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leena Sep 2014
i can smell my burning heart
leena Jun 2014
am i really happy? or just less sad
leena May 2014
I know you love me
And you know i love you
But non of us is willing to take the first step
Our love is fading away
I tried my best to let you stay
But baby you left me anyway
But i will wait until that day
Where u come running back to me
leena Jul 2014
most important thing to learn in life
is letting go of what you love most
you broke my heart so..
leena Jul 2014
i think im in deep **** with you. i love you and you make me sad
leena May 2014
just like how i cant leave you..
leena Jul 2014
when do you know if you are attached or not..
its when you ******* hate the world without that person.
leena Oct 2014
the way his hand perfectly matched mine was sadder than the day he left

finding someone whom you truly love and think that they are perfect and knowing that they will leave, is sadder than the day they actually leave.
leena Jul 2014
if you are leaving
stay gone
leena Aug 2014
i'd rather have all my bones broken
than to have a broken heart.
leena Jul 2014
fix your soul when you are sad because when you break a bone in your body you don't just sit there and go "oh well it'll pass" NO. if you are sad go find something that makes you happy and stick to it and when that thing no longer makes you happy its fine because we human lose interest
its ok go find something else
just make sure its not a PERSON
leena Jul 2014
you can die several times
because death is not only a dead body
leena Jun 2014
being sad feels like black thick oil is slowly covering your heart up and it makes breathing seem like a pretty ******* hard job
leena Jul 2014
the happier you are
the sadder you will get
leena May 2014
there are some feelings that no matter what you say no one can feel them but you..
f u
leena Jul 2014
f u
you gave me nothing but pain.
leena Nov 2014
please legalize suicide
leena Jul 2014
in your life you pass by a lot of fears
they stay for years
and eventually
its all gone
just like good things
its all gonna end one day
leena Dec 2014
even my happiness is intoxicated with sadness
leena Jun 2014
we live in a time where its really hard to trust someone
and love is no more real like it used to be
and that hurts, it hurts a lot
to live in a ******* fake time.
leena Aug 2014
maybe i should start drinking everyday
cause you liked me better when i was drunk..
leena Aug 2014
love scares me,
there is too much commitment to it
and i can't really commit to something or someone
and the thought that the person you love can simply reach to a point where they don't love you anymore and you can't do anything about it,
you can never force anyone to love you
and that scares me
because i love him
leena May 2014
oh if you knew or felt or saw the love i had for you..
you'd burst in tears for not holding me in your arms
you'd burst in tears for not kissing me
you'd burst in tears for not caring about me
and most of all you'd burst in tears for leaving me
leena Jul 2014
it makes me really sick
how every ******* song reminds me of
leena Jul 2014
you see darling i dont get it
you want me
then you don't
you love me
then you don't
you ******* ****
why can't you make your mind?
leena Jun 2014
i might want you..
but **** it i am not staying if you don't want me to.
leena May 2014
you are like a rock that is made out of metal and I'm the rain but i didn't know that you were made out of metal so i kept on falling on you, trying to make things change and i tried so hard that i ran out if water.. but i will wait for another year to rain again and i will not rain on any other rock but you.
leena Aug 2014
no matter how lonley it gets,
don't throw yourself at them like if they were heaven.
leena Jul 2014
no matter how hard we try
some people are just not meant to be in our lives
leena Jul 2014
-are you in love with her?
-does that make me a freak?
-i think anybody who falls in love is a freak its a crazy thing to do its kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity
leena Oct 2014
i want to overdoes on you
thats how much i love you
leena Jun 2014
ive always thought love was a pink bubble that only brings joy and comfort and care, but now that I've tried it i figured love is pain.
cause in love theres always gotta be the one who cares more
the one who listens more
the one who stays up at night thinking does he really love me?
love is pain
and pain is love
and i love you
leena Aug 2014
don't drink poison and wait for it to **** your enemies..
leena Jun 2014
pride or love
you have to get rid of one
to keep the other
leena Dec 2014
cant go a day without self harming,
please tell me why do i find it so charming ?
although blood gives me an alarming
that i might not be there next morning
leena Oct 2014
YOU loved the smell of my hair,
so i changed my shampoo but I STLL MISS YOU.
leena Jun 2014
“And if you call me at 4 am, too sad to even say hello, I will listen to your silence until you fall asleep. If you need to cry I will not wipe your tears away because you are only human and sometimes tears are as close to laughter as you can get and that’s okay. If you get sleepy I will let you drool on my arm and I won’t laugh at you if you snore too loud. If you need to yell so hard that your voice cracks and your knees fail I will hold you up and yell with you. If you get so angry you punch your hands red I will ice your knuckles and tell you that wounds heal both inside and out, and just like the cold that is harsh and burning, I will always be the warmth to soothe you and make you feel better. I will love you.”
leena Jun 2014
everything we love eventually leaves and everything we hate always stays. she said so i told her to hate me and she replied "you cant expect me to bring you the moon"
leena Nov 2014
there will be days
where you will feel so tired your brain hurts
there will be days
where you will feel really blue and sucicidal
there will be days
where no one is gonna be the shoulder you cry on to feel better
there will be days
where your cigarrets won't ease it off
there will be days and there will be pain
leena May 2014
oh are so hard to love
but i will ******* love every little ****** piece of you...
leena May 2014
you dont love me.. you just like how much i care about you.
leena Jun 2014
The most ****** up thing you will ever do
is care about someone who doesn't give a **** about you
leena May 2014
i hate how much i love you.
leena May 2014
I promised myself to not write about anyone anymore but my thoughts..
but baby YOU are all my thoughts.
leena Jun 2014
losing things worries you,
getting used to things worries me
leena Nov 2014
is pain considered
strength ?
leena Jun 2014
you're in your bed
i'm in my bed
one of us is in the wrong bed
leena Jun 2014
leaving you will cause a lot of pain and loving you will even cause more pain..

— The End —