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Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
Wouldn't it be nice
If you didn't mess up
everything you touch
But there you go again
You lose three one year
one at a time
the next year you drive off
another three all at once
then the next year you start to neglect another
you start slipping further away from three
then the next year
you lose those you were slipping away from
and pretty soon
the only one you are still close to
you drive off too
hope you like your new friends
but good luck replicating those late night text convos
where we really could trust each other
when all the friends you have now
are drunk and high as hell
I hate that *****.
Kate Lion May 2015
Me: You know what I like most about you?
Him: That I can down six tacos in one sitting?
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2015
( found poem )*

1.  If you date a poet, you will know the true meaning of 'swoon' and you will do it often. They know the power of a stunning phrase and it's way hotter than the Hallmark lines a non-poet will default to.

2.  They see the raw beauty in things that others take for granted.

3.  You will never ever need to worry that they aren't telling you something. Poets are ALWAYS trying to tell you something.

4. They're quite handy if you need a graceful way to tell someone off. They can tell em where to go and how far to stick it without using a single foul word.

5. Roses are pretty sub-standard and typical. Instead, you will get hand written love letters and sticky notes with one line *****-wetters. (Yes, I said *****-wetters. You know what it is.)

6. You will never not know the deeper meaning of something. Anything. There is nothing at all that a poet cannot analyze the hell out of. There's an underlying meaning behind EVERY single thing and if you ask a poet, they'll be elated to share it with you.

7. Poets tend to be minimalists. They don't always need a lot to set the butterflies a flutter. If you can come up with a couple of your own expressively charming lines, that will pretty much substitute a $125 dinner date.

8. Poets make curiously good alcoholic beverages. Because poets drink a lot of alcoholic beverages.

9. You'll never be without somewhere to go at any given moment. There's bound to be an open mic night, a poetry slam, a house party centered around poetry, a poetry in the park event, etc. There will always be something poetic going on. And they will know about it.

10. You will know what a true apology sounds like. Poets can apologize like NONE other when they know they have done something wrong.

11.Making love to a poet feels like syllables being whispered along the curve of your spine as you unravel into a million pieces.

12. Poets like smell good stuff. But not obnoxious fruity scents. Poets don't like to smell like fruit baskets. Poets like sandalwood, and amber, and lavender, and patchouli oils. You know...the **** stuff.

13. Poets cherish quiet time. Meanwhile, most non-poets you date will probably have the television blasting, music playing, friends climbing over one another and a cell phone conversation on speaker phone...all at the same time...every day.

14. You will always have a crowd-pleaser on your arm. Not all poets are attention ****** at parties BUT all poets know how to say at least one extra deep/witty thing that will have everyone else envious that you are the one dating the poet and not them.

15. Poets can wear the color black during all seasons, during thunderstorms or sunny spring days and make it look extra sophisticated and intentional.

16. Poets break rules...but also enjoy the process of making them. Keeps things interesting.

17. Poets shun conformity. So you know that if your poet bought it for you, said it to you, wrote it for you,'s gonna be something edgy and unique and outside of the normal (boring) box.

18. Poets are great with their hands and even better with their mouths. Enough said.

19. Poets are the gatekeepers AND the rallyers (is that a real word?) of the community. If you don't know what a gatekeeper aren't dating a poet. If you don't know what a rallyer is, it's because there's a possibility that it's not a real word. But you get it.

20. Poets like to make up their own words.

21. Poets don't like to be told that they can't do something. Maybe it's the whole submit and rejection process of writing. Who knows? But tell a poet NO and they'll keep trying until they get a yes. Persistence is way more handy than what can be explained here.

22. Poets read books. Book readers tend to have better vocabularies. A broad vocabulary is usually a trait of a good conversationalist which means no lame dinner convos.

23. Poets can write ugly things beautiful and can ***** up a pristine scene like nobodies business. In other words, when you need a different perspective on something...your poet can provide that for you.

24. A well-written poem can be the most powerful and therapeutic dose of truth and self-realization. Poets write poems. Therefore, dating a poet is like getting free therapy.  

25. Poets don't need a list of 50 things to prove why dating them is the best thing you will ever do.
Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them as poetry by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning. The resulting poem can be defined as either treated: changed in a profound and systematic manner; or untreated: virtually unchanged from the order, syntax and meaning of the original.
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2014
If you date a poet, you will know the true meaning of 'swoon' and you will do it often. They know the power of a stunning phrase and it's way hotter than the Hallmark lines a non-poet will default to.

2.  They see the raw beauty in things that others take for granted.

3.  You will never ever need to worry that they aren't telling you something. Poets are ALWAYS trying to tell you something.

4. They're quite handy if you need a graceful way to tell someone off. They can tell em where to go and how far to stick it without using a single foul word.

5. Roses are pretty sub-standard and typical. Instead, you will get hand written love letters and sticky notes with one line *****-wetters. (Yes, I said *****-wetters. You know what it is.)

6. You will never not know the deeper meaning of something. Anything. There is nothing at all that a poet cannot analyze the hell out of. There's an underlying meaning behind EVERY single thing and if you ask a poet, they'll be elated to share it with you.

7. Poets tend to be minimalists. They don't always need a lot to set the butterflies a flutter. If you can come up with a couple of your own expressively charming lines, that will pretty much substitute a $125 dinner date.

8. Poets make curiously good alcoholic beverages. Because poets drink a lot of alcoholic beverages.

9. You'll never be without somewhere to go at any given moment. There's bound to be an open mic night, a poetry slam, a house party centered around poetry, a poetry in the park event, etc. There will always be something poetic going on. And they will know about it.

10. You will know what a true apology sounds like. Poets can apologize like NONE other when they know they have done something wrong.

11.Making love to a poet feels like syllables being whispered along the curve of your spine as you unravel into a million pieces.

12. Poets like smell good stuff. But not obnoxious fruity scents. Poets don't like to smell like fruit baskets. Poets like sandalwood, and amber, and lavender, and patchouli oils. You know...the **** stuff.

13. Poets cherish quiet time. Meanwhile, most non-poets you date will probably have the television blasting, music playing, friends climbing over one another and a cell phone conversation on speaker phone...all at the same time...every day.

14. You will always have a crowd-pleaser on your arm. Not all poets are attention ****** at parties BUT all poets know how to say at least one extra deep/witty thing that will have everyone else envious that you are the one dating the poet and not them.

15. Poets can wear the color black during all seasons, during thunderstorms or sunny spring days and make it look extra sophisticated and intentional.

16. Poets break rules...but also enjoy the process of making them. Keeps things interesting.

17. Poets shun conformity. So you know that if your poet bought it for you, said it to you, wrote it for you,'s gonna be something edgy and unique and outside of the normal (boring) box.

18. Poets are great with their hands and even better with their mouths. Enough said.

19. Poets are the gatekeepers AND the rallyers (is that a real word?) of the community. If you don't know what a gatekeeper aren't dating a poet. If you don't know what a rallyer is, it's because there's a possibility that it's not a real word. But you get it.

20. Poets like to make up their own words.

21. Poets don't like to be told that they can't do something. Maybe it's the whole submit and rejection process of writing. Who knows? But tell a poet NO and they'll keep trying until they get a yes. Persistence is way more handy than what can be explained here.

22. Poets read books. Book readers tend to have better vocabularies. A broad vocabulary is usually a trait of a good conversationalist which means no lame dinner convos.

23. Poets can write ugly things beautiful and can ***** up a pristine scene like nobodies business. In other words, when you need a different perspective on something...your poet can provide that for you.

24. A well-written poem can be the most powerful and therapeutic dose of truth and self-realization. Poets write poems. Therefore, dating a poet is like getting free therapy.  

25. Poets don't need a list of 50 things to prove why dating them is the best thing you will ever do.
Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them as poetry by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning. The resulting poem can be defined as either treated: changed in a profound and systematic manner; or untreated: virtually unchanged from the order, syntax and meaning of the original.
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
If talking to you
Were as easy as writing a poem,
We would never stop talking
Bunhead17 Nov 2013
Set the cheetahs on the loose
There's a thief out on the move
Underneath our legion's view
They have taken Cleopatra
Run run run, come back for my glory
Bring her back to me
Run run run, the crown of our pharaoh
The throne of our queen is empty
We'll run to the future
Shining like diamonds in a rocky world
A rocky, rocky world
Our skin like bronze and our hair like cashmere
As we march to rhythm
On the palace floor
Chandeliers inside the pyramid
Tremble from the force
Cymbals crash inside the pyramid
Voices fill up the halls

The jewel of Africa
What good is a jewel that ain't still precious?
How could you run off on me?
How could you run off on us?
You feel like God inside that gold
I found you laying down with Samson
And his full head of hair
Found my black queen Cleopatra
Bad dreams, Cleopatra
Remove her
Send the cheetahs to the tomb

Our war is over, our queen has met her doom
No more she lives no more serpent in her room
No more it has killed Cleopatra
Big sun coming strong through the motel blinds
Wake up to your girl for now, let's call her Cleopatra
I watch you fix your hair
Then put your ******* on in the mirror, Cleopatra
Then your lipstick, Cleopatra
Then your six-inch heels
Catch her
She's headed to the pyramid

She's working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Pimping in my convos
Bubbles in my champagne
Let it be some jazz playing
Top floor motel suite twisting my cigars
Floor model TV with the VCR
Got rubies in my **** chain
Whip ain't got no gas tank
But it still got woodgrain
Got your girl working for me
Hit the strip and my bills paid
That keep my bills paid
Hit the strip and my bills paid
Keep a ***** bills paid
She's working at the pyramid tonight

You showed up after work I'm bathing your body
Touch you in places only I know
You're wet & you're warm just like our bathwater
Can we make love before you go
The way you say my name makes me feel like
I'm that *****
But I'm still unemployed
You say it's big but you take it
Ride cowgirl
But your love ain't free no more
But your love ain't free no more
Lyrics to "Pyramids" by Frank Ocean pt 1 and pt 2 but i don't no where pt 2 starts so you can YouTube the rest if you want to...I got bored! :D
Sadie K Sep 2013
The conversations on the post-its we share

They're just constant denials and
Occasional encouragements;
The exchange of unanswered questions because
For some reason,
I'm not comfortable answering
When everyone is staring.

It's almost as if
I'm going to write this
Secret essay full of love and concern and
A script expressing all I feel.
All the bottled up worry about you would be
Matched from thought to term,
Scribbled down onto that
Tiny piece of paper but

Who am I kidding?

I **** with words.
I **** with expression.
All I do all day long is
Sit behind this stupid screen at 3am in the morning
Typing down this hell of a poem (is it even one?)
And regretting everything I hadn't done
When I was still
Face to face
With you.

I should have sat down and
Thought a little longer and
Maybe my brain would come up with some
Wonderful solution or word of encouragement
Like the powerful ones you always give me.

I should have, at least,
Gone over if I needed your help instead of
You always coming over to my side
And then ending up getting criticised.

I should have given you a
Huge hug and asked
How you were feeling but
I'm just a fudging coward
And a fudging selfish creep so I

Sit there every morning and
Wallow in my own sadness,
Fighting a seemingly non-existent battle
And I neglect you again — ******!

I promised.
I promised I wouldn't do it again but
All I ever do is make you
Worry and worry and worry and
I don't seem to be there, ever.
When it's time for me to help you





The conversations on the post-its

They're just little bits of hope that
Maybe one day, the replies would both be honest ones,
And even if it says "No, I'm not fine" and
The other one says "You want to talk about it?"
It's a glimpse of hope.
And it'd be true hope for once,
Not just a mirage for disappointment.

It'd be the beginning of understanding,
It'd be the beginning of another beginning,
It'd be the beginning of starting over, you and me,
Closing up that gap

But most importantly,
It'd be the beginning of
A New kind of Happiness
AFJ Oct 2014
For hell,
Oh life is swell,
ain't it?
piece of art, tainted.
Convos with Satan,
Can you feel the cadence?.

Can you smell the melody?
Can you touch the tunes?
Can you taste the frequency, grab you some silver spoons.
Grab you a piece of advice, from the man on the moon.
Falling under the depths, ill have to handle it soon,.

Convos with Lucifer,
Lord of the Flies..
How'd he get my number?
probably family ties..
probably hearing the cries,
probably feeling surprised,
The light within me, forever will shine.

But for tonight,
i converse with The Anti-Christ..
Actually giving me some mad advice.

he said,
"I advise you, don't you ever find bliss..
If one day you do, you'll forever be ******.
Instead, stay in this chaos and revel,
Truthfully your bliss might become your hell."

How can you ask for sunshine if its always sunny?
How can you laugh at something if its always funny?
suddenly i realized the ******* was right.
Only if hell bound, do you realize that heavens in sight.

LanceSkiies Aug 2018

Part |

Technology, seems to be our life
Our DNA stored on drives
Waiting to be uploaded online.

Part ||

Reals live forever  
Fakes shall be exposed
Souls trapped, in screens and boards.

Part |||

Jon Bellion
Humans' interactions - All Time Low
A conversationalist, exist no more.

Madeysin Apr 2015
i wrote a letter on a napkin,
Left it in the break room for all to see,
Butterflys & dragon wings,
Dented brains,
Zombies are lame,
Apostolic Atmosphere,
Coke pancakes,
Canadian convos,
Metaphorically you're a drawr in reverse,
I'm not ****** just lonely.
there’s a madness to the method
just like madness to the **** head
just like sadness when a pets dead
So shaman practice to ***** death

dream up palace for the friends beds
give up hours made to break bread
we’ve a table so we share meds
******* tired, mai oui bed spread

going line by line
with a fine tooth comb
this my time to shine
that’s a spine made moan
ecstatic just like ﻮ๏๔ up on the phone

syncretized to science
split the spine to find it
sip divine in silence

sift my mind is chalice
peep my mental palace
be love be never callous
self poison only malice

who’s next up ?
Phil my boy defining finding
fluid flows that’s kinda violent

quiet convos
with sigma shamans
hidden wicked prevented
predicted problems

consciously coming
to all three of the shy

๓ﻉ & ฝﻉ & ฝɦﻉก; ๓ค & ๓ﻉ & Շɦﻉ๓ร

I might get off my ult
while I sip off my colt
best slip off that coat
when you roll with me

Where were going...
its too hot for that ****.

Sometimes we the hero
Sometimes we the zero
Sometimes we the feeder
Sometimes we the carry
Sometimes we don carry
way too much up on our shoulders

heavy stacking rolling over boulders
etch away the borders
swaying over voters
reeving up the rotors
drinking with the smokers
hugging all the soldiers
all the loners

better freeze time
so we can compose
the pose for all the posers
oppose the poachers  
humans are people

Not supposed to be vultures
One vampire angel makes for many moments of pure awareness which at first we think of as distraction.
Kem-Ann Oct 2016
Roads are damp
weather's cold
You and I in a silent mode

day's fading
air's blowing
a liner convos
with phrases so upsetting

said could not pursuit,
for I'm just a friend
guess, this special treatment
is about to end
Fidel Nov 2018
The world is so small babe,
I’m running through my life
All this cardio killing my vibe
I was high but now I’m low,
You’ve gone too far away from me,
All this distance, these miles I can’t take it no more,
Let’s go on a trip, I’ll buy you a flight to Tokyo, we’ll hit the dojo, I’ll show you my mojo,
We’ll walk around Yoyogi, I’ll show you all the arigato I learned just to impress you fondly,
I’ll rent the most expensive hotel room to make some love,
We’ll use it,
And break it,
I don’t care about money, besides, having you is priceless.
I’ll love you to Mars and Jupiter,
I’ll name some planets maybe make some up to pretend I’m a genius,
I’m definitely not the greatest,
But fake it til you make it, apply that to us, pretend you love me and I’ll kiss you softly.
My life has been broken, ripped and thrown, away in the trash but you pieced it with some voodoo,
Now let me pay back the favor back and say I love you,
Forever and ever I’ll text you at night,
I might miss a day but maybe I’m lost within my words all because you left me speechless,
Your body sculpted by Michelangelo,
Your smile painted by Picasso,
But don’t be mistaken you can do much better I’m just fighting to convince you I’m the one.
But even after all this time,
I regret not holding you, not kissing you not loving you,
I had you within my reach
Now I’m left apart from love and hope
But every text is like a take back, I scroll through our pictures and wonder, why we didn’t take more,
Maybe skinny dipping or giggling,
Don’t care never did, just need you back,
I’ll fly you back to, where paradise is set,
We’ll stop by LA, I’ll meet your friends I’ll buy some clothes to reach your level, maybe will even break a sweat ‘cause after all you are my: deepest love my queen so beautiful.
I’ll fly you to Texas, I’ll meet your family, introduce me as the super tall, ******, don’t care what you say ‘cause just driving you around is my pleasure and dreams I had of.
Don’t be mistaken, I loved swimming, within our convos, but maybe now we can settle down and agree that down down very deep down, I love you and maybe you love me,
Or maybe not I’m prolly just tripping, not in space but within your beauty, I want you, be mine,
Forever high,
On the clouds I’ll lie, I’ll lie lie lie, and I’ll say whatever childish line, comes out of my mouth, don’t be surprised if, I just freeze and stare, because every glance you ever gave, just now assure me you could be mine, but baby I’m sorry poor choice on my part,
Just let me make it up to you, I’ll take you to Lake Whitney, we’ll chill and read,
“I got this poetry book here,”
And I’ll pretend to know every line,
Understand every word,
Whatever it takes for you to be mine.
effaced Jan 2015
Jenn Fermin Feb 2013
I hide my feelings & maybe it's not the smartest thing do,  But it's mostly bc I'm a fool for you.
I'm falling for the idea of you
Not knowing the real you
It's dangerous
It excites me, but I've noticed it might not be the right combination of things ....
It's the type of excitement where you're blind and don't care
It's the type where you speak in subs bc you're afraid to speak your feelings
It's the kind of excitement you don't want, but see I never really minded all that bc I still didn't know the real you & I'm not the type
To judge just bc I really like you.
In reality I gave you to much hype
It wasn't fair to me bc I ended up tripping. See I forgot you told me your not a good catcher, but I still put my trust in you & I wanna beat myself up for thinking I ever had a chance with you....
I was and still am fool for you...
I tried everything I could for you.
I should've known it wasn't gonna work, from the jump one of us was already hurt. We want the same things, but we also lack the same things. I covet you... And it's wrong for you..... & me...
I thought we were meant to be
Just bc we're the same sign you & me. But just bc we're the same sign doesn't mean we can be the perfect mix. I wanted the idea of you. The thought that we were perfect me & you. The romance, the passion, the strength, the deepness, & .... & I was wrong.... I thought it was something that would make us fall together, but instead we fell apart without being together. I tell myself that we met the wrong way or maybe bc we live to far away, but then it hit me; if it was meant to be it would've been. See I believe things always happen for a reason. God knows who to put in your path and why he does it we only know after it happens. Idk why he put you in my path or why I was put in your path. All I know is after I met you I don't use that website I met you on, I don't look for anyone I wasn't really looking for someone in the first place. You just stood out to me. I took a chance ..... It didn't fail, it just needs real feeling or deep convos not lols or nahs ... In reality idk why I felt it was necessary to write all this you might not even read all this. ... I just hope that you take the time to read all this..
thinklef Mar 2015
I have seen a lot of girls, some made me feel like ice,
This day, i dreamt of a pretty lady, her voice made me raise,
she got intellect, I drew the pillow closer with a smile on my face,
she was blessed with beauty, like a goddess from another race,
each time I drew closer to her, it flet like home,
I didn't want this to be over,
I could see the curiosity in her eyes, the love in her heart;
the mystery in her speech, I couldn't wait to unleash the dragon in me,
I have dreamed & dreamt & dreamt & dreamed,
of an angel, **** to the toe,
I may be an ordinary poet but I will make you rain again & again,
I wanna have my first child with you, travel the world & learn all the words,
you made me feel love like an electric shock,
well, now I can be sure how it feels like to love,
there is no law in love, its all a heart connection,
I have had convos with alot of girls, non like you,
now I'm grasping for air,
you remind me of someone, someone I used to love,
someone who I loved so much, I could mimick her motions
tho I love a girl with a fat *** & laps,
nevertheless I her tight,

our interractions weren't smooth, I think that is where we lost the attraction,
she was one a kind, the type that will make you fall in love & forget the laws,
she was stunned with beauty, everyone loved her,
her voice was like a melody, a theme song,
the type you would find in Romeo & Juliet,
tho I do regret we are apart now, cause every moment with her felt like bliss,
sometimes I reminisce, upon my kness,

she made me look like a phyco,
when we gathered around the circle,
I have never loved another the way I loved her,
she was my moon, my Sun, my rainbow,
but I have learnt one thing, greater things ahead,
I wish you well,
to the lady I saw in my dream, I know you are closer than I think,
I will keep penning till I find you.
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I see you're wary of my motivation for reconciliation
Maybe getting flirty with you the other day was a mistake but it was only a bit of fun. No vowel play -Don't stress it.

You're doing that thing where you're getting all weird and apologetic,
not replying for time, was a time I'd just think forget it

Cause the cryptic **** is frustrating,
but as times gone by, the emotions subside I find it a-cute-ly boring, bordering on comical.

Got me thinking dang this use to affect me like a rat invested rental - how did I let it?!  Sinking waiting for you to be blunt or upfront is like tryin to understand ****** -I'll never get it.

I know this now so don't sweat it, I expect no less, I accept it. If the convos dead it's dead, I've said it.

I merely seek to be reconciled with the situation so I can make my peace. I said my piece, put it to bed, it's dead rest in peace. Just tryin to love thy neighbourly, maybe get some more recipes: rice and peas.

Cause the most I'd hope for is friendship but I won't force it, they'll be no pleas and thank yous, it's true I missed what it used to be, I miss the person in you I used to see.

I don't know what it will be now; that times passed. I don't know who you are now; I'm not sure if I ever did but to resurrect the past is not the plan in all of this

So Let me reintroduce myself,
Hey, I'm Rhian
Let me Shake your hand
I know you hope for understanding,
I try hard to understand
But you don't always express yourself as best you can
I stress You can
Don't be afraid the clean slate
Will free your hands
Roll the dice
Tell me where it lands
If it's possible to
Reconcile as solo artists
With fond memories of our band

But if not

**Best wishes are still my command
Dear oh Dear , these situations do make me laugh. Its all gonna be alright
last I wanna see or hear
is you cried.
cause the pain I get from that hurts inside.
I feel your sorrow,I feel how hollow.
But remember,If i'm in your heart then move on to tomorrow.
Cant you see? Baby?
The love I have is truly,  eternally,And specifically yours?
The only women in my life that I adore.
That I respect and cherish each sec,when you take away my breath.
with you I live for.
Do or don't tell me more,
If you wanna keep to yourself I understand,and I respect that.
But baby when you cry,its my job,my priority to prevent that.
Make sure that,each tear is less dense and not emotionally filled.
its not your fault,it never will.
So please don't regret any choice you made babe,cause my love will ill.
I know you cry to get it out and,It will never happen when my heart is in.
Each tear will dissapear,and any fear,we'll overcome.
As long as I can heal it,With God's help Love will always be sung.
With each breath from my lungs,not asthma can prevent me,to stop running with those tears.
I catch each one,kiss each one,and let the pain dissapear...
Not one will slip,from my hand,
As long as your heart has grip on me,
I help you stand.
YOU'LL never need another hand.
Cause my heart,my love,MY trust,I will be the only man.


Each day,
each week,
each kiss we give,
every time we speak,
I fall hard with love for you so strong it leaves me weak,but I still give.
MY BOO! I mean,your my one,and only!.
DONT ever forget,I'm here,you never are lonely.
My pookie,
My joy.
my sweet cookie,
Lovey dovey chipsahoy.
sweet kissy kiss smoochy smoochy.
EACH moment with you is filled with bliss,
romance,and butterflies make heart and stomach lift.
Yeah! -.-
→You now you always win.
In any love fight we have,
but I always win if we both end up cuddlin.
And snugglin,with alotta smoochy! smoochy!
Cmon admit it ;)
(its a tie),
Don't cha think mi pookie?
Haha I love everytime we hold hands,and its like there's no limmit to our convos.
No matter where we stand
You light my side up with one smile,a blessing to witness and have,your time and attention,
I can go on for miles.
I CAN say the things that makes your day,And remind you of my support and love for you,Like I did last nite.
Before you went to bed,
You gotta a text from me,and you read,all the sweet comforting.Words that I wrote,
you can almost hear me sing.
Even if my voice is bad,
I'm glad that your nite was made, And I can rest myself.
Knowing our love safe,
And your tears are saved.

BY: Emmanuel JV Hernandez
Sharon Thomas Jan 2017
THE Weird, unstoppable & unexplored thoughts,
Waggled down the curves of me
With beautiful words of thy,
That guided me,
Without the hands of clock stopping mine,
From feeling what it has to be
Numb yet warm, loved & tuned.
While you triggered the awkward convos we made,
For you, deep here praise remained.
The reel or real interest you showed in me
As we have read in all those tales be,
I've also left a part of myself to thee
When you drown again to the imagination' sea,
If your stick hooks upon the part I've left,
Then shall you see what I left wasn't silly!
solfang Dec 2017
I wish to be
an infamous serial killer,
that targets love-thirsty men.

I mean,
wouldn't it be interesting
to slash through their hearts,
with sharp, flirtation glances,
or cutting through entrails
to look for stomach butterflies,

what about blowing up their minds,
when I don't respond to convos,
and kneeing them with shrugs
till they beg for attention.

I was victimised,
before I can even morph into
a cold-blooded murderer myself
then I realise my looks are not good enough for it. oh well.
Allison Oct 2013
Reasons why I love you: 
I love his eyes 
I love his smile 
I love his hands 
I love holding his hand 
I love watching him drive 
I love playing with your hair 
I love how you talk to much 
I love how much your into music 
I love when you were playing my violin 
I love how he dresses 
I love kissing you 
I love just being with you 
I love how you act like yourself 
I love how you don't care 
I love face timing you 
Are skype convos 
Your just the right size 
Love your height 
I love when you singed to me 
I love your taste in music 
Your funny 
Sweet ( at times) 
I love that you were my first 
I love your hands even tho I already said that I really love them
I love laying with you 
 I love walking with you 
I love being on top of him
I love how you came down to see me 
I love the way you acted at the mall because how big it was
I love your snap chats 
How your always ***** haha 
I love how I dream about you every night 
I love thinking about you 
I love that I fell in love with you 
I love dancing with you 
I love hugging you 
Are songs 
Love that you stole my poster of Lucy hale
i loved dancing to dear Bobbie 
Your just so cute 
I love that you are just my type 
I love that we held on for so long even after everything. 
May 19th 
May 26th 
August 11th
I love that I'll never stop loving you 
I love just the thought of you 
I love how much I fought for you and always got you back
I love you shirtless 
I love how sweaty we were even tho it was gross
I love you sleeping over 
I loved laying on your chest 
I love how you were at my house the whole day 
I love are songs (again) but god are they amazing
I love thinking you loved me 
The fact that maybe you did 
I love you on top of me 
I love grinding with you haha 
I loved being in your room even tho you didn't clean it lol 
I loved that one hour we had 
I love how we were together all day 
I hated seeing you go
I want more memories with you 
Good and bad 
I want to lay with you again 
Kiss you again 
Be with you again 
And maybe that will never happen 
But I'm in love with you
And maybe one day you will say the same about me
Aaron LaLux Feb 2020
So far gone,
leaving behind spent jet fuel & jeweled remnants of memories,
on a plane in the 3rd dimension sitting 1st class,
with a world class American Top Model chilling next to me,

gazing out the soft edged rectangular window to my left,
then over to the soft edged Coke bottle model to my right,
which is better I’m confused as to which view I should choose,
both views are cool highly prized self-realized & undefinable,

on a roll so after we change countries to change the weather,
we change clothes to match the country we’re adaptable,
not conditioned to air conditioners we prefer air that’s natural,
our connects are reliable, specs are viable, facts are verifiable,

always well equipped even though we pack light when traveling, must face facts ‘cause we’re verified & the truth’s undeniable,

so we choose to accept this life without a fight,
what film’s on the inflight entertainment tonight,
100s of options to select from hope I choose right,
I pick a good flick to watch with this chic as I wet my appetite,

dinner served soon what’s on the menu this time,
King Salmon arugula salad champagne & cloth napkins,
think we’ll eat & see a film starring one of my best friends,
he’s one of the leads in the film playing one of the X-Men,

my future has passed, been gone since way back when,
I went from hustling on pavements & cuddling in basements,
to my name on gracious invitations to amazing celebrations,
& obtaining the latest coveted creations of our generation,
placement upgraded I now lay in a place that is spacious,

on the top floor of a proper loft with views of the harbor,
not a golfer I don’t golf I find sports outrageous,
no jokes I’m sinking ***** in 3 strokes on Par-4s,
making cut shots not taking gut shots from Haters,

no mugshots the hate must stop success is an art form,
I work around the clock so I deserve this spacious hiatus,
hitting Top Flights with wise guys on Trump’s golf course,
hole in one I’m a Golden Son like Nick Cannon’s kid is,

terms of endearment rules of engagement **** with honor,
tears shed in statements still sad but thank God we made it,

out of the streets & into the seats of private choppers,

we’re done with the stress thanks to blessed chess moves,
we get offered so many options that it’s tough to choose,
flying through the friendly skies First Class,
as beautiful Goddesses like Venus & powerful Gods like Zeus,

we just hold on to sworn untolds & let everything else go,
until our wills give up our bodies fold & we’re cremated,
only thing that hasn’t changed since we’ve made it,
is the bond of our word so you’ll never hear convos restated,

we keep secrets that will never to be repeated ,
we run a tight ship no loose lips or leaks we keep our word,
just saying no statements just lots of amens & payments,
we’ll neither confirm nor deny those rumors that you heard,

most great men make no statements or engage slow agents,
they just make moves & arrangements in Asia like Statesmen,

we go off like the Mossad,
got those that **** caught off guard in a fictitious fog,
so lost they even begin to question our very existence,
no eyewitness our plots are so efficient they can’t see the ball,

suspicious citizens fishin’ for sufficient evidence,
dragging nets coming up empty they get nothing at all,
reporters on a mission to get headlines for the Sunday edition,
but I’ve seen things believe me they don’t want to get involved,

all star star crossed lovers,
all scars dressed in cross colors,
on Heaven’s Cloud 9 hovering in a helicopter,
surfing my brainwaves on a Rusty board as thoughts hover,

he’ll adopt her,
if she’s mean as the streets are still somehow nice & proper,
a marvelous heart stopper, with a solid heart beat bopper,
but if she acts up he won’t hesitate in a heart beat to drop her,
because the mean streets will always be his first lover,

so sick with the business he might need a doctor,
so far gone one what weighs him down isn’t worth the bother,
so far gone on a level so far beyond him that he’s honored,
with the type of resolve that gets all problems solved,
& a secret sauce along with a special recipe that conquers,

upwards & onwards,
a walking palindrome pantomime,
walking backwards I act out words,
& any friend of freedom is a friend of mine that’s a given,
I see the future live in the moment then kick back afterwards,

on a plane in the 3rd dimension sitting 1st class,
with a world class American Top Model chilling next to me,
rolling feeling high expressing these blessings in total bliss,
naturally high no cigarettes no alcohol no ******* no ecstasy,
finally “Free at last, free at last, Thank God almighty!”,

we are free at last celebrating like Martin Luther King,
Living the Dream in the fast lane spending Johnny Cash,
in the Fast Lane don’t plan to plane crash so I fly carefully,

Walking The Line,

doing fine,
so far gone,

a bottom of the 9th,
down by one runner on Home Run,

outta here,
en route to a beach,
outta of range & outta reach,
a place where the photogs can’t peek,
not hiding just finding a place we can shine like diamonds,
an island with vibes like the water,
clean crystal clear & stylish,
where we can fully relax,
at ease without fear,

20/20 vision,
so my decisions like my vision are always crystal clear,
crystal clean missiles scream through the star lit night sky,
with a Starlet don’t startle us or confuse our caution as fear,

don’t mistake kindness for weakness & try to take advantage,
or it’ll be “Nice try nice guy, you lose dude maybe next time.”,
no good guys just bad boys living the Good Life,
bad boys with good hearts Tom cruising through Vanilla Sky,

in the air experiencing experiences on the fly,
only spent jet fuel & remnants of memories left behind,
have everything ahead of me, just had to get lost to find,
truth is everything I ever said, all good things in all good time,

see, I’m so far gone, my sweat smells like sweet success,
living my best life, an American Dream in the flesh,
School of Hard Knocks did all my homework took no recess,
now it’s all recess allow me the luxury to reminisce & digress,

if you know how to read between the lines,
then there’s no need for a Reader’s Digest,

if you really what to know I let wealth get to know me,
I don’t work for the money the money works for me,
money doesn’t make the man man makes the money,
if you really want to get things done gotta do it on your lonely,

& when you finally get an opportunity to taste The Good Life,
don’t waste it savor it gently & take it slowly,
enjoy it while you can when you get the chance,
before it’s gone like I am on to the next one & only,

close The Book chapter’s finished on to Destiny’s next story,
done with this dissertation on all The Good Life’s temptations,
where seduction done through Life’s luxuries was my specialty,
had my fun now it’s on to the next one, next destination,

leave this life behind & let my actions & words speak for me,
which is why I leave behind these words as my literary legacy,
see truthfully I’m already so far gone,
leaving behind spent jet fuel & jeweled remnants of memories,

on a plane in the 3rd dimension sitting 1st class,
with a world class American Top Model chilling next to me,
full throttle on time like Movado, all shine no bravado,
I swim in more waves than the Royal Navy,

“living la vida loca” no Ricky Martin, my life & my love’s crazy,
gazing lazily out the soft edged window to the left of me,

then over to the soft edged coke bottle model to my right,
if every man’s an island I’m an archipelago & the architect,
Living Artifact, Futuristic Apostle Fossil, Prophetic Autograph,
I collect art & checks such a crazy life I need my head checked,

fossil fuels burn on strong, along with my memories,
so long I’m gone have been for centuries, so far gone,
so when they mention the greats, guaranteed they mention me, remembered in words & songs so the lessons can carry on,

so gone leaving behind only jet fuel & remnants of memories,
because just like now when the end comes I’ll also be gone,
only came here in the first place because they sent for me,
so when I go I will wish you well with a “So long & carry on!”.

So far gone,

on a one way flight with no carry ons,
leaving behind spent jet fuel & jeweled remnants of memories,
on a plane in the 3rd dimension sitting 1st class,
with a world class American Top Model chilling next to me...

Δ LaLux Δ

IG: @adreamerinthematrix
From The HH Trilogy Volume 3: Dark Lights & Bright Shadows; by Aaron LaLux
Melinda Barrett Aug 2016
Conspiring with the universe
The moon, the stars, the sun converse.
Coby Jan 2015
Your eyes, they were my favorite, always so glistening.
Your lips, so addicting, loving when both of ours combined.
Your hair, so extending, waves cascade down your shoulders.
Your laugh, so adorable, l could never get enough.
Your beauty, so admirable, flawless in my eyes.
Your smile, so broad, ever so appealing...
i lost it all, not once but twice, just my luck, all for the wrong price. Now i'm sitting here, throughout the rain, in an immense amount of pain. I'd take it all back if i could, take my chance without a thought. Start from the beginning, shouldve known my mind was spinning. All those late night convos, turned into short hello's and goodbye's. Not saying it's your fault, but it was me who didn't try. What happened to the walks we'd take, meet up and come home late? Late night strolls around the mall, didn't even hesitate? All my fault, i was so selfish didn't see it from your eyes. How you'd feel afterwards, me telling all these lies. I lost it all, not once but twice, just my luck, all for the wrong price. Now i'm sitting here, throughout the rain, in an immense amount of pain..
Inner feelings
Fading away,
With nothing to say.

I'm trying to fight,
but nothing work from day to night.

Talk to me,
There is no fee.

What happened to the convos we had?
For I feel like I did something bad.
Justin Bowers Apr 2013
As a child you have no agenda set
you wake up every morning and don't know yet
what you're going to do
what or with who.
You let things come your way
some leave and some stay
but you always adjust how you live
you take or you give
without a second thought
you don't think whether or not
it's the best decision for you
you just do what you do
and you smile
and after a while
you start to age
your book of life writes a new page
day by day
soon your first hair will turn gray
when school is no longer fun
but just a task to be done
because responsibility is now yours
just like at home you have chores
that you now plan around
no longer at the playground
but now you're at home
sitting alone
instead of playing with friends
by yourself your day ends
unless you count the things on your bed
papers to write, books still to be read.
Your friendships fade away
but more begin day by day.
Schools pass by ever so fast
next thing you know you're in college at last.
But college isn't like on TV
it's not just a giant party.
It's hours of studying and work
and lots of stress likes to lurk
until it comes out of the blue
trying to destroy you.
You learn to fight this attack
by making friends who always have your back
at least that's what you think
until they find a weak link
which they then break apart
partially breaking your heart
because you honestly care
and would always be there
for them but they don't believe
it's an idea they cannot conceive.
For humans are born in sin
so we simply cannot begin
to believe things others say
without proof to lead us that way.
and it's sad that one little mistake
a solid friendship it can take
and break it like its fragile as glass
when you met in third grade class
and now after seven years
you no longer lend ears
and its slightly pathetic
only difference is education versus athletic
he chose one path and I chose another
so I lost a friend who was my first fake brother.
It's fine though because I've gotten close to more
men and women I would honestly die for.
But would they do the same?
This is why life is such a game,
we're all pieces in the real game of life
I'm aiming for a career, car, and wife.
At the same time though I want to make friends
ones that have no ends.
People I consider sisters and brothers
that I'll know when they become fathers and mothers.
I want my kids to be friends with theirs
and for us to have convos as we sit old in wheelchairs
because we're getting to that age where the games almost done
where we know we've all won
because of the friendships we've had
through the good and the bad.
I don't know if that's how things will turn out
but that's what I want my life to be about.
As I sit here at 20 I dream and wish
that this is a goal I can accomplish.
At the moment I let stress build, and decay
the goal that I live for each and every day.
School and work are tearing me down
but it seems like nobody notices how my eyes frown.
It's due to my positive outlook I know
because I find silver linings so my eyes can still glow.
I have some friends that help ease the burden a bit
enough to know that I would never quit.
But it'd be nice if more people I sacrifice for
would see that I'm not just holding open a door.
I'm lending my hand to them when they need
I'm not just trying to do a good deed.
I'm trying to show them I want them as friends
all the way until my game of life ends.
Due to these struggles with stress I have strife
as does every one else; so goes life.
Nic Sutcliffe Feb 2017
How might he sing of this Queen that he found
Of their trip through the stars
Of the sights and the sounds
The soft subtle glow from her sun-kissed skin
Her Magic and rhythm that oozed from within
Of Holding her close, getting lost in her eyes
The lattice of limbs, the world passing by

Much more to this union than physics and heat
Their mind-space meeting place first of all treats
Hard to face truths they would tackle as one
Before all that JuJu had even begun

There in those convos through hours unfolding
A Lucid flowetry & neither witholding
She opened her heart up revealing her past
Her Darkness and Strengths
A history so vast

The degree of compassion and comprehension
Served as a softener, negating all tension
And he, he felt worthy, enough for a tear
To receive all she was
Dark and Light
Love and Fear

Pickled perspectives through dilated seers
Dissolving of egos & bringing forth tears
Humbly he knelt, for in him she would trust
Honouring intention
And Self
Before lust

Digesting their truths on candle light beams
Backing track soundscapes of finish him themes
Magnetic her radiance, a colourwheel aura
Bodies' bouquet, scents sweeter than flora
Skin to skin textures their grip free to roam
Tastes of pure Stardust
Her flavour was... Home

A moment removed from time's ceaseless pace
Light breaking birdsong, Love dripped from her face
The world switched on and began it's routine
While Awestruck he witnessed this manifest dream
Cat cursed yet tireless he played to her choir
Their Synchronous vibrations raised forever higher

There's never before been, nor again will there be
A woman of resonance as Perfect as she
Subjectively perfect, Ubiquitous truth
Yet how we see perfect requires no proof
All of his senses Peaked & Saturated
All his Desires
In this Queen concentrated

Once in a lifetime the lucky may find
A someone of substance who stimulates the mind
Once in a lifetime the lucky may be
With One who cultivates a compatible energy
Once in a lifetime the lucky may hold
The attention and Love of their true Twin Soul

But the idea that One girl could be all this and more
A concept so enticing he just can't ignore

The poetry of Presence
The Nourishment of Osmosis
The Freedom of the Eternal Now
She's Imperfectly Perfect
She's Perfectly Imperfect
His Queen Supreme
I battled to finish this one... I hope you Enjoy it my fellow magicians
David Bojay Feb 2019
Sabrina and ****
On my mind
Reading through old convos
Sweet girl
Your insight inspired me
These tears
Of joy
I only want you to be happy
I’m happy knowing you did what you had to do
For you
Not for me
For you
I love you so much
Will always love you
Simple times
It’s passing like the dart on a summer day it was our time and you weren’t meant to stay

I guess though bro and ****...
But u know
I be here
Just here
Ready to take on anything

Want to hear your voice, but I’m patient
Even if I never get to hear it again
I’m patient

dear human
It was more than a relationship

But I mean
It’s always too late

And to easy to regret

In hopes of nothing but a greater now

So much... inside to express
In different ways
If was a connection
Name     : Dating Today
Poet        : Phyll
Genre     : Love/sacrificing
Year         : 2018
P/SwNo. : 305

( Content;- so lately everyone hase been complain about their partner doing AbCd and it's like we are almost giving up on them but have you ever reconsidered looking back to where you official originated from? Haha...  Enjoy)

As authored By Phyll

Dating Today,
Its all about who cares most but shows it less,
Its all about confusing each others minds;
Using simple media such as what'sapp,
facebook and telegram,
Its all about feeling pain because the other party didnt reply to my text quick,
Didn't send a friend request
Didn't  like a simple pic i uploaded,
Its all about really wanting to speak to someone but delaying a reply for more days so as u wouldnt be seen as the easy one...


Oh my!

Dating today,
It's all about;
'I am afraid to send the first text because this will make me seem weak,'
Its all about;
'Yeah i'll hang out with you,


I cant let go of my phone.'

It's all about;
'I can't date a person who tags me in all their pics',
Just because they want to make you a part of their life,
Its all about really liking someone, But
Not making the first move!
Jus because that makes u uncool.


You may...

Call me old fashion,
But I like the early dating,
The ones our folks used to have,
The ones in which papers flew,
Cause phones didnt exist in convos,
And if at all they existed,
They were put aside.


There was nothing more important in a relationship,
Than communication!

After all phones were only for the rich or rather phones were treasures of those days if i may put it so.

The kind of relationship which lasted,
For more than 100 years.
Made jaws drop!




'I love you'


'I have you'

Still wondering as to how a relationship can last that long!

If i was asked today;

Which couple do you like most?

I would look back,
And say;
My grandparent's relationship at the most!

I know you're about to ask me;

But Phyll,
Why them?

I'll answer even before you ask.

This is because;
At the rate they were when i first met them as a grown up,
That is to say;

They are defeating the world of dating today!

How many times do you think your grandparents did quarrel before having their first born?
Yet they defeated that an still made a lee way for you to exist in this universe...

My friend


Sue me if you want
So long as i feed you the truth,


When you fight,
Just see that as a flight.
Hold on tight,
Then let the future be bright.
For that's your Right!
It's so so sweet when the right one is found
Red Fox Nov 2015
So I do more than Say It
Never less when I Do It
For you I gotta Prove It
You're the goal
And I just gotta get to it.
Even though others want you
I know what I want to
And I hope it's mutual
And we can make this perpetual.

Just to clarify,
This isn't just ******
More of a pursuit based on intellectual.
With a little thirst,
Knowing I'll never be the first.
Just hoping to be your last;
Wanting more than just convos
Through our Apple and Samsung glass.
Just hoping to get past
These Instagram filter at last.
xie Apr 2016
Happy thoughts.
That's what you gave
Through those 3 am convos
That reaches from night to day

you told me stories,
Stories about your life
While looking up at the sky which is starry
And you happened to make me smile

I don't know how
But you managed to make me fall
I was in love deep down
I almost forgot that nothing lasts at all

You told me sweet things
That made me think
Is this just a game
With no one to blame?

Days, weeks, months passed
We lost contact
You don't know how big the impact
Because I want us to last

My best friend who I think about constantly.
My best friend who I wished to be apart of me.
My best friend who I wish and pray, To have her one day ,safe so I can see her smiles brighter then they are today.
My best friend whos pain kills me too.
My best friend who is the red to my blue.
My best friend theres no one like you,
Im stuck on you like glue,
part we might at times but Itll never end or be thru.
Cause My best friend, you are true.
My best friend, you are real.
I love my best friend, more of a man I will ever be,
bend as you might you the world will never break a woman of steel
My best friend my fortune and wealth , my queen for you i kneel.
On the foreal
Im happy phareel
My best friend, I only wish the best for you.
My bestfriend I only want you to be comfortable.
My bestfriend when I hear you cry I die inside how could any guy hurt such a free spirited butterfly.
**** got me ****** up in many ways
Wanna **** this ***** up payback is a bill the ***** didnt pay. And im all about gettin paid.
Pssh one way..
Back to a soft spot like your cheeks
My best friend I love you with all my might and will,
Your my everything,
there no other who can take your place,
not now nor ever
will there be anybody better,
never will and still till
this day , as ghost as ive become,
such a son of a gun, I **** back and fired
I dont give a ***** at everyone,
I am sorry to ever fired at you.
My boo My true friend real ***** to the end.
The chemistry that cooks and sizzle great friendships, we have it...
between us its now a habbit.
Laughter? We made it an addiction, theres no1 like you me without life and time lacks conviction,

Its gunna get better
I will never leave
I will never retreat
When you need me
Im there believe me
Im that shadow that hugs the light to your smile
No1 else can see me.
Im the voice that hugs your opinion,
 Never wanna see you down
Never frown
Just hope in the day ill be blessed to still be around,
Everytime i look at you I thank God and nature
How could there make such a woman
So much love your signatures kisses papers.
Your "laters" are an eternity, but as soon as you show im rollin deep
Like the **** your that good thc
That sticky that breaks
Your indica sendin me to the sky high
With litterature  of your ways
Your butterfly that never had a beginning stage
You was born that way
Back in the day when your daddy made that right choice,
And your mother wow!  But you amazing.
Never phasin the problems
You always there facin them
Head on, trapt cause your headstrong
My bestfriends theres untold reasons why we get along.
Maybe your kryptonite livin three doors downs,
But i still remain strong whenver  you around,
The world stops
Cause your revolving now,
Center of my attention,
Love to hear you speak,
The way nose jiggle when you mad at me yellin,
Haha i cant be mad, you make me smile , like the sayin you got in the bag.... glad
What else i like? Rememer this a prototype,
Only shedding a glipse thoughts in my afternights.

By Deep Thought
aka Linguist Musician Aka
Emmanuel JV Hernandez
Wolfey Nov 2016
I've been more distant tha usual
One word replies
There's an extra effort to make a conversation
And to keep it going
Our good nights are no longer anticipated
We no longer fall asleep on video
Hours at a time
Our everyday convos get shorter and shorter
My want to stay silent grows stronger

There's an extra effort from you to express your love
An extra effort from me to be an cold ***
Guilt rushes in and quickly goes when I don't say I love you back
Distance is my new best friend

You say you know
But you don't know how much I want to be honest
You don't know that the feeling of desire is slowly fading
I won't tell you
I'll just let you assume and guess
I'm getting a bit dreary of this effort
This effort to stay in love
Anna Mar 2017
As I read our old convos and read the word "babe", uttering it loudly felt strange.
As if I haven't gotten used to it when we were together. It felt like forever.

It's been 16 months now since we parted ways.
I wonder how long will I get used to the days
of not thinking of you nor dreaming of you.

I hope that's the last stage i have to endure to forget.
Deslyn Brown Jul 2014
Awkward moments,
smoothed out by camaraderie
Amateurs in an insane world
absent referee-
Just friendship.

Childhood chaos,
nothing kept secret
When difficulties were simple,
chuckled through it-
Just friendship.

Growth spurts,
we only became more weird
Fair share of heartbreaks,
even we veered-
Just friendship.

Philosophical convos,
at each others necks
I would write while you paint,
now we're signing checks-
Just friendship.

Wildness tamed,
now hold priorities first
Grew up way too fast,
memories dispersed-
Just friendship

High hopes,
in your new life I wish the best
better keep in touch,
preserve your zest-
It's simply true friendship.
A platonic friendship- when old friends move far away and progress their lives.
In my memories,
on places we used to go to --
museum walls and cinema seats
cafe cups and restaurant platters
bus windows and train stations
hotel beds and motel sheets
motorcycle rides and fabulous bridges
condo lifts  and bedroom whispers
kitchen convos and shower sexes
midnight boat rides and stolen kisses

In my heart and mind you live, and
I hope, in time, you'll leave.
You live in, and you'll leave, my memory, dearest.
CJ M Oct 2015
Who is she?
She is an angel with a dark side, yet as light as her skin-tone. She’s on to the next like pages in a novel, a being of enchantment. Poet once again meets poet, only, there’s no back story to this one, nothing more than coincidental interest by one party, my party.
Does she know? Probably not, and I’m too shy to mention it, so I’m forced to speak in short intervals. It’s something about her. Something about how the way she puts her headphones in, or maybe the music she listens to. Possible the way she giggles or her reluctance to splay out what she’s thinking. It could be our opposite natures.
It’s something about the way she pushes her glasses up when they’re down, or something about how she looks in black.
It could be something about our short convos, or how much her nature reminds me of another. Perhaps it’s her known social signature or even the way she talks.  
Or, the truth is, I don’t know what it is, I just know she’s got my attention, and I know I want hers too.
I catch feelings like baseball players, find potential love like scavenger hunts, but they don’t lead me anywhere, they only look good in my mind, but this one is different. This one might actually be, might actually begin with an intimatic courtship and end with a breakage rather than a separation.
But how could it?
How could I possibly think of things that might never even be meant to be? How selfish of me to decide without her knowledge. But I’m desperate for my heart to run like it used to, desperate for the feel of what love can be. I lived off of expression, expression didn’t live off me, but now I’m running out of fumes in an empty tank, Abandoned on the side of a road less traveled yet worn and torn by those who dare travel it.
And of those, I am the last.
who, what, where, and when are all out of the question, but I put this together for a reason, and that reason was to clear my mind of these thoughts.

— The End —