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644 · Dec 2015
Peace, Above Earth
Moon smiles sweetly as she rises in the East,
Orion slips sleepily into the West.

With so much tragedy all around us,
how blessed to find peace now
here, above us.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
641 · Sep 2015
September, Now
The days are getting shorter.
We see it first
in the color of the light.
The moon is waning.
It's time to dream
other dreams.
Or maybe eat a fried egg.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
628 · Oct 2015
As perfect as a child's drawing,
a snowy mountain framed by
equally sloping, emerald foothills.

Only six chalets,
and soft-eyed cows meander,
their hand-hammered bells
the only sound.

It is early evening,
and a young family visits
the alpine botanical garden
in the center of the valley.

As the light fades,
the father crouches down
to photograph the hidden
worlds of these tiny flowers.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
619 · Aug 2018
Our beloved poet brother,
light warrior, musician,
has gone on ahead of us  
into the realms of light.

Fierce, funny, loving,
you redefined courage
as you battled your final
foe. He didn’t really win,
because you shine evermore.

Even as we celebrate
your beautiful life,
knowing you are free,
our hearts still ache
and we miss you, being
here, on Earth, amongst us.
Copyrighted by Elisa Maria Argiro
Sverre’s beautiful final words and moments are conveyed by his brother Bjorn on his Facebook page:
Sverre G Holter
It was an honor and supreme delight to collaborate with Sverre on:
‘Thousand-Petaled Lotus’
‘In The Language of Leaves’
617 · Dec 2015
*~*~ In Memoriam ~*~*
Glowing colors spread across the dawning day,
one week after you departed our world.

On this quiet street where nothing happens,
tragedy happened to you, and those who love you.

The man driving his truck couldn't stop in time.
He will never forget involuntarily ending your life.
I saw his face registering what he had done.

We pray for him daily, and for your family,
who lost you so suddenly.

I have never known a gentler soul.

Now that you are fully in the Light,
your voice, your soft, smiling laughter
come to me frequently.

I hear you saying, and it feels very real:
"Live fully and sweetly, as I have done."
©Elisa Maria Argiro
*~*~ For Marica Grey ~*~*
599 · Sep 2015
Full, flat, flowing
this old bend
in the river
gives peace.

Would living
beside it
bring more

Or would
a hunger
to see more
end that?
©Elisa Maria Argiro
585 · Aug 2015
Lamy to L.A.
Adobe and dust,
a place so quiet.
One grandfather
leaves rustling,
listens with us
for the next train.

Drought has dried
this land beyond
any living person's
Now, a cooling wind
gathers power.
The sky over the old
mountains darkens.

As the train pulls
out from the antique
station, a single fork
of lightning frames
itself in the small
rear window.

The silvered tracks
put distance
rapidly behind us.

Opening out now
before us, sunlight
on the High Desert.

We turn to see
starched white
cumulous clouds,
absent for months
float by, flat bottoms
casting healing shadows
over the parched land.

In Albuquerque, we
stop for new passengers.
It's days after the 4th of July;
families have been visiting.

Roasted green chilies,
their fragrance so earthy
are brought onboard.

A mother and her 
teenagers sit down
beside me. She smiles,
we talk. This brother
and sister are so good
to each other.

Dinner in the dining car
is an old-fashioned treat.
Big windows and white
cotton table cloths.

I find myself seated
family style, with a
father and son. Some
bicycle race has given
them rare time together.

As night comes on,
the conductor makes
a sleeping time call.
The lights are dimmed.

In the early hours,
walking aisle after
aisle and car to car
I see humanity
asleep in all its
quirky loveliness.

Tanned toddlers,
sprawled almost upside
down. Hair mussed up,
wearing bows meant
for grandparents.

Graying heads,
long accustomed to
leaning into one another,
rest peacefully.

One young man, a poet
with a crown of dreads
stands alone with his
thoughts, looking  
out at the stars.  

Jostled awake now,
I see the The Big Dipper
perfectly placed as a child
would draw it, twinkling
in my smudged window.

A haze of soft pink light
signals this new day.
All of us, coming home.

Human angels, each
here for one another.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
574 · Sep 2018
Traveling in Place
You know me better than anyone.

Time holds onto my heart,
rests within my mind.

You are the silence around me.

Walking, my world is larger, as
details present themselves.

Hard, inedible berries redden
beautifully in that same garden.

Delicate stalks bow slightly,
preparing for their lavender
blossoms, a little smaller
than last year’s.

You, really listen, and that is
nearly everything to me.

Everything, would be you
trusting me, to listen too.
Copyrighted by Elisa Maria Argiro
574 · Sep 2015
Green Velvet
By some unintentional thievery,
we had a high desert day today,
way out here on the prairie.

Low wind, cooling, and
astonishingly dry.

A blue, deep as high-altitude
Well, almost.

The woman, still no taller
than a child. The brother,
still kind, still stubborn.

Thinking, sometimes out loud,
the memories coming to each
are sometimes the same ones.

A family working together
in the woods they loved.

This younger brother, so
small, smiling to himself
as he carried kindling.

And the quiet brother,
there too, deep thoughts
widening his hazel eyes.

Maple leaves, still green,
and whirligig seed pods,
pile up now in these
brown paper bags.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
572 · Sep 2021
You brought me back.
No gift more giving
Than innocent, silent
Copyrighted September 30, 2021 by Elisa Maria Argiro
548 · Oct 2015
*~ Tattva Dipam ~*
Holy Light


Light of Absolute

Embrace us

Keep us

Keep us
Your Love

Keep us

Light of Absolute

We Shine On

Holy Light
©Elisa Maria Argiro
529 · Oct 2015
For You, Charlotte
When a newborn princess was
given your name, I smiled to myself,
"This child is in good company!"

On this warm October day,
fruition of good season
is in evidence all around us.

It is here with us in you,
dear Charlotte.

Raising sons, raising daughters
learning, teaching, first these
children, now their children,
and so many, many more.

Compassion and tolerance
find a rare and special home
in you, dear Charlotte.

My best friend's mother,
your deep wisdom,
lovely devotion to God,
bloom all around you.

Nourishing me so profoundly
these many, fortunate years
with your radiant, steady love.

Today is your day, Charlotte,
and wherever we are
we celebrate you!

Our hearts are made wiser
kinder, and stronger, by
all that you teach
simply being
dear Charlotte.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
529 · Aug 2015
Breathing in the Moon
Don't wait for its light to come to you!
Breathe in its light -
As if it were your own.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
528 · Sep 2015
In this nearly empty
sky, one luminous
weaving of ice
and light
above the darkness.

Looking up at you,
my rib cage
tightens, slightly.

In your knowing
eyes, is everything.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
524 · Sep 2015
Green Chiles
Almost breathing in that heady,
pungent, earthiness,
even if it's only in my mind.
All over Santa Fe, New Mexico,
folks will be roasting
this year's green chiles,
and I am feeling
an unexpected ache
for a place I thought
I had left forever.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
515 · Sep 2015
Bird Call
Very early,
and just
Raspy, dark,

This bird
©Elisa Maria Argiro
504 · May 2019
Adios, Just For Now
Returning is certain.
One way, one day
Lifetimes within lifetimes
Transcend, one into
Eyes smile in recognition as
Adios will always
bring you home.
Copyrighted by Elisa Maria Argiro  May 2019 Iowa America Earth
499 · Sep 2015
In Memory of September 11th
We will never be able to reach a state of total
comprehension of all that happened
on that day when our contemporary world shifted
in mystifying and unfathomably terrible ways.

Perhaps the only hope we have for the evolution of our humanity
is to humbly remember and accept
that almost every society in the world
has committed unspeakable atrocities against others.

This has been worst in the nations that have achieved
and been proud of
the greatest technological advancement.

The time has come to open our eyes and our hearts
to one another.

The time is here.

The time is now.
"As a woman, my country is the whole world." - Virginia Woolf
©Elisa Maria Argiro
464 · Nov 2015
Visiting Earth
Angels, wings
sometimes broken
in service to a higher good
will always walk among us.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
382 · May 2019
Hiding Our Shoes
You were young enough, and precious enough,

To get away with it.

I might not get away with it, but

I’m going to hide my shoes anyway.

So that I never have to leave the home

I have found in your heart,

my dear new, and ancient, friend.
©2019 Elisa Maria Argiro
Who knew.

I didn’t actually have to be blonde to have more fun, with all love to blonde women everywhere.

Holding onto my life, just as I did in that small raft on the River Ganges, while Ma Gangas was as doing all she could to ****** me into the rapids and keep me for herself forever,, I had to learn patience, and I did.

I held on early on when one disease and then another went after my tiny body, starting 10 days after I was born.

It didn’t matter.

I was here and right away I saw and felt this beautiful world all around me with a quiet intensity that field every sense, every cell in my body.
Copyrighted by Elisa Maria Argiro, 11 November, 2020, Maharishi Vedic City, America, Earth

— The End —