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Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Let Me .......
Pixievic Mar 2016
Let me dance for you
For I am a dancer
Let me sing to you
For I am a song
Let me arouse you
For I am a lover
Let me sleep with you
For I am a dream
Let me soothe you
For I am a healer
Let me comfort you
For I am a smile
Let me protect you
For I am a shelter
Let me show you
I could be yours

Let me
Love you

(C) Pixievic
One from the archives!
Mar 2016 · 2.1k
Pixievic Mar 2016
On a throne of pillows
I languish
Eyes closed
Mind composed
Lost in a memory
Body aching
Pulse racing
As my hands .......
My hands
Travel slowly
Down my body
Seeking pleasure
Finding my centre
Releasing the agony
Of my ecstasy
Spilling through my fingers
As I spiral
Towards a supernova

(C) Pixievic
Working from home sometimes has its advantages!! ;))
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Pixievic Mar 2016
a trickle
from mountain rain
it starts ......


a quiver of droplets
converging together
coursing through my body
consuming my thoughts
babbling down my contours
into my valleys
soaking my senses
with lust
growing in need
shuddering across rocks
rapidly gaining in momentum
in a frenzy of whitewater
reaching the drop
at the very brink
with waves of pleasure
before plunging
headlong over the edge
in a waterfall of longing
falling into the abyss
of fantasy

              the river
                            my song

(C) Pixievic
Got lost in a little fantasy this afternoon!!
Mar 2016 · 883
Screw Up!
Pixievic Mar 2016
I really can not help myself
It seems all I do is hinder
I've got some strange compulsion
Like a flame that seeks its tinder
I know all the things I should do
To assist me on my quest
But I fall at every hurdle
Consistently fail the test
I am relatively self aware
My faults are mine to own
I'd like to think that by my age
Common sense would be fully grown
I've taken a new suitor
I have become unstuck
Self sabotage my lover
He's a truly ******* ****!

(C) Pixievic
Self explanatory!!
Mar 2016 · 692
Pixievic Mar 2016
Sat on a bench
Reading a book
A shadow appears
So I take a look.....

There in my face
Without any shame
Stood a man in a coat
Without a name
Clasped in his hand
His **** - stood up tall
A look on his face
That said it all

"You're on your own
So I'll ruin your day
By showing my ****"

What's left to say?!
His sweaty palm
Moving so fast
Stroking his ego
Rubbing his shaft

'For ***** sake' I cried
Standing to leave
'Put it away!'
Quite tame I believe
For now what I wish
Is I'd taken a shot
A swift kick or a swipe
To show him who's boss

If I'd had a ***
I'd have taken stock
And stubbed it quite calmly
On the end of his ****!!
Alas all I did
Was walk away
And ring the police
Then got on with my day!

(C) Pixievic
This happened to me last year in my local park! I had my ****** magnet turned on full that day!!
Mar 2016 · 912
Ms Pixie!
Pixievic Mar 2016
I am Ms not Mrs
And will forever be
I really can't abide it
Why is it you can not see
It's an insult to my status
A reminder of the past
And one I have moved on from
Finally at last
So get it right people
I simply will not be
A Mrs anymore
It really isn't me!!!!!!

(C) Pixievic
I'm still getting letters addressed to Mrs....... it's ******* me off!!
Mar 2016 · 2.2k
Happy Ending
Pixievic Mar 2016
Following breadcrumbs of hope down a zig zag path
Through the Forest of Destiny
Glimmers of wishful sunlight
Transform the ominous foliage
Painting castles in the sky
My fairytale writing its own chapters                                        
With every twist and turn
Watchful for Wolves
Who threaten to devour my optimism and **** my passion
Evil Queens who show me ripples of ugliness in a mirror
Held too close my face
Searching for the Prince who's kiss will
Awaken me from the nightmare and
Hold my hand as we walk forward
Towards Utopia
Everlasting in this fiction
I'm clinging onto aspirations of a better life
Dreaming in technicolor of
Another new beginning
Sailing in a pea - green boat through the perfect storm of these emotions
With a one way ticket through this looking glass

It's time to write

A Happy Ending!

(C) Pixievic
Positive thinking for my future!!
Mar 2016 · 2.1k
A Womans Voice
Pixievic Mar 2016
A Mothers Voice
The first that you hear kisses your tears and soothes your fears
A Lovers Voice
Who's whispers of *** entice and perplex your body's reflex
An Awesome Voice
That shouts out loud stands up and is proud not lost in the crowd
A Powerful Voice
One that rallies and fights without losing sight asserting its rights
A Survivors Voice**
Riddled with pain no longer in chains her monsters slain
A Warriors Voice
Strong and controlled without being told breaks free of the mold

This is My Voice

All the above
Warm like a glove
And full of love

(C) Pixievic
Happy International Women's Day!!
Mar 2016 · 3.2k
Poem by Portia Nelson
Pixievic Mar 2016
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost... I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place.
But, it isn't my fault.
It still takes me a long time to get out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in. It's a habit.
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault. I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down another street
This is a poem I keep with me (on a tattered bit of paper in my wallet!) I look at it to remind myself I don't have to fall into the same hole when things go bad - thought I'd share it (mostly as my own words aren't coming at the moment!!) - Walk down a different street!!
Mar 2016 · 1.9k
One True Love
Pixievic Mar 2016
Like the sun that brightens the day
You light up my life in every way
Like the moon that glows in the sky
You give me your heart without asking why
Like the stars suspended above
Your precious eyes shine with love
You are my world
My day
My night
You'll always be
My source of light
I pledge myself
To you hereof
My boy
My son
My one
It's Mothers Day in the UK today - so this is for all you beautiful mammas & wonderful sons (&daughters;!) GO HUG YOUR MUM!!
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
Pixievic Mar 2016
My aim today
Is simply to
Make you smile
It's what I do
As you sit
Behind your desk
Take a moment
To digest
This little rhyme
It's sent with love
To wrap you up
Just like a glove
Your day's mundane
Your job's a bore
But soon you'll walk
Out of the door
Into the sun
Where lovers kiss
Under the trees
And you'll feel bliss
But if all else fails
I hope with grace
I've put a smile
Upon your face!

(C) Pixievic
I'm actually having a really bad few days!! So this is for me as well as you lot!! Smile & the world smiles back is my motto!!
Mar 2016 · 1.8k
En Pointe
Pixievic Mar 2016
A bittersweet mixture of agony and ecstasy
Found in the lone voice of a piano
Painting colours in harmony
That leave my senses reeling
Flying through the air like an arrow
Shot from cupids bow
An electric arc in the atmosphere
Piercing my soul with forgotten longing
Balancing in timeless beauty
Pirouetting chiffon billows elegantly through the notes
Defying gravity
Suspended in animation
Music that compels my body into
Configurations that delight and thrill my perceptions
An exquisite pain of my own making
I lose myself in abstractions
Octaves fluidly creating shapes
Resembling cursive script
The author of symmetry
I hover on the edge of a lost dream .....

I once stood on my toes

Until the day  
Fate took it from me*

(C) Pixievic 2016
I trained & danced as a professional ballerina until I broke my kneecap. My friend recently wrote a piece of music (which can be found here that inspired me to write this piece.
Mar 2016 · 2.9k
Trumpets, Burglars & Puddles
Pixievic Mar 2016
Sometimes I wish I didn't feel
I wish my heart was made of stone
That I was immune to all this ****
Of being on my own
My world is full of cockwombles
Fuckwits & ***** trumpets
**** burglars & **** puddles
**** stains & **** nuggets!
And those are just the few
That I've had the joy of meeting
I'd like to dare the rest to meet
Somewhere - however fleeting
Stand up and be counted
You liars, cheats and cads
You wazzocks & jebends
I'll grab you by the ******
Because I've simply had enough
Of being treated like a tool
Of believing all the **** you spout
Like some poor pathetic fool
I cannot shake the feeling
That the stupidity I feel
Is down to the betrayal
Of all the lies that you conceal
So I'm giving up compassion
To empathy goodbye
And to trusting blindly what I'm told
Farewell & fuckety bye!

(C) Pixievic 2016
I may have been a little ******* when I wrote this .......!!
Feb 2016 · 2.4k
Ode to Head Lice
Pixievic Feb 2016
Oh you nits, you lice, you bugs
You crawl around his head so smug
On the 1st day back at school
It really isn't very cool
Out comes the comb & the mousse
And through the tears I will unloose
Your vicious hold upon his hair
It's 8am - it isn't fair!
It's a war zone in our bathroom
As I eradicate the bugs of doom
As if we didn't have enough
Of things to do & other stuff
To get ourselves to the gates
Of the school & now we're late
Oh critters of the head & hair
Expunged you'll be from your lair

I'm going to flush you down the bath
Oh motherhood - you've gotta laugh!*

(C) Pixievic 2016
Oh the little joys of parenting!!
Feb 2016 · 968
Imp (25w)
Pixievic Feb 2016
Let your inner imp go  f r e e

Don't keep it locked inside



And PLAY again

You're sure to win a

                     S                            E
                           M      I       L

(C) Pixievic 2016
Spending an awesome day with my boy
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Proud Mummy!
Pixievic Feb 2016
My son wrote this....!! (He's 8!)

*Oh it is so sunny outside
There is the sun it will make
You blind if you look at it
There is a hill in the background
Look at the tree on the floor
Let's go out & explore
Putting on your shoes
Have you tied them up right
Putting on your shoes
We're going out for walk!
Feb 2016 · 910
Was it Ever Love?
Pixievic Feb 2016
You never could accept me
For the person that I am
For all the bits that make me me
You couldn't give a ****
You tried so hard to change me
Then blamed me when I failed
To meet the expectations
As your wife, that you unveiled
I gave up all my dreams for you
My hopes and sanity
And you just said I wasn't 'here'
You chose to never see
The sacrifices that I made
To be in love with you
I was never good enough
You made sure I always knew
Well I am so much stronger now
I've sorted out my life
My dreams are truly mine again
I am glad
I'm not
your wife!

(C) Pixievic 2016
divorce through the eyes of a poet!
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
Beautifully Mindful
Pixievic Feb 2016

the desert
of this
life of living
existing in
this world


from the
shrouding of
want and
that's lived
like a canker on
the landscape
of my mind


from the downpour
of emotion
from all the things
that I have
through a
full of pain


into my new beginning

Beautifully Mindful

(C) Pixievic 2016
Moving on, breaking free, a time for living & being me
Feb 2016 · 976
Coping (or not!)
Pixievic Feb 2016
*****, gin, wine or ***
Anything will do
A girl needs something strong
Just to get her through
In this utter crap & solitude
To which I find I'm living
My friends are Henny's cider
Or any other sin
Tobacco and not eating
Are helping me lose weight
And perhaps a line of coke will do
To deaden all the hate
I really should take more care
Especially for the child
But I still can't quite remember
The last time that I smiled
To self destruct is what I know
From years of selfish pain
But I will pull through
I will be strong
I will return again

(C) Pixievic 2016
I actually wrote this last year at the beginning of my divorce - I am getting stronger - & I believe I have returned!!
Feb 2016 · 500
Paperwork (25w)
Pixievic Feb 2016
There's a small forest of paperwork
Taking root upon my life
Can someone please send me a woodsman
To help cut it down to size!

(C) Pixievic 2016
I should be working ..... but I appear to be reading poetry! ******!!
Feb 2016 · 898
Pixievic Feb 2016
I long to gaze upon your rugged beauty
Magnificent as you rise up
From soft flowing valleys
To collide with the clouds
Slate coloured eyes
Surveying everything beneath you
Dangerously calling me to conquer

I long to swim in your energy
Caught up in the waves of your emotion
Intoxicated by your ebb and flow
My sanity lost in your cadence
Throbbing in your tide
Adrift in the moment as you propel me
Back against the rocks

I long to lose myself in your radiance
As you hang suspended in a sea of stars
Calling lovers to worship
Powerless to resist your temptation
Assaulting my senses with romantic whimsy
Knowing that this soul awakening
Will soon cease to exist

I long to climb in your nakedness
Your skin rough against mine as I ascend skywards
Balancing on sunbeams
A vision caught in stillness
Stripped of colour
Waiting to be reborn
As Spring slowly warms our limbs

I long to watch you break free again
Flower heads bursting through cold cracked earth
Invading my wasteland with exquisite provocation
Observing from a distance
A future that could be
Captured in a heartbeat

I long to feel alive, rekindled, empowered
I long to smoulder in the flame of your eyes
Drown in a waterfall of passion
Soar like an eagle released from agony
Rising in ecstasy  
Knowing my fall will be softy broken


I          Long          For          Love

(C) Pixievic 2016
There is nothing left to say - nature & love
Feb 2016 · 1.7k
Pixievic Feb 2016
I sit on a bench
On a hill
In the rain
Hiding my tears
My heart
Full of pain
I watch
I listen
I wait in vain
For the answer
To a question
I can't explain

I sit on a bench
In a park
Full of history
Surrounded by people
Who pass by
But can't see me
I am hurt
I am broken
And they let me be
A girl
On a bench
Across from the abbey

I sit on my bench
In quiet
A man walks by
On his face
He smiles
He sees
The hurt and frustration
Of the girl
On the bench
Who has no conviction

He sits on my bench
On the hill
In the rain
He asks me
To share my fear
And my pain
I speak
He listens
And I smile again
On a bench
With a friend
On a hill in the rain

(C) Pixievic 2016
Wrote this awhile ago - but it popped  into my head today ....!
Feb 2016 · 323
Le Chein Noir
Pixievic Feb 2016
The black dog came a calling
****** that he is
Stuck his nose into my life
And tried to take what wasn't his

(C) Pixievic 2016
Churchill eloquently referred to depression as 'the black dog'  - I think it sounds nicer in French!!
Feb 2016 · 2.1k
Guilty Pleasure
Pixievic Feb 2016
I pull you out
Smoothing your creases
Lying you flat so I can
Fill you with
A sweet mixture of guilt
And poison
There's artistry in my fingers
As I roll you expertly
From years of practice
Along your length
Into the shape I desire
I lick your edges
Firmly sealing you with a feather like touch
I place you lovingly between
My lips
Flicking the flame
That will bring you to life
I draw you deep into my mouth
Relishing the burn as you travel down
My throat
Into my lungs
Where with each puff




(C) Pixievic 2016
I 'roll my own' - cigarettes! I know it's bad for me, like so many other pleasures in life
Feb 2016 · 392
Pixievic Feb 2016
My skin is inked with
Blacks & greys
Across my essence
They dance their ballet
Their shadows reveal
A unique hidden beauty
Quietly waiting
Veiled with insecurity


I watch your colours
Bursting out
Patterns swirling
Your expressions shout
A moth to the flame
My senses delight
I want to paint passion
With you tonight

(C) Pixievic 2016
All my tattoos are 'black & grey' - I don't think of myself as a 'colourful' person - I'm introverted & watch from a distance! But every now & then I encounter people who make me wish for more colour - through their expression on paper, through music & the way they just burst with life!
Feb 2016 · 531
Pixievic Feb 2016
I thought I was strong
That I could
All this ****

Life's            cruel          tests

I thought I was happy
Being on my own

But I realise

I am

(C) Pixievic 2016
Not had a great week!
Feb 2016 · 998
The Fey Queen
Pixievic Feb 2016
Amongst folded hills
The forest ripples
Down into the valleys,
Clambers back up
Towards heaven

A Saxon Lord, a hunter
A top his white and noble steed
Kinsmen close behind him
Hounds baying at the Stag
They pursue
Charges through the sunlight
Dappled green
Painted on his brow

Concentrated on his quest
Divided from his clan
Appearing in his vision
A group of maidens
In a glade of sheer luminance

In their midst, one
Exquisite in her artistry
Flowers embroidered in
Golden hair
Shimmering in Elfin melodies
Entrancing in its harmony

He stood
Drowning in her beauty



Never again could he be
His Fairy Queen*

(C) Pixievic 2016
Inspired by the Legend of Edric the Wild & his Fairy Queen Godda - Fey = fairy
Feb 2016 · 941
Exclusive (15 w)
Pixievic Feb 2016
We are all unique
I'm surprised by the number of people who want to conform

(C) Pixievic 2016
Pixievic Feb 2016
I am who I am
Because I met you

Because I met you
I have changed
For the better

(C) Pixievic 2016
To the people who have helped shape me - good & bad!
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
Pixievic Feb 2016
Cling to me like ivy
Entrap me with your vines
Wrap tendrils around me
Weave your words with mine

Cling to me like ivy
Linger in my boughs
My branches will embrace you
My senses to arouse

Cling to me like ivy
Meander through my mind
Fascination everlasting
Forever souls entwined

Cling to me like ivy
Together we can grow
Sublime in our purpose
Majestic in the hedgerow

(C) Pixievic 2016
Some late night musings...!!
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
Lost Souls
Pixievic Feb 2016
You find me
Lost souls drifting
I recognise your pain

I do not ask for you

You just come

I can not fix you
But I will listen

I will set you free
When you are healed

To carry on

Without me*

(C) Pixievic 2016
I am a magnet for lost souls - probably because I am one myself
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
Pixievic Feb 2016
You paddled in my physics
Accelerating my universe
I was ****** into your black hole
My sanity dispersed

(C) Pixievic 2016
Feb 2016 · 12.3k
Pixievic Feb 2016
Back & forth the waves roll in
Challenging the beach
The foaming surf offers up a dream
That so far is out of reach

I wish I could live among the waves
Like the seal that I've just seen
Without a care for what comes next
Or for what has ever been

To swim among gigantic whales
Majestic in their song
Content with life - to carry on
Knowing they belong

To fly up high above the swell
Like the seagulls do
Playing in the clouds of spray
They all know the truth

Happiness is a gift

That we can not take for granted
In the profoundness of the ocean
Seeds of hope will now be planted

Back & forth the waves roll in
Their cycle never ends
My life continues to evolve
The sea will help me mend

(C) Pixievic 2016
The sea is my sanctuary
Feb 2016 · 1.8k
The Collector
Pixievic Feb 2016
Chasing shadows in the dark
Blinded by your words
Believing we had found a friend
Not trusting what we'd heard
Feelings plucked from deep inside
You use them for your game
A collection of the broken
Attracted to your flame
You can spot us at a distance
Our vulnerability your need
You draw us in with loving words
Begin to sow your seed
Ultimately in control
Is where you like to be
But some of us are wise to you
And will let the others see
That you're actually no friend of ours
You've a demon deep inside
And together we will crush you
There is no place left to hide

(C) Pixievic 2016
With the NSPCC I give w/shops in schools about ****** abuse - Online Grooming is a big issue - as a member of NAPAC I work with adult survivors & I'm shocked to find that Online Grooming of adult survivors also happens.
Being me I wrote this .....
Be vigilant
Feb 2016 · 6.3k
Happy Being Single Day
Pixievic Feb 2016
No card for me
Lies on the mat
No roses or chocolate heart
But I'm ok
And that's a fact
I truly couldn't give a ****!

(C) Pixievic 2016
If you're loved up have an excellent day - if you're not....... then know that I love you all ❤️
Feb 2016 · 914
Permission (Snack Poem)
Pixievic Feb 2016
Be kind to yourself
Allow yourself to feel
Only by truly feeling can
You open yourself up to heal*

(C) Pixievic 2016
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.- Dalai Lama
Pixievic Feb 2016
I am not here to offer advice
I shall only listen
As I tune into your words
I learn about you
But more about myself*

(C) Pixievic 2016
When you talk you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen you may learn something new - Dalai Larma
Feb 2016 · 566
Humans & Poets (25w)
Pixievic Feb 2016
We are human
And poets
Humans make mistakes
Poets own their faux pas
Endearingly on paper
Making us a uniquely
****** up bunch of individuals

(C) Pixievic 2016
Just an observation!
Feb 2016 · 1.8k
Sherbet Lemons
Pixievic Feb 2016
Sweetness fills my senses
As my tongue rolls around you
Savouring your taste
As my mouth gently engulfs your contours
Relishing every second until
Finally reaching your zesty finish

(C) Pixievic 2016
Sherbet lemons are a hard candy with a sherbet middle & they were my favourite as a child!!
Pixievic Feb 2016
A year ago  -  today

You told me we should never have got married.....

That you didn't love me


My heart        

     F        R                  T             R               D
                     A       C         U                E

Into a thousand tiny pieces      
Which lodged themselves in my mouth
Rendering me unable speak
My dumbfounded mind
Raced to catch up to the words you uttered with such carelessness

One year on

Like petals looping through the winds of time
Waving at the door of Hades
Pursuing the light of redemption down a snaking tunnel
My heart has returned to its rightful place
Still bruised
But whole again
I am happy in my oneness
Not lonely    
                       ­       Being


You're in a 'relationship' with someone who is still married......

But not to you

Happy Valentine's Day!

(C) Pixievic 2016
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
Pixievic Feb 2016
A butterfly trapped in the wheel of your deception
Forever turning
Spinning delusion
I listen with padlocked ears
Frantically beating exhausted wings
Against the torrent of your *******

(C) Pixievic 2016
Written for my ex - who's still trying to ******* his way out of every situation!!
Feb 2016 · 818
Pixievic Feb 2016

I know you're out there
I can hear your voice in the wind that rustles the leafless trees
Like them I'm waiting for Spring
For warmth
To grow again inside love

I'm searching for you
I chase my shadow in the fading colours of the setting sun
Look for your message amongst the stars
Face upturned
Bathed in moonlight
In awe of the universe

I've dreamt of you
Your image obscured by a cloak of imagination
Invading my unconscious with promised ardour
Passionate embraces
Fanciful encounters
That leave me wanting

I'm waiting for you
Pondering your existence, conversing with passers by
Like Vladimir and Estragon under their tree
Writing the words
To bring you to me

I've yet to find you
I know you're out there


(C) Pixievic 2016
Dedicated to all of us still looking for that someone
Feb 2016 · 647
One of a Kind
Pixievic Feb 2016
You are not inside my mind
I do things my way

It doesn't mean
I'm wrong
Mis informed

Just different
The One & Only


(C) Pixievic 2016
We are not all the same!
Feb 2016 · 630
Slowly & Steadily
Pixievic Feb 2016
I'm trying to love

To put me above
The rest
I truly deserve
The best
If I continue hate
I will forever wait
For love
For someone else
To say
That I've made
Their day
I don't need
This ****
But I'm so used
To it
I fall into
This hole
Where I give up
My soul
The pain
I feel
It's horribly
I'm so insecure
From years
Of not facing
My fears
And being alone
Out here
On my own
Out here
I don't know
What you want
Me for
I pick you up
Off the floor
And come back
For more
I don't think
You'll be
Ever here
For me
It's hard to
Should I stay
Or go


I'm trying hard
To love
And put


(C) Pixievic 2016
Written for someone who is no longer part of my life - fortunately!
Feb 2016 · 812
In Crisis
Pixievic Feb 2016
Can you spare a bit of change mate?
I'm truly am in need
I don't need a fix of powder
Or an ounce of ****
I need a cup of coffee mate
To help my bones get warm
I need a bed for the night
My sleeping bag's all torn

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
Can't you see me here?
I'm sitting right in front of you
Think I can't see you sneer?
I can't afford a bath mate
I can't afford new clothes
It's how the cookie crumbles
That's how the saying goes

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
I didn't stand a chance
My dad - well he's a wrong un
Played my mum a merry dance
And my sisters gone and married
Some bloke who lives down south
And I'm just left alone mate
Living hand to mouth

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
You'll never understand
Until you've lived a day here
Do you think my life was planned?
I served for Queen & Country
Now they've left me here to rot
A product of the system
A statistic to be forgot

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
Don't just walk on by
With your coat pulled up around you
Can't you look me in the eye?
I ain't no thieving **** mate
I'm a person just like you
Can't you lend a hand mate?

Just to help me pull on through

(C) Pixievic 2016
When I'm not writing or making music I work for a homeless charity here in B'ham called Crisis - I teach percussion, & technical theatre, life skills, &  build confidence. 'My boys'  humble me on a daily basis - this is my tribute to them based on their stories. Homelessness is an increasing problem in Britain but I think it translates across the pond - most of my chaps aren't addicts (although some are) they are educated, intelligent, amazing men who fell through the gaps in the system & are viewed by a lot of people as ****.
Feb 2016 · 384
Pixievic Feb 2016
I long to tell you all my dreams
And hear yours in return
Oblivious to the world outside
As we surround ourselves with words

I long to hear your lilting voice
As you whisper thoughts of love
Captured inside this moment
In which there is nothing else

I long to kiss you goodnight
And run my fingers through your hair
To watch your eyelids close
Eyelashes soft against your cheek

I long to hold you in my arms
Our limbs entwined with passion
To feel your strength inside me
Protecting me from myself

I long to share my world with you
To dance amongst the stars
As I sink into your rhapsody
I entrust my soul to you*

(C) Pixievic 2016
Don't get exited there's no new love - just a piece I dug out that I've been procrastinating about!!
Feb 2016 · 433
No Longer Blind
Pixievic Feb 2016
I shall not walk backwards into your darkness
No matter how hard you try to light my path
Your ******* shines brighter than your
Calculated 'Love'

(C) Pixievic 2016
I can finally see what's what - no more madness
Feb 2016 · 388
Poet Brain (30w)
Pixievic Feb 2016
Unfinished words bewitchingly buzz
Swarming through my head like clusters of noise I can't ignore
As their mutter quickens the more I become aware I need to fulfill their purpose*

(C) Pixievic 2016
This is what happens in my head!
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
Pixievic Feb 2016
The ocean
In it
And die
And swirl
In a whirl
And black
An end
The ocean
Its secrets
Deep inside

(C) Pixievic 2016
My escape is the sea!!
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
Cheerleader (10w)
Pixievic Feb 2016
An encouragement from across the sea
Inspires my mind creatively

(C) Pixievic 2016
For my Candian cheerleader!! My J girl!! And all others who help to inspire my mind **
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