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Marly Apr 2014
I told him that the holes in his ears were individual universes that I'd love to explore,
So he plugged them up.
I should have left you right then and there.
Marly Apr 2014
Maybe one day, you should take me to your planet. The atmosphere on mine is disappearing and I'm finding it hard to breathe.
Marly Apr 2014
all these wires around my bed
connecting me to this house and to people
where's the one i can use to charge myself?
Marly Mar 2014
some people think that the best type of poetry is written at 3am while the house is silent.
others argue that it's written by a drunk and broken heart.
for me, though, the best type of poetry are the things i spew at any given time.
when i'm sitting in the school hallway talking to you, but to everyone else it seems like i'm talking to myself.
when i raise my hand to ask a question in class, and my ideas pour out of me with the intensity of water flowing through a newly broken dam.
the best type of poetry comes when you least expect it.
remember to keep your eyes open.
poetry at 1:48am isn't really my forte.
Marly Apr 2014
"I am not as sincere or nice as I seem so yeah don't get on the wrong train because of me."
Foreshadowing, much?
Marly Apr 2014
i like my poems on the left and i primarily like the left sides of things but it's never too late for a change in scenery.
Marly Apr 2014
I keep a cracked mirror in my room.
My mother asks why,
Yet I'm too scared to tell her that it's because I want to see what's on the inside of me.
I find it weird how poets can look at a field of grass and find meaning behind the vast expanse of space.
Marly Apr 2014
he reads the goosebumps on my skin like an old blind man reads braille.
Marly May 2014
we are just a bunch of girls dieting because
starving is in,
emaciated is in,
you won't be loved if you're not thin.
kinda feels like love itself is thin..
Marly Apr 2014
I'd let you slice open my veins because I know you'd stitch them up.
Marly Apr 2014
I wanna write but everything is so dull and meaningless right now.
Thats what you get for not sleeping
Marly Apr 2014
I will brand you like a farmer brands his cattle.
My lips will burn marks on your flesh, claiming you as mine.
Marly Apr 2014
i love everything that spills out of that perfect mouth of yours.
i especially love it when you say my name.
Marly Apr 2014
She thought nobody loved her when she was surrounded by those who did.
But the empty feeling inside persisted.
She was commiserated
By those
Who cared
But somehow managed to evade the love
She took a path that helped her circumvent all of the wrong things
And ended up sprinting off of the edge of a cliff.
Marly Dec 2015
In Hebrew,
"Die" translates to "enough".
I have had enough of everything.
My eyes protest when I attempt to take in any more light,
Eyelids drooping lower than my non-existent self esteem.
My indelible experiences on this wretched planet are etched into every bare section of my skin,
Telling even the stories I tried my best to leave behind.
The one thing about misery is that misery loves company,
You are never alone when you're on your premeditated journey to the afterlife.
I haven't written poetry since 2014, maybe early 2015. I thought I should share this, nonetheless.
Marly Dec 2015
youre a ****** ingrown hair
Marly Apr 2014
i wish
i was warned about you before i let you become the
of my universe.
a warning label would have been useful,
like one on objects with small parts that young children put in their mouths.
then again,
you'd only earn one of those labels until i choked to death on you.
i'm pretty **** close.
Marly Apr 2014
You were a crack in the sidewalk
That I meant to step over,
But I ended up stumbling and falling
Into you.
Stumbling and falling,
Like how Alice tumbled down the rabbit hole.
You appeared to be much deeper
Than I ever imagined possible.
And for a crack (more like a canyon) in the sidewalk,
You had impressive lighting and decor.
I think I'll make myself at home.
I learned that
Things aren't always how they seem,
Along with the wisdom that
You don't get bad luck
For stepping on cracks.
You may find yourself lost in another world.
I just thought you were a crack in the side walk,
But you were (you are) so much more.

*I hope I'm not just one to you.
Is this metaphorical enough for you?
(Could have done better but)
Marly Apr 2014
When I was little, I refused to get out of the bathtub until the water cooled down completely and my skin resembled my grandmother's.
Now that I'm older, I take showers that seem to last forever.
I feel like the water is washing away all of the bad, all of what's wrong with me.
I'll go outside in the summer just to stand completely still in the torrents of rain, waiting for something to happen.
After all, I learned in school that water is the strongest force on Earth.
That water can conquer anything.
Water shaped the mountains.
Water shaped my bones.
Water will change my fate.
Marly Apr 2014
Oh dear God,
How you make me shake.
I haven't been this nervous since I taught myself how to ride a two-wheeler in the sixth grade.
That day brought many scraped ankles and a bruised ego.
This one swells the ***** that pumps blood and other things methodically beneath my left breast.
I think that's where my heart is supposed to be.

Oh dear God,
How your voice makes me simmer.
I'm a tasteless soup, watered down and with all the good parts hidden deep inside.
You can't see them; you can only feel them.
You can only taste them.
You are what gives me spice, what gives me heat.
What gives me life.

Oh dear God,
How you make me adore you.
You are the smell of rain.
You are the sheets tangled around my torso in the morning.
You are the blush behind my cheeks.
You are the aches in my chest whenever your name is said out loud.

you make me believe in god.
Marly May 2014
why not?
3w poem.
Marly Apr 2014
Dreaming keeps you from seeing what's right there in front of you.
Marly Apr 2014
it's been an awfully long time...
i'm sitting in the wierdest position on my school bleachers.
i refused to do gym because i feel like **** and i can't stand the way you try to get a glimpse of my bare skin.
if i was dying right in front of you, you'd ask me what was wrong instead of taking care of me.
i love the silence between songs.
i don't write on the lines because i want all of my words to be between them.
when i very sad i only notice it afterwards as i survey all of the damage that has been done.
i haven't stopped shaking and i'm surprised i haven't started an earthquake but these tremors seem to only be native to my planet.
my doctor has managed to fit my entire being onto three pieces of paper.
scares me to death.
constantly i switch the song i'm listening to because i'm trying to feel one thousand things at once.
i'm glad that you met me in the winter because things just go uphill from here so you won't be disappointed.
although i can't say that they won't get worse again in the next winter.
even if you're here,
even though winter is my favourite season,
even though the snow cools down my fevered skin,
even though even though even though it's ******* winter and these ******* pills are supposed to make me ******* happy.
i haven't been writing the way i usually do, recently
Marly Mar 2014
I trudged through the snow in the middle of the road to get home today. If you had voicemail on your phone, I'd probably leave never ending messages.
This is a little bit late. Better late than never, though.
Marly Apr 2014
I love everything that's right with you,
And everything that's wrong with you even more.
Stay yourself.
Marly Apr 2014
when i talk to you time is no longer relevant
the hands on the clocks spin around out of boredom and suddenly it's three am and i have a whole list of responsibilities to look after
although on the list of things i want you're right at the tippy top
even above the title.
look above the title for yourself
Marly Apr 2014
Snort me; I want to be your *******.
Absorbed into your blood stream,
Riding along the coursing rivers under your skin.
Making you lack hunger lack rationality lack everything because all you can think about is me the buzz me the buzz me the buzz me
Everything vibrating
s h a k i n g
A white film still coats your nose as you rush around,
Trying to do everything at once.
One, two, three more lines.
Weeks fly by and you're hooked onto me.
I'm starting to get sleepy. Guess neon pink shouldn't be doubted. Too bad it's 5am and I've accomplished nothing.
Marly May 2014
made of pixels?
hah, if i wanted pixels i would have played nintendo 64 with my neighbour down the street and angrily whispered "h-e-double hockey sticks" under my breath as one of my pixelated hearts faded away.
you are anything but intangible; i can feel your pulse across two countries.
our hearts are undeniably made of flesh.
i know that word grosses you out,
but the blood pumping, orifice-filled organs in our chests constantly beat with the ferocity of 109 percussionists drumming on the queen's birthday.
hearts are not meant for beautification; one cannot get a cosmetic surgery on their heart to impress the girl next door.
it's up to you to pair with your just-as-ugly brain to prove how beautiful love can be. prove how beautiful our love can be. ❤
Marly Apr 2014
i want to call you up,
and cry into the receiver,
drowning your thoughts with my tears.
all you need to do listen.

i told you that i hope drugs are loving you the way i never will.
drugs don't love, though. (not the way i can, at least.)
drugs constantly consume.
they take your mind,
your body,
your rationality,
your love,
and they also took me away from you.

drugs are parasitic, my dear.
sick, twisted, soul-******* beings.
they make you believe that you want them,
that you need them,
and they also lie about their destructive aftermath.
they don't tell you how your nose will slowly disintegrate,
how your lungs will make suitable charcoal mines,
how your brain will only think about drugs,
only drugs,
maybe *******,
but you'd only indulge in that after you popped a molly.

i was your withdrawal.
i made you scream.
you knew i wholeheartedly cared about you;
having that new support was scary.
i made you cry.
i sent you letters and poems late at night,
when your stars aligned with mine and created unbelievable wonders.

now your withdrawal symptoms consist of lonely nights alone,
pounding headaches,
sweaty palms,
a heart plagued with convulsions,
and a body that hates you for what you've done to it.
even though you still appear as a bright star,
you have long since burned out,
and soon people on earth will be able to see this.
oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my.

— The End —