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Dec 2020 · 522
dear diary XI.
Mrs Anybody Dec 2020
dear diary,

I can't remember
the last time
I thought
of him

and yet;
today I dreamt
of him
also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 458
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
i would give him
the moon and the stars,
even the sun too

i would move
the mountains away
and the sea closer

i would ****
the ones who hurt him
and revive
the ones he lost

i would change
the order of the alphabet
and color
my world black and white

i would give him
if he would just give
us a chance
a poem that means very much to me. also another poem that's originally part of my "a little bit confused" series but deserves to be named individually

also check out my other poems and my instagram page @_mrs.anybody_! :)
Nov 2020 · 351
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
“everyone gets forgotten eventually.
there is nothing
we can do
to prevent that.”

I know she’s right.
but I am still scared
of oblivion
also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 1.2k
dear diary X.
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

today I curse
the universe

for making
the kindest people
suffer the most
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 244
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
are monsters born?
or are monsters made?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 230
a little bit confused ~122
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
if I'd lose everything
if I had nothing to give;

I would still ask
for your help
Also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 225
like a star
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
Isn’t it crazy
how many stars
don’t exist anymore
yet their light
still shines upon us?

I would like to be
like a star;
I want my good impact
to be remembered,
to be seen
a hundred years
From now

I want to make
the world
a better place
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 543
dear diary IX.
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

why can't
the world
stand still
for just
one ******* minute?
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 919
a little bit confused ~ 121
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
i like
seeing you

i really do;
it makes you
even more

but i wish
it was me
of him

who is
the reason
of your happiness
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 186
night hours
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
Tic toc
it’s half past eleven
I had a dream and thought;
I am in heaven.

Tic toc
heaven turned into hell
am I still dreaming?
I can’t tell

Tic toc
it’s an hour past midnight
I am wide awake
and wrapped in by the night

Tic toc
on the clock blinks a fat two
I have only one thing on my mind;
and that is you

Tic toc
now it’s already three
a devil on my shoulder tells me to overthink
and I agree

Tic toc
it’s nearly four
I am still not tired
and think some more

Tic toc
now the clock shows five
and god, how grateful I am
to be alive

Tic toc
my windows let through, the light of dawn
but my eyes close and show me darkness,
to which I am drawn

Tic toc
my alarm rings an hour later
I am exhausted because insomnia
struck again, this traitor
also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 258
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
My hands
start to

My body
starts to

My stomach
starts to

My heart
starts to
fight with
my head

As I am
once again
i dont know why i keep overthinking...

also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 1.0k
dear diary VIII.
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

she is
driving me
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 151
a little bit confused ~ 120
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
i keep saying
that I don't love you anymore
but I still feel like before
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 1.1k
Dear diary VII.
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

today she
past me
with just
a fast glance
towards me

I don't know
how to feel
about that
also check out my other poems! :)
Nov 2020 · 158
my parents' love
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
My parents' love
is strong;
even after 27 years
they still seem
to feel the butterflies

They share
whispers and secrets,
unknown to my ears

They share
tender kisses and hugs,
making me feel like an intruder
in their own little world

They share
a love
that can withstand
even the most severe storms

They share
a bond
no knife in the world
could cut through

I can only hope
that someday
I’ll experience
true love like theirs
i am eternally grateful for my parents and their love... <3

also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 132
familiar stranger XI.
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
are you
coming back

I was doing
so great
without you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Nov 2020 · 137
i (don't) miss you
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
Oh tell me,
how do I
respond to
>I miss you<

When I
don’t feel
that way?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 388
recognize me
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
do you even recognize me,
wearing jeans instead of a dress
because originally I didn't want to impress

or is she all you see?
another part of my "A little bit confused" series that deserves its own name

also check out my other poems! :)
Oct 2020 · 123
the one
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
for once I would like to be the one,
not just second choice

for once I want my feelings to be mutual,
not unrequited

and just for one I want to feel loved and desired,
'cause I've never been

so just for once, for once
I want to be the one
the chorus of a song i wrote (and yes, my poem "falling" is part of the pre-chorus of the same song)

also check out my other poems! :)
Oct 2020 · 319
who am i?
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
i thought
i knew
who i am

but lately
seems to be
quarantine really gave me time for self reflection... and now I don't know who i am anymore

also check out my other poems! :)
Oct 2020 · 155
how would it feel
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
how would
it feel

to kiss
your lips?

to feel
your arms
around me?

to feel
your love?
also check out my other poems! :)
Oct 2020 · 129
a little bit confused ~ 119
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
No matter
what I tell
and my friends –

You still
affect me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 134
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
We’re lying on grass
stars above us

but I am
into your eyes
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 277
Dear diary VI.
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
dear diary,

today I
****** up
my sleep schedule
just to
with her
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 196
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
I fell alone
and no one caught me at the end
you say I'm just a friend
but act like I'm something more
this is the pre-chorus of a song i wrote and just perfectly describes my relationship with this person...

also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 136
a little bit confused ~ 118
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
when people
ask me if
i have
a type
then i don't
think about
anyone in particular

but i
still describe
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 444
Dear diary V.
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
saw my friends
again after
a long time

We couldn’t stop laughing,
smoked a lot
and drunk a little
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 133
falling hard
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
do you know
that you have
fallen in love

>When your
only wish is
to see them happy.
Even if
it isn’t
with you. <
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 74
adam & eve
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
if we were
the only people
in the world

would you
at least
love me
originally a part of my "A little bit confused" series, but again; this deserves to be named individually.

also check out my other poems! :)
Oct 2020 · 238
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
I miss something
that doesn’t
even exist
also check out my other poems!  :)
Oct 2020 · 111
a little bit confused ~ 117
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
i feel
her emerald eyes
on me

and i
can't resist
the urge
to look up

so our
eyes meet
and there's
something shy
in them

it feels like
you're holding
something back
but I can't tell
what it is
also check out my other poems! :)
Oct 2020 · 379
Dear diary IV.
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
am longing
a lover
Keep me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 230
a little bit confused ~ 116
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
i know
that we
never were

but you
still broke
my heart
the worst kind of heartbreak

also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 162
drunk promises
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
make promises
you’re drunk

Your sober self
will be
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 248
a little bit confused ~ 115
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
your best friend
told me

you are
really shy

but then why
are you
so open
with me?

you barely
even know
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 379
dear diary III.
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
simply am
for being

For experiencing
nature, love
friendship & happiness,
but also
destruction, pain
hate & sadness
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 196
sins of juveniles
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
faint glimmers crackle,
smoke fills the air and lungs,
laughter fill ears.
secrets are exchanged,
jokes are told,
memories are relived.

All underneath
the moon who watches
our sins.
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 131
a little bit confused ~ 114
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
does not
laugh aloud

so when
she does
it is
the most
beautiful thing
to hear

and time
stands still
for just
a second
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 197
midnight lovers
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
why can't
we be

two midnight lovers
sharing kisses
in the safeness
of the night?

saying silent
I love you's
with our eyes
so no one
will hear?

holding hands
while walking away
our fingers
brush for
one last time?


can't we be
midnight lovers?
another poem that is originally a part of my "A little bit confused" series, but again; I think this deserves to be named individually.

also check out my other poems! :)
Sep 2020 · 434
night drives
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
The asphalt
underneath me
glistens from
the rain

The rain
my uncovered
thighs and arms

And the
fresh air
makes me
feel alive
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 365
dear diary II.
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
a moment
of inner peace

rustling leaves
the smell of
the forest
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
She is
like the sun

mostly alone

I am
like the moon

Hiding in
the shadows
by many

So tell me,
could an
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sep 2020 · 101
dreams of you
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
what I dream
comes true

but tell me,
will the dreams
of you
this poem is actually a part of my "a little bit confused" series, but i decided to name it individually.

also check out my other poems! :)
Aug 2020 · 196
a little bit confused ~ 112
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
It’s not
that I am
not interested
in boys

It’s just
that I
every boy
that catches
my attention
to you

And they
don’t stand
even the
slightest chance
also check out my other poems!  :)
Aug 2020 · 190
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
we should
like sunflowers -

the dark,
the shadows
behind us

and facing
the light,
the good things
in front of us
also check out my other poems!  :)
Aug 2020 · 204
a little bit confused ~ 111
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
reaching out,
our fingers

just a little
bit further,
sparks fly

and i
lay alone
in bed

you weren't
you didn't
for me

it was
just a dream
it was
just fake
also check out my other poems! :)
Aug 2020 · 519
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
she is

searching for
also check out my other poems!  :)
Aug 2020 · 449
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
she is
in love

she has
never seen

she has
never met
also check out my other poems! :)
Aug 2020 · 125
a little bit confused ~ 110
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
I pressed
my palms
my eyes

Desperately trying
to get you
of my head

But instead
I saw your
small smile
brown eyes
right before
also check out my other poems!  :)
Aug 2020 · 149
heart eyes
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
The way
she looks
at him?

With the
small smile
twinkling eyes?

That is how
you know
she loves him

The way
he treats

soft hands,
never wanting
to let go?

That is how
you know
he loves her
also check out my other poems!  :)
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