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Sep 2024 · 162
The other shoe
Nyx Sep 2024
I wonder if I'll ever know the answer
Will I ever find the unspoken words between the lines
Racing through the never ending days
Driving past all these glaring stop signs

Will I ever truly feel free?
Will my heart race and soul yearn?
Will it ever beat steady and strong?
Will it grow hotter and burn?

I wonder how long I have left?
Is my forever the here and now?
Is stability and contentment the goal?
Is this the final scene when I take a bow?

When did being healthy and happy grow so loud
Like a broken alarm clock refusing to switch off
Blaring and screaming unwaveringly proud.
Younger me would roll my eyes and scoff

Its as if I'm waiting for that other shoe
That supposed one thats meant to drop
The first is on the floor awaiting
The other held high at the top

Holding my breath and waiting.
Times passing, and I can't help but anticipate
The inevitable feeling of dread,
But maybe its all in my head.
Duck tape that **** so that it never ever fall idk
Jun 2024 · 514
Song called you
Nyx Jun 2024
My heart beats to a rhythm only made for you,
A strung together ensemble, only made for your view
To a song so beautifully crafted, so delicate and sweet
The notes reverberating to an angelic feat

To your melody, your tune
Shining brightly as the moon
Sung from the first moments of light
till the lates hours of the night

My heart dances along to the song called you

Grace me with your presence
Hold me tightly in your hand
The sweetly tempered rhythm surrounds us
Flooding us with these feelings so grand

Let the music of our hearts guide us
Leading us through this dance of me and you
Without a moment of hesitation
This time we will see this through

Our heart synchronise in beat

Jun 2024 · 470
Nyx Jun 2024
Say Ah~

Dissolve me with your bitter taste,
let me linger upon your tongue.
With shaking hands you hold me tight,
inhaling deep breaths into your lungs

Take it slow, give me time
Very soon you'll feel sublime
Temperature rising, Heart beats quicker
You'll see the world around you begin to flicker

Dance with me, take my hand
Feel your worries fall away like sand
Forget the world, it’s just us two
Focus on me, we will see this through.

Let there only be us in this moment

Apr 2024 · 250
Nyx Apr 2024
I run.

I always seem to run away.

I felt the urge rise up again,

I ******* my sneakers,

Started to stretch,

As I walked to the starting line, I realised.

This time, I want to be caught.
I always panic and run away when things begin to get too real, but this time it’s different.
Apr 2024 · 492
Soul mates
Nyx Apr 2024
And when I met you for the first time,
I felt like my soul recognised you,
And yours mine.
Apr 2024 · 742
Where I refuse to stay
Nyx Apr 2024
The blisters formed and bubbled, Your skin began to burn,
Desperately trying to extinguish all light,
While feigning such concern.

Smothering out the flame, cutting off the air,
the charring smell is making me sick.
No, It's pretending that you care.

Your hands once so soft, have now grown callus,
harden from the "home" you built around me,
Each brick tainted with malice.

Gasping tightly around my ever failing, feeble form,
Looking around frantically,
only to be met with your cloudy eyes filled with scorn.

I lay there in the ashes, the remnants of me,
Darkened sky of smoke surrounding my vision,
All thats left is seared debris

And that is where you left me.

But that's where I refuse to stay.

Flicker in the ashes
Ready to burn brighter then before
Nyx Apr 2024
Almost like it was etched into my soul
My mind refuses to forget.

I see you.
I see your smile.
And ****.
It consumes me again.

Dripping with that sickeningly sweet nectar
Reviving that lingering taste of honey on my tongue
Sparking that chaos that breeds like wildfire
For that foolish love that I once clung

Intoxicated by that familiar scent
Inebriating my mind of incoherent thought
Indulging in this irresistible poison
All sense of caution came to nought

That smile.
That ******* smile is what does me in

Blooming like honeysuckles on a vine
Vibrant in colour, alluring to the eyes
these blossoms aren't all new, just dormant for a time
lying in wait for the worst timing to arise

Entwining itself into the crevices of my heart
Spreading across my body it twirls and intertwines
Desperately trying to pull away as I might
But its futile against the ever tightening vines

You smile at me

Halting my breath but for a moment
As if encapsulating us in time
It feels almost as if the world is composed
completely of just you and I

I'm unable to resist

Big weld
Apr 2024 · 717
Old Perfume
Nyx Apr 2024
Holding a long forgotten bottle
Spritzing it into the air
As the particles sparkle like pixie dust
Glistening gently as you stare

Breathing in the luscious scent
That reminds you of the past
A nostalgic fever rushes over
From the days you wore it last

Flooding your mind like a river
Overwhelming you with youth filled visions
From the you who wore this delicate scent
The you who couldn’t make decisions

As the scent fades away
You return the bottle you found
There it will continue collecting dust
Placed gently without a sound
It’s strange how a certain scent of perfume can bring back so many memories from the past
Mar 2024 · 1.2k
Drown me
Nyx Mar 2024
I want to drown in this intoxicating feeling called you

Taking me deeper with each wave of blue

further and further you drag me out to sea

Weighing down my body so I cannot be free

To the point that I can no longer see the land

nor touch the surface or feel the sand

Sink me deeper into your abyss of you

Drag me down into these feelings so true

Swallowing all that I am, all that I know

Let the vast ocean take me real slow

Filling my lungs till my chest burns in pain

till my heart begins to scream, and the oxygen leaves my brain

Consume my very being with your saltwater taste

I'll take it all in, it won't go to waste

Floating within that gorgeous ocean of blue

Drown me in this existence called you.
Jan 2024 · 1.2k
Nyx Jan 2024

It doesn't cost you a thing

My dad always told me this growing up
A smile goes a long way
Jan 2024 · 926
Nyx Jan 2024
Honeysuckles blooming
In the harsh summer heat
Luring the butterflies near
All eager to eat

Honey-like nectar
An alluringly tender treat
I wonder if those lips will taste
As irresistibly sweet

Vines creeping and trailing
Covering me from head to toe
lacing into the divets of my skin
Choking me slow

A beading drop of honey
Gliding gently on my tongue
Soft fragrance lingers
All from when we were young

He is entangled in my soul
Just a taste
Dec 2023 · 973
Nyx Dec 2023
Deep within the pit
Front and centre to the stage
Music blasting around you
Your mind starts to engage

Time slows around you
Forgetting your in a crowd
You feel your heart pumping in your chest
The surroundings no longer loud

Feeling like your soul is being lifted
higher up and up into the sky
The colours flooding your atmosphere
You feel as if you can fly

Sweat beading in your hands
Temperature on your skin is rising
hands wrapped around your waist
Spirits are energizing

You tune into the music there
Surrounding you with its soul
I never realized it before
How the rhythm can make you feel so whole

The exhilarating feeling
the rush that it entails
Hooked on this version of me
That is free to go off the rails

Run Free, Be Free
Everything in my soul is Free.
The taste of being this new untamed version,
The Freedom of being truly me

Nov 2023 · 693
Talking Nights
Nyx Nov 2023
There are talking nights and there are nights when I wish to be alone

I feel like we have a good balance

Nights with you aren't talking nights

Times with you, they don't fall under any of these categories

Talking to you is effortless, it's easy

I don't have to watch my words or play pretend

I don't have to analyze their reactions, search for the disapproval in their faces

With you, I can just be me

I can ramble about anything, say whatever is on my mind

It effortlessly flows without a shadow of a doubt

It's fun, It's easy, and I trust in you completely

Nights like this aren't talking nights

They are our nights
A conversation I had last night, was silly but his description really soothed my anxiety about if I talk too much or if I'm annoying, etc
It is good to know that somebody feels like talking to me is easy and fun
Nov 2023 · 1.1k
Nyx Nov 2023
They say that the only way to heal a broken heart is with time

That always sounded stupid to me

The only cure for a painfilled heart and mind

Is with time.

The sun will continues to rise, it still shines as bright

The moon and stars still align and glisten in the night

The Season still change, and we too will change

As father time waits for no man

Its all part of Gods plan

Today I woke up.

And you know,
I think I'm starting to believe them

You know I always thought it was a stupid thing that the only way to heal from a broken heart was with time, but as crazy as it sounds you do wake up one day and everything is just better. So don't give up! everything that you feel will pass, and everything will get better. All in good time :)
Aug 2023 · 985
Quench your Thirst
Nyx Aug 2023
Like a vampire, I'd met him in the night
Seated by a fireplace filled with flickering light
The silence lulled as if drawing me in
Broken by his voice, dripping with sin

Dark hair beautifully framing his face
clear white skin, like an old portrait filled with grace
As if looking through me with those piercing blue eyes
Revealing the secrets that within me, they lie

To brandish a stake, to hold it tightly in my hand
Desire to pierce the still-beating heart, return it to the land
Unlike a gentle melody dancing in the night
The taste of iron on my lips wouldn't feel right

Trace the lines of my body, call me mine with those lips
Enchant me with that sweet tongue, Let my reality begin to slip
Caress me with those cold hands, Hold me tightly in embrace
Tell me all your heart desires, what you dare not face

Close your eyes for but a moment, Feel the warmth of my skin
Let it radiate around you, Breath it all in
Now run away quickly, Flee while you can
Before the prey falls captive, to this hunter of a man

Quench your thirst

It's such an obvious honeytrap
Aug 2022 · 1.6k
Millions of Stars
Nyx Aug 2022
At the end of the day,
You'll always be the first star that I gaze upon when the night finally falls
You and only you
May 2022 · 1.1k
World keeps turning
Nyx May 2022
The world grows lonely as the years go by
Where all the people around you begin to die
But not in the sense where they leave this earth
They just seem to move on to places like Perth

Some seem to smile brighter surrounded by glowing lights
Dancing in clubs, from night to night
From drink to drink to pill to pill
Doing lines off the bench, as pupils widen and fill

Lighting cigarettes in cars, Enjoying the green
Filling cars full of smoke, like young kids of eighteen
Eyes reddening and glazing, Fading out of this zone
As the concept of time becomes blackened and unknown

Some are passionate and driven, working harder each day
Building businesses and plans, so they can achieve something great they say
Counting up budgets, preparing their lives.
They are people who will succeed, not just survive

Others are married, having kids, and Starting their happiness off young
Though many think they are making mistakes, but they hold their tongues
Time move on, and people are getting engaged
Whatever feels right to them I think, regardless of their age

As people choose their lifestyles, and none of them suit you well
It's hard to find a crowd that won’t make you feel like hell
The world feels lonely as time passes, You feel like you're all alone
When people don’t message back, or check on you over the phone

People you called friends move on, as do you
But I can’t seem to find a rhythm, I can’t seem not to feel blue
I feel empty on the inside, and envy those who know what to do
Jealous of their smiles, as they always have something new

Feeling lost and outdated, In this forever changing life
Maybe if I begin to work harder, take up partying, or become a wife
Will this feeling go away, Will I stop feeling such strife
As the loneliness eats away at my energy, cutting deeper than a knife

The world will keep on changing
I know at least that is right.
Just some thoughts and feelings I have, as I'm getting older and everybody moves on with their lives and people don't make time or have the energy for you. It can feel so lonely sometimes.
Sep 2021 · 976
In my Bed
Nyx Sep 2021
When anxiety comes
It whines and groans
Like a coursing river
The sour feelings grow

Cursing and screaming
Within your head
Doubting your reasons
You're better off dead

Like a pack of wolves
Howling in the night
It only worsens as it’s
Accompanied by moonlight

Frantically run as you may
Not a single thought on track
turning every corner
With each you’re attacked

By nothing but yourself
In your Head, going circles about
Silently you lay there
As your chest bubbles with doubt

Panic isn't all but external
Crying and screams
Sometimes it's quietly
Pulling you apart at the seams

Muted by a clogging
Suffocating feeling in your throat
Scratching and clawing
It won't be long before you choke
Will you croak?
Oct 2020 · 162
Let me Rest
Nyx Oct 2020
My mind is far too tired for these fundamental games
Worn down by voices repeating whispers that are all the same
Where the villainesses sins are known and the victims are many
It's useless to be virtuous, It isn't worth a penny

Let me walk far away from the crowds of plenty
Where they disregard their morals, if there even are any
A world that use to be 'interesting', thrilling, to say the least
Though overtime the childish endeavors never seem to cease

Aren't you tired of this world, isn't it time to grow up?
Because I've already begun to leave this crooked setup
The rumors, the lies, the backstabbing truths
Its preteen games, that should have been left behind in our youth

There is simply no time, nor the energy to waste on petty things
Nobody worth impressing, there are no prideful kings
No need to interact or associate with those I hate
Nor those who treated me poorly, while using the title of a mate

Who has the energy for all of this these days

Let me Rest.
Sep 2020 · 331
A Poisonous Flower Garden
Nyx Sep 2020
It grows like a garden
Lodged within your throat
Vines and roots pouring out
Blooming with such elegant notes
Flowers amitting a sweetness
So tasteless to the tongue
As the choking feeling erupts
To those failing words does it clung
Staring into the starlight
Eyes swelling red
As the tears water the garden
Of which words are dyed red
Vibrant colours of many
As the bees come to pollen
Poison is the beautiful
As the blooming flowers that have fallen
As the vines wrap your throat
And the sickening sweetness **** you slow
The words stuck within your throat
Are yet to be known.

Like a poisonous flower garden
Blooming so beautiful
Ah, What a sight.
Those words keep getting caught within your throat
Killing you slowly
Jun 2020 · 429
Lil Miss Temporary
Nyx Jun 2020
Hello world, It's me again
Lil Miss temporary bliss.
I'll hold you close, I'll hold you dear
You can vent and scream, You can shed your tears
If you draw me close, You will feel my warmth
My love, affection, You'll feel a connection.

I'm also good at being a replacement
Tell me the deepest fears you keep locked in a basement
I'll listen and support you, I'll do all I can
So you can feel at home, have a safe place to land

I've felt pain in my heart, as I'll never be as good as the original
I'll never be as wanted or as loved, unlike the beloved
I'll never be the final piece, That perfect life where you will feel at peace

I'm but the second rate individual, the past time to heal your heart
After that very first one, torn you apart
And it's alright to seek safety, seek love within my arms
I'm the fool who believes it, believes it will last

I need to learn to stop forgetting
That I'm but a rebound, a temporary person
Because I'll never be loved the same
Never as valued like their persons

So forgive me, Lord, as I'm a fool
I need to learn my place
And you keep giving me reminders
But I get lost within that smiling face

And my face it burns, with hot tears streaming down
The end ticking nearer, but I refuse to drown
I've been used all up, my expiration date is here
This one wants to move on, to somebody who he actually holds dear

So here we go again, I'll be returning to square one
With a lot of excess baggage, and trauma. Fun.
Use me, abuse me, beat me till I'm blue
As my famous line goes

"As long as I can be of some use to you"

All I ask is that you love me
Want to be with me
Is what I'm asking really too much?

I'm fighting so hard to hang on to a person who doesn't even want me
I just want to be loved and wanted
Are the basic standards of a relationship just too much to ask?
May 2020 · 196
Nyx May 2020
It hurts.

When it feels like your whole world is breaking



Into tiny little pieces

When everything you've worked for
Fought for, with all your might
Feels like its slipping away between your fingers

And you keep trying to grasping that fraying rope
Trying to hold onto that last piece of hope
But the power is no longer in your hands
You can't do anything about this
Only he can

And it hurts.
Feeling it all on the bridge of disappearing

That warmth you feel in his smile
The softness in his hair
The short prickle stubble on his face
The way he looks and stares

That perfectly beautiful blue eyes
Swelling with emotions about
His genuine feelings for you
A cute little pout

His large hands entwined with yours
Those comforting endless cuddles
The security and safety he makes you feel
Love welling up like bubbles

When you love him so dear
That he doesn't even know
That to you, he has become
Your entire world

He may not be able to give you a future
That one true promise
But being with him is enough
All that he is, and ever will be is enough

So keep holding my hand
Please don't let go
And keep walking this path with me
Let's see where this road goes.
May 2020 · 165
Nyx May 2020
It will workout.

May 2020 · 216
Awhile Longer
Nyx May 2020
I ask myself the question
How much longer will we last?
You are trying you say
That was also said in the past

(But I know you really are)

Another week?
Another Month?

I'm afraid when you will stop
When you can't go on any longer
When will I be dropped

I wish to stay as long as I can
Stay happily with you as long as I can
I wish for your love
Your happiness
But is staying with me part of the plans

I want a future with you
But I know that may not come true
I just want to stay with you
Awhile longer
Please my dear blue

Another year longer
Give me time to have hope
I've only just retrieved it
I'm trying to cope

I'm begging you won't change
That you'll still want to be with me
You'll still love me dear
That you won't want to let me go

And I'll pray and I'll pray
I'll plead and I'll plead
To the almighty heavens
Looking down at thee

Give us fate, Give us hope
Give us a chance to grasp the fraying rope
Let us keep trying as long as we possibly can
Let me continue holding onto that precious hand

Awhile longer
Let me feel happiness
Just awhile longer
May 2020 · 1.9k
My Personal Sunset
Nyx May 2020
I have been told I have a tendency to love hard
So I’ll try to love you gently,

The kind you can rest your head knowing I’ll still be here in the morning
I’ll be careful,
Because I know the past hasn’t treated you as well as our present will

I always find myself trying to find myself
And I’m not confident every day
So I hope it means more when I confidently say I love you

I struggle with insecurities
I won’t project this onto you

I will not make it your duty to show me how to love myself
I only ask that you love me in the way you do

Honestly, I'm obsessed with the sky
But I look at you and wonder how satisfied God must feel, having painted something more beautiful than sunsets
Mar 2020 · 109
Different types of Light
Nyx Mar 2020
I'm not like the sunlight, I'm not warm and bright
My rays don't sparkle nor glisten with light
People aren't drawn to me in the summer haze
They don't spend their afternoons adoring my gaze

I'm more like the moonlight within the darkest nights
Not bright nor beautiful but still providing some light
My rays are soft and gentle, peaceful as such
I won't burn nor blister the people with my touch

And though I arent as loved, nor am I as romanticized by poets
I'll hide in the shadows of silver clouds, You'd hardly even notice
But I'll give you what I can, I'll listen to your woes
So even on the darkest nights, you won't feel so alone

So come sit upon the rooftops, every once in a while
Rugged up in a blanket, show me that perfectly imperfect smile
Cause even though I can't provide the same love, as the sun gives days
I promise I'll stay by your side, giving you little glisten of moonlight
Forever and Aways

Different types of lights with different types of lives
Though moonlight can be just as nice as the sun
Feb 2020 · 284
I need an outlet
Nyx Feb 2020
All I want to do is


To yell so loud

The world around me shakes

As these endless feeling

keep piling up




And I know very soon

I'm just going to

B  R  E  A  K

Jan 2020 · 128
Stuck in my Throat
Nyx Jan 2020
I talk too much or not at all
As I'm afraid to sound self-centered
Talking about my insecurities and woe
Just end up making me feel so low

I open my mouth and words pour out
Trying hard not to sound like a victim
But the more I explain, the more in vain
As the worry and fear grows heavier

Communication is key

I understand this to be true
But to capture the full extent
Of my mind at bay is difficult
As words barely make a dent

As I hold my tongue
And the voices they plague me
It's selfish to talk about my own
I fear you take my words as pleas

Framing myself as incapable
Needy and attention-seeking
I can't speak on behalf of my own
As these feelings keep creeping

All these words getting caught in my throat
Leaving me with poor explanations
And them with no ability to understand

I always feel like when I talk about myself that I come off to other people as being self-centered, victimizing myself or just searching for attention and pity. So I stop even though all I want is to allow people to understand me, these words keep getting stuck in my throat
Jan 2020 · 175
Am I
Nyx Jan 2020
Am I kind?
Am I good?
Am I all that you think?
Or am I just a curse
Such an awful little jinx
Chewing up your soul
Leaving you broken links
Rueing the day you choose me
Drawing you to the brinks
Cursing my name under breath
Sighs in anger and defeat
Growing tired of this self-hatred
Sipping on poison-filled sweets
So silence the roaring cries
Of this good person that you seek
As they are nowhere to be found
I am but another selfish freak
Jan 2020 · 196
Square One
Nyx Jan 2020
I'm a fool who's rage is written on a page
Flickering with fire, fueled by a painful desire
Unruly and unjust it burns without control
Till its content with its remains of dark ash and coal
Seeking no shelter, though it must be contained
She screams as she cries trapped in a cage
Walls adoring her, only growing stronger with age
Dreading the knocking that echos so loud
Fumbling with the keys, throwing them to the ground
Huddling into one's self, as the world grows c o l d
Yearning for somebody who can allow her to be whole
As she kicks and she screams, pushing them away
It's difficult to get past this tremendous facade
That holds so well, ingrained into her being
Disregarding the world and others well-being
How heartless and cold
How selfish and bold
Pitiful you are
with that narcissist mask, you hold

Dance me another dance
Within that ballroom of yours
Filled with the most beautiful flowers
And those demons that taunt at all hours
Its cold deep within, even with fires set aflame
As she continues burning within her own stone-cold cage.

Here we are again,
Square one.

Setting fires within a castle that you build to protect your own
Burning all who dare to draw in to close
Though the knocking won't stop
Dec 2019 · 345
Den of Snakes
Nyx Dec 2019
Cry me a river
Of insure little tears
Sparkling like diamonds
Filled with your greatest fears
Let it glisten, Let it flow
Down your cheeks
To the land below
Salty to the tongue
Taste it upon your skin
Be still my little darling
He's watching with a grin
Thriving off your sadness
He pushes the knife further in
Prying on your weakness
To unveil deeper sins
Sins that have been locked away
Beneath the facade of a smile
Nothing bothers the angel dear
Even those who are vile
Emotions make you weak
Nobody wishes to see the evil
Disgusting feelings of envy
That you so dearly keep
Rage and jealousy
Hide them away
Calm and gentle
Let them stay
For nobody will love
A girl who displays
Her heart boldly upon her cheek
They will fire their arrows at the rate
Of the time it takes for your heart to break
Run and hide with all your might
Do all you can but fight
Foxes they play
Snakes they bite
In the den you are trapped
You know that I'm right
And while in the home of the serpents
You will come to know
That the faces you loved
Are the first to go
And its then you will see
That surrounded by people
Is the moment you realize
You are truly alone

For nobody is willing to enter the den of those that break
As all the friends you loved turned out to be that of those very same snakes

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