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1.2k · Aug 2015
Chicago Man
You may not have meant to
and you probably didn't  
but your smile
and your voice
have left soft footprints on my heart.
Because of that, as soon as you left
I had to get up and dance,
alone here on the gallery floor,
amongst the paintings I am meant to be selling.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.2k · Aug 2015
Lying together in
the calm of night
eyes losing focus,
drifting towards
sleep, there was
always one more
thought to speak,
one more kiss to
give. Black hair
shone like ravens'
wings on silken
pillows. At dawn,
I would lead my
army into battle,
never to return.

Now, you turn
your face to smile
at a new love,
holding a black
umbrella over her
pretty blond head.

When we met,
our souls saw
who we were  
to one another.

But that was then,
my love.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Each winter it happens again,
deepening its way into my bones.

Light, lengthening the days, even as
cold plummets to colder.

Gentle, promising colour of sun in
an angle that warms the wall.

Sneaking up from behind to give
heat to my back, you were paler,
even unavailable, until today.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Sep 2015
"Resistance Is Futile!"
Monotone, mechanical, voices,
issuing from junior aliens in their
junior-alien gladiator-space-helmets,
spoke that now famous sentence
to the children of my generation
in Saturday morning cartoons.

Was this actual, hidden wisdom,
meant for us to remember years later?

in our personal lives,
to the behavior
of those around us,
usually just causes that behavior
to become more entrenched.

Did intelligent, actual aliens,
feed this message into
our childhood consciousness?

I smile to think so.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Jan 2016
Was It You?
Small bird, singing sweet bravery
into the grey, morning cold,

Could it be that the half moon heard you?

A yellow bowl of light
rose in the East in the first few
minutes of this bright new year,
and the morning star smiled down on her.

Could it be that the rising sun heard you too?

Wooly clouds parted again when dawn arrived,
rows of icicles transforming into sparkling chandeliers
in the first orange rays of this New Year's Day.

May we thank you, small bird, for showing us the way?
A very blessed New Year to you each and all!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Dec 2015
The Golden Gift
This jar of honey
still wears the scent
of flowers
visited by local bees.

A generous gift
  more precious still
this trust
you gave me
resting here while
you were healing.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Apr 2016
Flower Thieves in Peacetime
East reaches out its petaled fingertips
meeting West in the center of the garden.

If only we knew then what we know now.

Trust the generations.

We are here to breathe. And to love.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Aug 2015
Who We Are
We are the ones who feel
almost everything.

Squeezed like sun-warmed
wine grapes, pressed
like fragrant coffee beans,
distilled like kilos of flowers,
may these memories of our lives
become good poems.
To you, my new family,here in this international place for poets, and always, to Eliot York, for building it.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
May we touch the infinite compassion
that is there within us all,
and the whole world will
feel our healing light.

May we be our most loving selves
with one another
in your memory,

Blessed journey,
brave poet brother!

Into the Light
of perfect,
Infinite Love
we commend you,

Your sisters and brothers
around the world,
we embrace your spirit
always, and forever,
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Apr 2016
Finding Living Water
As children, in this springtide of the year,
my two brothers and I would venture deep
into our woods, exploring all that had thawed.

Walking along, there was little need for talk,
absorbed as we were in the scents and sights
of lovely nature, awakening all around us.

Following a line from the artesian well that fed our home,
we listened for signs of an undiscovered, woodland stream.

There, we heard it. That secret, lovely gurgle, somewhere
hidden under soggy brown, deciduous leaves.

Excitedly, we used sticks of hickory and oak
to dig down, to free the living water.

Once we had found it, clear and singing,
we leaned in, working together to ease its path.

Time disappeared from our minds,
this self-appointed team of junior engineers.

Somehow, though we wouldn't have known it then,
that freshly springing water was life itself to us
surging forth once more, finding,
like each of us, its own way home.

Now I understand, remembering
our common sense of purpose,
the way we worked together,
with single-minded focus, why
freeing it really mattered to us,
mattered so very much,
and always will.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Feb 2016
Morning Colours
grey white
sky colours
into being

*we are not forgotten
we are always loved
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Oct 2015
Shadow Play
Light creates images for us,
the appearance of Reality.

All that we know, all that
seems so real, is playing
a part we have asked it to
play. Unmanifest Reality,
appearing as all forms,
and all phenomena.

All that we know
is a dance of shadows
playing across
the infinite
ocean of bliss,
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.1k · Sep 2015
Through translucent eyelids,
the light increases.
Wherever we are, this is so.
Time zones delineate regions
where the light has been,
and where it is heading.
As some stretch slowly in  
morning beds, dusky birds
across the world sound
soft evening songs.
Rambunctious, small boys
outrun their mothers,
somewhere in between.

Plenitude is with us,
in all this abundant life.
We can create an end
to the rampant, senseless
tragedy, to the desperation
looming hard upon so many.
It is what we are here to do.
For the Syrian refugees, and all those everywhere in need, and for the people of the tiny country of Iceland, and all those everywhere who are reaching out to help.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.0k · Mar 2016
You know the feeling, dear
Lover of Words.

Sounds of syllables
rolling through your mind
like deliciousness itself.

Sometimes it's just the sound, then a glint
of meaning smiles at you, inviting you.

Lifting it gently, like a sleeping child
you listen for potential phrases,
sentences emerging from within her dreams.

Tuck the covers lightly
around your new poem child,
and may the Muse of Words
favor her, and you.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.0k · May 2016
In the Hands of Women
Held in the hands of the women of the world
is all that was and will be.

In her tiny, newborn hands, reaching out,
feeling the air all around her,
is curiosity, openness, freedom.

May is always be so.

Our mother's hands hold
healing like none other, when she
is centered in her own heart.

May it be forever thus.*

Women's hands gesture, gracing our most
ancient and sacred of dances.

And drive trucks.

And do surgery.

And gather healing herbs.

*In the hands of all women is the healing of the world.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.0k · Oct 2015
A young pandit
with infinity
in his eyes

When I ask
if I may pour
the holy prasad
into the roots
of the sacred
Peepal tree

The heart-shaped
leaves dance
as I approach
silk sari

They dance
all is bliss
to the devas
of this lovely tree
"'Prasad' literally means a gracious gift. It denotes anything, typically an edible food, that is first offered to a deity, saint, Perfect Master or an avatar, and then distributed in His or Her name to their followers or others as a good sign. The prasad is then considered to have the deity's blessing residing within it." - Wikipedia
©Elisa Maria Argiro
1.0k · Sep 2015
The Poet's Code
Say what we mean.
Say what we must.
Honor the poets' code with
every word we write.
May our muses bring us authenticity!
Thank you, Carl Sandburg.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Finding a home in the cadence of one another's poems,
in the unspoken vastness of space between us,
is another kind of knowing,
found in these seasons
of our hearts, of our minds,
of our varied lives.
And so we keep writing, for those we love.
Yes, these words first appeared as a stanza in a longer poem:
'Virtual Reality, Then And Now'
©Elisa Maria Argiro
997 · Aug 2015
This November Afternoon
Pale winter sunlight
pours over my left shoulder.
Swelling gibbous moon
lodges itself,
lives here,
for now,
in my tiny chest.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
965 · Jul 2016
The Gift of Divine Trust
Out of midnight sky
dusky bluebird flew
straight to me.

Spreading his perfect wings
across my heart
I felt his feathers, felt his heart,
beating with my own.

"I will not leave you now."

"You have finally understood."

"And you have won my trust."

*"For always."
©Elisa Maria Argiro
958 · May 2016
Casa Gonzales
"Casa Gonzales, leave a message."

                     In this lilting, merry voice,          

                                        you can hear her kindness,

                                         even that famous dry wit.
 ­                              A dusty Sunday afternoon drew me here,

                             and I knocked shyly on the handmade door.
                             Stirred from easy conversation with friends

                                   by the energetic, furry little dogs,

                              a tall, courtly gentleman came to greet me.

                                      In him I saw a graceful manner,

                          the wisdom of a life well-lived, and kindness too.
 ­                            Together we walked to the opened door of

                                    the little casita beside their home.

                                     They had been newlyweds here,

                                    began their family in this bedroom

                                              that could be mine.
                                  Looking down at me, more than once,

                                     he said: "You would be safe here."

                                    Words that soaked into my bones,

                                                  into my heart.
                                           Time has gone by and I

                                         have made my home here

                                         on this simple, holy ground,

                                           beneath the shining stars,

                                          safe, and deep in joy, beside

                                             Casa Gonzales.
Poem from an earlier time... with New Mexico on my mind... and in my heart...
©Elisa Maria Argiro
958 · Sep 2015
If Today Was The Last Day
If today was the last day of life as we know it,
I would still be choosing to write to you.

Whatever grace, shift, light, is coming,
I would still be choosing to write to you.

In the off chance that these words will touch you,
I would still be choosing to write to you.

If tomorrow is unrecognizable or completely new,
I would still be choosing to write to you.

Knowing that I may never meet you, or even hear your voice,
I would still be choosing to write to each and every one of you.

When the sky does open someday,
and there is only light,
I will know I took this time,
opened my heart up wide,
*I will know I was still choosing
to write my heart to you.
Many have hinted that an energy shift is occurring today. I am choosing to reach out with my heart wide open to the Light.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
936 · Aug 2015
Like a small bird
gathering bright objects for her nest,
I am gathering life.

Hands which reached out to me lead me on,
so I left at their bidding
for an ocean in the East.

Traveling through the night
as if lost in a waking dream,
I came at last to her proximity
and slept in an unknown room.

In the morning light,
beyond the highways,
I suddenly saw her, all April morning
blue and still.
Ocean water bathed my feet,
rinsed the crystal beads and pearls
I had worn to greet her.

Deep in the woods now, I see temples everywhere.
In the woodland light, some churches are.
Pagodas of bark and moss in the filtered light,
Ice caverns blue and still begin to melt
beside the waterfall that thunders down,
breathing mist in our faces, garlanding itself
in rainbow light.

In the small city airport
I am folded into the arms of my mother-of-pearl.
Salt water flows easily from my eyes -
like the sweet nectar filling my mouth.
"E facile per le farfalle di volare, sai."

I walk out into the grey-wet airfield,
screaming sounds of engines.
Walking forward, I close my eyes,
and the world is only light.

Now, I have come back to you,
with marzipan, and peacock feathers,
and stories of my adventures.

The light blazes, and the stars
send down their song.

The Universe is singing.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
This was written in April of 1978, after a visit to the East Coast. I was about to attend the first 'Student's Summer Sidhi Course' at Maharishi International University - which culminated with learning Yogic Flying. This is the context for my mother saying: È facile per le farfalle di volare, sai." (It is easy for butterflies to fly, you know.")
Inter-species dating never had it so good.
Shape-shifting constantly, he could be a man one minute,
a bear the next.
Old as the hills, then young as Apollo.

In her butterfly form she fluttered near his head,
and if he was a bear just then, and had
eaten no honey, this could be dangerous.

If he was a man, and was at peace, the colors of her
powdery wings would delight him beyond measure.
Blowing by him lightly, she would swoon a bit,
and the transformation would begin.

Dark eyes, slender arms, a thick mane of hair,
all the attributes of a woman would suddenly appear.

When they were at peace together, oceans became full
and smooth as glass,
sacred rivers flowed together, and their separate colors
became a new one.

But like some planets, their orbits were unsteady.
Peace was fleeting.

A tremor would go through the worlds,
and the fighting would begin.

Monumental destruction ensued.
Cinders blew by where hearts had been.

Over time, and blessed by journeys through the sky,
a new peace was formed, in friendship.
A new understanding began.
A trust began to build.

An end to this story is unthinkable.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
925 · Sep 2015
The Star Girl Named You
Way before people in human form,
we existed as air and light.

Lavender lights in the northern regions
called to each other, and we responded freely.

Sound sounded differently then, reaching
inside our airy souls, overarching temporal existence.

Dancing through infinite space, leaping beyond knowing,
we became pure unfettered feeling.

Come across the threshold of light, riding on your smile.
All that was then, is still our ancient home.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
912 · Feb 2016
Stillness, Rain Coming
Anticipatory quiet,
and the gathering fullness
builds upon itself in secret,
unknown ways.

Here in this old kitchen,
morning finds you in a shirt
silkscreened with one distant
cluster of stars.

Emblematic, a medicine shield
guarding a silent, wise heart
equally full of light.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
907 · Aug 2015
Wind of God
Before the light comes,
the wind comes.
The wind of God.
The wind of God travels
all over the Earth,
awakening the night-sleeping birds,
bringing freshness to every land.
New hope, even where we are troubled,
or grieving, or suffering.
Often these days, this wind of God
blows through my open heart.
And it frees me to love totally,
to love innocently, to love bravely,
As God loves us.
©Elisa Maria Argiro

At the time this poem was forming into words, I was awakening early each morning, stepping out into the first rustling wind that, scientists tell us, literally travels around the Earth.
906 · Oct 2015
Revering all holy vessels
manifest and blessed
may this heart
held inside us
Divine Light
May this heart
held inside us
learn to become
a chalice
our own
unconditional love
For all of our dear ones facing illness, and for all of us wishing
to offer the best of ourselves.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
904 · Sep 2015
Signorina Verbena
An infinitely delicate green
gently disguised verbena
leaf, shyly beginning to
undress for a morning
bath in sunlight and pure,
chilly water. Where did she
ever get the idea that she
was too green to celebrate?
©Elisa Maria Argiro
901 · Dec 2015
Christmas Eve, Morning
Silky clean hair shines
in momentary sunlight

Scent of sandalwood stirs
in the breathing air

Holy silence blesses
each perfect now
©Elisa Maria Argiro
885 · Aug 2015
A Poem is a Letter
Sometimes, a poem is a letter
and this one is for you.

Living your open life
under Irish woolen skies,
dreaming of having
a candle shop by the sea.

"It's a dream that'll
never come true."
you say,
and that may be so.

Still, I can see it.

Latticed windows, on either side
of a deep blue door, a myriad of
little candles, nestled in thick glass jars,
glimmer purple, and beckon to the passerby.

Outside, a salty wind carries on
all by itself, about where it has been,
and where it is going.

You smile at the sound, looking beyond
your quiet thoughts. The blue door opens.
A new friend has just come to see you.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
883 · Sep 2015
Seven generations Roman,
and one hundred percent male.

That voice, like thunder and wind over Lazio,
and a smile that could melt your kneecaps.

Surging with life, laughing, singing,
telling stories from his naughty boyhood,
here on the cobbled streets that he loved so well.

Fiercely loyal, a truer friend could never be found.

When he sang 'Vivrò!' smacking his old guitar just once,
and then roaring into song,
he did live forever, right there and then.

We live on, caro Bambù, transfused
by your vibrant, unforgettable memory.
For Bambù (Carlo Mannù)
"Vivrò!" "I will live!"
©Elisa Maria Argiro
877 · Mar 2016
Blue Lotus
Swiftly moving clouds modulate
the light coming to closed eyelids.

Today, with God's grace, I know
what it is to be my own
true north.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
855 · Oct 2015
Smiling In My Sleep
In meditation it happens
quite often
finding its way
into an
unconscious smile.

Smiling in my sleep
begins with you
and your
lovely kindness
finding me somewhere
in my unexpecting
grateful day.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
839 · Oct 2015
My very dear friends and wonderful, international tribe of poets:
When I first joined you all last August, I was in a time of deep solitude, culturing inner silence.
It became an ideal time to make real progress with my writing.

The part I had no idea about then, and that has become such a treasured part of my life, is the growth and blossoming of new friendships with many of you!
On June 2nd, 2016, just over a month ago, I felt to open back up to the world around me.
After all that immersion in transcendental bliss consciousness, life began presenting me with beautiful new opportunities, which has in turn lead to the most fantastic job I have yet performed, in which I am able to express and employ all of my particular set of talents and abilities.
Hence, then, my long absence, and my enormous, growing admiration for those of you who have families, jobs, and also contribute excellent poems here!
May the force be always with the poets, the writers, the thinkers, the artists... all the good and sincere well-wishers of our dear world family, and of our precious Mother Earth.
Blessings and light to us each and all,
Elisa Maria Argirò

(I have just re-written this poem that speaks to my present frame of mind, and thought to offer it again in this context. ~ EMA 2016)*

Eyes of Light

Momentarily, two eye-shaped
places in these thick grey clouds
stared directly at me, and there it was:

"Always be truthful.
Always be kind."

Just that.
A reminder.

Slipping down into the place
beyond all words,
feeling knowingness
into my bones,
residing in quiet bliss,
at home
in my own authenticity.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
825 · Nov 2015
Field of Immortality
Transcendent sleep
is still a rarity
for me
such a gift
when it comes
©Elisa Maria Argiro
800 · Sep 2015
Half Moon Pie for You
Look outside the kitchen window,
my friend, you and your puppy too,
and you will see it scrumptiously
awaiting you... Reaching out to it,
your fingers will sink into such rich,
creamy sweetness... getting there
first, you can have the whole of it
all for yourself... and let your
puppy lick your fingers!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
792 · Jan 2016
Sweeter Salt
The body, when
it's fasting
becomes so aware.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
781 · Sep 2015
Our greatest human treasure
the risk that delivers us
without giving permission
for further hurt

The eastern sky glows
just long enough
for its colors
to heal our hearts

As a truly holy man travels
among us these days
spanning differences
living his convictions
we are nourished beyond
boundaries and beliefs
Written during the first visit to the USA of Pope Francis I. Great gratitude for his wisdom, sincerity, simplicity and courageous love.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
757 · Jun 2018
Weeding Before Dawn
I am here connecting with the soil,
with the smallest suggestion
of a breeze,
before the day’s heat hits.

Across an ocean, we were
to have met again, had
you been there, my friend.

Now, we do our best
to be where are.

Across the bare wooden floor,
new leaves dance shadows
onto the dark green Roman blinds.
Copyrighted by Elisa Maria Argiro
729 · Aug 2015
Sweet Man, Sweet Light
Images flow
from the river inside you,
and you make them whole and real.
As for me,
this chasm of light that holds my heart,
sparkles around you
like phosphorescence  
in a salty sea.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
727 · Mar 2016
The Easter Bunny's Cologne
Whispered voices, my parents, excitedly
hushing each other in the driveway.

Inside now, tiptoeing into the kitchen
rustling packages meant for my
brothers and me, from the Easter Bunny.

Upstairs, in my little bunk bed by the window
I am old enough to know what's what,
young enough to be enchanted by the magic
created again and again by pure, devoted love.

(And may it always be so.)

Floating to find me on the humid April
air, the heady fragrance of hyacinth
establishes his presence with certainty.
What other scent is more evocative of Spring?

Magical beings, as I knew them, always
had a flair for elegance, and kindness.

Downstairs, the loving, secret bustling
continues with detailed purpose,
as layer upon layer of the magic emerges.

Earlier that day, at least one brother and I
would have searched our woods for
several colors and kinds of moss and lichen
to build a miniature world on the kitchen table.

It was this welcoming world of soft green hills
and perhaps a tiny foil pond that was meant
to honor and invite our esteemed, invisible friend.

My parent's artful introduction of glistening
multi-colored chocolate eggs, Perugina bunnies
from the Cafe Aurora, and the three hyacinths
to plant later in the garden were their gentle
responding gestures in this sacred pact,
all in the name of magic, all
in the name of holy love,
its very own,
Infinite Self.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
706 · Aug 2015
when you sing,

God comes and listens.

And your father,
red headed, 

red bearded,
full of joy and 

tender pride,
visits us.

Where he lives now,

in the heaven neighborhood of 

my own parents,
singing this good 

is still special.
Only humans made into angels

 know how to make those sounds.


when you sing,

the clouds dance 

above us,

and joy, pride,

is all we feel.
©Elisa Maria Argiro 2007
705 · Sep 2015
Warm as honey in sunlight
soaking into my soul, being
my soul's core whenever
you are here with me.
Voice of sweet melancholia
and ripe, enduring strength,
so tender, and so earthy.
Bravely you began again,
autumn years bringing
seasoned song like no
other to a world in need.
Obrigada, from my heart.
For Cesaria Evora (1941-2011)
©Elisa Maria Argiro
686 · Oct 2017
The Way it is Now
Whatever is poet within
me, in this time of hurdles,
Issues from my mind
as images, mute.
Gazing directly back at
you, intimate, silent.
Speaking into your own
apertures, inviting contact.
Poet friends one and all, you are with me always. If you wish, you may view new images I am creating as posted on Instagram: #farfalla_in_the_world
Pace in Terra, Elisa
673 · Aug 2016
About God, And Someone Else
Because you love me,
I can be.

Listening to you,
I smile.

In your invisible embrace,
I am whole.

There is nothing left to do.

It is all you.

It is all
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Let the "someone else" be the person at the core of your own heart, and you will have the truth of these words! ;~)
660 · Sep 2015
I still want to dance for you!
And until I do, I will dance
in the spaces between our
floating, virtual words.
To no one in particular,
with all my heart.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
658 · Oct 2015
Afternoon Sunlight
Vines of sound wind around my heart.
Wind of distant passion blows in
a changeable east wind.

Take me with you
to your interior landscape,
and I promise to ask no questions.

Shadows of late afternoon sunlight
tremble silently on the wall beside us,
listening to the battling of my heart.

Time and again
I have been undone by you.

Zeus himself stands by, admiring
your tricky disguises.

The simpler and more transparent
the convincing illusion
that you are some other man,
the more dangerous
the dissembling.

It is always you.
Always will be you.

And this will happen again
as it is happening now.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
657 · Oct 2015
Ancient offering
of holy cloth,

Enfold me
in tradition.

Wrap me
in your light.

Hold me
©Elisa Maria Argiro
651 · Mar 2019
Sacred Love, Embodied
Above and beyond
its manifest colours,
is the hottest part of the flame.

Patiently, and with trust,
bring the sacred frankincense
within your heart
to the invisible fire, and
it will be ignited
in this most intense heat.

That is the searing power
held only by Divine Love.

It is thus that human love
is purified, gains
dignity of purpose,
in the arms of the magnificent,
all-encompassing love of God.
Copyrighted by Elisa Maria Argiro
14 March, 2019
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