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3.7k · Mar 2016
withering away.....
lost in thought Mar 2016
Withering away to nothing.
Slowly dying.
Can't stop feeling like I'm the only one.
Nothing is in my way.
To just end it all.
3.4k · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
My pain comes from within.
My pain goes deeper into my soul.
My love dies right here.
It penetrates you then kills you.

I've hurt so many people but I can't hurt you.
I just want to be strong.
I just want to know who I am.
Why don't I know?

Why can't I be normal?
Why can't everything be easy?
Why can't I be in control?
My mind is broken.

My life is upside down.
My love is hard to find.
My faith is nonexistent.
Everything is ruined.

Every night I dream of death.
Every night is worse than the last.
Every dream is on fire.
All night long I cry.

All night I stay awake.
All day I think about that nightmare.
All but three think I'm crazy.
My three best friends.
Thanks for helping me Cindy Hos and bubbles. I love you all!!!
3.1k · Jan 2017
lost in thought Jan 2017
My last days were rough.
But I got to spend it with my family.
They have taken care of me from the moment they adopted me.
They nursed me back to health.
They bathed me.
They found out that I like to eat everything including my kennel.
Last year we found out that I was sick.
They did everything they could do to help me.
We exercised all the time.
We played at the dog park with others like me.
My sister Journey took my passing the hardest.
But it was for the best.
I was in pain and I knew it was time.
I stopped eating and playing with my family.
I just layed there and did nothing.
I wanted to live longer but they couldn’t help me at the doctors.
I tried to fight it as long as I could.
My dad showed up with Journey in tears.
Siearra and mommy were the ones that brought me to the doctors that day.
I figured out what was going on.
I was thankful that I was going to be out of pain finally.
My dad I have never seen him like that before.
I love them all I always will.
I fought the medicine they gave me.
It took so long to say goodbye.
They didn’t want to neither did I.
It was scary as I left but I felt no pain.
My family gave me lots of treats before I left.
I will miss them always.
They were the best family I have ever had.
Thank you family for everything that you have done for me.
Thank you for making my life more enjoyable.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you.
This is a poem for my Creative Writing class it was a assignment from my dog's perspective.
3.0k · Sep 2014
lost in thought Sep 2014
My hate  for you has festered inside me.
Its grown into something horrible.
All I want to do is to **** you.
My life has been ruined because of my hate for you.
I used to love you.
Now all i can think about is you dead.
I see you in my dreams.
Walking in front of me.
Doing nothing not one thing.
I do not understand why.
I think i might still love you....
Deep deep deep down.
Everything I do is out of spite towards you.
To a ex boyfriend thanks for nothing and everything..
2.8k · Mar 2016
lost in thought Mar 2016
I'm trying to find my groove again
I haven't been able to feel the words that I type.
Its like nothing speaks to me now.
How can I fix this?
Any advice. Im reaching out to my followers..
2.7k · Jan 2016
I hate that I love him.
lost in thought Jan 2016
I see him in the hallways everyday at school.
I see him with his friends all day long.
But he doesn't want anything to do with me.
All he says and does makes me feel worse.
He doesn't say anything at all to me.
The way he looks at me makes me feel betrayed.
The way I still feel about him will never change.
Why did he do this to me.
2.3k · Jan 2016
lost in thought Jan 2016
When he smiles, the way his eyes sparkle, and his dimples show.
The way he laughs, and moves makes me fall even deeper in love.
2.2k · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
I wish you were here.
Holding me tightly.
Arms wrapped around my side's.
Kissing my head.
Cuddling until we are dead asleep.
Just wishing you were here instead of alone without me...
I miss holding your hand.
I miss looking into your eyes.
Your lips on mine.
I miss when you smile with your eyes and your heart.
I love that you are always there for me to talk to.
To hold me when I cry.
To help me up when I fall down.
You are the one.
The one that I love.
To my boyfriend. Love you jayme aka hos.
2.2k · Oct 2015
lost in thought Oct 2015
Love why does it have to be so weird..
Why does it come when you barely know the person?
How do you know if you really love that person?

Love is what you make it it can be harsh it can be amazing.
It comes when you like the person's personality and the way they act and looks at you.
You feel like you can trust him/her with everything you are you show them the way you look at your worst and they still stay and love you no matter what.
2.2k · Nov 2018
lost in thought Nov 2018
Falling into a deep abyss
flames coming from every surface
Reaching out to feel the heat.
It doesn't burn you.
It holds your hands
It helps pull you back to the surface.
Someone is up top saying
"Come back home this is not where you belong!"
With open arms your family and a few of your closest friends.
Holds on to you tight.
Something keeps pulling you higher and higher.
You want to stay right where you are...
You go higher and higher.
You look down..
You realize
there is no going back for you.
Paramedics everywhere
Your family crying around your dead body
Wondering why you did this to yourself...
You're finally free
Free from all the pain.
Free from all the hate
You're free
Its been a Long time since I last wrote on here. I hope you guys like it...
2.2k · May 2014
**Heart Broken**
lost in thought May 2014
My Heart torn to pieces
Everything a mess
My life has fallen apart
My heart has broken
Things will never be the same
forever to be broken
Feeling like your all alone.
Nothing will be the same
Not in this life
Or the next.
Tell me why you done this to me
Why you would hurt me.
Just please tell the truth
I know you won't tell the truth*
I will believe you
I will always love you
Please just stop hurting me
My dreams are haunting me
You are in all of them
Everything has a meaning
My dreams are saying that we belong together.
Just stop hurting me.
My heart has broken to pieces
I am dying without you
Just stop please.......
Just stop hurting me more.
2.1k · May 2014
lost in thought May 2014
Death where is it?
When will it come?
How fast will it happen?
Please do tell me.
I am not scared of it but curious
of it because I do not know
what comes after it.
2.0k · Jan 2015
My home
lost in thought Jan 2015
My home is in your arms.
My home is where ever my family is.
The places that I go is only one step further to were I belong.
My home is the place that I am safe.

My family is my "home" per se.
Everything that is theirs is mine.
Everything that is mine is theirs.
My home is wherever they are.

My place is with you.
My heart is with you.
You are my "second home".
The love is true.

The faith is real.
You are the one that is keeping me safe.
You are saving me as I am saving you.
Don't forget that you are my "second home"
To my family(if they even bother to read this) and to well he knows who. Love to everyone
1.7k · Feb 2015
lost in thought Feb 2015
Only the strongest and the most beautiful do it.
Their are ways around it.
Yet everyone around us don't see what is happening.
Everything that may seem it is turning against you it might be for the worse or the better.
The most precious in our lives can be the worst in discretion.
Those we see everyday may think that you are "okay" but really your not..
They think that your just tired.. but in reality your not fine at all.
Speak what you are thinking. Say what you want to see. Do what you must to be heard and show them that you are not okay.
Yes I am one of those people that anyone can talk to about anything if that person is willing. I have tried to commit suicide....Many of times. For reasons I do not think I will reveal. Everyone that is considering committing suicide talk to someone about what is going on. Your are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! You are LOVED!!!!!!
1.6k · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
This pain inside.
Is eating away at my soul.
This pain is killing me.
The way it feel is is like torture.
Nothing can stop this pain.
Nobody can help me now.
Im already gone.
No turning back now.
Ok. I know this sounds depressing but im just writing its ok.
1.4k · Jun 2014
lost in thought Jun 2014
In a world unknown
A world so alone.
Falling..... *
Deeper and deeper
Not knowing were to go.
So scared
So frightened.
Fighting for life.
Fighting to stay
Calling your name.
Yelling and screaming
Never helps.
Only makes it worse.
The world falling apart.
Crashing and burning
Around you.
So scared
So frightened.
What is going to happen?
Who will save me?
Nobody but yourself.
No one can if you don't try.
Deeper into darkness
Where are you now?
Someplace different
Someplace new.
Were will you go?
Will you change
Will you stay the same person?
To you! To everybody!
1.3k · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
Thank you all that are following me! I just reached 100 Followers. Im so happy that I can share my work you you all.
I know this is not a poem. But I thought it might be a nice gesture.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Untitled. (
lost in thought Jan 2015
When I see you
I fall so deep.
When I love you
I began to weep.

When I first lost you
I began to flee
When I finally found you
I jumped into you with glee.

When I realized I loved you
I was scared
When I found my way
I started to think.

When I think
My thoughts are jumbled.
When they are jumbled
I don't know what to expect.

When I'm dazed off
I'm calm
When I'm calm
Im also tense

When things go down hill
I think and think until I feel sick
When I think to much
I start to go.........

*When i hear your voice
I hear my favorite songs
And sometimes i have to sing you
All day long

When i feel you in my arms
I'm snug within our bed
And then time to walk away
Is the only time i dread
Continue writing this poem in the comments. If you wish to. Or message me and I'll incorporate it into this poem. Thank you Wolf aka Quinnfinn for your incorporation with this poem. Wolf aka Quinnfinn is *italicized*.
930 · May 2014
lost in thought May 2014
When I have a bad day
I just go for a run.

Clear my head
run my anger away.

Taking control.
Staying alive.

Not falling apart.
Staying here in the now.

Free to yell and scream
While you run.

Free to cry
to open up.

Staying alive
Staying free.

Bad days come and go
Just stay free and alive
Bad days will be here and there, just  go for a run and be yourself and do what you need to do
914 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Why does it have to be so hard.
Love hurts.
My heart is in pieces.
My trust is gone.
Nobody has tried to help.
**** love.
I love myself thats all that should matter.
I trust myself.
I will not hurt myself.
I help myself up when I am down.
I am in control.
800 · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
Love is a funny thing.
Love causes joy.                         Then pain.
It is happiness.                            Then sadness.
797 · Jun 2014
lost in thought Jun 2014
So beautiful.
So dangerous.

Why is there fire?
Why did we create it?

When did we become so ruthless?
Why did we?

We are just human beings
Trying to find our ways.
702 · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
I miss you.
I love you.
You complete my heart
That was missing
You are not perfect far from it
But I love you
Just the way you are.
695 · Jun 2014
Falling in Love
lost in thought Jun 2014
Falling in love
Happens in a blink
Of an eye <3
673 · May 2014
lost in thought May 2014
Why are you a mystery?
Can't you be yourself?
Everything is a mystery though.
Life its self is.
You just pull through it.
Why can't you be open about who you are?
Through the day I wonder what are you thinking.
How you are feeling.
Who can you be?
Can you try to be yourself?
Or are you judged?
Like me.
I am able to be myself at a cost.
A cost I'm willing to make.
Are you willing to make the cost of being true to yourself?
Are you?
I know that YOU are strong enough to.
I am no mystery I am a very open person ask me what you will and I shall answer truthfully.
637 · Jan 2015
the truth
lost in thought Jan 2015
Nothing you can say can hurt me.
Nothing you do can push me down.
Everything they say is not true.
Everything they do is wrong.
But is also right.
615 · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
It doesn't burn me it makes me feel alive and happy.
It is so comforting.
For fire!!! I know it's more than ten but oh well.
606 · Jan 2015
lost in thought Jan 2015
How do men feel when their heart breaks?
How do they feel when they are in love?
Do they get butterflies in their belly?
Do they cry with pain?

Why do men show how they don't feel?
Why do they think everything is ok?
Are they afraid?
Are they scared to accept the truth?
Those questions I always wished someone to answer.. Any guy/boy/man wants too add input to these questions feel free to.
577 · Jun 2014
lost in thought Jun 2014
Life is what you make of it.
It is who you love,
And who you hate.
its how you live it.Its how you want it to be.
The question is what you want to do with it?
If you was to take it
I would cry 'cause
I kinda.....
I love you.....
I was scared to admit it
But now.
I'm not
And I don't care who knows!
I'm proud of it!
Wrote part of it when I was 10 but the rest I just wanted to recreate it.....
576 · Jun 2014
lost in thought Jun 2014
528 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
My heart breaks for him.
My love fades but is still here.
He hurt me but I still trust him.
Why do I still trust him?
He is my hope.
He is my joy.
Yet he is the worst thing to happen to me.
He hurts my heart with his words.
He never loved me.
He never even cared.
He refused to get close to me.
To open up.
I opened up.
Told him my secrets.
Trusted him.
Then he goes and tells everyone.
471 · May 2014
lost in thought May 2014
Life can it be lived?
Can I get by today?
Can I stay alive?
Put down the knives.
The razor.
Throw them away.
Things will get better
Only if you try for it.
That's all you have to do is try
Try for your family
Even if you think they don't care.
They do in their own way.
Please just no more hurting yourself
Don't harm yourself anymore please..... I've done it for so long I just couldn't take it and had to stop I seen how it was affecting my family. I felt horrible.
456 · Jan 2015
you know whos awesome?
451 · Jun 2014
lost in thought Jun 2014
What is there to be?
How is everything like this?
Why is this the way it is?
Who is controlling this life?
When is this life going to end?
Were will we go after wards?
When is the true question.
How is when we decide it.
Why is for our own reasons.
What is with you.
Were is were you decide it to happen.
So start choosing soon
The end is near what will you do?
447 · Dec 2014
New July 10 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Throwing together my world.
Taking it back apart.
Keeping it hidden from everyone.

Throwing the world away.
Starting over again recreating it.
Recreating my whole life.

Freeing myself from within.
Freeing myself from my soul.
Changing my outlook on everything.

Changing my life for the best.
Changing my appearance and my thoughts.
Keeping my life open to anything new.
Old journal entry.
442 · Jun 2014
broken heart
lost in thought Jun 2014
My heart has shattered
Falling to pieces
You took my heart and shattered it
You make me cry myself to sleep every night
Just being without you kills me
Seeing you with someone else stabs me in my heart....
I hate having this come between us..
405 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
My body and skin
My canvas
My brush a knife
The paint blood

Feeling the way you feel
Makes me feel uncomfortable
The way you make me feel is different
I don't know how to react to it

Save me
Keep me safe
Keep me in your arms forever
That's all I need

I need to know your there
I need to know your safe
Please come back to me
Come back..........
To my best friend who I am in love with... He doesn't know it yet........ <3 you Per..
382 · Jun 2014
lost in thought Jun 2014
Help me
Im falling apart.
Dying inside
Throwing everything
Down the drain.
Just enough to make me happy
Just enough to keep me sane.
Saving me
Saving you
Falling through the world
Loving my friends
My family.
374 · Dec 2014
my addiction challenge
lost in thought Dec 2014
Im addicted to
My addictions.
372 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Cold love
Cold heart
Nothing to help me
Nothing to help you
No way out
No way in
Nothing can do to help us.
356 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Throw away the garbage
Throw away the hate
Fall asleep into the night
Peaceful dreaming
Peaceful rest

The first in a long time
Let it stay
Let the sleep stay with me

Stay asleep dream your dreams

Stay asleep....... stay
349 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Follow your heart to where it will take you.
Nothing is set in stone so take what you have now.
347 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Slowly falling
Slowly dying
Slowly running for your life.
Running but staying behind
Held in a fortitude of deppression
Digging deeper and deeper
Not going anywhere
Held back by your thoughts
Held back by you heart
344 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
My heart aches
My stomach flutters
When you smile
When you touch me....

Every time I hear your name
I turn and look
I remember what we had
Wishing for something more
343 · Dec 2014
Am I mad??
lost in thought Dec 2014
The madness
It's taking me over
Not being able to stop it

It scares me
I just want to.....
To what???
Lash out?
Fight back?

What is it?
Why can't I ignore it.
This feeling

It overcomes me.
It takes over my mind
Makes me go insane
I don't know how to control it

I do know how to suppress it
With writing
So much words to describe me
In such a little poem
Old journal entry
318 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
**** her
**** him
Watching every second of it

Waiting to see if she sees him
Waiting for her to notice
He's figured out what she's been doing

She looks away from the other man
She sees him
Starts to cry starts to fall apart
Feeling Like ****

She runs after him
Tries to get him to listen to her
He says nothing
Goodbye a silent reminder

Goodbye forever walking away
Silently walking out of her life forever...
308 · May 2014
lost in thought May 2014
My world, my life, my home.
Where are they?
Where could they be?
When will I find them again?
I'm so scared.
I don't know what to do.
My life I messed it up.
My world is falling to pieces.
Everything I do turns to poison.
My family deserted me for someone they barely knew.
Why is my only question.
Why do I do what I do to hurt others when I don't mean to?
My friends have left me behind to die forever....
My world has fallen but I'm still alive today staying strong.
303 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Everything I know may not be true
May not be real
But to me what I do know is what I've learned
Nothing can change my mind except for myself.
298 · Nov 2014
lost in thought Nov 2014
The love I feel.
The love I have.
Nothing can change that.
280 · Dec 2014
lost in thought Dec 2014
Fall into me like I did with you
Stay safe in my arms
Away from harm
Throwing away everything and nothing at all
Stay with me.

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