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903 · Mar 2018
Wanderer Mar 2018
In It
Like a
899 · Oct 2015
Are you okay?
Wanderer Oct 2015
In half a second
a silent conversation
passed between us

Your eyes
dull and downcast
with dark bags
and droopy eyelids

Your mouth
the corners turned down
ever so slightly
with your jaw clenched

You were upset
and just a little mad
but not with me
at yourself

You always blamed yourself
even when others
were hurting you
Please don't blame yourself for what happened
869 · Feb 2016
Things I Live For #1
Wanderer Feb 2016
Things I live for:
passionate conversations
about the things I love and care for
that last for hours longer than planned
in coffee shops with exposed brick walls
with coffee stains and muffin crumbles littering the papers
where I am writing the plans for the rest of my life
the things I want for my future, my passions
and how I am going to live those out
mapping out my life on napkins
and old note pads
so I can remind myself
that this my passion and I can
achieve anything I put my mind to
but its always important to have support
so I pour my heart out to my friends and hope
they don't mind listening, because when I am excited
I don't stop talking, and I hope they do the same
with me and we can learn to help each other
achieve our goals
Although I am an introvert an spend plenty of time alone, I never view myself as alone. I think life is meant to be shared with others. And although I enjoy my time in solitude the best memories come from enjoying experiences with others.
861 · Jan 2016
Can't Stop Loving You
Wanderer Jan 2016
I want to yell and scream
scream at the top of my lungs
so the whole world knows
what you did, how you hurt me

I want to hit and kick
give you a black eye
so you will know
know the pain I feel

I want to stop loving you
not care anymore
so that maybe you can stop
stop breaking my heart

I don't feel hate though
my lungs won't scream
my fists won't clinch
because even after all this
**I still love you
844 · Oct 2016
Spring Leaves
Wanderer Oct 2016
If I were a tree
I would sway in the wind
Letting my leaves tremble and shake
Feeling the freedom of air all around them
For just a moment
they would understand the birds
The thrill of freely flying through the air
with nothing to ground them

I would let the birds
sit on my branches
feeling for a second
what it is like
to be supported, to be rooted
to have something to keep you from falling

Each will envy the other
not realizing what they have
would be a dream to another
inspired by a boring day in class sitting by a big window
834 · Apr 2018
Barely a room
Wanderer Apr 2018
There was no peace
There was no decency
No soul or heart
it was neither home nor house
it was cold and dim
the metal trapping me in
isolated but never truly alone
it was all I had
no where to go
821 · Jan 2016
Wanderer Jan 2016
What I know about him
1. His favorite color is grey
2. The body wash/shampoo he uses is called timber
3. His boxers are very comfy
4. His birthday is Halloween
5. He is a big blues fan
6. He played hockey for a very long time
7. He loves traveling
8. He loves the outdoors
9. Fashion has never been important to him
10. He takes a long time to think
11. There is no one I would rather be with
12. He is more emotional than I am at times
13. His feet are very ticklish
14. He grew up in a private school in STL
15. He is as confused by the church as I am
16. His eyelashes are longer than mine
17. His eyes are beautiful
18.   He hates the cold
19.   He believes in meaningful friendships
20.   He enjoys taking pictures but doesn't think he is very good
21.   He knows a lot of random trivia
What I love about him
1. He cares about people
2. The way he smells
3. What he wants for his future
4. How willing he is to give
5. That he lets me borrow his clothes
6. He is always up for an adventure
7. When he cares he cares deeply
8. He wants to save the world
9. He loves God
10. His family is amazing
11.   Even when he made mistakes his intentions were never malicious
12.   I know he will always be there for me
Ways I could love him better
1. Ask more questions
2. Have more patience
3. Don’t interrupt
4. Listen to what he is saying
What I don’t like**
1. He uses alcohol as a way to escape from his feelings/problems
2. He is always in pain, and you always know when he is in pain
3. The way he yells at his mom
4. Abi (his ex)
This may not be what you consider poetry
I wrote this before him and I broke up, when we were fighting and I wanted to remember why I cared so much about him, how I could fix things and why I was upset.
It may not have worked but I still like the idea of it.
820 · Aug 2015
What it Means to Love
Wanderer Aug 2015
Loving someone is carrying the burden of their sadness on your back so they can have a chance to breath even if it is suffocating you
809 · Apr 2015
Wanderer Apr 2015
I don't understand
why we measure time

Time does not pass in a uniform action
Minutes can seem like seconds
and seconds like minutes

The amount of time we spent together seemed endless
but the amount of time it has been
since the last time we talked
seems infinite

The amount of time is not equal
to the amount of meaning
that something has

so if there is no meaning in time
why don't we measure meaning instead?

I don't understand why we measure time
797 · Nov 2015
Wanderer Nov 2015
It was curious to me
That he told me his deepest secrets
And trusted me
He didn't even say
don't tell anyone
He just trusted whole heartedly
Everything he had kept inside
Boiling up for years
Close to exploding out of him
But now that it is out
He never says for it to stay between us
He just assumes it will
No one has ever trusted me like this
I like it
777 · Nov 2015
Never Enough
Wanderer Nov 2015
I could write a million poems to you
but it would never be enough

Everything I have to say to you
is too much to ever put in words
I keep telling myself
you will fade out
I will forget about you
you won't matter anymore
I will cease to love you

But I don't think it works that way
all these years
even when we didn't talk
the ember in my heart stayed hot
just saying hi to you can bring it to a full blaze
and light my heart on fire once again

I don't believe there will ever not be a spot for you in my heart
the fire will never completely go out
776 · Apr 2015
3 Words
Wanderer Apr 2015
I don't think you realised
How much those words hurt me
I know that wasn't your intention
But it doesn't take very many words
to break a heart
Maybe I am just insecure
and easily broken
Clayton R.
774 · Jun 2014
I'm Sorry, I Don't Love You
Wanderer Jun 2014
It's not about you
Or that I love you
Or that I even like you
Because I don't

You fill a space
In my heart
That's not so easily occupied

And for now,
That will do

Even if I Don't Love You
754 · Feb 2016
The Old Oak
Wanderer Feb 2016
We are inherently weak
deep down inside
we never feel strong enough
So we tether ourselves
to things we think are strong

We look for the biggest tree to climb
to hold us way up in the sky

But it isn't until the tree starts swaying
That we question if maybe
we shouldn't be so trusting

We forget to test the strength
before we put up our own weight

Leaving us in a great plight
when things don't go right
because we didn't have an escape plan
we trusted what looked to be strength
looks can be deceiving and so can words. The only thing that truly matters is action.
Wanderer Feb 2015
Every time I laugh

I stop                   And I wonder

Was it too high pitched?
Did I laugh for too long?
Did it sound fake?
Is that why he hated my laugh???

Because of you
I can't enjoy laughing
because what you thought was funny
Was really (at best) cruel
and your excuses don't make up
for the fact that
my laugh will never seem the same
That every time I laugh
I just want to cry
because I am so scared people feel the same way as you did
750 · Jun 2015
Wanderer Jun 2015
The smell of sewer wafts through the air
Giving a beautiful view
An unbearable stench
Smoke fills in the spaces between peoples faces
The crowd filling in every space in the street
Leaving little room to walk
Just to watch as you slowly shuffle along
Store windows filled with souvenirs
The kind people bring back for friends they care little about
I watched as wooden dolls and straw hats are hustled to passerbys
Then something catches my eye
Only you know why
Wanderer Aug 2017
I'm afraid of diving in
too soon and finding myself
in even deeper water
with no better understanding
of how to swim
I think he feels/felt this way too
743 · Jan 2016
Wanderer Jan 2016
"are you okay?"
if crying myself to sleep every night is okay
* if being too upset to eat is okay
* if being too emotionally drained to function is okay
* if being so upset I can't enjoy anything is okay
Yeah I'm okay
737 · Apr 2019
A Walk In The Woods
Wanderer Apr 2019
a half step back and a quick turn
brings our lips within inches of one another
you lean into me
your soft lips resting against mine
as your hand brushes across my side
landing on the small of my back
and pulling me in
to you
to that moment
everything falls away
nothing else exists
just your body against mine
as our lips playfully dance together
A moment I could stay in forever
Wanderer Jul 2015
FFFFFFF                   A                TTTTTTTT
F                             A  A                       T
F                          A       A                     T
FFFF                  AAAAA                    T
F             ­          A             A                  T
F                     A                 A                T
F                    A                    A   ­           T
732 · Jul 2017
A question I have for you
Wanderer Jul 2017
Does the fear of loneliness
outweigh the misery
of being with someone
you don't love?
720 · Nov 2016
Wanderer Nov 2016
The morning I awake
To your arms around me

I am reminded
of how much I am loved
and how much I love you

I am reminded
of how safe I feel with you
and how I never want to be with out you

I am reminded
of what you mean to me,
good morning my love
715 · Apr 2015
Letters to Loved Ones #1
Wanderer Apr 2015
I wish I could explain how much I love you
but those emotions can not be put into words
so I will never be able to let you know how much you mean to me
not even a sliver of what I feel you will understand

I'm sorry I hurt you in the past
It's the biggest mistake I ever made
you cared about me
and I threw it away
I threw you away
but I was the one who was a piece of trash
I regret that I didn't take in your love
I regret that I pushed you away

You are the only guy
who has loved me
and cared for me
and treated me like a lady
what else did I want from you?
I don't even remember.

I know that I am mean to you sometimes
sometimes I hope you will say something mean back
but you never do
you roll with the punches
and I'm sorry that I keep hitting
I just want a reaction
something, anything
but your face is a stone
and I don't know what you are thinking
I hope it's about me though

I wish I could let you know how much I care and I wish you would just care too.
706 · Apr 2017
words words words
Wanderer Apr 2017
I have so much I want to tell you
I want to tell you
How much I love you
Why I love you
That everything will be okay
That I want to help you through this
I want to explain why
Why things will be good
Why we should be together

But eventually all the words
Just become words
I just am rambling
Telling you things
That don't even pertain

The only words I have found that really matter are
I love you
And I know things will work out
704 · Jan 2016
Broken Hearts
Wanderer Jan 2016
We layed there silently
Gathering each other in our arms
Trying not to break each others hearts
anymore than we already had

I stared into his eyes
with a sort of wonder

"what are you looking at?"

"your eyes... They look so sad even when you smile,
I don't know how that could be."

He opened his eyes big and smiled wide
"what about now?"

We both laughed but only because
We didn't know what else to do

Then we quietly went back
To trying not to break each others hearts
But we weren't very good at that
702 · Jan 2015
I fucking hate you
Wanderer Jan 2015
Your an idiot who can't get over yourself
All you care about is your emotions, you don't think about anyone else's
You use your disorder as a hall pass to do whatever you want
You use people
You ******* used me.
I hate you so ******* much.
I never use to curse,
But look at me now.
******* Evan
Sorry for the explicits

696 · Jun 2015
The Thought of You
Wanderer Jun 2015
keeps me in a trance
somewhere between consciousness
and dreaming
I lay there
replaying every moment
        we spent together
reliving every sweet moment
        our bodies touched
and I still wonder
why I wasn't good enough for you
690 · Jan 2016
Wanderer Jan 2016
Our relationship wasn't built to last
I didn't think you were "the one"
I had no dreams of a life in a big house

I just loved you with every ounce of me
For as long as you would let me

But now that you don't want my love
I don't know what to do with it

I hadn't looked for a future in you
But I hadn't planned for an end either

It was abrupt and it hurt
687 · Feb 2015
The Small Things
Wanderer Feb 2015
I think we forget
to take pleasure in the small things

If we listened to rain
as if it were a symphony of angels
Maybe we wouldn't mind so much
if our plans got rained out

If we watched each sunset
as if we might never see another again
Maybe we would notice
how beautiful it really is

If we took in every compliment
without hesitation
Maybe we would realize
that we really are beautiful

But we tend to shrug these off
instead of really enjoying them
684 · Feb 2016
Dreaming of Love
Wanderer Feb 2016
I haven't stopped dreaming about you
I wish I could
each night you sneak into my dreams
tip toe in and take control
we share a dance or a kiss
and I fall in love with you a little more

But I wake up sad and confused

because although you choose to be mine
in this far off world that is my dream
I know you don't remember dreams
you never have
so every morning you have no recollection
of the love we shared

So you go on with your life
giving your love to other people
giving your love to her

But you will never know
how much love I have given you
Wanderer Feb 2016
After you were gone
tears streamed down my face

Not because I thought you didn't love me
Not because I thought our relationship was a waste
Not because you were ruining some future I had planned
Not because I thought you were "the one"

I cried because I was afraid
I didn't want to lose my best friend
668 · Jun 2016
A Boy I Might Love
Wanderer Jun 2016
My heart was heavy
But his smile was light
He made everything feel right

He didn't judge me
He never questioned me
He loved me for who I am

He didn't push me
He never tried to hurt me
He just stood by my side cheering me on

When I would get sad
And cry through the night
He would lay there and hold my hand tight

I wanted to tell him
The three most important words
But I still haven't found courage or time
662 · Jan 2016
Questionable depth
Wanderer Jan 2016
I dove in
head first
full force

Expecting an Ocean
And discovered a kiddie pool
660 · Jan 2016
Wanderer Jan 2016
I feel so ******* pathetic
Laying in this bed
Crying my heart out

It hurts me to know
That you aren't hurt
That you don't care
That you don't love me

And I can't do anything about it

Except lay here and cry
I have lost all motivation
659 · Feb 2015
Some Thoughts
Wanderer Feb 2015
Some thoughts come out
Like persuasive businessmen
Convincing you to buy something
you didn't even know existed

And other thoughts come out
Like stumbling drunks
On cold Thursday nights
Lonely and confused, with nowhere to go
658 · Mar 2015
Lunch Date
Wanderer Mar 2015
I watched as cars rushed past the large windows
Each one bouncing sunlight back in at us

I listened to every word you said
Even if I didn't understand what you meant
Even if I didn't care for the topic
I cared about you

I looked back into your eyes
gleaming in the ever present sunlight
I swear I've never seen a shade of green so beautiful
657 · Jan 2016
A Common Dilema
Wanderer Jan 2016
I want you
but even more than that
I want you to want me
652 · Aug 2015
Spring flower
Wanderer Aug 2015
Together we strode through the park
Gathering the sweet scent of spring
The flowers had blossomed and the birds were singing
It was a beautiful day, just you and I

I picked flowers all along the trail
But only one I kept
It sat in my room but not unnoticed
The scent on its own could draw anyone in
Not to mention its captivating beauty

As each day got warmer spring was forgotten
And summer dawned with a force unlike any other
The spring flower slipped through the cracks
It was nearly forgotten

One scorching day I unearthed it from its den
The fragrance was no longer what it had been
This flattened flower was no longer alive
But it's beauty still shined rough
And I realized this flower was me and you
647 · Oct 2017
You can't just do anything
Wanderer Oct 2017
I grew up being told
You can do whatever you want
You can have whatever you want
You can achieve anything
if you try hard enough

And as beautifully motivational and uplifting as this is

It isn't true all the time

You can't just have whatever you want
Sometimes people stand in the way
Sometimes your obstacles are too big
Sometimes its better to find something new to strive for

You can't get so set on something
because you've been told its possible
that you pull yourself apart trying to achieve it

You can't do everything
There aren't enough hours in the day

And for some it comes down to luck
637 · Feb 2016
I Miss You The Most
Wanderer Feb 2016
When I wake up in the morning
And you aren't laying next to me
633 · Oct 2017
Sitting Here Now
Wanderer Oct 2017
I am on the other side of this thing
Not to say I am over it
But I can see things clearer
My thoughts aren't fogged
with a billion emotions
And I now see that
     You needed this
     I needed this
     We needed this

As much as I miss you
I am happy to have been
apart from you as well
To do things on my own for a while
be spontaneous
Not worry about anothers opinion

And although the future is still a mystery to me
**I know that I am where I need to be right now
622 · Jul 2018
Planting sadness
Wanderer Jul 2018
someone planted a seed of sadness inside of him along time ago
it took root and began to bloom before he even knew
at first he fought it, trying to trim it down, choke it out
but it was tougher than he expected
so he learned to live with it
but each day it grew, its roots reaching to the tips of his toes
it poisoned any joy that tried to reclaim him
he started watering it and caring for it
more than he even did himself
It became so apart of him that he could not separate the two
he no longer wanted it to die
for fear that its death
might **** him
607 · Nov 2014
I Like The Symbolism
Wanderer Nov 2014
We stayed up late
and talked for hours
We spoke words we had never uttered before
let thoughts escape our lips before we could think twice

We talked about those who had hurt us
and those we were afraid might
and how we had hurt ourselves

When we spoke of escaping i said
"I always liked the idea of jumping"
But he had a better plan
"I would take a knife a cut open my heart"
When I asked why he said
"I like the symbolism"
604 · Apr 2017
April Showers
Wanderer Apr 2017
I started wondering when the grey skies above
would stop pouring down
and the clouds would float away
to reveal a bright blue sky

Then I remembered the saying
as cheesy as it may be
April showers
bring May flowers

And that is my hope
maybe our love needed some rain
so it could blossom
in beautiful colors

So until these clouds pass
I will try to dance in the rain
with the hopes of spring
brightening my view
603 · Jan 2017
Wanderer Jan 2017
Maybe our souls are connected in some way
How else could this be
How else would you know how to calm me
Or hold me just right
Tight in your arms at night
Our conversations are like no other
Going on for hours about nothing and everything

Maybe I'm just like the rest of them
Lost in the blindness of an infatuation
That I have mistaken for adoration
But it would be hard for me to deny
That sometimes I think you are *the one
601 · May 2016
Sharp edges
Wanderer May 2016
I met a broken boy
who used to love a broken girl
But her sharp edges
had finally scraped is heart
and he went running away

I used to think
I was good with glue
So I learned to love
this broken boy and his fragile pieces
as I put them back together

But once he was whole he ran away
Back to the broken girl
who he loved so dearly

It wasn't until his absence
that i looked in the mirror
And realized I was in pieces
cut up by the boy who
I tried so hard to help
him unaware of how much he hurt me

I tried to glue me back together
But I learned it to be impossible
In such a short period of time
So my broken self pretended to be whole

A new boy came into my life
he hasn't seen my cracks
hasn't felt the sharp edges
barely knows who I am

My fear is that I will break him
and the trend will continue
but i don't want that to happen

I want to love him
595 · May 2016
Can I give love?
Wanderer May 2016
I am so broken
that I don't even know
If I am capable
*of loving him
587 · May 2014
Did You See The Martian?
Wanderer May 2014
Everyone points and laughs
as if she is a spectacle
someone from outer space
Her head cast downward
and her eyes filled with tears

All I really want is to show her
That she is beautiful
no matter whether her head
is covered by a piece of cloth

But my independence fails me
and I follow the crowd
out the door and around the corner
I can only hope she will be stronger than I
585 · Jun 2015
Wanderer Jun 2015
The only thing worse than being hurt is knowing you are hurting someone else
583 · Apr 2015
The Moon and The Stars
Wanderer Apr 2015
How cliché of me
to wish for
a night under the stars
with you

How pathetic of me
to think you
might actually
want to
Clayton R.
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