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May 2017 · 509
This pain that I feel...
Tyler Houck May 2017
This pain that I feel...
It comes not from my own self,
but from my brother.
He is family to me.
His pain is also my own.
Jun 2016 · 4.6k
My Stress-filled Mind (20w)
Tyler Houck Jun 2016
life                         money
    work             friends
                 school                      studies
practice         family

There's too much on my mind.
I need to
This has been a very long week so far...
Jun 2016 · 537
My house
Tyler Houck Jun 2016
I am at my house
Loving the peace and quiet.
My family arrives
And the solitude fades out
because of the arguing.
I love my parents, but they always have something to complain about.  I suppose I should have expected it going home for the Summer.
Jun 2016 · 433
Lessons (15w)
Tyler Houck Jun 2016
There are lessons in everything.
You just need to find them
and learn from them.
Jun 2016 · 989
Fears (10w)
Tyler Houck Jun 2016
What are you afraid of?
Challenge your fears.
**Be courageous
Jun 2016 · 813
Tyler Houck Jun 2016
Extremely hot days
bringing with them humid air
and a lot of rain
I don't mind the rain, however I hate the heat.  I'd much rather be in Winter.
May 2016 · 540
Love & Hate (10w)
Tyler Houck May 2016
Love: kindness to all things
Hate: destroying what love brings
May 2016 · 426
Tyler Houck May 2016
Memories are a blessing
    and a curse.

Sitting around in thought of the past
Reminiscing about your life

Memories can be good.
    Remember what and who you love.
    Remember your friends.
    Remember your family.

Memories can also be terrible.
    Remember the pain you’ve been through.
    Remember the deaths.
    Remember what was lost in time.


Some things you want to hold on to
    and never forget.
Some things you wish to forget
    and never do.
Some things you forget
    because some things aren’t meant to be remembered.
May 2016 · 1.2k
Tyler Houck May 2016
Patience can be kind.
Allowing things to be right.
Patience can be hard.
Waiting forever for naught.
Patience teaches us lessons.
May 2016 · 484
In an ensemble
Tyler Houck May 2016
In an ensemble,
everyone comes together
in sweet harmony.
It is here where people are
equal in serving music.
This can apply to nearly everything.  While you might have your differences with certain people, you can still connect with them through whatever discipline you're both a part of.
May 2016 · 1.5k
Sudden Fog
Tyler Houck May 2016
Suddenly fog shows,
shrouding everything in sight.
Concealing secrets.
It is scary to go out
and see what may lurk within.
Hooray for a fear of the unknown.  Relate it to darkness.  Are people really afraid of the dark, or do they fear what lurks within the shadows?  I'm not afraid of the dark nor any sort of fog.  I actually think both things are really cool and I prefer them.  It's the sense of not knowing what's in either of them that's interesting.
May 2016 · 2.3k
The morning sky's red
Tyler Houck May 2016
The morning sky’s red.
It is a beautiful sight,
but it’s deceptive.
It’s not a sunrise, instead
a warning for what’s ahead.
"Red sky in the morning, a sailor's warning.  Red sky at a night, a sailor's delight."  --(Where did this come from?)
May 2016 · 501
You Weren't Listening
Tyler Houck May 2016
I tried to give you a warning,
but you chose to ignore me.
You faced the consequences every morning
unable to grasp what it was you were doing.

You knew that something was wrong
and continuously asked what to do.
But you would move along
and ignore my guidance.

You were not listening to me.
Tuning out everything that was said.
Running out to hide under a tree,
only to fall to the ground in pain.

One day you finally realized
that you were truly cared for
and were constantly advised.
But the damage was already done
EDIT: Erased the last few stanzas.
May 2016 · 554
Private (10w)
Tyler Houck May 2016
There's a certain peace
in expressing your own feelings
This is how I feel about poetry right now.  I'm new to writing poetry and I've found that I love being able to write down on paper what I'm afraid to express to the people I know.
May 2016 · 805
Right before a storm
Tyler Houck May 2016
Right before a storm,
everything becomes quite calm.
Peaceful, yet angry.
As if the world knows to be
ready for the coming wrath.
EDIT:  Reworded the last two lines.
May 2016 · 1.8k
Please tell me the truth
Tyler Houck May 2016
Please tell me the truth.
Tell me your reasons behind
everything you do.
Lies will make everything worse
erasing what trust I have.
May 2016 · 1.0k
During a rainstorm
Tyler Houck May 2016
During a rainstorm,
The air is more breathable.
Fresher and cleaner.
I like how rain at times causes everything to seem so much clearer.  The air is cleaner and the many colors from plants are brought out even more.
May 2016 · 482
I can see that you're hurt
Tyler Houck May 2016
I can see that you’re hurt
and struggling under a constant pain.
You’re running along a trail of dirt
wondering how long you can stand the rain.

Allow me to guide you and be your shield,
protecting you from those who wish to do wrong.
While those who hurt you may never yield,
I won’t let them destroy your precious song.

I am here to protect you;
to help you overcome your pain and agony.
If they come after me, you’d fight for me too,
for it's our bond that will help us survive this calamity.
May 2016 · 519
Trying To Sleep
Tyler Houck May 2016
I'm trying to sleep.
Unfortunately, I can't.
I'm lying in bed
thinking about tomorrow;
wondering if I'm ready.
I just keep thinking about the things I have tomorrow.
May 2016 · 343
Tyler Houck May 2016
As I sit thinking
I think about my desires,
my wants, and my dreams.
And I begin to realize
that some things aren't meant to be.
Tyler Houck May 2016
Winds blow across grass.
A beagle on the top step.
Brightly shining sun.

The cold brisk wind blows.
Creating soft tender tones
on the hanging chimes.
Just a couple of observations from today.
May 2016 · 899
Here I am, waiting for you
Tyler Houck May 2016
Here I am, waiting for you,
patiently, just so I can talk.
I hope I can trust you too.

Waiting under the sky’s red hue,
Here I am on top of this rock.
Here I am, waiting for you.

Because of the cold, I can see the dew
Forming on top of a flower near a tiny shamrock.
I hope I can trust you too.

I hope that you are not coming to bid adieu
as I sit here and check this clock.
Here I am, waiting for you.

The amount that I talk to you is unfortunately few,
but my secrets I wish for you to unlock.
I hope I can trust you too.

I see you coming all dressed in blue,
prepared to talk and never to mock.
Here I am, waiting for you.
I hope I can trust you too.
This is my attempt at a villanelle.
May 2016 · 472
Tyler Houck May 2016
The sun disappears
Setting beyond the dark clouds
Beauty in the red

The moon shines on us
With an ever-changing shape
Water reflects it

Stars shine in the sky
Giving thought for the beyond
Twinkling blissfully

Frogs begin croaking
With the chirping crickets too
In sweet harmony

All else is silent
Resting for the next sunrise
To begin anew
I took down the first version and rewrote some of it.  This is my real first rensaku attempt.
May 2016 · 653
To My Sister
Tyler Houck May 2016
As you grow older,
Remember the memories you've made.
Remember the people you've met,
    and those who became your closest friends.
Remember who you are,
    and the values you hold.

You will be challenged.
You will be tempted.
But remember that you are
    never truly alone

Your family will always be there.
For support.
For love.

Despite the differences you and I have had
I will always be there for you,
My little sister.
May 2016 · 556
It's just noise
Tyler Houck May 2016
It's just noise.
The sound of a car driving by.
The sound of chirping birds in the air.
The sound of the wind through the trees.
The sound of the river flowing in the backyard.

It's just noise if you hear it,
The things that are around you,
Unless you listen.

Listen to the car.
What does it sound like?
Where is it going?

Listen to the birds.
Where are they?
What are they doing?

Listen to the wind.
What sounds does it carry?
Is a storm coming?

Listen to the river.
How fast does it flow?
How low is it running?

Everything is just noise,
Unless you listen.
Don't just hear what's around you, listen to what's around you.  We gain nothing by hearing something, but learn by listening.
May 2016 · 661
Tyler Houck May 2016
Thoughtful, quiet, clear
Provokes insight to oneself
Comforting to sense
Some people find silence uncomfortable, but I prefer it.  It gives clear thought when it's needed and is peaceful in the loudest of times.  Why do some people find silence so uncomfortable?
May 2016 · 703
Tyler Houck May 2016
The end of the day
Where people sometimes relax
Or hang out with friends
May 2016 · 275
Tyler Houck May 2016
Peaceful, wet, and fresh
Renews the world with thought for
Unexpected change
Rain refreshes the world with energy as much as the next day does.
May 2016 · 357
Tyler Houck May 2016
A fleeting moment
Or a longer memory
Choose a perception
You remember what you want to remember in a given time.  Make the most of what you can.
May 2016 · 364
Tyler Houck May 2016
A hidden spirit,
It is concealed deep within
Quite invisible
May 2016 · 246
Tyler Houck May 2016
Noise, peace, expression
Music is all but nothing,
Filling empty voids

— The End —