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1.2k · Aug 2019
Asiah Mangham Aug 2019
Daydreaming gives me joy, peace from the madness surrounding us.
I’d like to think there was hope.
Maybe there was joy in the way our world worked.
I daydream about the worst and that’s why it pains me to find joy in it.
I daydream I’m not chasing a dying age.
I daydream that maybe someday the words I tend to give you with this mind that often drifts gives you joy too.
I daydream I won’t be the only one daydreaming anymore.
And maybe. Maybe the world won’t seem so complex to a steady mind.
Would you tell me your daydreams?
1.1k · Nov 2018
Asiah Mangham Nov 2018
He was a smooth criminal.
Smooth to the touch, rough with the heart.
His body screamed thief in the way he walked, talked, and kissed.
His lips grazed mine.
He kissed me everything but gave me nothing.
He walked with the grace of Angel's.
Talked like he befriended God.
By the time I noticed he stole everything, he was gone.
My heart ached, my body cried, and my mind was in disbelief.
He took me and ran.
1.0k · Jul 2019
Asiah Mangham Jul 2019
I saw the way your expression would change when I would talk about a ****** act I’ve committed.

You wanted me pure
You wanted me whole

Hearing the ring in my ears when you’d speak of how many girls souls you’ve laid to rest.

How they were propped up and popped open.

I was next,
But something told me not to be another victim.

How he cut them open and dug them out like cantaloupes.

He dug into genesis and didn’t know he killed creation with every lick.

He committed genocide with no remorse
And wiped it off as satisfaction.
924 · Jul 2019
Asiah Mangham Jul 2019
I told myself I liked peace
but the chaos is exhilarating.
I run from problems to let the animosity build.
I keep quiet to infuriate.
I plant myself in equations where my presence isn’t wanted.
Anger fuels the quiet
Words drench the flames
875 · May 2019
Asiah Mangham May 2019
He tried to write on me and call it art.
I wrote myself and called it love.
851 · Jul 2019
Asiah Mangham Jul 2019
She once thought being deemed pretty was a curse. Like She didn’t have the right to be anything else.
Both grateful and furious she accepted and strangled herself with beauty.
Choked away her humanity and laid her brain to rest.
She committed suicide and organized her own burial. There were so many other things to be rather than pretty.
She didn’t want that death sentence but, she still walked the green mile
You are worth far more than words
832 · Feb 2019
Porcelain Doll
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
I always seem to place myself in your hands like a porcelain doll.
Ready to be placed on a wooden shelf.
But your hands always wither to the touch of my glass skin.
I am real to most but when it comes to you I am a rose petal ready to be plucked to see if you "like me, like me not"
But that shelf has become molded overtime and the cracks on my glass skin have begun to show.
Your hands are not my sanctuary anymore. You left me alone and on display except for when you needed me.
Except for when that curiosity in your mind said "grab her"
But she is not yours anymore
Her glass skin has become more human by the day. Until suddenly she stood by herself and walked away.
Ready to be her own sanctuary .
806 · Feb 2019
A Sign...
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
They say Capricorns are fearless but also reckless.

We're fearless because we have this idea that the earth works on its own. What is to happen will.
We are reckless when it comes to the heart. There's this visual of this perfect love that we seem to think is capable with every intimate soul we meet. When that is not the love we intend to require we drop everything and run.

Our sanity and peace of mind means more than others. Not to be absurd but we are disturbingly at peace with ourselves and that balance is to precious to be broken.

Because I don't think you understand, we are the constellation of determination yet ambition. We are magical yet a majestic sign. We dance like lilies and communicate like lovers at 2am. We are dangerous because we know the balance but simply don't care.
We can't wreck what was never there
We can't fear what we can't see
803 · Aug 2019
Asiah Mangham Aug 2019
Someday I’ll savage my past and I won’t think someone loving me is a delicacy.
Someday I’ll realize I’m all I got.
Like on those days my lonely screams louder than your presence.
Like on that day I screamed for God to show me what he saw in me.
Like on this day where I wish you could’ve met me earlier.
You’d love that girl.
You’d love who she was.
But for now I’m all there is and the best it could ever get.
725 · Oct 2018
Asiah Mangham Oct 2018
Beauty is present but the soul isn't.
You speak with golden specks on your tongue.
You walk with the grace of doves.
Your laugh is like the morning sun.
But yet you still fall short where love doesn't manage.
You quiver to the thought of happiness and cringe at the sight of laughter.
They all scream
"you're a diamond in the rough."
But what is jelewry when it's not sought after and what is art when it's admired by all but one?
You're aware of the power you carry, the beauty you conceal.
The weapons your heart bares and the pain running through your veins.
They painted you a mural but they failed to read the description -
" commended by all, tamed by none."
685 · Feb 2019
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
If it were this easy to break you
If the slightest challenge in your character makes you quiver
Then who said you were strong anyways.
You're not invincible
& maybe that's what they see...
602 · May 2019
Forgive me
Asiah Mangham May 2019
I apologize to my penetrated ****** for whom I rubbed and finger ****** to the comfort of others.
I opened myself with open arms and when they closed I was holding myself...
592 · Jun 2018
I'm Sorry
Asiah Mangham Jun 2018
I'm sorry I lost you trying to find me.
I'm sorry I lost myself trying to find me.
I'm sorry my love hurt you.
I'm even sorrier that my love destroyed me.
I'm sorry because I'm still lost.
Most of all...
I'm sorry you lost you, thinking that you found me.
557 · Nov 2018
Asiah Mangham Nov 2018
My heart longed for something unreal.
My body craved something inhumane.
In the midst of the desire
I felt nothing
But my veins leaked tears, my bones gave out, and my lungs caved in.
My body weaped in pain and all I did was call out for you.
I broke me in looking for you to be my superman.
That name I called was not yours.
It was my own
My body wept for me to be my own salvation
But the coward in me fled
The last thing I called out for was neither you or me but,
481 · Jun 2018
Asiah Mangham Jun 2018
The words that paint us.
The loss of words and the loss of feeling between each other is unreal.
Maybe we're not meant to be,
Maybe we're pushing for something that isn't real.
The lack of connection between our lives and our bodies.
Why can't we connect?
Both of our bodies decompressing to the sound of us.
Are we not real?
Are we something unimaginable?
The harder I push and the harder my body tries to be everything
We loose Everything...
Our souls are distant partners whose fates weren't meant to touch.
You're my imagination and I'm your lustful dream.
Take me to the place where our mind and bodies
Touch, Caress, and Embrace one another.
Sad to say Us is my wildest imagination.
452 · Jun 2019
Asiah Mangham Jun 2019
She went and wrote the rivers
Illustrated the waterfalls
And conducted the forest orchestra
She took on the role of Mother Nature while she watched the world deteriorate her role as a woman
I am a Woman. Simple but Conplex in every form.
424 · Nov 2018
Asiah Mangham Nov 2018
Filter these bones of what you call the past
Unravel my heart from the taste of you
Sweet but Bitter
Salty yet Pleasent

I'm In Love With Another
403 · Nov 2018
For you.
Asiah Mangham Nov 2018
This is a letter to my heart...

Your pure rawness could never compete with this savage world.
You've cried so many times for the bruises you let remain open.
You're patient thinking that things will change.
You're graceful with the way you silently cry.
The way you hide your pain with a smile and a nod.
You always tell yourself that you are done, then it happens again and again.
You've been hurt so many times longing to give someone another half of you.
But they take it and run.
You've known lonely, heartache, betrayal, and so much more.
It's happened so many times you believe that you are broken, unwanted, damaged, ugly.
I know it's hard to hear but you are neither.
The world is a damaged place for a deceivable heart.
                                                           ­                   You
If I keep my eyes closed they'll still love you.
382 · Jun 2018
Asiah Mangham Jun 2018
Why has my heart grown numb to you?
Why does it feel like it's blocked out?
My mind sees you but it still doesn't.
Having to hear you build that brick wall and never tear it down.
Why has my heart grown numb to you?
This mind of mine is so full of life but this heart of mine won't let it.
I've grown numb the people around me.
I've grown numb to the spirit within me.
My heart is confidently lost and it doesn't feel the need to be found.
It's not hiding.
Captivating my soul only to capture it and keep it as it's prisoner.
When will it stop feeling so numb?
Only the ticking time bomb invisible to the visible holds the answer.
My mind has become invisible to my heart.
Leaving it behind lost wondering why?
Why leave me lost in my thoughts?
Asking this empty cold place
When will you come back?
The questions I would ask this still numb heart.
379 · Jul 2019
Asiah Mangham Jul 2019
The Masterpiece you see in me is not the Masterpiece within me.
The wet paint still dripping off the sides of my insides.
The painting with an unknown artist is still unfinished.
The Masterpiece you say you see within me is just a fake painting covering this almost dry paint.
The painting with no meaning behind it.
This almost dry paint will forever stain my walls.
This almost dry paint will make this unfinished painting something of the past.
Past my dry paint looking back on my stained walls will only stain my memories.
Telling me that this Masterpiece inside is only a stained wall of me.
You’re beautiful beyond measures. Write this down and take a picture so you’ll never forget.
372 · Feb 2019
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
She threw herself to the wolves like a piece of meat.
ready to be devoured but not quite ready to be everyone's lunch
see, she lost herself and respect went with it.
she went from the desired, to the unwanted, to the leftovers.
No one eats leftovers, it and she is like toxic waste.
The ones before got the better version.
The starved stuck around eager to feast on what's left.
371 · Jul 2019
Ordinary People
Asiah Mangham Jul 2019
We were gold
We weren’t just regular art
We were a masterpiece
We made records with the way our words sung to one another
We were movie stars in our own film, Hollywood couldn’t contain us
We were myths and fairytales that no one believed in
Now we are just ordinary people,
More none believers
365 · Feb 2019
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
To fully become aware of oneself and ones true ability you'd have to stop trying to find comfort in temporary people. Lust is temporary, Love is eternal.
364 · Oct 2018
Asiah Mangham Oct 2018
Don't mention a persons past unless you want to conjure your own ghost.
Your ghost may be someone else's past.
Which is nothing but time depraved of what you left it to be
361 · Jan 2019
Sunday morning
Asiah Mangham Jan 2019
My temporary love...
Here now, gone forever
We are temporary and the love you feel temporarily will fade
Like mist on a Sunday morning
Dreaming of an everlasting peace will leave you forever in a cacoon.
Let your temporary love bloom until it's to ripe to right your life.
355 · Jan 2021
Not me
Asiah Mangham Jan 2021
Our beginning and Our ending
Two bitter truths connected
It's funny how I always write when I'm hurting
I never thought you'd muse me this way
How I know I'm wrong but aren't you wrong too..
For strangling me
For leaving my heart with the reminisce of true love
Aren't you wrong too..
For promising me everything
For leaving your backbone.. rib-bone.. lifelong partner alone..
Let us kiss and makeup because without you there is no healing
there is no better me..
For all the things I wanted to be Ex-Lover is not me..
354 · Jul 2018
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
Lie with me as I feel the world on my shoulders
As I feel you in my mind and only in spirit
Lost between sea and land
We are coasting in paradise with the waves
347 · Aug 2019
If I
Asiah Mangham Aug 2019
If you are a loved one, remember to check on me.
If I ever loved you, remember to keep my memory safe.
If I ever needed you, remember I won’t be there next time.
If you ever left me, remember, this is the new me.
If only you could see me
My nails are shiny, my lashes long
I’m doing better if you can’t see
But, if I loved you remember to love me back.
                                       -Sincerely Someone Loved
Love me till my Soul bleeds and I’ll do the same. Infinite partners are who we are.
339 · Jul 2018
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
You're not worthless but...
It's hard to convince a suffocating mind you are
It's hard to convince a drowning heart you are
Convincing yourself that you are worthy of being loved
Is a Sweet Taste of The After Life
328 · Jul 2018
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
Your expectations were to high.
Your wound had a scab torn off by the unbearable truth.
A wounded animal like my wounded conscious mind. 
The injury gone but the threat and fear still aware.
322 · Feb 2019
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
Why did you choose me?
My body surrenders to this fragile state
I am water compared to your silhouette, to your fire
I drip, slip and drown from the waves crashing over me
The ocean cannot contain gasoline because once lit the flames won't melt me they'll ignite me
320 · Jun 2018
Pretty Bird
Asiah Mangham Jun 2018
Confined by the walls that protect me.
Confined by the walls of society.
I wish i could just fly.
Spread my wings and go wherever they can carry me.
A pretty bird only needs a push to leave.
But what if it's never pushed?
Always stuck with a burden of being the best and never feeling like it
Truly and Just Simply
317 · May 2019
Asiah Mangham May 2019
When we’re together it feels like the world stops
I hope we meet again and the world still feels like it’s frozen.
Until then...
Love Asiah
313 · Aug 2018
Asiah Mangham Aug 2018
The constellations conceal what was once bright.
Everything once- thinkable has been taken away.
The sky consumes every animate object in sight.
The sun’s rays bring us back to life, only for the day.
Without the gas that shines so radiantly in the sky of the night.
What is life?
My pondering mind fills with haze.
Running to the sky to find what I once thought was consciousness.
The heavenly body that consumes me,
one day will be consumed by my eyes heavenly gaze.
                 Don’t stray my conscious mind
                 Don’t lose sight, for the sky knows all.
312 · Jun 2019
Asiah Mangham Jun 2019
I’ve always been a loner.
Condoner of my own space.
Don’t pry my doors and expect my walls not to quiver
312 · Dec 2018
Open Me
Asiah Mangham Dec 2018
She wrapped herself in confidence and wore beauty like a ribbon. She is a present and the world is her eager child.
309 · Feb 2019
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
One man's trash is a gold mine covered in dirt.
If only he would've dug a little deeper...
304 · Feb 2019
Special Place
Asiah Mangham Feb 2019
He's a broken toy.
Tired of being kicked to the side for a new experience
Tired of the wheels falling off only for him to repair himself
The engine won't start anymore, the gas tank is empty
He's living inside out with his emotions
He is broken and that is okay
He is lost and that is okay
The broken have a special place in the Universe
304 · Oct 2018
Asiah Mangham Oct 2018
He reels me in with his eyes and grabs my waist with his presence.
I speak nothing but my mind screams a thousand words.
I move none but my body is floating mercilessly
can you grab onto a dream?
303 · Oct 2020
Asiah Mangham Oct 2020
Affection cradled me like a baby
wrapped me whole with false intentions and
spat me out to the truth
to all my past lovers I praise you
it is not easy to caress my insecurities
I praise you for my hard days
long nights
For being my muse
regretful you weren't more
290 · Jul 2018
Never Been
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
Speak like it's never been
Explain like it's never been
Feel as our hearts never connected
As one
Love like it's never been
289 · May 2019
Asiah Mangham May 2019
The world has messed up now. You can’t put the art of God in the hands of politicians and call it divine rights.
285 · Jul 2018
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
Know your worth before you know anything else
Because in the end that's all you'll have to stand for
285 · Dec 2018
Asiah Mangham Dec 2018
Ultimately, I love me more.
I'll no longer blame myself for my own disappointment. I'll cherish me more for the perseverance of me.
I'll love you forever and always
277 · Jun 2018
Asiah Mangham Jun 2018
Is it lust over heart?
I want heart but what do you want?
The loss of boundaries between us made me loose mine also.
You take pride over me and what you have.
But, all I want is pride over your heart and mind.
Why can't I tell you anything?
It's like a blockade has built it's wall over my thoughts.
I seal my mouth and my mind with the burden of you never understanding.
With a little joke and snarl at my wildest imagination makes the rest of my unimaginable thought leak to a world of lost hope.
Hoping that this wall would've been broken by our repetition of so called "Love"
But, by every word and every kiss my walls build higher and even more stronger.
273 · Jul 2018
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
A bee notices nothing of the beauty the flower it tends.
It has not mended
What it can offer ... What it can bring
The life it can save or take
A flower notices everything of the bee that lands.
268 · Jul 2019
Asiah Mangham Jul 2019
I always liked attention.
Intimate attention.
Acknowledge me attention.
Maybe I lacked self appreciation.
Maybe I lacked the attention.
I always liked you.
The not so funny you.
The save me you.
Maybe you lacked me.
Maybe you lacked attention.
268 · Jul 2018
Watch me
Asiah Mangham Jul 2018
Watch me as I cry
Watch me as I feel no reason why,
Watch me as I judge
Watch me as I drag myself through the
267 · Jun 2018
Asiah Mangham Jun 2018
Believe in me as I believe in you.
Broken in but never healed.
A novel never finished, but a page never unturned.
266 · Aug 2018
Asiah Mangham Aug 2018
Full of life, all kinds
Even the quietest parts live
You are now alive
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