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Sep 2020 · 1.6k
my closet doors pt2
S O P H I E Sep 2020
when i was a child
my father never checked the closet
i never asked him too
i knew what was hiding there
the secrecy and the skeletons i lay to rest
i kept it shut tightly
locked and sealed
like my mouth
never open long enough
for anyone to know what was going on inside
not even a locksmith could pry open
my closet doors
Nov 2019 · 1.6k
S O P H I E Nov 2019
my body is your canvas
lather lavender bites along my collar
leave lilac and imprints upon on my legs
press your lips to mine
and leave me blind
your love is artwork
all writings belong to sophia cannariato ©
Feb 2019 · 419
my closet doors
S O P H I E Feb 2019
closed doors
no sense of light
put your hand on mine
when cracks form
color will pour through
your head on my shoulder
a foot more or two
making out shapes

you kiss me
and the door breaks
this is about my first girlfriend and how it felt to be dragged out of the closet
Feb 2019 · 508
call out my name
S O P H I E Feb 2019
the weight of mortality is tiring
i want to tear it from my veins
bleeding silver and gold
till i can feel something again
i want to carve my name into my own heart
be on the ivory pillars of history
maybe one day they'll chant my name
or paint me into the constellations
and name galaxies after me

i, too, shall be eternal
Jan 2019 · 608
fever dreams
S O P H I E Jan 2019
in back alley ways and missed phone calls
i let the world know i couldn't stay
i waved goodbye to the front door
as i walked to the end of the world
i gave my body permission to decay
and gifted my soul to the north
i took a bite out of the sea
and rejoiced it overlayed
the acrid taste the pills left in my mouth
i layed down to take my bow
and woke up in the same place
and i don't know why i woke up.
This is about the first time I tried to **** myself
Jan 2019 · 530
perhaps, she's the one.
S O P H I E Jan 2019
with an accent of blood
a foreign tongue
vowels that sound of metal clashing
with fire flowing through her veins
armor for skin
feet that crush the earth beneath her
with electricity streaks through her hair
iron filled lungs
each breath invitingly toxic
with lips of silk
a voice cut from steel
thunder and war in her bones
with a grin made for battle
eyes speckled in ash
striding, powerful into the arms of death.
S O P H I E Dec 2018
a bird ***** its wings in Rio and there is a tsunami in Tokyo.
there is a tsunami in Tokyo and your father takes your mother to bed, calls her beautiful, does not raise his voice at her, does not leave her alone in a ***** motel room. she unpacks her suitcases and never leaves Missouri.
you do not form in her womb and she stops screaming.
a tsunami occurs in Tokyo and you do not exist and there is a break in the violence of our bodies. you disintegrate before me and I melt back into the earth where I belong and you never stopped loving me.
we unbecome the casualty of our own flaws.
we were never here. we were never gone.
a bird becomes road **** in Rio and you crawl into the womb of your mother, you are the 7th of 7 and the cause of your mother's stress. there is no tsunami in Tokyo and your mother packs her suitcase and leaves for Texas, she unhappily marries your father and stays with him to the bitter end.
there is no tsunami in Tokyo and your mother dies of lung cancer, your father leaves you in may, does not kiss you goodbye, does not look back at you, you pack your stuff and he sends you away.
the birds in Rio do not sing, Tokyo bay does not roar to life.
you are here. you cannot leave.
i got the inspiration from another poem although i do not know who it's by or what its called. if you know comment down below
S O P H I E Feb 2018
i am...

A-bstractly addicted to absolute abuse
B-y basketcase boys with nothing better to be
C-autious when I caught chaos
D-riving me delutional day by day
E-ven when everyone echoed into my ear
F-uck this familiar fatal feeling
G-oing after guilty guys
H-ardly having healthy habits
I-njuring my inner innocence
J-ustifying jaded *******
K-indly killing all
L-ackluster lovers so they dont
M-ention me making mistakes
N-ever not nervous
O-ver obsolete oblivion
P-inky promising people to stay
Q-uietly questioning my
R-eason to resolve all emoitions ripping right from my
S-tomach snaking their way to satisfaction
T-hrough tounges I never even wanted to taste
U-nable to grasp unhappiness
V-isiously turning up the volume
W-aiting for any kind of wasted warmth
X-eric eyes
Y-et again teary
Z-oning through endless time

until i'm right back where i started...
and i'm alone again
Jul 2017 · 892
do's and don'ts
S O P H I E Jul 2017
don't look forward
don't look behind
don't dwell on things
and don't be blind
stop to think
but don't get stuck in your mind
use necessary force
but don't become unrefined
find a route
but make sure you are not confined
know your limits
so you don't find yourself disinclined
don't blame yourself
especially if you find yourself inevitably intertwined
and most of all
find time to unwind
just a couple tips for life (-:
Jun 2017 · 584
S O P H I E Jun 2017
one single letter
that may crush your fragile heart
though sent with such ease
the receiver falls apart
i poured my heart out in a FREAKING LONG paragraph about why it mattered to me and he says "K"

what a **** face
May 2017 · 889
holding your hand
S O P H I E May 2017
the hand is the most flexible piece of the human body
26 bones in each
with a plethora of calcium and cartilage
they can perform a variety of motions
millions of years of evolution have funneled down
to billions of years of probabilities and somehow
despite the statistical improbability
of two people on a planet
of 7 billion
our hands fit together
as no one else's could.
May 2017 · 563
cliches are a lie pt.2
S O P H I E May 2017
they say a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down
so we bought my mom some cookies
to help the shots of morphine slide down her throat

they say pain is never permanent
so we all and hope and pray
that she'll go in peace

they say we should live in the moment
so we all sit around her bed and laugh
hoping we'll make a better memory than the last

they say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all
but every time i watch her struggle to breathe
i think it would've been easier if i had never loved her at all

then i think losing her wouldn't be as hard
cancers a *****
my life just feels like a movie about a girl who's going to lose her mom to cancer before she's ready.
i hate this
i hate this
i hate this
Jan 2017 · 546
S O P H I E Jan 2017
perhaps he tasted like heaven,
but he was my hell,
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
S O P H I E Sep 2016
you said you need space
so i grew the solar system
from my neck
in hopes you might make
me your space
i dont know
Jul 2016 · 833
S O P H I E Jul 2016
He thought she would stay
but she was smoke
dancing from his cigarette
entangling herself in his lungs
he could not hold her
she left swiftly and softly
flitting away through his exhale
May 2016 · 853
blind to love
S O P H I E May 2016
why do you refuse to see
what's missing in you
is clearly me
May 2016 · 920
32 floors
S O P H I E May 2016
look down
to speeding cars
look up
to endless sky
close your eyes and think
do i really want to die?
Apr 2016 · 18.5k
"hurt people hurt people"
S O P H I E Apr 2016
something i believe with all of my heart
the exact moment you are hurt, you hurt
without warning you are torn apart
you hurt yourself and those around you
darkness isn't something you can easily outsmart
but i will say piece by piece and day by day
you will learn to heal and your life will restart
((people who are hurt, hurt other people
= "hurt people hurt people"))
Mar 2016 · 684
cliches are a lie
S O P H I E Mar 2016
"it is better to have loved and lost
then never to have loved at all"

is it?
not to me. no, to me
It is easier to have never loved at all
It saves you from becoming
the mess and the brokenness
That you transform into
once you lose the person that meant most to you

you sit there
at 3:01
wide awake
in the same clothes you've worn for 2 1/2 weeks
you've cried to much
and yet it feels like you haven't cried enough

your mind
wraps you in a blanket
of barbed wire
made from your thoughts
you cannot move
more so you *won't
you're numb
not physically but emotionally
the kind of numb where you don't
care about anything anymore

all you can think is
You’ll never share coffee with them again
You’ll never kiss them goodbye
You’ll never see them smile or hear them laugh
And there’s literally nobody else in the world that can
imitate that one laugh

they will never leave your mind
even when you've stopped thinking about them
they're still there
in the back of your mind
on the tip of your tongue

*it is better to have never loved at all
then to have loved and lost
Mar 2016 · 948
l e t m e
S O P H I E Mar 2016
Into your mind

S h o w  m e
Your deepest thoughts

F e e d  m e
Your darkest lies
Mar 2016 · 485
S O P H I E Mar 2016
What is this?

Spilling from my eyes,

Caressing my cheeks,

And falling to my lips?

I taste slightly salty texture

Oh ****....I must be crying
What it feels like when you finally cry after a long time.

— The End —