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KA Apr 2014
THE calm rolls over me as I stand frozen in front of her.
the light plays in the air,
angelic in form.

KT April 29, 2014
Katie Oct 2014
got that ****** itch
can be quite a *****
unwashed hair
just don't care
I gotz mad rhymes
just call me KT rhymes
KA Apr 2014
In its simple form
giving light
giving heat
creation is you
you are the source of life.

KT April 16, 2014
KA May 2014
The light fills the empty hole in my chest.
Washing the ugly , the clawing evil dark held.
I'm a man. Not pure. Not good.
Just becoming honest.
The light is of miracles as our love.
A oracle talking in my dream, speaking to the dumb.
My heart fills without my doing.
Shining, burning hot.
I am born.

KT May 3, 2014
KA Feb 2014
Moments like this are eternity
I sit by myself
the crazy crawling

KT Feb 22, 2014
hkr Jul 2013
I love you so much
i'm so drunk
so drunk
but i love you so much
i love you so much
this title feels so right but no poem will ever explain how much i loved you

two beers and a lot of hard cider only made the pain honest

i changed the title because i'm sober so i got scared
KA Mar 2014
In her perfect beauty
framed by a second while meeting her
her will to take her time
my need overwhelming
like a pocket watch ticking slowly
growing louder every second
her lips full of promise
breathing the same air
rhythm beats of her blood pumping
a sight beyond large or small
my mouth needs to wonder through her
she is my air

... to live is to need her

KT Mar 14, 2014
KA Apr 2014
Its about all of you and its about none of you,
that is the beauty of the universe.

KT April 2, 2014
#universe #you #beauty
KA Jun 2014
it is simple actually, do not over complicate it.
  I love you.
You love me.

We have spent too much time, too many years making it more than that.

KT June 13, 2014
#love #you #i #you #life #living

To all courageous lives ended with sword, cannon or bullets of lead.

To all Brothers… No longer our enemies instead…

For Power and Ambition even Friends will part.

To silent fallen Heroes always true to a loyal heart.

To Courage always ready to fight for what thought right.

To Brave Men convinced Honour is being Victorious,

Now certain bones on battlefields are never Glorious.

To Sons taught to hate by greedy, ambitious men.

To many a young Mate we shall never see again.

To gallant Officers who believed what was told,

Always willing to give, but hardly getting old...

Eloquence never asking: “Parlez vous…?”

Or merely educated: “How do you do?”

On battlefields God was indeed hard to find,

And we wondered; is He on your side or mine?

Perhaps never wanting to be near,

Seeing what we are really doing down here...

Again infinite bones in rotting uniforms everywhere,

Whilst no one hardly remembers or troubles to care...

What we believed in, how we spoke or who we were.

People even snubbing whether whatever left of you,

Is in the rags of a Redcoat, in dark green or French blue,

But needless to tell… still much of a man,

For yet your bones in a muddy field give what they can.

Whether an arm, a leg or a scull… all just grounded up,

To raise a much better crop… for Life will never stop.

Just dirt to dirt... Man again fertilizing Mother Earth.

All the same, said never to be found lying around…

Bloodied buttons and buckles secretly hidden in hay,

Are polished and sold by those in need on a rainy day.

Again virility of spring...

Is in autumn quite a nourishing thing,

For Life still goes around and around in ring…

Even dressed in proud red, white and blue… more than two…

Maps and Rulers changed in less than a hundred years,

Ludicrous is our Hate and our Fears.

Do let us in memory of Confucius agree,

For seasoned veterans of war and intellect are we thought to be,

Saluting in attention with infinitely more comprehension,

We Honour You Forever still certain Humanity might never understand,

Honor, Glory and Victory are in Brothers holding out a Loving hand.

Col. RCEF Sir William Francis Willoughby Lindesay   England


Col. RCEF Sir Robert Eowan Lochlan McGregor          Scotland


1st. Royal Life Guards  1807 - 1810

13Th. “Jolly Ruffians “Rifle Company On Foot 1810  Portugal, Spain

13Th. Mounted “Wildman“ Rifle Company 1811-1814 Spain

1st. Royal Life Guards

Royal Cavaliers-Elite Force   Secret Intelligence Service 1814

                          Willowbee Manor, Lindesay Hall, Yorkshire 1814

                                      CONFUCIUS 551 - 479 BC

                                                Golden Rule
                                     Basic Rights for Humanity

      Do not do to others what you do not wish to be done to yourself.

Copyright©2013 by Kari M. Knutsen
kt Aug 2014
Twinkle twinkle
Star above
Your star shined so brightly
beyond and above

Twinkle twinkle
Star above
I've never seen such glitter
with such a tither.

With such great beauty
above this beauty

One day your here
The next your there.

Twinkle twinkle
You sneeky star
I seen you move!
I seen you move!
With such great speed!
l seen you move!

Awe you where just a satalite?
Or maybe
just a delight!

Thanks for your twinkles!
Thanks for your lights!
Twinkles where great!
Twinkles where nice!
KA May 2014
LEARNING every day
i am a mystery to myself.
endless corridors that seem to never end.
my soul burns bright, thank God,
the wretchedness of my mind does too.
human yes, the love of light and dark energy.
Divine in my unholiness.

KT May 7, 2014
Emily Mackenzie Aug 2013
I remember
when you used to call

I remember
when you stopped

I remember
when I became funny

I remember
when you didn’t let it go

I remember
when you turned

I remember
when you told me to **** myself

I remember
when you laughed when I tried

I absolutely believe in god
because I’ve experienced the devil
and he lies
in every inch of you
KA Sep 2014
in a life time you may meet someone who is magic and your life changes.

KT Sept 9, 2014
Emily Mackenzie Apr 2013
I remember
when you used to call

I remember
when you stopped

I remember
when I became funny

I remember
when you didn't let it go

I remember
when you turned

I remember
when you told me to **** myself

I remember
when you laughed when I tried

I absolutely believe in god
because I've experienced
the devil
KA Apr 2014
As the touching sun rises, your day unfolds in its glory.
The light of the day asks, " Will you live your life today?"

KT April 30, 2014
KA Apr 2014
The calm rolled over our bodies, a lake with no waves,
the birds sang their song.
It was in that crystal moment that I realized that this wasn't going away.

The feeling grows, the song is a chorus, the evening sky
a Matisse, vivid and dynamic.
The cupids dance.

Your hair and skin radiating and me with a grin.
You are Venus and me, I'm the moon.

Venus, I love you.

KT April 15, 2015
KA May 2014
You get it, I know you do.
Life is to be lived.
Some choose to die a slow life of suicide,
some live, bright lights, smiles, effort and living to live,
on a wire.
Live life, baby. Live life.

KT May 12, 2014
KA Apr 2014
I do not know who that person is.
Crazy is not who I am ...right?
I do not want to own him.
He is irrational, scary, unhappy,
small minded and singular in thought.
Looking to blame that woman in the black boots.
I ran the hours and then it hit me,
I don't need to be him.
Exhale, move on and be HAPPY.

KT April 3, 2014
KA Mar 2014
The promise of today unfolds

sunshine and blue
yesterday gone
the now eternal
our life in moments
the jewel of existence
this minute
a drop of time
our love our life
our now

KT Mar 18, 2014
KA Mar 2014
I am sneaking around myself, lying about my demon.
Such treachery, my not to be trusted self.
I lie in wait, to capture the animal within or run when noticed.
Me, a devil to be feared.

KT Mar 27, 2014
tyjhtysj Aug 2015
why is i got many thing to speak about
but never now how to speak loud
why did God allowed the rain to full from the cloud
but not cloud from cloud
why is hard to say bye not hey
but simply you now if it wasn't that hey you wouldn't say bye
why is everyone acting like they now freedom is
but much you know there is no such thing
if i cant understand where you from ,why waste time on me
why is so hard to believe that money really can pay the best love you saying it impossible
but much you know we still have people saying i rather have love than money
it is a same situation of two man begging to not die, the other one having better chance than the other one to die the second round
why are you reading what i am telling
why are you buying what am selling
why you lying  when you know you are dying
why are quite when you got alto to say.
KA Feb 2014
I mourn those that I leave behind
crossing the river
a life on the other side
a new love

KT Feb 28, 2014
KA Apr 2014
Today I am me.
You may love me or hate me.
I can't apologize.
The moon is the moon.
The stars shine and do not apologize.

KT April 28, 2014
KA Feb 2014
My visceral needs always standing and blocking the door
ugly  shadows that I hate

always following

singing a sweet song
wrapped in beautiful legs
eyes of eternity

******* and killing
stabbing and crushing
my death entertaining

please save me
let me climb
let me run
take my arm
lift me up

save me please
save me please

KT Feb 27, 2014
KA Mar 2014
...I am Kevin's needy self.. scratching the walls.
Holed up in my Key West hotel room and the walls are closing in,
pacing the walls of my mind.
Drinking my naked self into a coma, ****** in and out all weekend,
papers and empty bottles littering the floor and tables.
All to die like the best and go out like a pro,
gone mad, gone crazy in paradise.

Lying in my *****, visions of you walking on my vacant mind,
myself in question and my soul on exit.
I love you and baby you will find me in my glory,
tequila is a fine way to flame out.

In my blind drunkenness, I see my Grandfather before me in his Police Uniform drinking on 85th and Carnegie, hiding his sin in 1925. His will to choose overcoming any logic. His desire to lie about his age to fight the Germans when he was 16. Seeing too much death in France to ever talk about and fading out while I view him saying a gentle goodbye when we both knew it was the last time I would see him alive.

I come to laying on the floor in my *****. The warm air flowing in from the open front door. I am sticking to the ***** carpet and the smell is making me dry heave. I have lived a life, but I know I need to find Aine. She is my blood and I will die or **** myself slowly if we are not united soon. Its an act of desperation, too many ***** and ****** to fill the void. Never fulfilled and always needing more. I can’t lie to myself any longer. The lie burns into my eyes and soul, not to be ignored. She is there, we breathe in the same world. Her smalls hands and beautiful eyes always around the corner.

I’ll recover from this moment like I always do, but one of these times I won’t get up. I’ll die like a pro, in my crazy. I am desperate for the air , to breathe her into me. Breathing in life, my sweet Aine.

KT Mar 27,2014
KA May 2014
i confess, i started hiding.

fake words with fake meaning.

i feel pain and real emotion in reality.  i will be ok.

i need to let out the real.

real me.

pain, emotion, fear and prickly sensations running down my arm.

i need to really feel now.

i thought maybe if i was witty fake me, that would be enough to bridge my self-loathing and fear......

...on to me. real me.

forgive me for my lie, the untruthful self i now expose.

i am me, i really feel.

i  am .

KT May 13, 2014
KA Apr 2014
CUP your hands to your ears and listen.
the energy flowing and the potential rising.
the waves crash and the seagulls fly.
from your toes to the top of your beautiful head, life's vibration rings.
your potential and all the power is in you my love, my friend.
listen to the silence.
the ripples in the stream.
the song the birds sing.
the song of you.

KT April 10, 2014
KA Apr 2014
The pithy heaven abounds
challenging me and pushing
turning the dial up
click click click
yes, I can respond.
yes, I am determined
yes, I am with soul.
I am.

KT April, 18, 2014
kt Sep 2013
I am dying, withering away.
From the time I was thought of.
To the dust of this earth I go.
I see it clearer and clearer,
By each hour of each day.

If my life could change,
For what I crave most.
A gentle caring hand,
To guide me,
To hold me,
To love me.

A kind loving heart,
Full of our passions,
Knowingness of our oneness.

The knowingness.

As I feel his arms holding me,  
The sense of safety,
Surrounds me,
From the awful storms.

Unconditional love,
For me,
As I for him.

But this is just a dream,
As I awake once more,
Reality has,
once again,
set in.
KA May 2014
Trying to talk to you, woman of silence.
a vacuum of not living.
moving on, i mourn.

KT May 20, 2014
KA Feb 2014
Simple put...
I am crazy
agitated and wanting
passionate and sweating
needing too much
the want engulfing
hating myself
skin craving
I am lowly
I am retched
a soul of the most basic
thirsting beyond any satisfaction
lusting beyond quenching
my soul waits
watching the sad small one
my being a wreck
I wait for satisfaction
I am my worse me
I wait

KT Feb 25,2014
KA Apr 2014
I look up into the heavens and it whispers....................

Be Peace. Be Still.
The Universe follows.

Kt April, 21, 2014
KA Mar 2014
My Love
perfect you
beautiful horizon
your skin eternal
perfect foot prints
the unknown eternal
perfect smile of knowing

knowing of what waits beyond
beyond the bend of the earth
the lingering deep longing
endless in its depth of the ocean
my need for you as the sea

I set sail never to return
never to port
never to safety again
the grand adventure
you ....

KT Mar 11, 2014
KA Mar 2014
She jumps to me,
reaching out to me and us.
the river is wide
we are a reality
so she takes the leap of faith.

her wit, lips and hips
and my crazy

KT Mar 28,2014
KA Jun 2014
That's what i do....
fly close, fly close.
its better to burn than to mold.
as i run my hand across the surface of the sun, i'm alive.
evaporating in radiating heat, i'm living my life.

KT April 12, 2014
KA Jul 2014
I want to be loved for me.
wanted for me.
burned for.
needed deeply.

KT July 2014
KA Apr 2014
A new Chapter opens
for life's evolving you.
The flowing energy of the stream.
Stars and heavens moving, changing in the flow.
Forever and moving, not always obvious,
we the bit players in the grand production of the universe.

We kiss the stars and they kiss us back...

KT April 16, 2014
Allan Pangilinan Sep 2016
For tonight was about tears and trying,
Yet it shall be the last,
We shall continue dreaming,
Pursue hope not mere lust.
Now we know we hold such character,
What shall be, still unknown,
We'll get there, happier,
Trust in the break of dawn.
Wrote something but wasn't saved so I guess this is the polished version. Never again.
KA Jul 2014
The first time I saw her she wore these perfect boots.

They were brown and expensive. This beautiful woman was perfectly coiffed.

Her smile was tight and it wanted to break through her lips...
she wouldn't let it be real.

Her mother told her, " Honey you need to relax and wear something else"

She wore these expensive boots and this tight smile, I wanted to love her. She was pretty and had money.  She thought she was smart and liberal, but she was smug and small.  

Beautiful woman.

I wanted to love her ...but I didn't even like her.

July 18, 2014
KA Feb 2014
To only value goodness in the human being deprives one of perceiving the vast and rich realities of the human soul.

KT Feb 28, 2014

— The End —