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sankavi Dec 2019
you make me
mad but happy
you make me feel euphoric
sankavi Apr 2020
why do we deny the fact that everything we do is just for love
sankavi May 2019
I want a fairy tale ending
I want to meet the love of my life
I want to stay with him until the very end
I want to live in a big house with 2 dogs and 3 cats
I want 2 kids a boy and a girl
I want to be a writer
I want to die with all my goals accomplished
I want to die surrounded by the people I love

I haven't had a fairy tale beginning so far
I want a fairy tale ending
sankavi Apr 2018
you make me feel
sankavi Apr 2018
who knew you'd be the source to all my problems
anorexia is not okay and never should be. if your going through an eating disorder im always here to help. you can dm me on ig- _.sankavi._ or snap me- sankavi137 and if you dont want to do that i want you to know your are beautiful no matter what your shape or size is. you are beautiful no matter what mistakes you have made in the past. you are beautiful no matter what people say. i love you all and youre all beautiful.
sankavi Jun 2018
dear best friend,
thank you to the one who made my depressing life 10 times better
to the one who'd always listen to my endless rants
to the one who always understood me
to the one that i can talk to about anything
to the one that became my best friend in less than a week
to the one who accepted me
thank you Deanna

dear ex-best friend,
thank you to the one who stabbed my back and taught me i shouldnt trust everyone
to the one who made me let go the one i loved
to the one who attempted to change me
to the one who never loved me for me
to the one one who ripped everything away from me
to the one that i hate
thank you ava
sankavi Jul 2018
dear future self,
i hope you've finally learned to put yourself before other
that everyone isn't who they seem to be
and never to fall so hard for someone who'd never love you

i hope you learned that you don't need people who don't need you
to love yourself
and that you're important

i hope in the future you are the best you possible
sankavi Dec 2018
I love our midnight calls*

i love when we call at 1 am
talking for hours until you get tired
you try so hard not to fall asleep
"I'm not tired"
you say although I know you're half asleep
you finally fall asleep
and I end the call saying
"Goodnight, I love you"
even though I know you wont  hear me
i love everything about you
sankavi Sep 2019

my 2 best friends

i hate writing about this again

i love both of them
but i think i like him as more than a friend
or maybe its because weve finally started talking again
after 9months
and everything just feels right
like it was just yesterday we were sitting at school talking and laughing

its been 9 months and I've changed so much
but when i talk to you i just go back to how i was

talking to you is so unhealthy for me
i keep reminiscing about the past
going over old texts and photos

i was over you
but how does one simple text bring back everything

i need to stop talking to him because i just miss everything so **** much and its messing with me
but i can't
i missed my best friend
and talking to him makes me so happy

but he likes her and she likes him
and no matter what happens that'll never change
all i can do is be happy for them
i really am happy for them
deanna im sure youll read this soon and i really actually want you to go for him, he loves you so **** much and i dont think thats ever gonna change. just dont hurt him :) i loveyou both and i dont think that can ever change either
sankavi Jun 2018
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate that I cant stop ******* loving you.
sankavi Jun 2018
do you ever just hurt for no reason? Not the type of hurting you get from falling on your knee. I'm talking about when your heart feels like ​it sank through your stomach and is falling out your bottom end. The type of pain you feel when you lose someone you love.. the type of pain you get when you realize that you and him will never work out, or when you never had him in the first place but your heart aches for him. Yeah it does hurt. You crave their touch, and want nothing more than to just talk to them for a few minutes. When you talk to them you feel like the rest of the world doesn't matter because they are just that important to you. You could not talk to them or see them in days, weeks, or even months and they could still be on your mind each and every single day. It's quite an empty feeling and nobody likes to feel it, however everyone seems to feel it at some point.
sankavi Aug 2018
Am I healthy?
Me, the girl who stays up
Until 5:00 in the morning every day
Eats one square meal a day
The girl who can't help but feel
Like she was a mistake
Like she is alone
Like she isn't worth it
Like she was a mistake
A screwup
The girl who is plagued with anxiety
Every second of every day
Resulting in a stomach upset
And a head aching
The girl who had a panic attack
over nothing
but just the thought of existing

Am I healthy?
Say the people who gave me life
telling me I'm just overreacting
"you're fine" they say

I am so tired, every single day
I just want to live again
sankavi Feb 2021
I could never say no to you
I do whatever you ask of me
never asking myself, "would this make me happy?"
it will always be "this will make him happy."

I've always done everything to please you
from the way I talk and dress
to the way i act, and the shows I watch
even the music I listen to
not even on purpose

subconsciously I have become the person that could make you happy
the person you could rely on and trust
the person you could love

I've done everything I can to receive your validation, your approval, your love

but no matter what I do,
why isn't anything enough?
what can I do to be better?
what can I do for you to love me?
sankavi Aug 2018
I lock myself into a room
I fall to the ground
I can't breathe
I cant see
   everything is
my tears cover my eyes
I don't know why
but these panic attacks won't stop coming
and I don't know why

am I overthinking too much again?
has my depression come back?
am I all alone again?
do I miss him too much?
sankavi Jan 2019
here's to the friends ive lost
over stupid lies
and silly games

here's to the lovers long gone
in autumns haze
never to come back

here's to the family
who was never truly mine
just people who brought me to life

here's to me
who's never able to make myself happy
always dependent on someone else
who I'm too scared to let in

here's to the whole ******* world
the world that was supposed to bring me joy and comfort
instead leaving me in a place full of hate and loneliness

stabbed by the friends and people I love
the world is beautiful like a vibrant red rose
but every rose has its thorns
sankavi May 2019
"high school"
the best and worst 4 years of your life

you make so many new friends
you lose so many old friends

you make new memories
as the old ones begin to fade

you have fun, go to parties
get  wasted, get grounded

old crushes to new boyfriends

looking back at it you only remember the good days

im only on my first year but i know
high school
will be the best and worst 4 years of my life
sankavi Apr 2018
i see the ocean waves in his bright blue eyes
sankavi Nov 2018
and there we were
back at the place I first met you
the place I fell for you at

and I realized that day
that you are the one
and you always were always will be
sankavi Sep 2018
you're so amazing
and one of my favourite people
but lately, we've been talking less
my smile is slowly fading from the happiness you once brought to my life
I don't know how I feel about you anymore
I know I love you,
as a friend
but I don't know if I love you in that way
sankavi Apr 2018
sometimes its not words that make poetry
his eyes... his eyes are my favourite poem
sankavi Dec 2019
i find it so mind-blowing
how a person can feel more like home
than a place
sankavi Aug 2018
to some
hope is just a word
to some its a feeling
sankavi Jan 2019
how did i ever fall for him
maybe i fell for who i thought he was
or who i wanted him to be

maybe i fell for his laugh
or his eyes

well whatever it was
im done now

its great how you can go from loving someone to hating them
in a day
i dont know how i ever fell for you
sankavi Dec 2019
i know you dont feel the same
but your hugs mean the world to me :)
sankavi Dec 2019
I'm not in tact with my emotions at all
at one moment he's the one
he's the only one i need
he's the only one i want

and then I'm suddenly over him
suddenly I'm into someone new
sankavi Apr 2018
i want to help
i know you say you're happy
i know you're not
i know you're lonely and scared
i see what others don't

let me in
i understand you
tell me you're not okay
ill be there for you
i wont leave
i love you

just give me a chance
trust me
i'm worth it
sankavi Sep 2019
i dont know how this happened
i dont know how i went from loving you so much
to the point where just talking to you filled my heart
to resenting you, and hating you for no good reason

no this is not about a boyfriend or a lover
or an ex
this is about my old best friend

we were inseparable
the closest you could be
but then we started drifting
like the waves in a sea
i made new friends and so did she

there was no fight and no argument
but now i just cant stand her
everything about her just bothers me

i once saw a pure-hearted person
but all i see is evil when i think of her

i dont know why i dont like her
i have no reason not to

i dont know why i feel this way
but i do
sankavi Jul 2019
I cried about you
you weren't worth that
sankavi Dec 2019
do you ever fall for someone so hard?

so hard where you see the world in their eyes
when you see your happiness in their smile
when everything they do and say is adorable
when everything they say just makes sense
when every song and poem is about them
when all you wanna do is be in their arms forever
sankavi Aug 2019
i hate my mom
i hate her so much

she makes me feel the worst feeling
i can feel my chest curl up and burst into a bunch of stinging bees
i can feel my voice crack as i try not to cry
i cut myself for a way to cope

she yells at me to cut myself more
to slit my wrists
but when i do she hits me and tells me im a terrible mentally ill daughter
then she makes fun of me for my bad habit
"aw you stubbed your toe? are you gonna go cut yourself"

i hate her
i hate her so much
i hate my mom
sankavi Dec 2019
i hate how you're constantly on my mind
consuming every part of me
my brain overflows like a huge ocean with big blue waves
my heart beats saying your name
every breath is another breath waiting for the time ill see you again
everything is about you
and i hate it
why can't it all be about me for once
sankavi Apr 2018
The most painful thing in the world
Is hurting someone you love
Something even more pain
Being forced to hurt someone you love

Having people breathing down your neck
Looking over your shoulder
Just to make sure you hurt the person you love
Even when you don’t want to

If there’s someone like this I swear to god I will punch them
People like this ruin love
Ruin friendships
Ruin lives

I hate people like them
sankavi Jul 2019
i just cut

i just cut

i keep saying that over and over in my head

i just cut

i was finally proud of myself
i went so long without doing it

i just cut

im not ok

i wanna die so badly

i just cut

i thought i was happy

i felt happy

i thought i wasnt depressed anymotr

i just cut

i dont want to live

i want to die

i just cut

i felt happy when i saw the blood dripping

im not happy

im not ok

im not good enough

im going to **** myself
i just know i will

im really not ok

i dont want to be alive

i want to take so many drugs

i want to be happy

i want to feel something again

i want to trust again

i want to believe again

i want to be happy again

i just cut
sankavi Apr 2018
im done
im done writing poetry about you
im done thinking about you
im done texting you
im done
im done with you

i dont need you
all you do is hurt me
and make me feel like ****
putting the blame on me for something i couldnt control

youre not who i thought you were
and im done
if youre reading this you know who you are
sankavi Dec 2018
when I first fell for you
i didn't think id fall so hard
"its just a crush"
or so I thought

I liked you
but you liked someone else

a year has gone by and now I'm in love with you
but little did I know
you were in love with me too

I love you
sankavi Apr 2019
im here
thinking endlessly about you
thinking about our conversations
your smile
how it brightens up a room

youre there
thinking about something else
not me

im here
please notice me

i hate how i care more than you do
sankavi Jun 2019
hey guys
im so ******* high righgt now
im ******* fly

im addict to smoking
i cabt stopo

sankavi Jan 2020
i am over you
but when you text me only when you need something
it hurts
a lot
sankavi Jan 2019
i remember when i was just an innocent little girl
the only drugs were advil
and the only drinking was juice boxes
the only kisses were for my parents
and i never had to take back my "i love you"

i didn't kiss every boy who wanted to use me
and i didn't get wasted alone every night
i didn't cry over anyone
and the only worry in my life was how much candy ill get

i remember when my biggest fear was the dark
now; the thought of people leaving and heartbreak consumes me

i miss those days
sankavi Feb 2021
and at the end of it all, will the abused become the abuser?
will the manipulated become the manipulator?
will the sky fall beneath our feet with the green grass above our heads?
will we begin to breathe fire and live underwater?
will she stop chasing the ones who will never love her?
and will he finally let in the ones who truly love him in?
will the world stop spinning?
will the universe stop expanding?
will the sun and the moon stop loving each other?
will we live until tomorrow?
will we fall in love again?
will we find out we were never meant to be?
will all the flowers rot?
will the snow stop falling?
will the fires burn out?
will we be happy?
will we finally begin to feel again?
sankavi Jun 2020
there's something about you
something so beautiful and powerful,
yet so evil and scary

you come and you go
texting when you're bored
and leaving as you please

you have a noose around me,
you know?

you keep me close
but always let go
and every time you come and go

the noose gets tighter
and tighter
until there's no more
sankavi Jan 2021
when i'm around you i'm
i try to get your attention but you never notice me
but you never notice

when i'm around you
i feel invisible
i feel like i don't exist
like i'm no one
like i'm dead
sankavi Apr 2018
Can I just say
All those broken promises really do hurt my soul.
I wish you didn’t say those things.
“I promise I will always love you”
“I promise I’ll always be there for you”
“I promise you’re the only one”
“I promise I’ll never love anyone more than you”
“I promise...”
“I promise...”
“I promise...”
all those promises you made
I believed you
Then slowly you broke them all
Funny thing is
I still trust every promise you make
sankavi Jun 2021
I can't stop thinking about all those times I said no
all those times I said I didn't want to when
when I pushed you off my body
"But why don't you want me to, you're so hot, I would want everyone to see my body if it looked like that," you said
as my eyes filled up with tears
I got up and left as I began to hear loud noises of objects being thrown to the floor as you screamed in anger
I was so scared
I waited at your porch in the freezing weather while the snow poured down, only wearing a long sleeve shirt knowing it would be hours until I was able to get picked up
thirty minutes later you came outside apologizing for your anger promising you just wanted me to be warm and safe and that you were done trying to use my body
I believed him and went back into his room
you turned on the tv and began to touch me again in all the same places
I looked at you with tears in my eyes and stayed silent while you did as you pleased
sankavi Feb 2021
I wake up in the middle of the night at 4 am to check if you've texted me
sankavi Jun 2018
sometimes i just want to grab you and say
i'm better for you
i love you more than she ever will
i can treat you better
i'd make sure you know i care and that you're worth it
i just want you to know i love you
and i always will
i just want you to know whats on my mind
sankavi Mar 2019
being in your arms
and kissing you

it all just feels too right
sankavi Jul 2018
it's just so sad
he's different
                but all he wants is to fit in
he's funny
                but he thinks his jokes are annoying
he's friendly
                but he thinks no one really wants to be friends with him
he's cute
                but he thinks he's not
he's amazing
                but he doesn't believe that
                he doesn't believe that he's worth it
                he doesn't believe something good will ever happen to him
it's just so sad
sankavi Jan 2020
now you know I like you

I guess you don't like me back though

that's ok, I still think you're the most amazing person:)
sankavi Jun 2019
I think it's so odd how we grow up so pure
we don't know what's wrong with the world
how it can be so evil and cruel

I think it's so odd how we grow up thinking we're going to be doctors
and firemen, or maybe a teacher
never thinking about becoming an alcoholic, a druggie, or an addict

I think it's so odd how we grow up thinking about the best futures
not preparing for the worst

it's all just so odd
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