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Feb 2020 · 385
Mia Kay James Feb 2020
I don't know what's
more difficult-
trying to
quit smoking
learning to love
Oct 2018 · 253
Mia Kay James Oct 2018


Apr 2018 · 536
Unheard and Unanswered
Mia Kay James Apr 2018
to hear her
but gave up
when he realized
the whispered prayers
were mine.
Are you even listening?
Apr 2018 · 462
April Fools
Mia Kay James Apr 2018
My eyes are glued to the door,
waiting and praying
for you to show up,
"April Fools!"
And yet the doorway stays as
as I have felt for months now.
Apr 2018 · 467
Mia Kay James Apr 2018
His unfocused gaze
at the commercial on television
hardened yet again.
I watch his grip
tighten on the remote,
his knuckles turning
"When will things go back
to the way they were?" he growls.
He wasn't talking about
the commercials.
I turn away
blankly stare at
the television too,
wondering the
I'm growing up and we're growing apart.
Dec 2017 · 711
Mia Kay James Dec 2017
my darling
you're my
rose colored
Nov 2017 · 2.8k
Lingering Letdown
Mia Kay James Nov 2017
Thick smoke lingers between us,
always being tiptoed around,
but never spoken about directly.
Never dare to speak the truth,
just pretend it's not there.
Day in and day out-
Billowing clouds float
from your eyes
into my pores,
seeping slowly,
dragging me down
with every glare.
I'm sorry to disappoint you,
but shouldn't you be used to it by now?
May 2017 · 600
Mia Kay James May 2017
My surroundings-
miles of tall grass swaying in the breeze.
The aura of the girl sitting next to me.

Rays of sun that shine around her,
adding warmth to my already-blush heart.

The dress that hugs her body,
begetting envy within me,
knowing I’m not as close to her as that fabric is
in this moment.

The flowers I place in her dark tresses.
Her shoulders.
Her thighs.
Her hand that slowly slides into mine.

The color that creeps into my cheeks.
Shine that reflects off her lips,
tempting me to taste them.

My heart,
about to beat out of my chest
as I slowly move toward her.

Euphoria rushing into my bloodstream
as our lips meet for the first time.
The idea of this poem came from having a picnic from my friend. Her whole entity is filled with sunshine and nature.
May 2017 · 1.8k
Untitled (Part 2)
Mia Kay James May 2017
I met a boy a few years ago.
His eyes were always searching for something lost,
but he never knew what he was looking for.

We became acquaintances,
and after a while,
dare I say,
we became friends.

He never talked much about his past,
but I was able to read his absent eyes,
the way he never made eye contact for too long,
or the way he forced himself away from anything
he might get attached to.

His eyes are always just as anxious as mine.

He is sitting right next to me now,
just as lost in the professor’s lecture as I am,
and he’s writing too,
pencil feverously scribbling whatever thoughts
cloud his mind in this moment.

It’s been four years since I met this boy,
and I have never been able to figure out his angle.

There must be something he wants,
some reason he still talks to me.
No one has stayed by my side for this long.

Could it be possible that he actually cares about me?
No,          of          course          not,
That’s an idiotic thing to think.

But why else would he still be around me
when all I have been good for are
learning how to bake the perfect cupcakes together,
taking photos of the local wildlife,
and late night conversations about the stars?

The men I have known don’t care about those things.
The only thing that matters to them is
what’s between my legs,
and nothing else.

So could this one be different?

Could someone actually care about me?
Part 2. Still don't have a name for it.
May 2017 · 508
Untitled (Part 1)
Mia Kay James May 2017
I am currently sitting in class.
My body is screaming to break out
of this monotonous cycle.
If my heart beats any harder, I fear it might actually
b    u    r    s    t.

The professor is speaking but
the only words I hear are yours.
Each combination of letters and syllables that had escaped your lips
drenched me in this thick, venomous bile and
I can still feel it sloshing around in my boots now.

You took my credulous soul,
tricking me into believing you were good, you were pure,
and then ****** every drop of energy and sanity
you could get out of me
before leaving to drain another victim.

This is not the first time this has happened, either.

The amount of times I have been left for dead
has torn down my confidence and
burned my self-respect
into a crisp.

You labeled my body, “a piece of meat”,
its only use to pleasure and satisfy.
Having that beaten into my head,
I began to actually believe it.

My opinions did not matter, so my mouth should not speak.
Anytime people communicated with me was on their own time,
when they would get something out of it,
whether it be diffusing boredom, asking favors, ***, etc.
And I would give it to them,
all the while silently begging that their intentions
were not all about them.
But when they got what they wanted, they left.

What I learned-
people             will             only             use             you.
-and that is what I believed was normal
for the longest time.

Trust is difficult when the
only question running through your mind
asks what everyone's angles are.
Because everyone you
had gotten close to,
had one.
Part 1. (Any ideas for a title would be greatly appreciated.)
May 2017 · 2.3k
:.:Dear Mia:.:
Mia Kay James May 2017
At different points in my life, different events changed my life for both better and worse. This is a collection of letters to myself throughout different periods of my adolescence.

    Dear Mia, you are nine years old, and you just lost your grandfather, the only one who truly understood you and all of your quirks, that later on people will call ‘social’ and ‘generalized’ anxiety.
Not only that, but your family moved out of your childhood home just months after. I know things are really confusing and painful right now, and that you can’t hide in your mom’s closet anymore, because this house is different.
You search for new hiding places, trying and failing to find a new sense of security. You will not find this until you are thirteen, so please stop searching so hard.
Losing your grandfather feels like the end of the world, because this is your first loss. Honey, it will not be your last.
You’ll get used to it.

    Dear Mia, you are ten years old, and you have just met your Nana’s ex-husband. He asks you to call him grandpa. This makes you very uncomfortable, because you already had a grandpa, and he’s dead now. You do not have to do anything you do not want to do.
Do not call him grandpa, and do not try to get close with him. All he will do is use you to trick people into believing he is getting better, that he’s clean.
He isn’t, and he will never be. He has **** and ******* stashed in different parts of his house; stop going there.
You are too young to know what they smell like, but you do anyways.

     Dear Mia, you’re finally a teenager! But you assume this makes you a woman now. You are not, and I urge you to not do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Your favorite uncle just shot himself and your mom refuses to ever get out of bed. She never looks you in the eyes anymore. You feel like a part of you has died- whatever you do, do not try to fill that emptiness in your heart with a boy.
Especially not him.
It will not help. If anything, it will make you feel a thousand times worse, and you will never be able to shower enough times to get the feeling of his filthy hand prints off of your body.
I know you want to, but please do not use a blade to try and carve out where he touched.

    Dear Mia, you’re fifteen, and the next couple years will be the most painful. The only thing you will be able to think about is suicide. Your uncle’s and Connor’s, and the attempts of James, Katelyn, and Kait’s.
Maybe even your own?
I am begging you to not steal your dad’s scotch bottle. It tastes disgusting, and it won’t help anything; all it will do will create yet another bad habit.
You didn’t listen to me before, and you started cutting.
Please stop.
It will only make you more paranoid than usual, and the scars that mark your body will only make you even more self conscious (yes, that’s possible, unfortunately).

    Dear Mia, suicide is not the answer. Stop.

    Dear Mia, you finally got some professional help. Depression and anxiety crept into your mind and made themselves a home, but pills will help.
Do not refuse them, it will only make things bad again. Also, this girl has a crush on you. You’ve been friends for a while, and she kissed you last night.
Do not date her.
You are only lonely; you do not actually have romantic feelings for her. She has mental issues that will only mess up your recovery.
She is manipulative and possessive.
Do. Not. Date. Her.

    Dear Mia, you are seventeen. After dating that girl, you felt completely worthless. You are not worthless. It may not seem like it, but you have so many friends that care for you; you will realize this soon, because that girl is about to become nasty and violent, and these friends will help you stand your ground when standing your ground seems impossible. She will move in a few months and although she will try to contact you, you will not answer.
You will be able to breathe again; I promise.

    Dear Mia, it is 7:55 on a Friday morning. You are able to get out of bed again. You are able to do your makeup without crying in the mirror. I’m proud of you. It took you a very long time to be able to do this, I know, but it was worth it. Things still hurt, but friends are there to lessen the pain. Thank them.
A huge thanks to Mom, Dad, Nana, Riley Giles, Kait Rihel, Jessica Stoneking, Oliver Burdine, Tyler Huggins, and everyone else who has gotten me through the worst years of my life. I appreciate all of you more than you'll ever know.
May 2017 · 523
Mia Kay James May 2017
A swaying
               fills the frame,
refusing to be overlooked in all its vastness.
               caress her skin,
giving off the same sensation as a kitten's kiss.
          bound bun,
                now loose and messy,
free brunette strands from their prison.
          abandoned house
               contrasts against the salmon sky,
craving to be explored by a curious soul such as herself.
Practicing description. Based on the painting"Christina's World" by Andrew Wyeth.
Mia Kay James Apr 2017
You are broken.
Constellations for a body, glimmering stars
playing connect-the-dots to create
a beautiful yet imperfect human form.
Black holes for eyes,
breathing in memories,
but anything positive loses itself in the abyss,
leaving you with nothing but past pain and heartache.

I am such a wreck.
Supernovas for a mind, always
exploding into a frenzy of anxious thoughts.
Pluto for a personality,
being overlooked, underappreciated, and pushed away.

But when looking through a telescope,
all anyone can see is cosmic, celestial hope.
I think between our luminescence and darkness,
We’d make a lovely mess.
I took a line from "A Lovely Mess" by The Front Bottoms and turned it into a poem.
Mar 2017 · 1.7k
Mia Kay James Mar 2017
I have never
dreamed of water until
I met you
and those
ocean blue eyes
of yours.
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
I Am a Used Paintbrush
Mia Kay James Feb 2017
I was a new paintbrush.
In the beginning, there was so much potential in his promises.
He was to create alluring artwork from my bristles,
vowing beautiful blues and pleasant pinks would tickle me
and yet the memories of baneful, bitter blacks darken my mind.
When artwork went wrong, I was to blame,
slammed against the wall and used to stab canvases,
he took his anger out on me.
He splintered me and broke me,
yet I am still held accountable for his wrongful accusations.
My only hope was that he would clean up his chaotic mess
but my bristles are stiff and stained with snapshots of
his haphazard hand wrapped around my neck.
I am a used paintbrush.
Abusive relationships are difficult to recover from.
Jan 2017 · 601
Love, Clarified
Mia Kay James Jan 2017
How does one explain what
love feels like?
Drowning in overdosed emotions
of infatuation and heartbreak.
Deafening embarrassment
reminds eyes to cry
when hearts on sleeves are rejected.
Despair is felt for feeling the loss
that was never mine to begin with.
My world turns upside down
but all seems well between each
shaky, weeping breath.
I could die happily
if he’d just let me taste his lips.
Jan 2017 · 727
wRItErs BLoCk
Mia Kay James Jan 2017
used to rush out of me
like raging angry tides
but now that
my demons are sleeping
i cannot seem to remember
how to write
Am I only able to write when my heart is shattered?
Jan 2017 · 2.0k
What Is Art?
Mia Kay James Jan 2017
How does one describe something that has so much more meaning than anything there has ever been?
I am not able to have one underlying emotion for art.
I am not sure there even is one emotion that i have not faced when
I make, take in, or feel some type of art.
It is everything to me.
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."
When I make any piece of artwork, it takes me away,
and I have never had that feeling other than when
I have a paintbrush or pencil between my fingers.
When i need to stop my own little world and get away from everything, I make something.
Art seems to be the only form of communication
I desire to use when showing emotions.
I get anxiety when i have to show so much vulnerability as to do something as simple as /talking/ to someone about my problems.
If I could just show someone my artwork instead of speak,
I would choose that any day.
"She is delightfully chaotic;
a beautiful mess.
Loving her has been a splendid adventure."
I guess in some ways i see art as a person.
The only true love I have ever really felt would be with art.
I have been hurt many times and I have always
turned to art because of it.
Shes always been there for me,
while others have let me down time after time again.
Yet she waits there patiently everyday
until I pick up the sketchbook
and draw.
Found this poem I wrote back in 2013.
Jan 2017 · 375
Mia Kay James Jan 2017
When I was younger
people told me
I had potential surging
through my veins
and at the age of thirteen
I started using a razor
to help me see what they saw.
Mia Kay James Nov 2016
Person #1:
My oddness correlates with your oddness, and it's the most unusual sense of 'home' that I've ever felt.
Because of it, I've found myself quite content when we are in the same room together.
Saying my 'heart skips a beat' when you talk to me sounds so cliché,
but it seems to be true.
I wish I could tell you this in a way that wouldn't make you unsettled,
but alas,
my anxiety tells me you'll be uncomfortable with it no matter how I say it, so
I'll just write it here for now.

Person # 2:
You are a work of art;
are you aware of that?
Your whole aura leaves me
perplexed yet intrigued.
Somehow you are the definition of grace, but in the most unhinged way.
When you look at me,
I feel as though I matter in the world, though your whole personality screams anathema.
You are just a work of art,
and someday I hope to understand every part of you.
Because we are not very close,
it seems odd to tell you this face-to-face. That is why these words will just stay here for the time being.

Person # 3:
My God,
where did we go?
Things were so lovely back in the day,
but everything crumpled before our eyes. When I used to look at you,
I saw hope and someone worth my time. Now when I see you,
I honestly become nauseous.
I am well aware that some of it is my fault- but it's my fault because
I didn't stand up for myself sooner.
Why did it take so long for me to see
how shallow your thoughts really are?
All you were was collateral damage,
and after all this time,
it still affects me,
and it sickens me how
petty I appear to myself.
I don't tell you this because we don't speak, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Speaking is difficult for me. Writing isn't.
Mia Kay James Nov 2016
If I could use every breath I have to make you believe your worth,
then I would happily choke
to see you smile.
I'm sorry the only time you remember human contact was when you were being hit by your father.
I'm sorry that girl broke your heart and blamed everything on you.
You did nothing wrong, it was them.
You are not the bruises that marked your body as a child
or the pain that you look at in the mirror.
You are the laugh that escapes my lips when you make those god-awful jokes.
You are the skipped beat of my heart when you walk through the room.
You are all of your own emotions- overwhelming, deafening emotions that scream through the clouds with confidence.
You are the ******* sun on my cloudy-*** day.
I am sick and tired of you seeing yourself as such a mess, when all I see is hope, and laughter, and everything I've always wanted.
Sep 2016 · 608
First and Last
Mia Kay James Sep 2016
"This will be the
first and last day I love you."
She reached over
and kissed him with
such desperation and passion-
He could taste her tears
as their lips locked
for the first and
only time.
After what felt like an eternity,
she stepped away,
grabbed her suitcase,
and left without
She knew it was for the best for both of them.
Sep 2016 · 590
Mia Kay James Sep 2016
How do I write about you when you're still a mystery to me?
Aug 2016 · 7.4k
Mia Kay James Aug 2016
I see the hashtag a week after it ended.
I know that's not what you mean.
You love love.
Honey, you're a hopeless romantic,
a lover of anything cheesy,
or passionate,
or intimate.
After that little symbol,
you really mean "**** Her",
don't you?
Don't lie, it's okay.
I hurt you.
You were in love,
and I shattered your fragile heart.
Hate me all you want,
passive aggressive or not,
but just know that I did it because
you deserve more than
a damaged, sad little girl's love.
You deserve to have your own
princess in shining armour,
and not have to save the depressed
damsel in distress
along the way.
So #FuckLove, #FuckHer, #FuckYou.
I understand, dear.
*I ****** up.
I'm so very sorry.
Mar 2016 · 620
Wasted Youth
Mia Kay James Mar 2016
my life
to stay
Only alcohol can numb the racing thoughts.
Jan 2016 · 496
Just A Dream
Mia Kay James Jan 2016
Do your dreams
ever wander to the first time
our hands
brushed against each other?
Maybe they stroll to the
moment your heart
sighed in relief as
I kissed back?
My dreams do not wander to
these lovely memories.
My dreams are these memories.
I worry that I am not worth
your dreams anymore.
Kissing you has no passion these days.
You stiffen
when I reach for your hand.
Is this the end of our love story?
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough
for you.
I'm sorry I was never good enough.
I'm sorry.
I scribbled this on a napkin while you were in the other room.
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
To My Father
Mia Kay James Jan 2016
I'm begging you,
"Please stop fighting."
Your glare tells me
that you'll hit me too
if I don't walk away,
but I can't take this anymore-
not one more day.

I've never fought back before,
so this was a first.
I tried to get mom out,
before you
hit me first.

Three hits,
that's when I fell.
But I wouldn't back down,
and you started to tell.

Fists flew for a minute
or so,
That's when mom came back,
with a big blow-
to the head.
You were finally down.

We were finally free.
Well Dad,
I hope I don't see you around.
If you or anyone you know is suffering from domestic abuse, please call 1-800-799-7233.
Jan 2016 · 853
Mia Kay James Jan 2016
Stitch these miles
together until
your skin
sends goosebumps
down my spine.
Whisper promises
of never
leaving me
into my neck.
I want to feel the
false comfort
that your hands
Tell me all about
the places we'll go
as you walk
out the door.
Tell me you love me
as you rip out
the stitches
that hold
my last hope for
Please ruin my life, that's all I've ever wanted.
Jan 2016 · 448
Standing Still
Mia Kay James Jan 2016
The moment you left,
oceans refused to stay still
with violent tides.
I begged you to come back
but trees screamed at me
with outraged sways.
I begged you to recall the good times
but instead grounds quaked
when I said your name.

Was I such a disastrous soul?
I know I stumbled a few times,
but must you destroy the whole world
to run from my faults?

Because now,
I am alone.
The waters only quiver.
The leaves barely tremble.
You broke the world because
the Earth stands still without
our deafening
Why won't you let me back in?
Dec 2015 · 456
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
He realized
the fear of losing her,
based on
constant insecurity
terrified him.
Don't ever fall in love, my dear.
Dec 2015 · 856
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
If we'd lived like normal people-
All of this could have been avoided.
But we didn't.
We were nuts and desperate.
We couldn't help but create this
nothingness that drove us completely crazy,
Still, no one's desperation came close
to matching mine.
They all seemed to be able to go back to their lives.
They got scuffed up and they got on with it,
Only I seemed to be left behind,
crying and screaming,
wanting some satisfaction,
wanting to feel something.
I always sought solace in places
where I know, absolutely,
that it did not exist.

Is this what insanity feels like?
Dec 2015 · 529
Barely Breathing
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
I was a threat to your happiness,
always have been.
But now, my mistakes have
caught up with me.
What's wrong with you?
How can you do this to me?
you cried.
I choked.
You deserved a reason.
You deserved a million apologies.
But all I could say was,
Please don't leave me.
Please don't go.
You walked away for the last time.
I felt dark
and grey
and dead,
barely breathing.
I messed up one too many times.
Dec 2015 · 472
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
I need help.
I am falling on broken glass.
I am collapsing on myself.
I am shards of glass.
I am killing myself.

Though somehow,
I continue to hold on
for dear life.
The depression is slowly creeping in again.
Dec 2015 · 932
All Too Familiar Demon
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
Shaking and crying uncontrollably,
I'm so dreadful right now.
Anything is more appealing
than sitting with me
in this state.
You sigh and pull me in close.
Just breathe
you whisper.
You've gotten through this before.
And you're right.
This demon has been with me
for years.
How the hell do I get rid of it?

You're tired of taking care of me,
I know.
But I'm afraid you'll leave.
Please don't leave me alone
with myself,
with this monster.
I'm terrified of what it will
make me do when you walk
out the door.

But you do anyways.
Why did you leave me while I was having an anxiety attack?
Dec 2015 · 530
Life Blacked Out
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
You always ask me
what will help me out of this
depressed state.
And for the past three years,
my answer has always been the same.
Copious amounts of alcohol and
a neverending blackout
to forget the misery
I'm in.
You cannot fix me, my dear.
Dec 2015 · 852
Anxious Love
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
My brain shuts off.
I feel nauseous.
All I will ever do is trip
and fall down.
I want out.
I need out.
It seems like it could never work out.
The promise of a beautiful future
is all a big hoax.
I am curled up in fetal position.
I can't stop crying.
Everything seems to have gone wrong.
Can I ever not mess up?
I'm sorry.
I will always be sorry.
Having anxiety in relationships is such a dreadful thing, isn't it?
Dec 2015 · 619
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
They sent you home today.
Doctors with white hair and dark words.
"Quality of life...inoperable...
Nonresponsive to treatment..."
I helped take off that paper gown,
sticky and
red and
Signed the release death-warrent.
We limped home, you and I,
faint has-been wonders.
"Your secrets made you over-think,"
you said.
I wept.
In bed, you'd be gone soon.
But you couldn't go if I held on,
could you?
I miss him sometimes.
Dec 2015 · 2.9k
Human Contradiction
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
I contradict myself.
I am in love with the human body,
for it is delicate and intricate.
I believe all bodies should be cherished because
they all hold some form of beauty.
Yet I also believe that
I will never be good enough-
Horribly insecure and
loathing the flesh that wraps itself
around my bones.
Some days,
I am in love with the different parts
of my body,
like my hazel eyes that sparkle in sunlight or
the romantic curve of my lips or
the way my wrists reveal the blue veins underneath.
Other times,
I despise myself.
Tears well up and fog my vision.
With quivering lips,
I reach for a blade to cut out
those god forsaken veins.
Why can't I love myself as much as
I love everything and everyone else?
I am in love with the human body,
but for some reason,
only mine is
not good enough.
I contradict myself in ways like this.
And I hope to god I am the only one who feels this way.
Dec 2015 · 2.5k
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
So I longed to possess it,
the world.
Heaven had refused to take me in
but I believed I was stronger.
"Here, take it,"
the heavens cried out.
"Be content.
I have done everything for you,
but since you are so sure,
you will not refuse all of the
deadly treasures
contained inside
the Earth."
Dec 2015 · 468
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
Just breathe in the art.
It's all we know how to do.
Inhale. Exhale. Draw.
Dec 2015 · 481
Mia Kay James Dec 2015
Wide eyes
Thin lips
No more room
Devilish, isn't she?

— The End —