life does change you but it's a good thing that I'm already a strange dude with a talented range.
John McCafferty Jul 2020
With wearied ways the air looks grey
It's colour stains surrounding planes
Heavy clouds weigh eyelids down
Condensed to rest as momentum slows
Mellow tones and energy spent
Low on conversation goals
All but empty sentiments
No plans today, worn out to play
Sleep instead behinds your gaze
Dreaming to regenerate
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Listen to stories as I spill
Cuz this something that's too **** real
Hard for you to dodge my lyrical collage
So step with me into this reality first
I woke up then I looked up
I see it's a l
Past quarter to nine
And woodys on
At twelve
But forget that verse cuz it was only the spirits in a thirst
Called up a few homies while I'm laying in the bed
Watchin' Wilma and Fred then a thought occured to my head
I told my boys we should go out
Maybe a stripper club or diner
But either way we need to roll out
So I got dressed made sure I was good looking
Check the mirror even it was shooken
Got a make move moving real fast ya see
Cuz I gotta my Posse to G -E -T

My Posse on MLK My Posse on MLK
My Posse On MLK

Now once I pulled up in the ******* truck
Ya know the big Tahoe where I tie hoes? Get it
Naw I'm just clowning thinkin a groove so we can start soundin'
Off to beat our vocals meet
We acting real silly up goes the dilly
They playing throwback of Magoo and Timbaland on the track
Way back up jumps the boogie all in me
Now I'm amped with my Posse
We ready to get it crackin'
And no stoppin' us G
Like Reggie Miller on three top of key
Where we all love to meet
We check each other make sure we fresh
Cuz the girlies love to test the way we dress
So we now in the street bass bumpin' with the beat
Gotta admit I had to roll up a swisher sweet
Nothing to see here haters cuz we gettin ready to raid ya

My Posse on MLK My Posse on MLK
My Posse On MLK

As we make into the club I'm feeling real good
But I hate that songs scrubs
Girls stop fronting djs cutting
Got everybody in the club jumpin'
Mens is grinding on girls behinds and
And there me and posse in long line and
Next thing ya know they move us to the front row
VIP status man I'm feeling the baddest
Once we got on set
I told the dj to change the rec so I can show em
How cold me and posse gets
Once I touch the mic their  was a long silence
Microphone screeching
But stop once the rhymes started preaching
Everybody nodding having a good time
Out comes the rhymes break em every time
Throwin' hards thrills so ya better chills
Or else my Posse going to rearrange ya grill
Now that ya in a trance with my music
That's makes ya dance
And all this time they had nothing to say
Cuz my Posse to Ill from MLK
Seb Tha Guru Mar 2018
I said I put a lot of things behind me but,
I lied so..

My life is complicated.
I’m lost in this generation.
I mean..
I hate my state of mind.
I’m lost like a balloon trying to find its way,
And you see..
Today is my birthday.
But I’m trapped in my mind,
I can’t seem to ever have a good time.
I’m not the type that you bring home to mama in my opinion.
I’m damaged goods I must say.
I’m woman crazy.
My body’s lazy.
And that’s no where near it all.
I been in sadness for years just hoping soon you would call.

I wish I had someone that would love me.
And I mean really know and love me.
Like, effortless.
But I’m so blind and messed up from another chick.
And that along with everything else caused such a riff.
Now my ex and everyone around me has the power.
Now I’m guarded and get faded for hours.

But I mean..
Besides crazy, got anger issues,
I’m spoiled and I;
Run from my problems when I’m the only thing that can solve them.
I sat one time all alone but with a full revolver.
My life is out of order.
I lost my faith in some things,
Mainly in pure love.
I’d sell my soul just to have your heart but that ain’t enough.

While I got missed calls from any and everybody.
Don’t wanna listen to anybody.

It’s so many reason why I’m complicated.
I mean..
Or maybe I’m just high again.

That’s really only the other feeling that can help me while I try and fill up this space.
Until I’m sitting in the mirror staring at my own face.
Wiping all my tears on a day to day base.
I got so much sadness and hatred running at everyones’ pace.
This is my last poem before I lock myself all away.
It’s complicated.

Writing and losing feeling.
Of heart breaks and commitments,
A couple catchy songs with my brothers;
It would be nice if you listened.
Or even ever read my poetry.
Behinds those words is a broken me.
I can barely see, what my future holds.
Im no longer chasing hoes, I’m trying to find the yellow brick road.
But lost awareness.

Now I’m a drunk.
Now I’m a pothead.
And all the seeds I planted, they are now dead.

Having mood swings like the weather that’s floating me.
I no longer wanna be.
I swear it’s complicated

Don’t drown yourself pretending to be deep.
It’s too complicated.
And I can’t swim but I rather drown in her sea.
It’s so complicated.
Should I retire and settle down from writing.
It’s too complicated.

— The End —