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 Aug 2014 Annabel Lee
You were my muse, babe. You made all that poetic **** come running out of my fingers, a waterfall of galaxy eyes and feathery hair and thin fingers and shy lips. A stream of false promises I almost believed in and outer space and the comets in your head, a slow trickle of something a lot like love that slowly thrummed in my heart and the glassy purity about you. You were like a song I could have listened to forever, a beautiful boy with a heartbeat like a hummingbird. It's really too bad you forgot me, because I didn't forget a moment of you.
Remember when we first met? I was in third grade, you were in second. You really liked skulls and you talked really fast, like you were in a rush, even when you weren't.
 Aug 2014 Annabel Lee
I cannot write
I cannot find
behind the creases
of my mind
the words to fill
another line,
those words wait
out of sight
for now I
cannot write.
** hum
You've never stopped loving me.
not even when i broke Your heart,
not even when i broke my promises,
not even when i left your side,
not even when i said i didn't need You anymore,
not even when i turned my back on You,
not even when i tried to fill the void in my heart with everything but You,
not even when i stopped loving You,
not even then did You stop loving me.

                         ­    a                          a
                                    ­                                                      t
         ­                           p                                     ­             
                                                   ­                      r

                                 you'd always be there to catch me.
                            a safe place to land, a safe home to haunt,
                                       your arms are my temple,
                                          your shoulders my fort,
                                               my steady pillars,
                                                     my whole
                                                           ­ in
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