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Decimating Destitution

Ravaged wreckage,
Ruins and rubble,
Depressing debris,
Ashes about,
Sky soaring shroud,
Misery maxed,
Fallen freedom,
Corroded cache,
Pillaged poverty,
Explosive extremities,
Covert corruption,
Dystopic dynasty,
Unknown utopia,
Infinity is inept,
Forsaken faith,
Rejected religion,
Cataclysmic calamity,
Decimating destitution.
There's something deeply satisfying
In decimating a piece of runaway tissue
With a healthy jet of ****.

I stand towering above it
As it clings stealthily to the ceramics

It bleeds yellow.
I feel no remorse.

Perhaps that's why
If the world were ruled by women
There'd be less war.
Shannon Jeffery Apr 2014
I have a message
For you haters
You're the wreckage
Your words like razors

No longer shall I keel
To your decimating attitude
I have an intransigent zeal
Of undeniable magnitude

Your reign of terror
Now a speck in the past
Your puppet strings I sever
Now free I feel, at last

I dare you, I dare you
Try to cut me down
But be warned, I will strew
Your face all over the ground

No longer am i afraid.
All the hated, it's time to stand
All the haters, it's time to be repaid
No more worries, just grains of sand

The tides now change
Deny them their satisfaction
Their power has no range
Haters, this is your termination
Sick of all the people who think they are better and put others down. Time to stand up.
Syddy Raye May 2014
Be still my frantically beating heart
Its decimating
I'm losing my mind
And all that matters is the silent relief of surrender
I can't understand all that's happened
And I refuse to let it sink in
Shallow as it might be
I'm wishing you'll understand and I'm hoping you'll forgive me
Lose me
I'm already broken and glues not helping
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2014
Past rolling hills
green valleys and beautiful woods.
Over falls wondrous
and meadows gold.
Through towns and villages
snow covered and cold.

Over oceans vast
and jungles deep
the mountain mammoth.

Great stones
mere bones
before its sprawling feet.

Standing in awe
at its Gothic magnificence.
All creations lying under the shadow
of this monstrous heap.

They dance in reverence
they bask in the terrible embrace,
of the mountain mammoth.

This far away mountain
oh fiery fountain.
Oh ginormous mongrel
oh hideous evil.

Enveloping all life
purging all love.
Decimating madness
the end of all things.

Fear erupts from it
like water from a spring.
Darkness covers the mountain
darkness blacker then pitch.

Darkness that no light ever can touch
not even the stars
those resilient lanterns.

All hope is dashed at the walls
of the mammoth mountain.
All hope is forsaken at the foot
of the great fiery fountain.
Darren Scanlon Jul 2015
(If Mother Earth could speak...)

I’m the first light of dawn setting fire to the skies,
the awe that ends with a soft, sated sigh.
I’m the slow, gentle sway of ancient, lofty trees,
branches of life filled with wonders to be.

I am sands and seas; a warm summer breeze
blowing soft, whispered tunes over ever-changing dunes.
I am stars in the heavens sailing high overhead,
the sun and the moon on their tireless threads.

I’m the love of life; the pulse your heart,
the strength of will in a lovers fine art.
I’m the beaming smile on the fearless face
of a victorious child at the end of a race.

“And what are they doing now...

Waves of hate
washing wasted fields,
decimating all
as they reap tainted yields.”

You’re the time and motion in an open frown,
a smirk beneath the paint of a terrified clown.
You’re the only solution to a worlds desperate cries,
swollen cheeks scarred by too many lies.

You’re a baby’s cry in a cold, stagnant pond;
all it could have been, had it lived much beyond
the cull of the clan or the whaler’s call,
so many lonely roads, at the back of every mall.

You are every grain of sand escaping clutching hands
of every grieving parent in war-torn lands,
carried aloft upon the jet-streams breath,
washed up on beaches that have seen too much death.

“And what are they doing now...

Can’t they see beyond
their selfish greed;
their lascivious needs?

Can’t they be stopped
before the frenzy grows
too fearsome to feed?”

I am the here and now since the dawning of time,
crying confusion at a wasted design.
The questioning gaze on so many tired faces,
a distant rumble felt beneath shallow graces.

I’m the giver of life, each equal to another,
taker of too many wasted sisters and brothers.
Another broken heart from a loss felt too soon,
a cold wretched cry from across a crowded room.

I am the heavens roar on a wild, stormy night,
torrential vengeance of a thunderhead’s might.
A raging wrath you don’t ever wish to wake,
I am nature’s grace that you choose to forsake.

“And what are they doing now...

Sending to the fields
of fruitless death,
their sacrificial sons
breathing borrowed breaths

Unleashing desolation
from way up high;
A tempest of hate-filled
and remorseless fires.”

I’m the molten rock spewing from natures wounds,
the ear-piercing shriek of her decimating winds.

I’m the Tsunami washing away the filth of your deeds,
the quaking earth to halt your murderous greed.

I’m the tornados teeth, tearing lives apart,
the landslide burying your empty hearts.

I’m the freezing avalanche covering all in its path,
the raging storm unleashing thunderous wrath.

I am the flood; the torrent; destroyer of all,
the deluge of death at the reapers call.

“And what are they doing now...

Beseeching the heavens
with open hands
in the wasted remnants
of once rich lands?”

Written by Darren Scanlon, 31st December 2014
Revised 20th July 2015.
©2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved.
Axion Prelude Jun 2014
you are the reason and I am the cause
together existing as a single tangible flaw
staring down fate with our hearts entwined
a bitter feud of passionate irrationality showing all the signs
adorned with a conscious need to seek more with time

no time left, the clock strikes midnight
and we go, we go; we keep going on
bringing our hands closer to what we want
pushing through unto dawn with this plight

solidarity benefits the purpose of why
separating all the words between meanings aligned
defining reason alone with blank canvas minds
ready and willing to satiate this place in space and time
decimating indecision with open eyes

combined efforts sought through curiosity
the blank pages wired down with what we know
but what we want has forsaken us without a means to write it all down
carried away with doubt and fear of being burned from the bright sun
still whispering lullabies that help us both stay in the fight

this helpless inspiration is determined by the stronger voice
I wont rest until I reverberate every breath of ours by choice
solemn hours of sleepless nights breaking the lines
between life and love and a scarred heart desperate to redefine
shores lie dormant, ready to drown us under its persistence

every provocation and implication suffers from empty lies
deceiving ourselves, trying to forget the lifetime of pain
deliverance lost in the darkness, seeking to make things right
and I just want to be the one to show you the light
rainydaysunday Oct 2013
We sit on the blankets in the park; I say he smoked.
And they say:
ew! Cigarettes are disgusting, I could never
poison myself like that.
And they take another sip from their contraband Sailor Jerry's
And they light one more bowl

And I don't say anything,
But I am surrounded by walking contradictions
slurring their words and crying out compliments

And somehow I became one of them
somehow I inhaled like them
--too wary of the pipe,
I breathed the smoke from their mouths' instead
And I threw back my head and
let the alcohol worm its way into my system, decimating my pride
like the mold that covers a bruised peach.

And nothing of consequence happened.
it's all too easy to hide.
Andrew Rueter Dec 2017
They are the ones
That rule the world for fun
They disseminate the guns
And tell us to run
So we flee
From their disease
That will not cease

Power is control that money buys
Burying us in gold and petty lies
They tell us the well has run dry
While we watch them fly

Fences of barbed wire
For us to admire
Inferno funeral pyres
Burn our desires

When they rattle
We're the cattle
That goes to battle

They talk to us with false information
And real bullets
They say it is our fault for instigation
The trigger they pull it
When their saccharine voice
Offers a laughable choice
Forsake love and compassion
To adopt their fashion
Of society crashing
They used to use lashings
Now they use time
Punishing those who aren't complicit in their crimes
They put us in prison
If we don't agree with their decisions
Decimating Bedouin life
So they can profit from strife

People ask who "they" are
The easiest answer is not me
And the problems aren't too far
For anybody to see
That there is a "they"
Not intent on doomsday
But numb to the death of strangers
Which puts us all in danger
I could point to examples like Lockheed Martin and Shell
As two companies that put us in hell
Or a country like North Korea
That has violent ideas
Or a man like Donald Trump
Who is a parasitic lump

They convince us they don't exist
So we don't resist
While they insist
We enlist
In their army
Of harming
We hem
And haw
While they write laws
That point out our flaws
That are minimal compared to theirs
Yet they are the fortunate heirs
Who decide the code of conduct
Which is whatever sells their product
From plastic to bombs
Killing dolphins and moms
They feel they can't be wrong
When might
Is right
The meek take flight
But there is poison in the air
And they don't even care
They **** the Earth
And ****** its inhabitants
What are we worth
When it's to the rich we gravitate?

There is an apostle
Who's turned into a fossil
That is converted into fuel
So they can keep their pull
And use us as tools
To unearth jewels
And hoard them
Because we can't afford them
We surrender our resources to a select few
To do what they choose
Until we all lose
And can't see the light of day
Who else to blame but "they"?
Can be found in my self published poetry book “Icy”.
chloe Jun 2010
grief struck me like a lightning bolt
the anguish thundered in my gut, tasting the
sting of it's acid decimating my throat

you were never a nice man, your habits
ate away at my bones. my skin has been desolate
of adoration, my heart barren of beating

but when you allowed the sickness to overcome
your wit, i became your carer again, i was able
to caress your skin and wash your pores of bad

i was necessary for you, you howled for me.
my palm engulfed your fingertips while
you were lowered to rot in the ground.

i wake up every morning with a kick in the teeth, blood
swelling in my temples. remembering your last words to me,
‘words mean nothing when i can feel your heart in mine'
Esfoni Nov 2015
The first breath of autumn
mellifluously on the wings
of a ravenous wind
decides to love all

it simply misses that
love is not a  decision
but a feeling
Thus, the loving act of devastation

Helios Rietberg Nov 2012
in the cotton folds of the black eye
a startled sentience exploded with atomicity
building up in power and decimating the dust lanes beside
as we lay in the comforts of our littlest cores

and spraying its jets across the galaxies
touching the oldest star lights beyond
crimson and aqueous in all amber echoes
crushing down our systems of eternal purity
pulling together and dissipating

for millenia distances meet by vibrations
conflicts of heart and the love of joy
rearing their ugly colours in brevity
but shattering consciousness for moments––––––––
© Helios Rietberg, November 2012
Connor Jul 2015
The giants tongue swallows
/Constellations constant
down the knowledge throat
And Owl perched over velvet
Hollering at the neighborhood
Darklight nightlight window
Still life sillhouettes radiant behind
Metropolitan curtain series bleeding

The OWL is receiving words
Back/forth the communal conversation
vibrating thru
tenements and telephone wires.
HootHOOT Italian Voicemail two in the morning
Beep tip & ZAP>>by doorway,
H o ot Hoo t deranged traffic
Menagerie metallic dance of silvery brass
windshield reflection/
Other owl beating wings on the wheel
to Debussy
While lakes become public fountains
and Oceans become wars.

Giants breath ***** up                        atmosphere,
Javelin to eyes
Everything                     ...                      escaping us
Heavy matter on the soul/
Doomly sandman tossing flowers
down the aisle
during wedding for imaginations
weeping tears of JOY
The apocalypse is no longer Faeries
and pamphlets
on the

Giants showering with hot water
Owls sweating/
Damp feathered
in front of the machinery at that heatwave
boiler room backyard.
The animals have been terrified of existing this way
(owned by our products)
Before commercials
And Cold War nuclear paranoia broadcast in
Ohio (Columbiana County)
                                                         ­                  Owls be dreamin' fevers!
(Dreamin' the commonly non understood methods of which the TV sets turn on, anyways)

Noah's Ark continental
engulfed by
                     the galaxy
and comets
                 ­    ---MISSING--
(Boy, that one was close!)
The spaceship enthusiasts
with superspyglass
technology pointed at infinity
telling us that September
the Owls are sleeping in their nests
in whispers

......the answers
to the darkest parts of

<the man-woman-brain
the human-brain
the dumbo-brain
and goof-brain>

"Oceantide inward-
taking everything, even the gold"

Letting loose
giant discovery ******
to           M O O N
and         P L U TO
snapping picturephotographs
Trashing rockets/
projectiles capable of decimating
hundreds of times over
(Jesus Christ!!)
the owls are all too aware
of that
primate deficiency
and packing their suitcases
to pocket realities
hidden beneath

The giants
the blackhole of population
so deep so dark so quiet
nobody can see it coming

Countdown to Armageddon precariously hinges
   potential apocalypse outcome, mere smattering days away
if the brazen, fierce-some dragon doth don
   trumps presidential throne -
   ships with whistling  Dixie missiles at bay
will be synchronized with aerial bombardiers
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
   to parlay a view to unleash nuclear weapons on cue
destroying a vast swath of flora and fauna,
   and most life forms (inn oh cent), but pay hefty due
to assuage the aggressively cruel, enjoyably
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
   growling at his goalie indubitably
   kick *** mindset worse than dengue fever will ensue
a combustible domino effect fueling global horror -
   analogous to kindling tinder logs smoke
   the color - jetblue streaming up fireplace flue
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
witnessing sovereign magnum opus trans
   forming much of animal and plant life into flakes of goo
far scarier than any macabre production
   dreamt up by human frightful scenario and no hero
she ma to rescue self or other from deadly debacle,
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
   nor any safe haven such as a cool igloo
forsooth complete annihilation will far surpass
   any prior world war, no one will be spared,
   neither gentile nor Jew
which total mortal kombat, and attendant laying waste
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
   organisms livingsocial instantaneously cremated,
   where ashes spread dispersed faster than Kudzu
rendering world wide web fetid, offal, and putrid
   far more noxious than the common loo
yet even this general description falls short to where mew
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
tinny sans hardy species (according to Google search);
   such as tardigrade, mummichog, and cockroach
decimating, heaving, leveling, poisoning
   every cubic inch of Earth evincing voluminous vaporization
   extant eradication emphatically nixed, punctuated, and radiated
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
   pulverization eviscerating the bowels of mankind,
   where nary a survivor could weather and withstand
   hollowed out no mans land bereft of sustenance or water
   where seeds of white lily when coalescence
   of oblate spheroid birthed, nursed, and weaned new
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
life especially proto **** sapiens
   and subsequent kin grunting with ah and oew
fast tracked primates, yet inherent within genetic coda
   (perhaps poison ingredient bubbled
  within primordial soup) - steeped quantum mechanical pew
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
tar nation housing crucible-
   analogous to planetary size mortar and pestle) queue
sans predestination, where rue
brick, dogma, and fealty honoring justice slew
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
by paws of one cancerous, fractious and idolatrous Lothario,
   who opened Pandora Box (rigged shut tight) thorough
lee rendered civilization a footnote
   of cosmological history and universal view
-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -    -
BUT.... eligible voters can choose alternate
   (Democratic) candidate -
   the majority will exhale a collective gustatory whew
and allow, enable and provide continuance of the human zoo!
Andrew Kerklaan Jun 2012
Every little drop must consume

Every one completely as necessary as the last

Feasting on tears and blood of the innocent

All the while...

...Rising, Rising  

Blacker then tar and twice as thick

It greets your open lungs with a kiss

Toxic and grey

All the while...

...Rising, Rising

Until all has been consumed

Quaking to the foundations


All the while...

...Rising, Rising

An endless torrent of wind and ice and ash -- inescapable.

Clinging to dying breath, world stops turning

Now all has been consumed

All the while...

...*Rising, Rising
Had a cool idea for some concept art a few years back and this is kinda what came of that.
Graff1980 Aug 2021
Greed is sloppy.
It doesn’t care
about the air,
water, or land
that we share,
so it makes messes,
local populations
whilst decimating
their habitats.

Greed is lazy.
It seeks swift returns,
so it doesn’t matter
if all the bridges are burned.
If the profit is turned
then shortcuts are ok
as long as it
can find a way
to not have to pay
for its own mistakes.

Greed is entitled
and when it
doesn’t get
its way
it invades,
lies, and betrays
the values it claims.

Greed is
a ravenous beast
that eats itself
right up to its eyes,
and keeps chewing
till we all die.
Harrison Jul 2014
She’s a desert and
you’re just another drop
of water for her to
soak up
you’ll feel fury and pain
a Hiroshima heartbeat
decimating the skyline
she carved on your back
you won’t feel anything
but he empty touch of
an ice cube
her fingertips criss-cross
your torso like a kite
Stamps her lips on
yours and sends you
Away; express mail
no return address
In to the palm of her
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The father had a mission,

To provide a stable life.

A life for his family, his kids,

He worked day in and day out

Breaking his back and decimating his limbs

Merely to put food on the table for the kids,

He’d work every day to provide for his son.

The most respectable guy I know,

Doing it all for a sense of stability
Cellar D'or Dec 2015
Memories decimating the mind and man
Through cascading, deteriorating mess
Of sinewy synapses abridge the mind
From reliving, reminiscing our Mumbai.

Deciphering its puzzling frontages
Until our conscious abandons what was whole.
a flower brain across the rain,
scents of love mixed up with rage,
love was the feeling of desires,
an eye so blind in times of anger,
whims boiling heavy rain,
my flower brain can touch, can smell,
forever wet, always in the motion of the mind,
electric juice to pour a web of luxury and vivid gaze,
scarves of woody oils, petrol and water,
steams of refreshing scents indulge the body of your reign,
gentle rose blooming in the void of the Universe,
red petals melting the coldness up above the sky,
the seed, the blossom of science and genesis,
a shore of steam freezing the burning flames of hell,
it’s a heaven of divine architecture,
the throne and treasures of the magic life,
a rose so red, exploding the structure of the Universe,
decimating, vanishing a galaxy,
time’s wonder would melt and wound my lust.

(Buy my book 'The Allure Of Time' from amazon.)
Seniors are suffering!
Hospitals are closing!
Infants are starving!

Good News: Another Broadway show is opening!

Olive trees are dying!
Unemployment is climbing!
Small businesses are folding!

Good News: Another spaceship is launching!

Medical costs are skyrocketing!
50% of marriages are divorcing!
Global warming is escalating!

Good News:  Seasons are drastically changing!

Stronger volcanoes will be erupting!
Storms and tornado are increasing!
Oceans and rivers are polluting!

Good News: Stocks are up! The Market Bell is ringing!

Church attendance is dwindling!
People have stopped praying!
Choirs are no longer singing!

Good News: 4.7 trillion has been  appropriated for federal spending!

Icebergs are vanishing!
Forests are decimating!
Marine life is declining!

Good News:  Teen deaths from drug overdoses are ascending!

Farmers are hardly surviving!
Homelessness is soaring!
The crime rate is rising!

How do we stop bad things from happening?
Are we better off just ignoring?
Perhaps life as we know it is ending?

        Good News:  Let's just ignore everything!

By Milton L. Delgado
March 10, 2019
You may say this work is negative; however, there's an important message which I hope you'll get from its reading.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2017
The python crawling
and winding through the land,
and choking lives
out of our youths,
there's fear in the land,
stench smell of blood
from the calamity spreads
through the land.
We must stand firm,
hold the line,resist them
and vehemently oppose them.
This monstrous tragedy
is dreadfully depressing.
weeping of our mothers
whose sons are taken
heard from afar.
There's no war but
there's war in the land.
Who is next to be taken.
This python dangerously
dancing it's way
among the people.
The young men bruised
and wounded by its venom.
Dance of this python scares
the little ones in the hinterland.
They attempt to break,
demonise, belittle,
vilify and wipe us out
through intimidation,
disinformation, mass ******  
and ethnic cleansing.
Can the elders magically
unleash the anaconda
to swallow up their python
just like Moses did to
his adversaries.
©2017. Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved.
what a waste Aug 2016
Does he notice the way I stare at him,
When he's in the drivers seat?
Would it scare him if he caught me watching him breathe while he's asleep?
I couldn't stop it if I tried,
The truth is I'm addicted.
To all the little things he does,
More so than I predicted.
It's safe to say that I'm in love,
Completely captivated...
"Should I tell him or is it to soon?"
I've often contemplated...

The light in her eyes is tantalizing.
An ancient spell patient to be read.
My heart fixates upon her,
Like a song that has long
been stuck in my head.
Brain dead I've become
To the love that's left unsaid.
I wonder if she's thought of me,
While she lay tucked above her bed.
It's safe to say that I'm in love,
completely intoxicated...
"Should I tell her or is it to soon?"
I've often contemplated...

He is poetic in his declaration,
The words "I love you."
Beautifully spoken with determination,
The words had burned behind my lips,
But they hadn't left,
When he made his confession,
"I love you too" I divulged,
Sealing our love with a kiss.

A titan escorts the words from my mouth,
And rests them gently at her pedestal.
His gravity crumples her feet
Forcing her to her knees
Frantic I am as she ponders
What the message means.
There's those eyes again.
How can something so tiny,
Carry such abyss?
They pierce me with a wave of density.
Peeling back my sin,
decimating my shell,
Exposing my existence...
God the intensity.

She smiled a whole other topic
as she made her confession,
"I love you too" she proclaimed,
Sealing our love with a kiss.

I've given him my innocence..
My first taste of love has left me swooning.
His skin feels like satin,
His beauty is all consuming..
What a privilege it is to touch him,
My fingertips caress his body..
Feeling every perfection.
He wraps me in a secure embrace.
With him I feel protection..
I love the way he loves me.

The way she strides along side
my heart is liberating..
My first taste of love -
our own personal oasis.
All to ourselves we share our lust.
I sink my teeth into her flesh,
Stardust consumes the senses.
And just like that,
I'm dependent..
The tenderness of her chest pressed against mine, our bodies entwined
like Father Time's hourglass.
Within her I lose myself.
I love the way she loves me.

For years now we have been together,
Come sickness, loss or stormy weather.
But these days our love
is something mundane.
He used to love my little quirks and,
Now they practically drive him insane.
Before he'd gaze at me lustfully
When I looked my worst.
But now he doesn't notice me at all,
It hurts.
I just wish he loved me the way he used to,
I wish he noticed the little things like I do.
The opposite of love is not hate,
It's indifference.
And between us I feel unbearable distance.

Timid eons have forsaken us.
Amidst the garden of decay,
Our longing found dotage.
What has fleeted from the brush?
Where's our love, envy of one another?
Where's our trust?
She used to make little faces when I'd say
All those stupid little things.
Now she pays them no mind;
A conduit of nullity.
Has she forgotten
I flavored my words with promiscuity?
My soul withers without her touch
like a rose buried beneath dust.
Her green fingers once strangled
my birch-wood heart.
I miss our collision.
The opposite of hate is not love,
It's acceptance.
And between us I feel daunting reluctance.

They say that love prevails,
It's *******.
Our love faded from vibrant red to pale,
And drifted off into the abyss.
Years ago our hearts connected,
As of now time has neglected
The burning love we once possessed.
I just wish we could reconnect.
I still love him...

Decadent deserts reject bloom
And so does love
Like oxygen in a gas chamber
Ours deserts the room
Once upon a time
Did passion hum a lighter tune
But all has failed
I just wish I knew what to do
To renew what was once there
I still love her...
This is a co-write I did with Celinda about a year back. Naturally, she played the perspective of "her", and I "him".
betterdays Sep 2014
a butterball sun,
sits low in the
morning sky.

as the weekend peloton, whizzes on by and down
the hill.

in the council's headland park precinct,
the illegal nomads,
are being rousted
and evicted from, their overnight, purlioned and picturesque views.

the early fishermen,
in their dinghies,
dot the teal sea and
the sail boats,
are racing out further,
white sails, against blue sky.

in our pond,
the koi leap in a frenzy,
trying to catch,
the itty, bitty, midgey bugs.
and the old blue tongue,
comes out to settle on his
rough log .

the bees work tirelessly,
from flower to flower.
as the blue wrens,
gossip and preen,
in their lilac bower

the dragon flies dart
about in distraction.
while over at
the milkwood patch,
you can see the caterpillars,
are busy decimating,
leaf after leaf.

i sit on the porch,
coffee in hand.
newspaper forgotten
on the side table.
slowly taking this beauty all in.

as the aroma of eggs, bacon and pancakes, drift from within.
Akemi Oct 2017
hollow cardboard reach
and the destitution of the earth
and lives that don’t matter
the open wound of living under capitalism
a horizon of black spots
mangled neurons
worthless towers lined to the sky
production unto pollution
and the whole end
the whole ******* end
the whole
queers ***** in prison
blacks killed in custody
xenophobic masturbatory farmers decimating the land
modern death is class war
race war
gender war
a systemic genocide through slow violence
laws drafted stressing interpersonal violence over corporate negligence
social stratification
unequal access to housing, food and education
MAY 68
**** your gender binary, your race hierarchy, your CV, your Christmas, think positive *******
**** your borders, your ****-apologising, your colourblindness, your class privilege, your white fragility, your selective free speech, your hegemonic masculinity, your silicon valley entrepreneurialism, your cultural imperialism, your meat industry, your deforestation, your ******* accommodation, your debt economy, your war economy, your prison economy, your unpaid women’s domestic economy that upholds the entire heteropatriarchal world
precarity unto subjugation, alienation, destitution
an increasing youth suicide rate
an inflation rate rising faster than minimum wage
a lack of jobs while you tell us we’re worthless beneficiaries
a system that chases profit at the cost of existence
the entire concept of meritocracy
debt as a promise of payment yet to exist
enforced return to nothing
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of
Lily Nov 2019
There is thunder in our hearts,
Lightning in our souls,
A pounding in our chests and a
Quaking in our bones.
“Our time has come!”
The cry arises,
“Our time has come!”
We charge forward unafraid,
Into life’s tantalizing parade,
Our colors waving high
As we ride on to the sky,
Chasing our dreams and visions,
Decimating anything in our way.
There is thunder in our hearts,
Lightning in our souls,
A pounding in our chests and a
Quaking in our bones.
“Our time has come!”
The cry arises,
“Our time has come!”
Today's inspiration was Imagine Dragon's song "Thunder". Hope you enjoy!
The man stood there,
in the dark with a look of askance.
No one asked him, they just past him.
He was benign
With a face to intimidate
Still blank in the dark,
Pondering existence.

Welcome back sinners
Cutting wood,
Attenuating the wood.
He thought he was useless,
Cavil of himself.
He was a charlatan,
A man of dark,
An open heart,
He fell so far.
This would defeat him.

You can not be the light in the distance,
but only the spark of  resistance.
Tisk tisk, now remember this.
Clocks only show time of decimating existence.

With an axe in hand
The man oscillated it.
Striking wood...
Striking wood!
A gun to tame
But missing its holster
Throw it down...
Throw it down!
Because the only thing running through his mind is a Bullet.

So let's hang up the night sky,
And die in the dim Lighght.

Reaching his eyes
A luminous hole struck.
Opening wide
The man dropped his gun
Towards the light
His faith had won
Exit the dark
Leave with conclusion.

Oh god was he cold...
Trixxz Jun 2012

It burns like a flame in my chest
Devouring all other emotion
But still accompanied by tears
Massacring any other thoughts I can conceive

Break. Smash. Destroy. Scream. Cry.
The only actions that can satisfy the red fury..
The red flame that refuses to be doused

Pain lances my chest, tearing up any resistance to not causing myself more pain
The impact of my knuckles on the wall jolts me from my stupor
...But not out of my rage

Decimating everything the red rage burns through
Through my consciousness
Through my barriers

Mindless words tumble from my throat
Ripped free of my mouth
Flung out like the red lava exploding from the maw of a volcano

Nothing can satisfy the volcano alive within me
Nothing can suppress the anger
The hurt
The sadness

The slits on her wrists gush deep crimson blood

Pooling around her feet

My feet

Running down her arms

My arms

Red refuses to leave, consuming me
All is hopeless as Red drains my life
Connor Apr 2015
Humanity is a single tear of eternity
dropping to cement like rain
decimating the smallest scrap of matter
ingrained into the pavement
for only a moment.
Humanity is radiant
and soaked in sadness
a star among stars.
Humanity is humanity,
songs inside symphonies,
telephone calls faint in
circuit across America.
kisses invisible in darkness
coverings warm and soft.
Humanity is.
Just is.
uninvited GUESTS linkedin as the themes of mein kampf.

Despite countless factorial permutations
& combinations, this cyber surfer
avails left and right alm
seeking succor Out Of Human *******
invisibles shackles bind head,
shoulders, knees and toes
mom mee **** sic cured courtesy grim reaper,
boot metastatic cervical/ovarian
carcinoma snatched such balm
when tethered in utero umbilical connection,
etched bromide, which hankering calm
embryonic sensation this corporeal being lacks

constantly subjected to exams
from the brutal school of hard knocks,
which I bewail sets back and glom
mine aim to revel in blissful contentment
but circumstances decrees otherwise
cursing this chap tubby haunted
by veritable elfin grotto dwelling phantoms
hovering over sweet clover - dials a mirage
yes...iris sieve blurbs from gals and guys numb
burred in the billions,
that span the World Wide Web, and exude

premature ejaculatory ecstasy, puzzled if fie
totally tubular trod a tedious trek
along the boulevard of broken dreams,
what happenstance oft finds thyself to flail
amidst difficulty to maximize
optimal opportunities searching for Holy Grail
or whatever constitutes such lofty
personal objective, perchance being hale
and hearty of body, mind and spirit
spurs the furies of fate tut test this primate

while he aims to gallop with mighty industrial
vim and vigor leaving a virtual soundcloud
of dust, though mindfulness helps
to pass go, and chance avoid jail
time, then maybe monopolized feedback offered
to this toothless married quasi herbivore
enjoying poetry stone soup, yet also subsisting
on supplementary vitamin packed glue tin free
NON GMO fruity tall tales for a male
thirty six years shy sans Bing a centenarian,

which span of life best cut short with a nail
(possibly nine inches) hammered into
faux coffin, cuz this imp doth turn pale
at the prospect to fill up a space of land
best utilized by birds - such as quail
Mongoose, or ibis (though aye ne'er saw
one), where cremated ashes sail
across some verdant plain under
cerulean skies putting to rest every travail,
which thoughts of dem eyes spells

relief since potential homelessness,
pennilessness, and wretchedness,
the main impetus explaining
this rambling, shambling, and troubling spiel
the warp and woof ova gauzy veil
imperceptibly looms closer upon
turrets of my digital sea faring gunwale
and thus desperation finds
pleading for monetary
and  spiritual salvation.

Before mine danse
macabre doppelganger draws dagger
punctures the skein tight
as a yank key notched belt
housed within mine impenetrable
hermetically sealed invisible bubble
drapes with blackened Hades
hued habiliment therein dwelt
sinister saboteur mastermind
marauder of the Hubble

tattooing and piercing fiery
oculus rift presence unseen but felt
demands sacrifice to traverse
river Styx with unadulterated gelt,
which known phantasmagorical double
diabolical self amidst aftermath
from Armageddon rubble
astride charred global
ruins entire civilization melt
planetary paroxysm prognosticated

by Maya sages with 11th hour stubble
birthed Darth Vader nemesis
with evil upon earth he did pelt
annihilating, decimating, and hashtagging mankind,
the derelict species that fueled trouble
hence evil twin appointed
apocalyptic malevolence spelt
desiccation, humiliation, and laceration
upon once verdant veldt
with mass crematorium
desecration left horrific blistering welt.

Countdown to **** sapiens extinction
predicted millenniums in past
never occurred as predicted on December 21
two thousand and twelve after common era,
whereby catastrophic spark
detonating inferno incinerating blast
eradicating extant flora
and fauna bereft sans hegira
with no means to interrupt
the die since the dawn of civilization cast.

Impossible mission to escape ominous
predetermined fate of human rat race,
nor turn back hands of time
with origin of species on clock face
thus ticking closer to hour of doomsday
without faith to brace
allowing, enabling and providing Gaia
to redeem terrestrial space
vestiges of teeming billions
soon erased criminal minds without a trace
forcefully relinquishing simians
planetary stranglehold amazing grace
proffering tabula rasa
for another dominant species
to claim the place.

Sirens promulgate emergency
toward impending inescapable cataclysm
yet no place to run or hide lest
one boards a rocket light-years away
which makes suspense thrillers
birthed by countless dystopian authors
enviable plot to keep
total Earth's destruction at bay.

Matthew Scott Harris,
a lifetime America Online
Meme bur hastens to convey dire
crisis sparking to offer electric nom de plume
duyeer93, a papa who did sire
deux darling daughters,
yet for ages hive stung
with hurt early, whence fatherhood did fire
meow n childhood's end fostering people
strangers even fork
getting this communication,

per S0S sprinkled with auk shucks corny,
Egret - letting opportunities take flight aspire
now pleasures soft as gossamer feather bedding
down play hardened angst
riddled psyche, where ire
Ronny gully stubbornly thrives
amidst adversity as father time spins gyre
row scope at greased lightning speed,
intimating with dead reckoning to hire
grim reaper, who **** patient

as Job, and exemplary at ridding mire
and muck bogs down this dada robbing
existence with joie de vivre, where funeral pyre
doth flickr-beckoning GoDaddy, cuz
Juno I haint gonna hear angelic choir
or equivalent enlightenment re:
home sweet home, this atheist doggedly tire
so haim trying keep sea legs
one step ahead of tipping point
envision self pitched into abyss -
thus end of poetic wire.
matt nobrains Jul 2015
in it i have the twist and ****
that falls upon beer caps
and ragged desert fur
that sops up dicotomies,
bathe or dont, fleas or lice,
leaves on battered tarmac
corn that drags its venomous
fangs bare
clogged shitshown *** heathen
explosions decimating wakes
flown over with brutal
stoves; unreckoned
i havent cleaned out my ears in weeks
and its beginning to affect my
fast through curves meeting
the brush
glad at the sink
twin teeth buried beneath
MST Sep 2014
Tie that noose around my throat,
and push me off that ledge,
watch my neck snap as I hang afloat,
and make a personal pledge.
The audience perks up,
you let out your howl,
decimating my name,
and putting me to shame.
I will never be like the man I see,
I am different and I am me.
This man has done acts of treason,
from adultery to lying,
all for no reason.
Did we not give him love as he had needed?
Did we not give advice that was never heeded?
Yet he threw us down and turned his back,
backbone and morality he does lack,
I will destroy his name before I destroy his life,
because I am his love, I am his wife.
I can't King Midas I learned a lesson
Like a wild stallion advancing with his stesons..

**** the obvious I want you like you want guitar lessons...

****, I just want to be your everything
Without IG or FB causing a calamity scene the trumpits of Jericho decimating your inner walls of wet moist  Marley green....smoking hot...

My thoughts liquidated Jack and Jameson only to execute a formulated high of her.....making that "Beyoncé" trot

**** it I'm high and drunk off her love and inner being that is.....HOT....

Can't catch a break but I'll catch her heart from escaping mine in time of a simplistic woven knot...

Knot or not....bartender, twisted but not stirred in a ***
MST Aug 2014
Your heart is the sun rising after a storming night,
illuminating my darkened insides,
making it flourish with light.
Your eyes are the all seeing god which leads me to life,
protecting my soul,
decimating all strife.
Your skin is like a warm blanket on a winter's eve,
filling me with emotions,
warming me while I grieve.
And lastly, you are life,
the life that I lost,
that someone else tossed,
the one you picked up off the ground,
cared for and shined,
made me feel safe and sound.
You are the life that once was gone,
except creating a midday summers shine,
compared to a dark days dawn.
Waiting for the sun,
Blazon badge across a foreign world
A morning stand to, bringing a drop of sweat
Perfectly still, its my only movement
Traveling down, contours of eyes
Impatiently watching an alien landscape

They came from somewhere else
An known place, far in space
Attacked from out of the sun
Decimating cities, structures, life
Pumping chemical nightmares from their ships
Driving the elderly and children insane

Their ships were drones, robotic
Faces unseen, voices unheard
But only at first, and only in dreams
Populating our oceans, broke eco
Processing, harvesting, drinking all life
Like Leviathan devouring life

Massive ships, they sunk deep
More, their ships came,
Some we shot, falling from the sky
Crashing to Earth in massive comets
Of oranges, yellows, and blues
Scarring cities, farmland and lives

Others, tentacled, weaponed and fantastic
Crawled up our beaches, taking cities, crushing homes
Some tiny, unseen, breathed in
Feasting on flesh, multiplying
Liquifing, microscopically treacherous
Life by the millions, blinking out like strobe

Slowly we fought; humanity: nature of war
Learning to protect, learning to defend
Small thousands remained, I think they forgot
Maybe this planet, had grown too cold
We made weapons, developed this war
Brought ourselves back

We reached for the stars,
Reaching for new suns
We found them again,
Decided to wipe them from space
One planet at a time,
Each system in a row

But for the soldier's life
This dirt, this planet, this place
Its boredom and waiting
Burning suns
Freezing wastes
Always just another taste
Nate W Jan 2015
Cotton Ball Clouds
Coursing through the sky like fish in a stream
Springtime fields of poppy
swaying to the earth's omnipresent music

Dad and daughter laughing and playing
he lifts her up so she can fly
as they enjoy their picnic of fun

Brothers flying flags of azure and gold
passing old stories and a glinting flask
teasing and reminiscing

the grizzled fisherman wading in the river
rubbing his lucky blue hat
thoughts of cooking fish with his wife on his mind

lovers embraced in a circlet of poppy
eyes closed imagining, planning out the
future with a house, a baby

MIGs tear across the sky
decimating the clouds
erupting the land below in fire

Soldiers stomping on poppies
Bullets screaming
From the mouths of their trigger happy fingers

Poppy petals pooling in blood
The dad clutching the still hand of his little girl

Knives rising and falling, cutting up lives
The cut free kites flying towards the heavens

Blood is thicker than water
As it flows with a bobbing blue hat

Fists locked in combat
like the frayed ends of the clasped lover's hands

A mother making dinner for her
Husband and daughter to come cheerfully home to

A mother and father kitting and reading the newspaper
waiting for their boys to barge through the front doors

A recently widowed wife watching the news
realizing her husband was fishing in the area of the battle

A love never fulfilled
destroyed by the fires of war

I no longer want
to be in a world that chooses war over love
You've such a bitter temperament,
Those foul blows were no accident.
Every scorch you brutally dealt
For all this searing pain you felt
Left behind a disastrous wreck,
Decimating your foes to specks.
Your artful carnage stands unmatched
Since the moment your anger hatched!

You forcibly feed your contempt
In some ruthless way to attempt
Stoking the flames which brew inside
Your calloused heart you try to hide.
It needn't be put on display,
It plainly seems it's in dismay.
You must reject this bitter spite!
Against this hatred, you must fight!

In darkest skies and blackest sea,
You mustn't fuel your misery.
Towards the light, you have to strive!
Only in love, you'll feel alive.
Passion's a challenge to control,
Never must it take such a toll
On your spirit and innermost
Fiery soul and ageless ghost!

You must regain sound discipline
and ensure that you'll surely win
This battle waged within yourself,
And claim triumph for no one else.
to parlay a view to unleash
   nuclear weapons on cue
destroying vast swaths
   of flora and fauna,

   most inn no cent life forms
   will pay hefty due
to assuage aggressively
   cruel, enjoyably

   growling goal, and indubitably
   kick *** mindset worse
   than dengue fever will ensue
a combustible domino effect
   fueling global horror -
   analogous to kindling tinder logs smoke

   jetting up fireplace flue
witnessing sovereign spookiest
   magnum opus - trans
   forming much of animal
   and plant life into goo
(especially if special prosecutor Robert Mueller let go)
far scarier than any macabre production

   dreamt up by human
   frightful scenario hero
she ma (paltry in comparison)
   will rescue us from deadly debacle,
   nor any safe haven such as cool igloo

forsooth thee annihilation
   will far surpass
   any prior world war,
   no one will be spared,
   neither gentile nor Jew
which all out total mortal kombat,
   and attendant laying waste

   organisms livingsocial
   will instantaneously undergo cremation,
   where flecks of ashes will spread like Kudzu
rendering the world wide web
   fetid, offal, and putrid
   far more noxious than the common loo

yet even this general description
   falls far short to where mew
tinny, sans hardy species
   (according to Google search);
   such as tardigrade, mummichog, and cockroach
decimating, heaving, leveling, poisoning

   nearly every cubic inch of Earth
   evincing voluminous vaporization
   extant eradication emphatically
   nixed, punctuated, and radiated
   pulverization eviscerating bowels of mankind,

   where nary a survivor
   could weather and withstand
   hollowed out no mans land
   bereft of sustenance or water
   where seeds of white lily when coalescence
   of oblate spheroid birthed,
   nursed, and weaned new

life especially proto **** sapiens
   and subsequent kin grunting
   with ah and ew
fast tracked primates,
   yet inherent within genetic coda
   (perhaps poison ingredient bubbling

  within primordial soup - steeped qua pew
tar nation housing crucible-
   analogous to planetary size
   mortar and pestle) queue
sans predestination, where rue

brick, dogma, and fealty honoring justice slew
by paws of one cancerous,
   fractious and idolatrous Lothario,
   who opened Pandora Box
   (rigged by bobbies shut tight) thorough
lee rendered civilization a foot note

   of cosmological history and universal view
where if one eligible voter
   chose alternate (Democratic) candidate -    
   the major will exhale a collective whew
and allow, enable and provide
   continuance of the human zoo!

— The End —