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Feb 9 · 49
Our Miss
Dev Feb 9
Your "I miss you."

Hit and sunk deep.

Hooked, speared, chained and I cannot sleep.

I cannot run and
you will not pull me in.

So I am stuck
Needing and bleeding with no end.

Stagnation is me, as well as black, ****** and blue.
I know not what to do.

But for now, we'll have to settle with,
"I miss you too"
We've all had that "I miss you" moment. Powerful stuff, hits hard.
Dev Aug 2021
When everything felt warm
And when skies were still blue.
I blame all those things on you.
I woke up every morning to two things,
The morning light warming my face
and your radiating embrace.
They were the same,
you were my sun.

The day you taught me how to sleep,
I've since forgot.
But I'll always remember,
That true rest only comes when you're here,
but you're not.
Nov 2019 · 262
Manifesto of Morning
Dev Nov 2019
“There are days where I believe that my morning resurrection is met with nothing but passive malice.

That the world is nothing more than a solid pinnacle of frictions, blocking our path to the next.

The great next, the forever better next.

Some see this blockage as absolute and choose to set thier grave at its base.

Once again, our race choosing to bend before the self proclaimed unfathomable.

To most, these are truths. But for me, I believe different.

We can make the ground move, just through our will. We’ve grasped matterless vacuums of space, for no reason more than our curiosity. We can draw ungodly power from every glint of gold our eyes find in whichever direction we so choose, passion.

Passion, such a small thing to some. But for those who choose to break down their own barriers and transcend the fog. Passion can obliterate any obstacle.

Never forget, even when beneath a large marble idol. That we were not made in the gods image. They were made in ours.”
Jan 2017 · 741
Perks of a Poltergeist
Dev Jan 2017
"I live in a constant state of crying for ghosts and willing to die for most...
Ghosts come in many shapes and sizes. Some are from those who left this world, other are from who just left you.
Nov 2016 · 1.5k
The Dance of Sun & Waves.
Dev Nov 2016
"To watch the water of the open ocean dance as it bathes in sunlight, there is not a more calming sight."
I wrote this during my last deployment. It means a lot to me.
Jun 2016 · 802
Dev Jun 2016
"Beauty in detail, gives you the largest picture."
I'm sorry for how long I've been away. My artistic lust hit a brick wall. I notice how most of my writings/poetry (if you can call it that) have been about love. Which is odd, because I can't recall what being in love felt like. So I've been doing some searching on that and I'll continue when I find out what exactly it means and feels like to be "In Love."
Apr 2016 · 716
Your Canvas
Dev Apr 2016
"I want to devote my mind, body & soul as a canvas, to the brushstroke that is your life."
Apr 2016 · 869
Self & Love
Dev Apr 2016
"The hands that hold together the words, "Self" & "Love" are only as tight as the strength that you give them."
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
Bright side of an explosion!
Dev Jan 2016
"Oh just look on the bright side."
That's what my mother always told me...
Every time I reached in the pocket of my life
Hoping to find some change
But instead, pull out a grenade pin.
My mother always told me..
"To look on the bright side."
Sure! I usually thought.
Maybe my good luck
Might start with a boom!
Maybe my fantasies
Will come with a flash and fallout!
..Either way, I could be good or gone..
Because I took my mothers advice.
And looked for a bright side to a bomb.
"Thanks for all the support! Please like and please please share anything of mine if you'd like!"
Jan 2016 · 820
Dev Jan 2016
I remember the first time you spent the night at my house.
Just the two of us
I was so happy and nervous, it was the first time I had a girl sleepover.
My hands couldn't stop shaking, it didn't help that I liked you.
I made my bed better than I had ever made it for myself
I cleaned everything from the under my bed to the top of my shelf.
I wanted that night to be as perfect as you
And to my surprise, nothing was new. The night went great.
Then. It was time. To go to bed...
I went to lay down on my couch I had in my room
And that's when you offered me a choice. A choice that would change my life forever.
I could either sleep on the couch
Or I could sleep with her on my bed.
I can't recall what went through my head, or the words that I said
All I know is, that I was soon with her in my bed.
Her of the left and myself on the right
Even in my sleep I never let her out of my sight.
I've never slept better, than when I'm beside her.
I sleep like the dead, doesn't even matter the bed.
You were the missing piece to rest, that I never had before that night
A piece that I had briefly before I lost it.
You ruined me.. I can't go back
Because now.. No matter what I do
I cannot rest
Until I'm in bed
With you.
Dec 2015 · 625
Loving the Lie
Dev Dec 2015
"I love you."
That word has been said to me enough times in my life that I know when if its a lie.
It's rare that you hear those words from someone and you feel it to be true

You feel it.

You feel it like they just spat a lightening bolt at your face like some sort of godly fantasy beast

You feel like they took a running start and stuck you in the stomach with brass knuckles

You feel it like you just watched them load, **** back, put a shotgun to your chest and fill your heart full of their lead love

I haven't believed in those words for so long
Too many lying tongues

The last time, someone told me they loved me
And I believed it
She might as well have handed me a grenade

I broke down, then broke up
I gave in, then I gave out
My heart ached, then my heart moaned
My heart had a breakdown, then a build up

I had no clue what the **** was going on

I just know I had tears, and I looked and her sit and stare
And she looked at me
Run away.
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Fixed Vision
Dev Nov 2015
"I have a staring problem.
Better yet, YOU give me a staring problem
My problem isn't that I do it to much
Is that I don't do it enough
When I'm not staring at you
The world seems dull
And not worth a single second of my gaze
When I could be spending that moment
Looking at your eyes
Watching your hand
Studying your lips."
Nov 2015 · 633
Parts Of Us
Dev Nov 2015
"You'll never know how much of yourself you drop
When you bend over to put up the limbs of someone else's.
You leave parts of yourself you can never pick up again
And you carry more than just a ****** arm or leg
You'd carry something else with you forever.
Always in your mind or soul.
Something you can never wash away."
Nov 2015 · 955
Dev Nov 2015
"I want our love to be like starlight
Where I'm with you, & you're with me
& our future is bright.
I think this can happen! It just might
But like for all good things, we'll have to fight
But after all our fists are thrown and won
Once our battle is over and done
We'll be together..
Close, near or far. Distance doesn't matter..
Because you'll always be my star."
I've been gone for a good while, been going through some rough tides. I'll try to get back in my old motions
Oct 2015 · 313
Terminal Awareness
Dev Oct 2015
If one day you discovered that you were a cancer to others in your life
That you were toxic and a hazard to the life of others
What would you do?
Is is truly selfish to want to keep going? To continue to be something you were born as? Something you can't control?
Can an existence be selfish?
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
Spitting Blood With Words
Dev Oct 2015
"I drink to numb my mind and mouth so that these barbed, bladed thoughts can pass through my throat and lips with ease."
Oct 2015 · 3.1k
Dev Oct 2015
"How can you crave something deeper from another, when you refuse to look past the skin..?"
Oct 2015 · 382
Mental grasp
Dev Oct 2015
"I want to know you so well
That I can't tell where my mind stops
And your body begins."
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Loving loathing
Dev Sep 2015
"Your body, beats
Your name, maims
Your scent, suffocates
Your smile, slays
Your voice, violates
Your lips on mine are like a knife in my spine
Your skin, stings
Your eyes, paralyze
Your hair, hurts
Your mind's, unkind
Your cuteness, cuts
Your beauty's, brutal..
But even now, after stating all the attributes that I  loath.. I truly can't think of one thing about you, that I don't love.."
Sep 2015 · 6.1k
Blurred desires
Dev Sep 2015
"In my mind, the fine line between beauty and brutal is blurred.
The raw and the uncut, sends such a chill through my body that I couldn't tell you if it was her knife or her whisper."
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Her Temple.
Dev Sep 2015
"Never again shall I ravage her body
As if it was nothing more than a crypt,
That I won the key to in gambling.
I shall treat her flesh as if it were
A temple.
A temple that that I'd truly never
Be worthy of.
Of it's touch, it's grace."
Sep 2015 · 685
Framed Cage
Dev Sep 2015
"I'm happy she didn't stay with me
She deserves so much better
With me she was like a painting
A painting of a ship
A beautiful ship, on a beautiful sea
Motionless, forever unable to sail away
Sail to places and lands of pure happiness and bliss.
She's a picture, I'm unworthy to frame.
But that's okay."
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
Beauty in Bullets
Dev Sep 2015
"Bullets are a lot like words, it doesn't matter what size or how many there are.. Because all it takes is one to blow your mind or pierce your heart.."
Sep 2015 · 667
Her name.
Dev Sep 2015
"All the other kids used to poke fun at your name
But I didn't
To be completely honest, I din't care what your name was
Because to me,
You were Angel
You embodied that to me, that what you wore in my eyes
and man
You sure did wear the hell out of that name."
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
Imperfect balance
Dev Sep 2015
"Sometimes you just need one person. Maybe forever..? Maybe for just a little while. Not long. Being alone is hard, but being with a lot of people can be hard to. Find someone is okay with talking for hour about stupid ****, but at the same time, would enjoy silence with you. Someone who would hike 10 miles then sleep all day. You just need someone to help you balance. Sometimes you need someone to help you keep your center of gravity."
Aug 2015 · 718
Self Stalking
Dev Aug 2015
"Somehow I thought escaping to a land half way around the world, I'd leave my old self behind, finally leave him and all his problems. But somehow he found me and now I just sit alone in my room. Just the two of us and we stare. No words are exchanged. But I feel the emotions between us. The tension, the disgust...The hate."
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
A message to 10 year old me.
Dev Aug 2015
"Hey little man, I like you shirt
That's our favorite digimon one?
The one we always got covered in dirt?
So little guy, how have you been?
Still trying to figure out the truth of love,life, death, bliss & sin?
Don't sweat about it know, those questions are just for show! Because the truth is..
Nobody knows...
So, instead of wasting your live focusing on all five, why don't you choose one and make that the reason you're alive?"
Aug 2015 · 2.9k
Angels touch
Dev Aug 2015
"It's hard not to believe in angels when one's sitting next to you, holding your hand."
Aug 2015 · 779
War of love
Dev Aug 2015
My hand is more comfortable as a fist on someones jaw than intertwined in somebody else's hand
My body trembles from the sound of your voice drifting to me, but is stone cold from the sounds and blasts from gunfire.
My mind tells me that I have a higher chance of getting wounded from love than I do from a battlefield.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Deadly Distance
Dev Aug 2015
6,540 miles doesn't seem far
But when I think about you
Inches from you kills me
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Semper Ignatius.
Dev Aug 2015
What it means to be Ignatius.
To fight through fire to get what you desire
To be cast down to burn but always endure
To learn not to cry but to tame the flames
What it means to be Ignatius, is that once the furnace decides to encase, we will smile and do nothing but embrace.
Semper Ignatius- Forever the man on fire.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
My best
Dev Aug 2015
I tried my best, I did my best
Not to fall in love with you
Not to picture our hands intertwined pointing above
Not to think of our lives together that could have been
Not to dream of you laying next to me after a night of love and sin
Not to break down and wish I could start again.
But I guess my best. Couldn't win.
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Suicide by pen
Dev Aug 2015
"One of these days I'm just going to sit down, put a pen to my head, pull the trigger and blow my brains out on a piece of paper."
Dev Jul 2015
"I just go for a walk down to my local pier when ever I'm depressed. I hop the fence, go to the very end and stand on the edge for a while. Sometimes I just stand there for hours just looking forwards. Know that if I jumped, I'd die and nobody would find my body for a long time. But I usually just step down and walk home, but sometime when I have a lot to think about, I just stand there, looking out to the darkness of the sea and night, not looking at anything really and I just wait. I wait for the sun to come up just behind me so I can see the first shed of light hit the ocean. Every time I see how just one ray of light could bring a sea of black and darkness into an endless plain on blue and life, it makes me feel better. I don't know why."
ignatius devon nollet devonnollet
Jul 2015 · 981
Acidic Love
Dev Jul 2015
“Go ahead..Say what ever you want about me. I’m serious! I don’t care. It’s funny actually. Because I don’t even have to say or call you anything to get my satisfaction.. Because I know that no matter what you say to me, call me or what ever you’d do to remind me that I’m ****…You still kissed me..You still held my hand..You still fell in love with me..And I know that those facts **** you off and eat away at you everyday..And I love that.. I love that it does that to you.. Almost as much as I loved you."
Jul 2015 · 805
To run or walk on stones
Dev Jul 2015
“Every life is just a simple stepping stone to the next one..
So don’t worry.. We’ll all do better the next time around.”
Jul 2015 · 2.0k
Blind Sensation
Dev Jul 2015
“She makes me wish I was blind..So I could grow a deeper understanding and connection of the personality and nomenclature of her skin through my touch..”
Read "What made Blind Sensation"

— The End —