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Aug 2014 · 939
I am a terrible lover.
Annabel Lee Aug 2014
I am a terrible dancer.
But for you I would dance,
I would twirl and spin and slide,
to whatever music you gave me
my clumsy clomping feet would suddenly
for a moment be graceful,
just for you.

I am a terrible singer.
But for one glance of your smile
I would climb each stumbling, soaring note
I would belt out my love for you
singing along to the radio in our car
tremulously letting song fill me,
just for you.

I am a terrible writer.
But I compose this poem out of
nothing but love for you
-- because I have nothing else --
and I'd rearrange the alphabet
a thousand times over
til it forms the words I want,
just so, on the page,
just for you.

I am a terrible artist.
But I would cut my heart and bleed
my love for you to paint with;
my body to be a sculpted statue
a monument of ******* and hips and desire
only for you.

I am a terrible lover.
But all I can say is that I try, with all my might
for you to know my love, feel my love
and not just when we are entangled in each other but
even when we walk side by side down the street,
when my fingers brush yours unexpectedly,
in the way you rub your eyes when you are tired
and the way you stare at me for so long I get uncomfortable,
saying, "I just like to look at you."

I see you and my love is
always for you, always with you,
a glow of me in all you do because
I am standing on this cliff edge and
it's too late, it's too late
I've given you all of me, and even if it
destroys me
there's no coming back

Everything I do, I do for you.
Annabel Lee Jul 2014
i'm sitting in this car and for some reason i can feel my heartbeat
throbbing in my back,
i think of the last time i thought about you, and how
i wanted to die because i can't be with you; how
melodramatic and filled with these unavoidable clichés
i am

i love
you, tenderly

my window rolled down, and the weather is dry
as my eyes in this night
but it should be monsooning because
inside, my heart is a river and i'm just trying
to stay afloat.

i'll never look at my hands the same way again,
not after i saw the way they looked interlocked with yours
and my fingers are tainted by your lips, the way
you kissed them so gently and told me
they were beautiful.

i see things that remind me of you
- stripes, for example - and
i have to stop for a moment
because i'm shuddering under a crashing wave
of you, you, you,

my mind doesn't hold memories; it holds moments of
perfection, and
you are my perfect moment.

"I try."
"You don't have to."
Jul 2014 · 667
oh, i'm a mess right now
Annabel Lee Jul 2014
I just want to talk to you.
Yeah, I want to kiss you and
hold you and make you laugh
and smile
but the fact that
I think about you when
you're probably not thinking about me
is what is causing this huge aching painful emptiness
inside of my chest, a spot that used to be filled
with the warmth you caused whenever you said my name.
I just want to spend time with you, in your presence
knowing that all your smiles and jokes and stories are
directed to me, just to me, because I know I'm your
one and only.
And I've said this before,
apologizing for how utterly stupid I sound
and hating the way this silly cliche sounds
clumsily falling out of my mouth but
how can you not see
the way that you completely
drive me crazy?
haven't written anything in a while... but here's something I wrote a long while ago
May 2014 · 2.8k
mental illness
Annabel Lee May 2014
[Disclaimer: this is quite long, but bear with me]

Depression is a shape-shifting, ever-present monster. It is a monster that many battle; some slay the beast, others are swallowed whole, sacrificing life and limb to its gaping jaws, but most are stuck in an eternal stalemate, neither winning nor losing.

It takes a different form for everyone. Mine was a deep black bottomless lake that I was trapped in, the dark waves lapping at my neck, threatening to submerge me. It was a dense grey fog, obscuring all of my senses and causing me to heave and choke, unable to catch my breath. It was a python as thick as a tree, squeezing the life out of me, tightening with every move I made. It was a cancer in every one of my cells; a dull ache that couldn't be numbed. It was every one of my worst fears realized, ready to pounce as soon as I woke every morning. It was a constant IV drip paralysing every muscle that I couldn't rip out of my arm.

But despite all the imagery, it was not poetic. It was not lyrical. It wasn't a heroic effort to maintain a grip on reality and sanity; it wasn't a single tear falling onto a love letter. It wasn't how it’s been artfully depicted in movies and songs. There was no plot twist, no knight on a white horse, no epiphany followed by an orchestral swell and rolling credits. It wasn't poetic – it was ***** and lonely and terrifying.

It was dealing with the crippling knowledge that I was absolutely worthless, that if I was to fall off the edge of the earth, it really would not matter; that though people would be sad for a little while if I died, I would eventually be forgotten because in light of Eternity, my existence was truly meaningless. It was night after night of restless, soul consuming insomnia paradoxically paired with bone-deep exhaustion. It was struggling to get out of bed the next morning because the monster was sitting on my chest, weighing me down and grinning evilly in my face. It was giving up – on friends, family, school-work, because I was wearing these blinders that forced me to only see myself and my unworthiness. It was second-guessing my every move, terrified that I would do or say the wrong thing, and people wouldn't like me any more. It was withdrawing into the prison in the depths of my mind, trying to peek out the bleary windows of my eyes but only seeing the monster, pacing and drooling and growling at me.

I contemplated suicide countless times but only attempted it once. It wasn't from a sense of self-loathing or unworthiness, it was because I couldn't bear the ache inside of me, I couldn't bear looking in the mirror every morning, I couldn't bear going out and having to spend time with happy people. I couldn't bear feeling like I didn't matter, that I was only a feeble shadow floating throughout my day. Sometimes I would feel sick, physically sick with the anxiety of having to interact with people, and knowing that I would have to pretend to be okay. And it was hiding, choking, suffocating, pressing down the gaping raw hole inside of me – because, for me, the worst thing about depression is not being depressed – it’s the fear that someone will find out. I was suffering, but there was no way any one could know, I could not would not would never ever let anyone know that I was drowning in a black lake and there was no one to save me. It was no one's burden to bear but my own. My suicidal thoughts weren't about the morbidity of death, they were about the freedom and release from my self-inflicted suffering. Because depression is self-inflicted, whether we like to admit it or not. It is a battle of our soul against our mind.

There were people who would occasionally notice I was "feeling down", or "under the weather" and would ask me if I was okay. And I would always say Yes, though inside my prison I would be screaming and rattling the bars of my cage, yelling No, Help Me, Please. And once in a while I would be given a little note, a syringe of words, Scripture to inject in my veins and chase away the numbness. Still others would tell me “it’s all in your head”, and that was when I wanted to scream YES IT IS BUT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND.  People would try to fix me, but I didn't need fixing. (This isn't something you can fix; I was not broken)

I needed someone to lie with me in bed and hold me until I could breathe. I needed someone to hold my hand and never ever let go of me. I needed someone to sit silently with me in the dark, just so I could know I wasn't alone. I needed someone to trust me to be able to fight this monster.
I fight, day in and day out, against the black waters ******* me down. I accept that depression is something that isn't going away right now, and might not ever go away. But I've also come to realize that though this monster may be bigger and stronger and even smarter than me, I am not helpless.
Trying to explain something that millions of people struggle with, something that gets ignored and swept under the rug, labelled as "self-centred", "self-pitying", and "it's all in your head".
May 2014 · 592
Annabel Lee May 2014
Something tells me it's a little stupid that a Lady Gaga song
reminds me of you,

but it does, and I can't help the fact that a frivolous pop song still has
such bittersweet memories.

Memories of all my almosts.

How I almost made a huge mistake, when you asked me to go with you down to the water's edge,

to go see the fishermen's lamps on the lake, golden orbs scattered
across the black water,

and how I decided to decline your offer, but of course I still wonder
the inevitable what if

You were the first boy to tell me I was beautiful,
and oh, how I almost believed you.
I haven't thought about you in ages...
May 2014 · 1.2k
i can't hate you
Annabel Lee May 2014
I wonder what you see when you look at me
I am a stranger, but
there are things you think you know.
And you think you are right.
Every time, your apology
turns into a justification
for the cruel words you threw at me.
Somehow I feel like I understand you
but then I wonder - why?
I could just label you *****,
plain and simple
but I know too much of your own
to justify myself.
It just adds to the never-ending
ebbing, pulling,
deep down
pool of grief
we all love to swim in.
I can't hate you, because that would be like hating myself.
May 2014 · 546
12th September
Annabel Lee May 2014
they sing Ave, Ave, Ave
and stamp
breaking the holiness
with a spark of devilry
the orange trees dance with them
swaying in the sensual breeze
scenting everything with a youthful zest
their skirts are dusted with the heady incense
smoky and lovely
this hot day everything clings
they swing their hair back
their faces thrilling with joy
facing the sinking sun
they praise the madonna
Ave, Ave Ave Maria
Mother of Our Lord.
May 2014 · 1.6k
Annabel Lee May 2014
Honesty is so freeing
but so terrifying

Like bungee jumping,
with the pure sweet adrenaline
pumping through your bones
telling you you'll be okay,
you'll be okay,

You're okay.

That's why
I'm still wavering
on the edge of the cliff
feeling the tight straps around my legs,
knowing I will be caught
when I fall
but still seeing the
thousand foot drop beneath me.
Annabel Lee May 2014
i went back to the place we first met so many years ago
and stood on the bright-black staircase
surrounded by crumbling red brick
and thought of you.

i thought of how when i met you, you didn't have a single tattoo yet;
we were both twelve.
i thought of the time you told me you loved me, stammering in the dark by the old van
when you kissed my shoulder and i laughed
when you tried to put your arm around me in a stiff, respectful, chivalrous sort of way
don't worry - i didn't think you were awkward at all.

you always said you'd get a tattoo of my name
which i thought was so stupid, but was secretly so flattered
and now i'm just so curious
but too afraid to ask.

did you forget me?
i've never forgotten you.
... work in progress ...
May 2014 · 1.5k
The Hospital
Annabel Lee May 2014
I hate that I never said goodbye.

I was only eleven,
and I was a liar,
and I was tired of
hospital beds and crying people and mysterious smells and sounds
and flowers and hymn-singing and
useless tacky balloons that only wasted space,
wilting and deflating after only a few days,
and crumpling to the linoleum into a
shiny crinkled fifteen-dollar piece of trash.

(I thought it was beautiful,
           but it was such a waste because
      of course you never noticed.)

The February outside was damp and indecisive,
spring one day and winter back the next,
but I would have much rather been out on the freezing cold lawn
than in that tension-filled room of white.
Finally, I could stand it,
once you were home (still in that mechanical bed,
but at least you were in a room with a beautiful stained glass window
and forest green carpet dusted with dog hair)
on that last night
- though of course we could not know it was the last
while we stood in that golden room
and sang you to sleep.

It was terrible-awful to see my father cry
in his father's old navy suit
to be sitting, numb and nonchalant in the first pew
right in the front of the church
right where your slate grey coffin lay
draped in the glorious red white and blue.
And to know that
I had lied when I walked out that door
into the star-sparkled night
because even while I loved you
and love you still
I didn't say goodbye that night.

- February 18th, 2007 -
May 2014 · 366
Annabel Lee May 2014

i think you are cool

and i think your eyes are the most beautiful thing i've seen
today, or any day
and your voice and your laugh and your hair
and every silly thing about you
notice it
and I can't get myself to stop

you are a good friend

but you could be so much more
if you could see the desperation
in my eyes, and how
easily i am swayed by anything you do
can't you see
the power you have
over me?

thanks for talking to me today

about such meaningless stupid things,
when all i wanted was to tell you
The Truth
and every time you speak my name
or look into my eyes
it leaps to my lips
and it is such a pathetic battle to keep me
from saying

I really appreciated it

but ‘appreciated’ is such a flimsy word
and not what i mean at all
what i mean is that
you chose to spend your time with me
and for that i am so
eternally grateful to you

stay great! :)

*because how else could you possibly stay
in my mind, you are near flawless
and wondrous
and writing a silly note
on a scrap of paper
to tell you how i feel
will never
is never
can never
be enough.
Annabel Lee May 2014
all i want to do
is fall into your eyes
to drown and wash myself
of the things i have been living in these past four months
to dive into the golden chocolate lake of your understanding
because you are the only one who knows me so well
to open my mouth and eyes and ears
and be purged of every bitterness lodged there.

all i want to do
is sit quietly and watch you paint
there is no need for conversation
to fill an awkward silence
it is only a beautiful silence
filled with our warm and lovely thoughts.

all i want to do
is lie in the darkness and hear your voice
to laugh loudly and cry quietly
our voices growing fainter and more slurred
as the indigo night slips by.

you are so far away
and the last time i saw you
all i could carry was pain in my heart
the hurt of too many misunderstandings
and the sorrow of my losses
but have i lost your love? no.
because i think you are the only person in the world
who understands me, who actually hears what I say.

i never thought this was possible.
i’ve read thousands of books, and some of them spoke of this thing,
but i never thought it was actually real.
but here you are, there you are,
so far away but always close
because we are close in our hearts and in our minds
you can travel so far away i cannot hear your voice
but we are forever this close
and i don’t care if it’s weird
or unusual
or sweet and adorable
it is only the most important thing in the world to me.
i wrote this for a very important person in my life
May 2014 · 1.1k
summer 2011
Annabel Lee May 2014
Our fingers
knotted and crossed
locked in a finger hug
hand hold
on the roof
in the moonlight.
Always in the moonlight.
And you said
how glad you were
to be away from them -
they would laugh if they saw.
I guess later you changed your mind,
because your long fingers reached for mine
in a big room,
under the glare of flourescent bulbs

Everyone saw,
but no one laughed
at us.
this is a poem I'm actually really proud of
May 2014 · 687
Annabel Lee May 2014
let’s just swim out into the lake

and never return to the pebbly shore.
May 2014 · 866
new things
Annabel Lee May 2014
I never really noticed you before,
til now.
Now I notice the tiniest things
like your fingernails
which look like the inside of an oyster’s shell
and your hands, which are the most
beautiful thing about you.
I notice the way your hair shines
in the sun
and the way your voice cracks sometimes,
when you laugh.
May 2014 · 587
on a brink
Annabel Lee May 2014
Each day brings me closer,

each day washes me out to sea.

Like a tide, ever moving

always coming back again to the beach.

I float and,

in floating,

I see the sky above me and sing
May 2014 · 836
my past follows me
Annabel Lee May 2014
once you wrote a poem
about my sun-golden
green leaves
green and gold
trees bursting from the ground
i don’t remember the words
but i remember the feeling
of being twelve, thirteen,
a woman-child
uncertain and unhappy
feeling the brief beauty
of pencil to paper
my birthday present.
May 2014 · 622
Annabel Lee May 2014
I'm sorry that

you are such

I treated you

an insufferable

the way I did


I wish I could

idiot, and

take it all back

I'd like to

I feel like

break your nose

it's my fault

and watch you bleed

how could I

how could you

treat you this way?

do this to me?

All I can say is

What you should say is

*Forgive me.
this is a two-sided poem of the battle of my thoughts and feelings.
May 2014 · 409
no conclusion
Annabel Lee May 2014
I like you. But I don't want to.
Because this frustrating fascination is
nothing but a neuron connection,
nothing but a synapse hitting another.
I can't take myself seriously any more
it's like everywhere I look I see closed doors
'cuz I'm locked in a room of my emotions
and it's no place I'd ever wanna be!
Trapped by my feelings - what a pathetic phrase!
Am I supposed to be comforted, like oh, yeah, it's a phase
It'll pass over soon, you'll get over him
******* drowning in hormones, while I try to swim!

No. It doesn't have to be this way - right?
I know I can do something - like, fight?
Against my self, against my soul
because I think
                          what I feel
                                            is real.
spoken word...unfinished. notes/edits/criticism welcome!
May 2014 · 681
two years gone
Annabel Lee May 2014
I remember
sitting on that blue couch
tears rushing to my eyes
because I couldn't understand what was
really happening
this new building,
new home
new people
yes, it was all a dream
a dream come true
but maybe a nightmare
and the possibility
of the night terrors
is what filled my empty heart
with fear.
I sat on the same couch
but I was so different
the night terrors come,
and gone
and my heart filled with
hot fast beating blood.
May 2014 · 830
How I Love You
Annabel Lee May 2014
This is the first time I shall say it,
but hopefully never the last,
but this is the first time I've said it
on paper
don't let me forget what it's worth
I love you
more than anything I can think of
right now
And though this is cheap, and stupid
and cheesy and cliche
I have to tell you how,
and now,
and why I feel this beautiful way.

Your green eyes are a physical punch
to my gut
I double over, choking and coughing
on sheer incomparable beauty.
Your eyes, oh, oh,
they will be my soon and sudden death.
your laugh, your voice,
the grumble-rumble-gravel of every word you say
oh, make it stop!
I am paralyzed,
and lost!

I am befuddled and confused
as soon as you walk in
I cannot understand anything
my heart flops like a dying fish
I get hot and bothered
bothered that I am now hot
and bothered by your sheer existence
O, kiss me now
let's get it over with
let me love you.
trying to figure out my feelings.. criticism/edits welcome!
May 2014 · 2.1k
Annabel Lee May 2014
Can't see the tumbling, swirling
Panicking, sweating
Trembling, faltering
Absolute mess inside me.
We simply stand there
Bright wind biting at our bodies
Your murmuring mouth
Speaking to me
– to me!
O, the wonder
To watch you stand beside me
O the brilliant pain of it;
The flickering, flashing,
Hot, slicing thrills in my heart
O such a simple night,
Such a starry night above us
To hear you say,
– to me –  
“Just alright?”
“Just alright.”
Just as if you cared
At all.
talking to the boy I love, who does not love me
May 2014 · 520
i will not be proud
Annabel Lee May 2014
I will not be proud of anything of my own
for now I am nothing without you
I know that I have tried and I have strived
to be the greatest man, to be the strongest
to be the wisest and the best
to be kind and to be true

I know that all I need to be
I need to be for you
and you love me like a shining star
loves the moonless night
so that it may add its brilliance
to the velvet backdrop of the sky

I love you like a Bedouin loves the sand-sea deserts
like a wild and windswept dune
I love you like a drowning man loves the shore,
like birds love their feathers and
fish love their scales
For my love is not a moment
not a sigh, or a glance, or a poem
my love is my blood and my life
and this love, love, love,
it's truth
it's brilliance
its honest and wonder and fire
burning and renewing me each day
-  my love will never let you go.

— The End —