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Justin S Wampler May 2014
I have no...
...means of changing.

It's not my fault, I...
(place blame)
...didn't mean to lie.

Why should I try, I will...
(believe in nothing)
...eventually die.

All the underground people...
(your ancestors and mine)

...Do they remember
Being alive?
Kai May 2014
15 MPH
caution, the kids are at play
embracing the youth they will
one day lose
just like you have

50 MPH
you get where you're going
but on the highway there are hazards
if you don't watch where you're going
or look through the dark
you'll wind up turned over

70 MPH
you're making time
straight forward shot
but you can not see the scenery
and the music is too upbeat
but speed along, sweetie, speed along.

100 MPH
only on the track are you really safe
you're passing strangers
you're losing control
but you can't slam the breaks
you can never stop

280 MPH—
Get it?
Genevieve Smart May 2014
Disgruntled bleached paper
Enveloped with it's poison
Perched delicately between ****** lips
Slowly devouring youth & *beauty
Journal Entry: 05/05/2014
Ferrin McGinness Apr 2014
it is hell
to have loved someone-
to know you love them
right now, still-
so much and for so long,
and to realize
you don't actually feel
them loving you back.

if you turn onto
a one-way street
in the wrong direction,
it is still dangerous,
against the law
even if you didn't see the sign.
and just because i love
and my love is accepted
does not mean
i'm on a two-way street.

now i'm crushed.
between metal and metal
i'm crushed. in flashes,
when you speak, i see
myself chewed between your teeth.

so when you light up when you smile
when i say in some way that
i love you, you are also
the oncoming headlights,
appearing suddenly,
coming at me on the highway.
Ariana Sweeney Apr 2014
We go after stuff just to make us feel whole
It’s our therapeutic way to gain some control
It’s a kiss on the neck, or that burn down our throat
The stories we tell make us feel less remote

We **** up our lives just to give ourselves purpose
Earn trophies and badges to feel less worthless
Sleep with a few strangers and break a few laws
Cause we’re already ******, can’t you tell by our flaws?
Does this count as explicit...? Ha.
i Mar 2014
that sharp needle,
that is stuck into your arm,
is telling me that you're gone.
that fatal dose of drugs,
your addiction that was inevitable,
and i didn't stop it on time.

**i am sorry,
i am sorry that i found
you on the bathroom floor
dead, if i only came
earlier, you would have been alive
and breathing.

— The End —