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Apr 2017 · 1.8k
Another Time Poem
Holly Nicole Apr 2017
It was late and he held me
Tender and close
Like a lover, but as a friend
He put his cheek to mine
For what may have been the last
Time. It's what keeps us apart

Too much time
The wrong time
Too early along in time

Oh how I hate time
For it only takes from us
That which we want.

Yet in that one time
It was exactly the opposite.
For that moment i wished
Time would stay.
Alas, he fled, left me alone.
Time ran faster than ever before
Ripping him from my aching arms.

So silly, that time.
Oh how I hate time.
Always seems like it goes too fast or too slow.
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
Music for Empty Apartments
Holly Nicole Apr 2017
Music for empty apartments
Heard only in the winter
Of the soul
The deepest, coldest part
Where the distant melody
Is omnipresent, dark and low.

Music for the heart and mind
Drifting on the breeze,
And soft and gentle sobs
Heard only by those
Alone with their thoughts,
Swimming in the thoughts of others.
Missing ones held dear
Clinging to memories
Playing them over
and over
and over
So as not to let them go...

Like music
For empty apartments
With empty beds
And empty souls.
Music so unheard, it is nearly lost
Yet to those who play it,
It is deafening.
Apr 2017 · 647
[Taken with you]
Holly Nicole Apr 2017
I place my trust in you
- don't break it.
I give my heart to you
- don't take it.
I wish to look upon your face
- you make it so
hard for me.
Hiding in the shadows,
Showing me mere glimpses.
Letting me love you
Only from a distance.
Wrapped in your embrace
Just for a minute.
Pushed aside,
Alone through the thick of it.
Still you have my trust
- I won't let you break it.
And my heart?
-Oh, yes, you've taken it.
Apr 2017 · 456
Sonnet 5
Holly Nicole Apr 2017
And as I sit in this same place as he,
Remembering the way he smiled at me,
And holding on to every lasting glance,
I wish that he would give a second chance
For grasping close those smiles and tears alike
Emotions rife with words I never said
His eyes to mine ever devout and like
This mouth wired shut, my face is turning red.
And yet this speech I cannot find; instead
I say platonic but my love is pure
So if and when the both of us are dead
The mystery of thoughts can lack allure.
A burden lifted- my love yours to hold
But still a fallacy our minds behold.
Written 1/17/17, funny how feelings once so strong can feel so weak
Apr 2017 · 518
Many to One
Holly Nicole Apr 2017
The rain falls soft
Against my window,
Nearly indiscernible from
The creaking of the floors,
The settling of the walls.
Each drop slides silently
Across the glass,
Fading in to eternity,
Becoming one with the growing
Puddles and lakes below,
From many, they blend in to one.

Each person who walks
The face of this earth
Treads a path unique to them,
So quickly and silently
It is merely a split second
In eternity, to which
We all must fade.
Settling in to the ground
Bones creaking with age.
Time passed nearly indescribable
From the tears and laughter
In accompaniment.
From one, we fade in to many.
Apr 2017 · 505
Flawed Life
Holly Nicole Apr 2017
I never thought I'd be the one
I'd always seen as less than.
Living a life society
Commercializes as beautiful,
But a young girl sees as
Flawed and directionless;
The way I go about everything.

Yet here I find myself,
Pulled by the undertow toward my fate
One sip, one slip at a time.
Grabbed too quickly with a lurking subtly
Of fingers wrapped tightly around my wrist
So hard I couldn't feel myself
Falling in to them.

I didn't see myself being this one,
Driving home when the light nearly peeks
On the eastern side of my windshield.
Shaking so hard I can barely breathe
Knowing you said things you didn't mean
Only because of the drinks-
And begging myself to believe that.

Sometimes I shake away the good things
Simply because they are good,
And I've felt so much good
I want to know what bad is.
The truth my wandering eyes escape
Seems glaringly obvious in the daylight-
The bad is not good, it is wretched.

Still, I'm at this place
That only I've brought myself to.
Standing on the borders of capabilities,
Yet unable to cross in either direction.
Toward knowing deterioration,
Or a pure sense of empty accomplishment
Neither of which pulls me.

It seems I'll walk the tightrope
For a little while longer,
Lest my gravitational fate
Allow my free-fall to end in a landing.
Mar 2017 · 521
You Burned
Holly Nicole Mar 2017
With too many corners,
The way to approach the unapproachable
Becomes more inconceivably distant.

In the ways I pushed against you
Trying to reach for what I knew
But battling a formidable opponent-
An entirely invisible division.
Only emanating confusion
And the impending release of will.

The loss of love without cause
Does not sit lightly in the heart
But even more unsettling
Are the distant recollections
Of something I saw as so pure;
Allowing myself to mold to you.

Free falling backwards
Thinking you’ll be caught is not
A way to ensure salvation.
Lest a demon disguised as an angel
Retrieves you from the gates,
To distort your desire to burn.

Still, you burned.
Numb to the flames in minutes
But susceptible to the smoke,
Restricting the very mortal intention
To inhale the sustaining force of life
Until you felt the sting.

Heedless to the fires,
I’ve come to find I kept you
Quite close to the center of my heart
With forgiveness and patience
Where others don’t wish
To feel the radiation, or pain

Scorched, an understatement.
Ashes to ashes, my desires
Still rampant to pull you back-
You, back to me
Where I can ensure security;
Habitual protection

If for no reason but this:
Each being placed by 
Divine intention requires
A deeper connection to feel 
Truly alive…
And your walls prevented that.

This is the calm before the storm.
This is the moment to breathe.
This is the time to release.
But that does not mean I leave
When the fire returns.

I will never again let you burn.
For a friend coming out of a really hard time, which will inevitably lead to another one.
Jan 2017 · 724
Split seconds
Holly Nicole Jan 2017
isn't it crazy how
in the blink of an eye
one split second decision
can set off a
spiral of beauty
and pain
and sacrifice
and affection,
all wrapped in to one time bomb
of a relationship
with a fast approaching expiration date?
Dec 2016 · 317
Been needing to write this
Holly Nicole Dec 2016
If this is what I have to do then I may as well admit it to you, if no one else. Because you, the person in my head, the one I always talk to instead of real people in the world... you may be the only one who sees me for who I am. Broken and hurting and falling with no safe place to land. It's hard for me to show you why I'm stuck here in this place, but the easiest way to put it is the hardest thing to say. I loved him. I love him still. It's forcing back against my will, I push, it shoves, I'm falling down, my head has lost its mental crown. For in this state I do not own the thoughts I have; you can relate- I am their slave, as you are mine. I manipulate the way you perceive me, and they force me to feel this way as well. Just as I do, they can deceive me, and force me how this way to tell. I do not want to love him now, but I can't find the strength I need to muster to push him away. The longer he's here, the faster it stays. You see the problem? I know I do, it's hard for me to admit to you because I don't want it to be a problem! I want to hold him close at night, I want to feel close beside me, and his warmth and soft embrace- there was a time he set the pace, and I followed. But now it seems he's only pulled away enough for his own mental anguish to desist, while I am left to ponder on this list of reasons I still feel attached, and my heart to his is latched. I only wish for freedom, but know I am not willing to take back my own kingdom if it means dethroning him, for he leads so well. But when he leaves my mind throbs and swells in a state of mental discourse between myself (and you of course), and him and them and everyone who tries to feed my ways to cope. But I don't need their games- it's all a joke, with the punch line being: I'll still love him, all said and done. Someday when we both find someone he will be happy, as will I, and likely the truth is as you say; the best doctor is time. Behind these mental prisons there are tunnels I have dug, and deep inside one a small hope remains snug that somewhere far along the path he and I will cross and laugh at how we thought it wouldn't be and yet it seems he's there for me and we will walk along together, facing storms and dreary weather... because like I said, all along he's been the one inside my head. And perhaps I've been in his. But now it's time to leave that dream, buried deep within this hole. I cannot visit it, it seems it will only hold me back once more. You understand, don't you? How I have to do this alone? I know you want to help me here, but if he picks up the phone, it will only be me- one voice, one sound. Telling him that I have found I have to fire him from this position of entitlement he's found over my being, over myself. Of course, he doesn't know he's there- he never did anything wrong.... all of these things I've come to find, I've placed him there within my mind. I love him, I loved him, and I do still. Its all against my will. I may deceive you more, but at least understand- I've tried to shut the door. It will close itself when it is ready, which may be now.
One of the hardest things I've ever written. No, pausing, no thinking, no editing. Purely trying to write to stop lying to myself.
Dec 2016 · 1.5k
The Spaghetti Test
Holly Nicole Dec 2016
It's times like these when you look to the rest of your life and say, "what am I supposed to do with this", so you throw it at a wall and see if it sticks. Because life is far too long and far too hard, and at a snail's pace we don't get very far.... it's like regression to childhood; being lost in a large neighborhood, and uncertain of which turn to take- that's every **** choice you make. There's no way to know how to make it better, we just keep walking and getting wetter as the storm gets harder and we get farther from finding answers......

The spaghetti test in terms of life, I suppose, a way to see if all this strife is worth the outcome we seek. Because life is definitely NOT for the meek. Those who abandon heart will never see the light, for life requires such a fight. But  unlike pasta growing soft in water, if we wish to persist we have to be stronger- and throwing life to see if it sticks only works if we cease and desist at trying to remain hard and fast, and pushing up against coming last.
To be or not to be,  that is the question
Dec 2016 · 351
Damn Song
Holly Nicole Dec 2016
I can’t seem to understand
Why this same
**** song
Plays in my head.
It isn’t even a good song
Not the kind that fills you
With jubilation, freedom

(I took a walk today and saw a man in a wheelchair trying to cross the road. I thought a car was going to hit him but he made it across)

This **** song
Leaves me barren.
It takes everything from me;
my love, my happiness-
It leaves me barren.

(People can’t seem to understand that if I stop for you to go, you shouldn’t stop for me to go. Then we just both stand for longer.)

I wish it would stop playing
But right when it ends
It repeats again.
And I don’t turn it off…
I’m waiting for it to turn itself off.

(Oh, and while we’re talking about it, I miss playing the piano. I miss making the music on my own.)

Maybe the more I talk about the
**** song
The more likely it will be to
Go away.
The song is shy, and I am not afraid of it
It should be afraid of me.
Sometimes poetry is just rambles, I suppose. I don't really know.
Nov 2016 · 579
We Danced
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
It is late. Time is slipping still
Right through my fingers.
Hard against my will
This taste of liquor lingers,
Urging me to take a drink and
Lose myself. But then I find
His fingertips gently brush hands
When his soul is absent from mind.
In a free fall, he sees
What I know. The whisky illuminates
The path between the trees,
The path we walked in many states-

I stood on his toes
And we danced.
I don't think alcohol brings out the crazy, I think it brings out the deepest truth
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
The Image of Being Together
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
At some point I’ll
Have to come to terms with this reality

At some point I’ll
Need to make peace with your absence

At some point I’ll
Turn around and find myself breathing-

That’s when I can say I made it;
When I can breathe and walk and feel
Without you

I’m there now
              I think
Just don’t want to admit it,
For fear that acceptance
Of your absence
Is release
Of potential
And the coming
Of the inevitable
The end
Nov 2016 · 613
From the head office
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
The following
shall be omitted;

Existential dread,
      of the past
Lack of sovereignty,
Knowledge of evil,
       (Acknowledgement of such)

I couldn’t care less.
Could care less means
you care

          Thus: caring shall be omitted,

General thought,
                 omissions must be made

Please retain intelligence
          and a small capacity for
Nov 2016 · 401
Sonnet 4
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
I tread along this road, directionless
My compass broken, I can’t tell true North.
More likely South I go, affectionless
And in to time I march along henceforth.
So taking to the mountains in retreat,
I try to run away from things untold
For with no way of knowing when I’ll meet
This future that, until now, can’t unfold
I try to keep presumptions out of thought.
I try to keep my mind at ease and rest…
But if I could have spoilers to the plot
Perhaps these things would motivate the best.
I tread along this road, directionless
My heart and soul I feel are just a mess.
Nov 2016 · 334
Sonnet 3
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
With time I feel my deepest strife is found;
These days and years my mental prison be,
For when I take a cursory glance around,
The things I long for most, time shields from me.
It seems that all must hike this same long trail,
The progress slow, tis futile to see far
And when compared in years, experience pale,
I see that love doth fall if not on par.
Still hopeful I will one day feel at home,
My earthly being nay reflect my mind.
Till then in frequent solitude I roam,
And cling to fickle ones alike in kind.
I know that time is neither friend nor foe,
My ancient soul contained in ebb and flow.
Nov 2016 · 610
I don't want to go
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
I can’t bring myself to find
They way I feel inside
I don’t exactly want to see
The passage of this time

You draw my mind in
You mull it over, I mull you over
You spit it out

I don’t want to go

We were a familiar thing
Secure and safe and whole
We kept it all at bay
Until the reckless fall

I am the reckless
You are the wrecker
We wrecked my heart

Now I
Only me

I don’t want to go
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
I reach forward
Grasping empty air
A feeling with which
I have become all too familiar.
I hold closer the sheets
In which you once lay
Parallel to me.
Tighter around me
I pull them,
But they cannot maintain
Your strength

I reach forward,
And feel a new presence.
Barely transcendent
Yet seemingly ever present.
I grasp the frail air
Still it seems to be there
In a way that only I can see,
But it does not
Terminate all thoughts
Not like the way I could
Feel you breathe.
Really untitled, just don't like leaving things untitled.
Nov 2016 · 306
But I Can't Stay
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
Out of sight
Out of mind
I step away from myself
And in to the abyss
Of my knowledge.
Swimming through the memories,
Playing them like film strips.
I fall out of reality,
Allowing the subconscious mind
To take over.
I walk away from
The world,
And retreat inside
To a tranquil place where
Thoughts can be heard
Without distraction
Without calamity.
Taken below the surface
Of the iceberg and
Consumed with euphoric fantasy,
All I can hear is the laughter
Of a thousand voices
Like wind chimes in the breeze-
All proclaiming peace.
If I could stay forever
I would-
In this place
I am happy.
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Sonnet 2
Holly Nicole Oct 2016
Your eyes, the sun, the way they glint and glare  
I cannot help but see through crystal glass
The way you tempt my mind unto despair,
Longing for something, far now come and passed.
Now I the Icarus, I thought I'd thrive,
Again your mind hath lured me to your soul
But turn away, and I, thine heart deny
A burning love within, I must console.
You do not know the way you pierced my heart,
Mistook my dismal speech for friendly thought-
Whilst I must not my views to you impart,
I see that all my trials lead to naught.
Regardless, in my arms I wish you home
Still welcome here wherever you may roam.
A sonnet for one I will never have, but will always think of
Aug 2016 · 385
New Love
Holly Nicole Aug 2016
Left side numbness,
Left brain failing
Only feeling what comes through my skin
Formal logic thrown to the wind
I don’t want to think

Your touch on my waist
A hand on my back
The way your fingers drift under my shirt
Lifting higher and higher

Life is changing,
Things are moving forward,
The distance in our years is growing still
Or standing still
Or shrinking

The smaller the space between our hips,
The smaller the gap in the years-
The way you press against my lips
Makes me feel a distinct freedom
From things I’ve felt before

More aggressive
More of a push
Yet so little pressure
I don’t feel like you will shove me away
I don’t feel like I’m holding you back
I don’t feel like I owe you anything

You owe me
You’ve shown me this way of feeling
Through the way you touch my back
And look further in to my eyes,
Allowed me to show you things I haven’t shown

Now we have this
This belongs to us
This is ours alone
Something to foster and something to own

I will let you
Come along with me
May 2016 · 518
Beating Heart
Holly Nicole May 2016
Bang bang bang
Against the cage and the restraints
Aching to be free
To jump beyond the limits
For no good reason
For bad reason
Do not
Bang bang
I said no
Do not care
Do not jump to action
Bang bang bang
There is no reason
To feel these feelings
Not for some.... Thing
Like this one
Bang bang
Against the cage
Reeling, still feeling
For no good reason
Feb 2016 · 357
My Prayer
Holly Nicole Feb 2016
Oh lord you hear my cry
My desperate call to you
When I don't have a way
Or a will to answer
To those in this world

You take my every burden
Casting cares aside
Getting to see the real me
One so few actually see
The barrenness and brokenness inside

Lord please search my heart
My prayer to you today
To pull out what I cannot find
To show me your will, your way
I know not how to ask for your answers

Thank you for your guidance
Though I sometimes cannot see it
I know you're always with me
Your silent hand a comfort
Your arms around my shoulders, close and warm

I cannot take this life, God
Not without you, not alone
I sometimes forget to ask, God
Yet in you, I am strong
I need your peace

Let this be my prayer
Spoken from my heart through my lips
But from a place much higher
A thought to God
Nov 2015 · 800
Evocative Memories
Holly Nicole Nov 2015
Turn around and feel me here
This rhythmic sense of undue love, unclear
Your hand resting in mine a simple sign
Yet your love, one so divine
Is more confusing than the heart of thine

An uncertain wave of strange perfume
And laughter from the other room
It sparks my mind through leaps and bounds
Remembering the time I found… you
A time only we shared

Does it sit in your mind like mine?
A weight beyond the reach of time
Yet lofty in the sense of grace
The way it sets a lighter pace
This love within my reach, without my grasp

So I come to the first thought,
Emotion you have not sought
Found here in the dynamic ebb and flow
A love given, and taken slow
We will find our way out
Nov 2015 · 795
Holly Nicole Nov 2015
Snippets of conversations drifting through the wind can sometimes be cause for a deeper introspective search than one has ever taken before.

Just this morning in passing I heard a boy say "I just love writing, it's my passion", and I stopped and thought to myself quietly "what's my passion?"


This simple expression by a total stranger sparked a train of thought in my mind leading me down tunnels in to the very depths of my unprepared brain.

Searching for a passion

Much like the passer-by I tend to enjoy the written word.
I relish sentences,
vocabulary choice,
anything that can present ideas in a sophisticated written sense.

On the contrary, sometimes writing feels like having my eyes slowly clawed out of my head and consumed by a larger-than-life, incredible beast.

*Could such an act be my passion if only to grate on my nerves and cause me to tear out my hair when it does not occur according to my plans?
Nov 2015 · 368
Time for Change
Holly Nicole Nov 2015
Take my hand I'll understand
The way your heart beats still
Reaching out I'm taking count
My love belongs to you
And I know
It's hard sometimes to realize
The pain this fall can bring
But I'll keep moving back to you
And winter turns to spring
A love lost begins again
Oct 2015 · 511
Addictive Sadness
Holly Nicole Oct 2015
I try not to remember
But my eyes are constantly drawn
To the photos.
Genuine smiles
A time of pure, innocent happiness
Now fostering a new feeling-
A sadness so addictive
I cannot look away

I can see the sparkle in your eyes
In each moment from the past
And I fear that sparkle
Will never be mine again.
I fear it may belong to another,
Or the freedom we felt
Will be surpassed by the freedom
Of yourself

I cannot look away
It’s an addictive sadness
Sep 2015 · 482
At a Crossroads
Holly Nicole Sep 2015
I suppose this is what it has become
At a crossroads, stretching to eternity
I went left, you went right
Bound for the mountains, bound for the sea
Yet I keep glancing
Over my shoulder
To the sunset in the east
Hoping to see your silhouette
Maybe looking back at me.

Encounters with others form the path,
Trail markers along my way,
As I climb ever forwards towards
Such a brand new uncertainty.
This unknown I never knew
Now presents itself clearly,
Yet somehow I’m not ready to approach it.

And so I’ll take my time,
Ambling slowly toward the ridges.
Perhaps when I get there I’ll feel you.
See you from above,
See you come running back,
Or at least see you happy-
Running to the sea.
Jul 2015 · 464
The Cost of Compassion
Holly Nicole Jul 2015
One two three
The die is cast
On that which I must carry
An unknown pain
For an unknown enemy
And a battle within the mind

With these three
Emotions rampant
Vastly different, dramatically the same
Each carrying a connotation
Brother, lover, friend
But meanings this much deeper
In a way few can understand
This passion I carry

Like only I can feel the pain
That isn't even mine
Apr 2015 · 10.1k
Train wreck
Holly Nicole Apr 2015
A friend told me love would hit me like a train

*I'm lying across the tracks
Apr 2015 · 4.2k
Holly Nicole Apr 2015
Slipping through my fingers
Like hourglass sands
Once to pass, never to return
Memories merely photographs;
I glance back at ribbons
Tied round fingers,
Quick thoughts of times once here
But all things fade and wither
Cycles of death take hold
And all is one day lost.
I ponder the question,
Weighing on those with recollections,
Do you remember how much
You've forgotten?
Apr 2015 · 444
Holly Nicole Apr 2015
Rampant and full of desire
I broke the glass
Surrounding your heart
Wanting what could be seen
And not touched

Wanting what is now mine
*I broke the glass
Mar 2015 · 614
Can't Tell You
Holly Nicole Mar 2015
Running to the door
I meet you there like yesterday.
Though I know what you're here for,
There are some things I want to say.
We wave hello and set out,
Our same routine in motion;
My eyes to yours are but a scout
To see the day's commotion.
Inside, my mind is uttering  
A message growing strong
These things I should be saying
If only it weren't wrong;

"I love you like my brother
But you just can't seem to see
Best friend? I have no other,
I know it's you for me.
Please do not think that this is wrong,
I care for you so deeply!
If I could write a simple song
These words would be my plea:
Let me help you when you need,
Don't give a second thought.
With worries rife like springtime ****,
I think you have forgot-
I'm always here to guide you,
The lighthouse amidst your storm.
I won't let darkness find you
If in my embrace you're warm"

Alas, we walk so quiet
Almost finished 'round the block
I wish I would have tried it,
But my lips refused to talk.
I understand we had our chance,
A love we might have shared
But now without another glance
I know that's why you're scared.
We can be friends without a doubt
Ignore the shadows passed
My smile ever is devout  
Just know, my love will last.
I have a best friend, but I can't tell him that.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
To Myself
Holly Nicole Mar 2015
Stop and breathe
It isn't worth it
Try and pull back
I know how the tunnel vision works
I've been there
I've seen the darkness
But I promise,
There is a light
You may not know right now
With anxiety high as the sky
Listen to me now
Focus on one voice-
The valleys are as beautiful as the mountains
Take a step away
Make a little distance
Breathe the cold, fresh air
I promise
I promise you'll see it
There is a light, beyond the horizon
Just keep climbing
A note to myself, or anyone needing, from myself. You'll get there.
Mar 2015 · 784
Take me
Holly Nicole Mar 2015
Deeper than the pits
Of my lustful heart
I cannot fathom the way
I wish I could hold you
Soft against me
Two people...
One flesh
One passionate body
And the way you would look at me
Penetrating my soul
Making me wish I could
Wish I could.....
My heart belongs to you
I am completely entranced
I am completely in love
Come now
Love me back
Show me that you do
I wish you could take me
To the places I ought not to go
Love me there
Or here
You are the object of my sights
My desires
And all I want...
Is you
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
Holly Nicole Mar 2015
I'm in a passionate love affair
With the mountains
And the dream of
Dec 2014 · 730
Holly Nicole Dec 2014
30 29 28
I can't breathe
I can't see
I can't see you
26 25
Does time pass
Pass by
Reaching out
Grasp at nothing
23 22
Slowing down
21 20 19
It doesn't get better
There's nothing out there
Just darkness
A calm serenity of nothing
Drawing nearer
Time is coming
To a close
I feel the end
I wish for the end
Are you there?
13 12 11
There is more
Than this
Than empty
I can almost
I want
I need
I love
Sometimes you grow to love the decline
Dec 2014 · 9.0k
Holly Nicole Dec 2014
Holding on to me
Dragging me down
There is no revival
There is no survival
No way to reclaim
The life that was mine
Trickling away
Nickel and dime
I can't support my family--
I can't even support myself
Can't let my children know
This lack of things to provide
Even though I want to;
When wants and needs collide.

I can't explain it to you
You wouldn't understand
This suffering I see
Sometimes I think it only happens
Just to me
I have so much hope for my children
They have to go further
Make more
Do more
Be more
More than I was
More than I am
I will never be what I want

This world, so costly
I can't help it- but mostly
It's the people in my life,
The ones I hold at night,
The people who keep me going

Dragging me down
But I will not give up
I can't release hope
For my children and their children-
Break this cyclical way of living;
Break the death and deceiving

I am stuck, but I have hope
I have love and I can cope
But I can't hold on much longer
Ripped to shreds by the economy
I loved you, my daughter

Be more
Some are lacking
Nov 2014 · 523
Don't Go
Holly Nicole Nov 2014
One more day, I beg
Please stay with me, I beg
I wish you didn't have to go
I need you here

A life without your smile
Your guidance and encouragement
Your love
Our laughter-
I feel distant

Distance between myself and I
For my soul has gone with you
And I am left here
Without myself
But more importantly
Without you
Nov 2014 · 516
Starry Love
Holly Nicole Nov 2014
The sky can be One entity-
The stars for all humanity.
But tonight, darling,
I'd like to believe
They're just
For you and me

Looking down from above
I'm so consumed
With celestial love
For you, my dear,
My thoughts are clear
*I love you like the stars
Nov 2014 · 538
Holly Nicole Nov 2014
Hot breath
Sweaty face;
Fast inhaling....
And faster movement

Hand on my spine
Lips on your neck

Nothing exists.
Nothing but you
Your unfailing hold
On my waist

Hands on my stomach
Lips on your chest

Your hand brushes...
And I whisper your name.
And I love you
Somehow you know

Hands on my chest
Lips on your ears

Does it have to end here?
Why must reality always return?
I wish to fall to the very pits of my desperation, but I know I cannot.
Oct 2014 · 9.1k
Simple Love
Holly Nicole Oct 2014
We can't go backwards
But if we could it would be
To that very night

Holding each other
Time standing still
And a blissful,
Extremely tender
Loving innocence
Surrounding us

No passion
Just simple love
Where a simple touch
Can sing a hundred songs
Oct 2014 · 520
I feel you
Holly Nicole Oct 2014
I feel you
Settling perfectly in to my body-
Arms wrapped
Around my fragile frame.
A firm grasp,
An unfailing protection.

I feel you here
I sense your thoughts
Your longing to be so close
Your love transcending worries
The change the always comes
With an unspeakable joy
I feel you

I feel you now
Rivers of emotion
Of a passion so great
It cannot be contained
By the walls of your
Explosive heart
I feel you

And now I feel
The action-
The result of the great passion
Leaving your heart and mind
And throwing itself
On to a blank canvas!
I feel you here!
Chest pressed against mine,
Inseparable- our minds connect
We connect
And I can feel you
Oct 2014 · 916
Holly Nicole Oct 2014
Summer left me
Sweet abandon
Ringing in the
Blustery autumn
To the best season off all!
Oct 2014 · 448
Losing Battle
Holly Nicole Oct 2014
Suffocated by the memories
Gasping for air
The pressure builds in my head
It is

There isn't a light
Driving through the never ending tunnel
A tunnel of turmoil
Sharp turns
Near misses
And love lost

Indiscernible screams escape
My muted mouth-
Silenced by ages of
Pain and hurt
So broken,
It cannot speak back anymore

Faced by impossible adversities
The battle rages,
But the war is not won
Oct 2014 · 583
On the Inside
Holly Nicole Oct 2014
Out of sight
Out of mind
I step away from myself
And in to the abyss
Of my knowledge.
Swimming through the memories,
Playing them like film strips.
I fall out of reality,
Allowing the subconscious mind
To take over.
I step away from
The world,
And retreat inside
To a tranquil place where
Thoughts can be heard
Without distraction
Without calamity.
Taken below the surface
Of the iceberg and
Consumed with euphoric fantasy,
All I can hear is the laughter
Of a thousand voices
Like wind chimes in the breeze-
All proclaiming peace.
If I could stay forever
I would-
In this place
I am happy.
I guess you could call it my happy place
Sep 2014 · 871
Come Home
Holly Nicole Sep 2014
It's a little hard to explain
I shouldn't miss you
But I still do.
It was so sour,
Our final goodbyes
I knew I wouldn't miss you
Good riddance!
But it's now
That I cry
By myself
To myself
All about you.
It's time for you to come back
I'm so sorry for what I said
I miss you
And somehow I feel
Like you miss me.
I miss you so much, and I am so sorry.
Sep 2014 · 418
Could it be you
Holly Nicole Sep 2014
I was on my knees
I was crying out
But not a sound was heard
No one came to my rescue
They couldn't see-
See this agony
They couldn't know
They couldn't help.

*But then there was you.
Sep 2014 · 409
What is love?
Holly Nicole Sep 2014
But what does it really mean
When you say I love you?
Does it mean you
Does it mean you
Love has not a definition,
But instead an assumption
That the other would
Love you back.
For love cannot truly be
One sided,
As then it is not love
It is merely the
Longing for love.
Love is an experience
Only shared between
Only felt in a pair
Seen within, and not alone
Love cannot be felt
Without two halves
Of one whole.
Sep 2014 · 443
Forever, My One
Holly Nicole Sep 2014
You are the one
Who I'll see
Waiting for me
At the end of the walk
Down the aisle

You are the one
Who will lay beside me
And keep me warm
All through our first
Winter months

You are the one
Who will scoop me up
As we laugh joyously
Because it seems
It won't be just the two of us anymore

You are the one
I've waited for
For my entire life
And you are the one
I truly love
Crying tears of pure joy while writing this.
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