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Aug 2019 · 582
Worlds Inside You
San-Pei Lee Aug 2019
In my search for the universe
I heard the wingbeats of a butterfly
Wandering from the moon to the earth
I saw the stars sprinkle dust of love
Onto lands uncharted
And in those moments
I discovered worlds inside you
Jul 2019 · 516
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
I need you
The way Earth needs gravity
To stay in light's orbit

Without you
I lose myself in light years
Afloat in space
Jul 2019 · 615
The Only Universe
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
The moment you touched my heart
I stopped searching for answers
For you were the center
Of the only universe
I ever desired to know
Jul 2019 · 338
Library of Past Memories
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
We hold onto
A library of past memories
Like they're the last breaths of the earth
But darling don't you worry
I write so that our story
Will forever live on in these words
Jul 2019 · 516
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Humans draw borders on land
As if Earth is unchanging
And our lives immortal to witness the stance
We lay claims to insignificant materials fleeting
But the world and so much more could be all yours
And all yours could remain for Earth's time
If we could only learn to fly our lands as birds do the skies
Traverse the currents as fish do waters

Because just what are you attempting to obtain
With these imaginary labels and lines invisible
Cowardly caging yourself in
From supposed evils of the world
Never to be wiped out
If you are harboring the worst of vices within
Jul 2019 · 856
Summer Stars
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Can you let my heart be your home
Because the only one I want to take refuge in is yours
Starscapes on summer nights
That we will always find ourselves returning to
Jul 2019 · 349
Sanctuary of Stars
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Sometimes I wake up
To seconds that float in oblivion
Before it all floods back in waves

Dreams sewed into webs of thread
Sunshine caught in shards of glass
Seashells echoed on ears' shores

But in a sanctuary of stars
Lies the peaceful silence of unborn stars
Jul 2019 · 625
Fever Dream
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
You're a fever dream
I'll never fully wake up from
Sending shivers down my spine
With just one look into your eyes

Heart rate escalating
Temperatures rising
My heart afire
In the darkest hours of the night
Jul 2019 · 6.5k
the girl cried wolf
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
the girl cried wolf
but no one took heed
to her teardrops of crimson

the girl whispered wolf
still rose petals shed into the night

the girl thought wolf
this time there was none left to listen
not even the wolf
Jul 2019 · 438
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
You can pin me down
But shattered scales will be all that is left
Wings bloodied
By a heart u n b l e e d i n g
Jul 2019 · 398
fires in the sky
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
a raging hollow in the chest
breathing air
still no combustion
darling just a spark
then perhaps
the heart's embers
crackle and burn
into fires in the sky
wishes in the night
Jul 2019 · 767
empty plastic oceans
Jul 2019 · 531
Halcyon Nights
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
No matter the dreams you have
I'd shift the stars to align them with mine
But if your purpose leads you far from me
For however long, I'd wait for your return ever patiently

If you ever find yourself lost at sea
I'd dive in to keep your soul company
My shadow rippling against the white of the moon
Even during the halcyon nights of winter

Because on our hearts
Flutters a matching pair of wings
Wherever you are
As long as you're willing, I will always follow
Jul 2019 · 766
Guiding Compass
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
You say I add colors to your days dull
But what is a few particles of color in your waves of rainbow
What is my ray of light lost in your starglow
Your radiance kisses my nights gold
The guiding compass I will always follow
Jul 2019 · 227
Lost in Truth
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
If we are playing a losing game
Waiting to see who first has a change of heart
Then there is no need
For I have already lost

But I'd let me lose myself in you
Time and time again
For to be lost in truth
Is alike to being found
Jul 2019 · 549
Dreaming Earth
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
The sky flower
Awaits the hour
When the trees and clouds meet
And the skies and oceans collide
When all that was shrouded in mist
Will transform to a vernal dawn
By the winged wand
Of the enchantress of our
Dreaming Earth
Jul 2019 · 737
The Moon and Its Phases
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
I'm not too different from
The moon and its phases
There are nights when
I don't want to do much
But stay darkened and unseen
Nights when I hang
With just a sliver of hope
And the clouds shift around me
Until I am half light, half darkness
A conflicted entity
And also nights of full splendor
Stirring musings in every dreamer

Would you still search for it in your night sky
A painted canvas similar to mine
With your heart unchanging
No matter the phase of the moon that evening
Would you continue to be the sun to its moon
Forever burning, knowing I will always revolve around you
Jul 2019 · 442
Storms of Magic
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Can you feel that day a year ago today
As if it was just yesterday
When hope and hopelessness both hung in the air
Like the breath held before fireworks burst into the night
The marvel of the glimmer for the seconds that the lights last
Then the disappointment after at the clear dark sky

But there must be something about us together
Both times there were supposed to be fireworks
Electricity hummed in the air
Because we don't need vanishing works of fire and light
When our hearts are already carrying them
My air above your earth making storms of magic lasting
Jul 2019 · 313
The Word "Love"
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
The word "love" (愛) written in my mother language
Contains the word "heart"
As does the word I use to tell you I "miss" you

A character that can also mean "think" or "want"
Because when it comes to you
My heart does the thinking
And all of my body
Wherever my heart's blood touches
Yearns for your love
Jul 2019 · 285
The United Divided
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
The United divided
Optimism can change progress
Justice matters
Make better and inspire
To be that dream
Jul 2019 · 506
Dreams Chased
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
I may be a chaser of dreams
But what if it is you I have been dreaming
Only you, the way you are, that I need

Then here I'd stay
My dreams chased
Jul 2019 · 220
Game Board
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
When you treat your land like a game board
Dictating people's fates as if moving pieces back and forth
Are you aware
That you are as much a piece of the game
Though others' lives may be at your mercy
Your life is in no means capable of escape
If you treat other lives as less valuable than your own
Without ever truly knowing love
In the end
You have the most to lose
Jul 2019 · 338
Sky and Land and Sea
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Starry sun
                                                         Pours vaporized gold
                                                  all it touches

Musical waves
dolphin fins and seagull feet

Breathe in the scent of
laughs lost                   tears found                    love gone
hearts sewn

At this time portal

The only rendezvous of                                                    
Jul 2019 · 530
Bridging the Distance
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Milky constellations studied for centuries by astronomers
Form a floating river separating two lovers
Every night they ponder
At which moment they could have started over

But not once does the daughter of the heavens
Repent on her escapade onto Earth
Nor the ox-herder regret his walk along the river
For never would their souls have stayed entwined for lifetimes otherwise

Was this eternal story of love always destined to end like this
But is this the end or merely a beginning

For if birds adorned in feathers of the night’s colors
Can be moved by their fathomless love
To craft a cosmic bridge on the seventh day of the seventh cycle of the moon
For a reunion that brings tears to clouds and smiles to the stars

Who is to say
That there won’t be a day
When that bridge will stay
Forever in the skies
Jul 2019 · 291
The Ghost of My Heart
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
The crescent moon gazed down at us
As I unrelentingly borrowed more minutes from Time
Two hearts burning flames in the night
Beneath our calm facades

My mind imagined my fingers tracing up your right arm
Casually resting on your steering wheel
But it would have been too much
For me to have to let go

And even my eyes averted yours
For they wouldn't have survived
Your starry oceans drowning
So my mouth talked about everything
But the blatant fact that Fate was again
Cruelly separating you from me

Now I am left with nothing
But the taste of your skin warm
Lingering on my lips
Haunting me awake at night

One bare second
When I so willingly
Let you steal my heart once more
After which I had to rush out of your car

Because one more second
And even the ghost of my heart
Empty beatings I need to survive by
In the darkness of the next nine moons
Would have been trapped
Under your inescapable spell

— The End —