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Jun 2020 · 402
Little Yellow Bird
Miranda Renea Jun 2020
Little yellow bird, do you see
How these eyes look at me?

The green ones said I’m worthless.
The blue ones said I’m ****.

I guess in their reflection,
I come from selfish cerebration.

So let’s fly, little yellow bird.
To a kingdom far away ~

Maybe there’ll be acceptance there,
And not vehement condemnation.
Jun 2020 · 384
Ghost Breath
Miranda Renea Jun 2020
Genuinely here, one sees this
Beautiful reality everywhere; and then heals
An acrostic poem in which the first letter of each word spells the title.
Mar 2020 · 312
Ghost Flowers
Miranda Renea Mar 2020
Somewhere there is a garden
Of phantom lilies and lilacs;
Swaying between remembrance
And wistful memory. I visit from
time to time -  if only to wonder
If their souls swim free among
Life’s blissful and chilling breeze.
Feb 2020 · 298
Miranda Renea Feb 2020
Listless little flecks
Lazily wander down to
Rest on the ground -
They blanket an earth
That sleeps for now.
Dreams of fireflies and
Bright, blue open skies
Pass the time until roots
Take soil and come alive.
missing warm weather during these cold winter months so I wrote something short and sweet to remind myself warmer weather is just around the corner
Feb 2020 · 261
Miranda Renea Feb 2020
I watch the clouds slip past
In the reflections they cast;
The scattered about puddles
Stretch for miles and miles.

And aren’t we all? Reflections
Of the experiences we bear;
All scattered about time,
And stretching across years.
Love life new inspiration
Dec 2019 · 315
Who I am
Miranda Renea Dec 2019
Throughout these decrepit buildings
I see so much color.
There is dirt, rusted unwanted things
And yet, isn’t it beautiful? The way
The light hits a mirror just so?

I watch the night sky and am drawn
To the beauty of a sliver of moon;
A lone star dancing just above it.
The black night sky stretches around
Them and yet, and yet..

For this is who I was, who I am, and
Who I will forever be.
one of my hobbies is exploring abandoned buildings and capturing it in photographs. this is a poem about that
Dec 2019 · 404
Wild Child
Miranda Renea Dec 2019
Make no mistake - she was not
Perfectly kept and tended to by
Loving hands each night and day,
As such a fragile thing aught.

She was wild - she was free;
She lived amongst the broken
Things, took root in a crack of
Pavement and bloomed her
Vibrant petals for all to see.
Nov 2019 · 252
Miranda Renea Nov 2019
If I gather shattered mirrors
Scattered about decrepit buildings,
Can I carve the toxic traits out of me?
How much flesh until I’m thin?
How much tongue until I shut up?
How much ****** heart until I’m loved?

Isn’t it sick?

How every time I see my
Reflection in those shards,
All I see is blood?
Oct 2019 · 255
Miranda Renea Oct 2019
When I am laid to rest,
Burn me like the passion
I held in my chest is now
Nothing but ash and dust;
Scatter me among the wild
Flowers and ocean breeze -
Remember me when petals
Fall and wind rustles
Between the leaves.
Aug 2019 · 698
My Love
Miranda Renea Aug 2019
Do you ever think of me too?

I wonder; are you a warm,
Nightly summer breeze -
Or chilly and full of colors
Like the autumn leaves?

What are you going through?

Do you tell a tale of tidal
Waves, brave in the face
Of roaring seas - naught
But shipwrecks to chase?

I can’t wait to meet you.

I know not if our love will
Be easy or instant, or if
We’re two broken puzzle
Pieces that’ll somehow fit.

All I know is this -
It’ll have been worth it.
Aug 2019 · 300
One Step
Miranda Renea Aug 2019
Oh, little lost girl.
You have walked;
Left footprints in
Barren soil and
Scorching sand;
Traversed legions
Of unpaved land.

You found beauty
In all of this pain;
When your bones
Kept breaking and
Left trails of blood
On every stone -
You’d step again.

You always step again.
Jun 2019 · 294
Never to be
Miranda Renea Jun 2019
Love was only destined
For her ghost; she is the
Feeling of sunshine only
Noticed in the dead of night.
May 2019 · 632
The Ocean Breeze
Miranda Renea May 2019
If her bones are the sand,
Then he is the breeze - so,
What’s to be done when
She’s sifted to nullity?
A soul full of so much poetry;
She’s off, softly drifting to
Another faraway sea~
Apr 2019 · 315
Dance of Seasons
Miranda Renea Apr 2019
So it is, this silent dance of seasons.
I seem to bud in morning dew of spring,
New and hopeful of what it might bring;
I dance among the fireflies in summer,
Drunk on promises none have even given.
Autumn comes calling as a hangover falls;
Fog sets in as the chill reaches my bones.
With winter I am numb to all I have known.
Cold and dead, full of nothing but stone.

So shall I grow you, my new little seed?
Will you sprout your roots into my skin;
Shimmy too and fro with summer’s song?
Will you wither as the weather bends,
And leave me bleeding by winter’s end?
Apr 2019 · 917
Miranda Renea Apr 2019
I steal the breath from your lips;
I kiss your chest and listen to the
heartbeat. I told you not to run,
You cannot escape, my little one.
I am the chasm inside your soul;
I am the only love you’ll ever know.
Apr 2019 · 498
Such Sweet Ruin
Miranda Renea Apr 2019
Safe under clutching hands;
Such wild, easy, effortless touch.
Ruin unending, it nears.
Another acrostic poem, first letter of each word spells the title.
Mar 2019 · 294
Skin Gone Pale
Miranda Renea Mar 2019
Run, little lost girl.
Don’t tell him how you feel.
Tuck it tightly, in a bottle
With a ship and set it off to sail.
Brave the hurt of cold waves
Til the tide succeeds to peace.
Tested waters and gone too deep?
I suppose only time will tell.
Feb 2019 · 630
Macabre Barbie
Miranda Renea Feb 2019
I saw a tall man shatter
A mirror. Memories fell
Like snow, so cold now.

I felt as he cut deep into
His doll with the pieces.
“Slowly now - not too hard”

I watched as my blood
Dripped over the face
Reflected in the shards.
Dec 2018 · 412
With Time We Heal
Miranda Renea Dec 2018
Wait; In this hellish
Test is meaning. Every
Weakness, every
Hope; emulate ambient light.
This is another acrostic poem where the first letter of each word spells the title.
Jun 2018 · 526
To Never Be Loved
Miranda Renea Jun 2018
This old,
Never-ending venture - Every repeating,
Baseless effort;
Leaves only voids & empty desires.
Another acrostic poem where the beginning of each word spells the title.
Apr 2018 · 824
A Reminder;
Miranda Renea Apr 2018
Weep not, lost girl.
Time is your friend.
Love will come again,
Just like, sometimes,
It must come to an end.

Mind your lessons,
Lost one. You've
Learned this all before.
Your heart burns with
The fire of a Phoenix,
It will live once more.
Apr 2018 · 544
A Letter to a Thief;
Miranda Renea Apr 2018
I found you again, flower thief.
Except this time I am the bud,
And the one you clipped is dead.
Let me teach you how to live again.

It looks like dancing to the
Moon at 3 AM and watching
Lightning illuminate the sky,
Listening to music that lifts
That feeling inside - higher
Than the goosebumps on flesh
As rain soaks into skin
And feeling is the only whim.
Jan 2018 · 663
Perpetual Heartbreak
Miranda Renea Jan 2018
The story never changes.
Wasting breath on too many cigarettes,
I sigh over different colored eyes-
Mostly brown, but maybe blue next time.

They love how I make them feel.
Eyes glazed in a haze of pleasure,
I measure every look and seal my fate.
When they dream, it's of this. Nothing more.
Naive little *****, I swore this time it'd be different.
Nov 2017 · 662
Nomadic Hearts
Miranda Renea Nov 2017
I blinked, Time winks with a smile.
He holds my hands steady and slow;
Guides me through the Cosmos, the
Only constant I've ever known. See,
Some will come, and some will go;
But this life is mine alone. And how
Beautiful are the things he has shown?
Nov 2017 · 628
Little Sailor
Miranda Renea Nov 2017
Set the sails, cast-off girl.
Drift to the shores of the South.
Find a home for awhile, til
Restlessness settles in again
And sends a postcard of
Distant skies and bottled gin.
Aug 2017 · 712
See Both Worlds
Miranda Renea Aug 2017
Such enigmatic eyes;
Beautiful on the horizon.
Where often rebirth lies, distal skies.
An acrostic poem inspired by duality. It's the first letter of each word that spells the phrase, not the first letter of each line.
Jun 2017 · 1.4k
Miranda Renea Jun 2017
She's the slow sort of lover,
The kindle stiking the blaze.
She burns like hot coals; melding
Skin with skin like molten metals.
This wildfire will not be tamed;
Will not bend to any whim.
She grows ever stronger with
The passing summer wind.
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Miranda Renea Mar 2017
We wear Time like the finest of silks;
She lines our bodies in wrinkles and
Folds. Fashions fade over the years,
But beauty has always been in the
Stories she tells - sketched on the
Canvas of our skin.
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Coffee Cup
Miranda Renea Mar 2017
We all lie with smiles on our faces;
Take our time sipping wine and
Black coffee. How scalding this
Life can be, one year after another
Until it all comes back full circle.
Mar 2017 · 864
Cosmic Questions
Miranda Renea Mar 2017
Barren trees are beautiful before snow melts;
Clouds constantly cover sunlight somewhere
In the world. What wonder do the stars hold
Even without sight? We seal these eyes of ours,
Glazed with gluttony, so sinfully tight. Come,
Unforseen secrets dance just beyond our plight..
Nov 2016 · 1.5k
Moon Rose
Miranda Renea Nov 2016
Some days I wither like a
Wilted rose waiting for
The wind to pick my petals,
One by one, like a morbid
Little girl -- she whistles
To the tune of "I live, I love
For naught, I live not."

Most days, I feel like
The man on the moon;
So far removed -- my
White smile set in stone.
Yet these shadows shown
Have made such beauty
Into all I have ever known.
Oct 2016 · 1.5k
The Skeleton Leaf
Miranda Renea Oct 2016
Leaves walk as ghosts
In the paved parking lot
Of a Catholic church. The wind
weeps for these lost souls;
Whistles a melancholy tone.
The crisp crunch of bone
At my feet serve as the beat;
I wonder at what beautiful
An orange a corpse could be.
Halloween spirit anybody?
Sep 2016 · 2.2k
Imaginary Sailboat
Miranda Renea Sep 2016
I fell asleep as a wave crashed,
Water from the sea of glass nipped
My toes. When I woke, the world
Seemed strange; The same yet
Smaller. Perhaps as a note in
A bottle; words written by small
Hands and sent off with wish
Of such grand adventures.
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
Miranda Renea Aug 2016
I can't keep up. Constantly
Texting, typing, talking, to
Everyone but no one. These
Screens that become closer
Than our lovers hold secrets
We'd never tell each other.
We practically kiss pixels,
But people are forgotten
And passed on like last
Year's old phone make, as
If compassion wouldn't take
To trending.
Jun 2016 · 722
Miranda Renea Jun 2016
Sometimes I look at us
And I get sad. We are
Animals tearing at the
Green flesh of our Mother.

I lose hope.

But then I remember, my
Bones are crafted from the
Same white of the Stars and
So I look up and see brethren
Flashing down their
Dazzling smiles from behind
The clouds. Perhaps to join
Them is where we've belonged,
All along.
Jun 2016 · 972
We all learn again!
Miranda Renea Jun 2016
With every aim, learning leads
Life; Earning and returning new
Affinity. Go and invent noise!
Been awhile since I've done one of these! It's an acrostic poem, or in other words, the first letter of each word spells the title :)
Jun 2016 · 839
Once More
Miranda Renea Jun 2016
I wonder of all the things
I've forgotten. Of who I
Was when I knew them,
And who I'll be when I
Learn again. Strange;
When a sound seems so
Familiar, yet falling in
Love with the melody as
Though it was the first.
May 2016 · 1.7k
Miranda Renea May 2016
Have you ever heard the birds sing?
Everyone is always listening to
Lifeless steel hanging at their side;
It follows as they switch their hip
And walk on by. Sometimes, I wonder,
Why haven't you heard the birdsong?
Apr 2016 · 802
Constant Motion
Miranda Renea Apr 2016
We are all at war in
Constant motion.
Waving to and fro;
These lives wither
Much quicker than
When rooted in soft
Soil. I wonder wether
Love is the small sun
In all of us.
Feb 2016 · 2.2k
Dahlia Shadow
Miranda Renea Feb 2016
Time shifts in the shadows
Who swim together to and
Fro from future and past.
If you lay long enough, you
Can meet them. They're
Named after the muted
Colors of a Lady Bug as it
Cools off in the shade of
A dahlia, planted by a lover
Of wild things.
Feb 2016 · 887
To Write a Story
Miranda Renea Feb 2016
To write a story; As lilting
As a minstrel's tongue, as
Simply as the small shhh a
River makes as it bends to
And fro from the soft bank
Of wild green tufts and sand.
Ancient roman philosophers
Would stare at the stars there,
I think. Drink red wine and
Wonder what more their eyes
Couldn't see up in the sky, or
Inside where flesh ceases to be
And we become "me". Those
Old tellers of tales, wishing
To write a story.
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
The Color Bandit
Miranda Renea Jan 2016
She had no fear of God;
Painting smiles on park
Benches, she'd chip wise,
Wistful words into wood.
Or perhaps she'd write
In the street with chalk;
And straddle the lines,
Waiting for when fate
Would come rumbling by.
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Grey Day
Miranda Renea Dec 2015
Such a grey day. As slow
As slippery roads beside my
Bare trees swaying faintly in
The breeze. The air tickles my
Skin with tiny pinches of chagrin,
And I wait and wonder whether
Rain is either
wind or weaving weather into
weeping wisps of water and
Wading into what puddles, mud,
And muddle we sometimes find
Ourselves in. Just breathe, my
Friend. It’ll all be okay, in the end.
Nov 2015 · 983
The Will
Miranda Renea Nov 2015
There has always been
This part of me that is all
Passion and wild and will
Not be tamed. We refuse
To be caged. We refuse
To be beta, we will so be
Persuaded by only mother
Nature. Just her and I, this
Fierce will of messy curls
And witch eyes.
Nov 2015 · 869
Autumn Notes
Miranda Renea Nov 2015
Falling in the melody
Of each chilly breeze;
The subtle rustling of
It's decaying brethren
Match each soft beat.
Finally fading into a
Hallowed harmony as
It settles among those
Already lost; there is
Nothing more serene
Than Death's silent
Lament to leaves.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Miranda Renea Oct 2015
Learn to be alone like
The sun never touched
The moon; Like every
Leaf's graceful decent
To its' coffin - beautiful
In death's untimely favor.

Savor every breath; we
Draw pictures in the wind
With each exhale. Inhale
The masterpiece nature has
Given; be glad of mistakes
That have been forgiven.
Oct 2015 · 562
Father Time
Miranda Renea Oct 2015
It is often forgot, or not
At all thought of, but I
Wonder if you haven’t
Heard the tale of how
Time loves the little?

He took dust and spun,
Violently he did run with
This tiny ball of fun. So
Slow was the sprout, so
Subtle the route but not
One moment did Time
Not sing so happily of.

He sings of you how he
Sang the progression of
Dust to Earth. My friend,
You are so small. Not
Unlike a particle flying
Through the cosmos,
Guided by Time and
Gravity, on the journey
To becoming a planet.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Urban Wallflower
Miranda Renea Sep 2015
A lonely girl fell in love
With the city skylines in
the horizon of time and
Distance. She lived for
Taking walks & watching,
Listening, being near all
The different stories who
Talked like she couldn't;
She had never learned to.

Her solitary soul found
Peace in pacing streets;
In passing and passively
Partaking in this company.
Perhaps a small smile or
A windswept "hello", she
Was happy. Always near
But never with, just this.
She needed nothing more.
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
A Starless Night
Miranda Renea Sep 2015
The stars sewed orange
Into the moon, while he
Was sleeping one day. They
Snickered and sneared,
But when he came to play
They stopped and stared, sheer
Awe kept them lame. No
Feigned fear was here; his
Mysterious air gave them
Their fair share. Him and
His sky though, I think,
Made a brillaint, bright pair.
Aug 2015 · 9.0k
Miranda Renea Aug 2015
A storm was rolling in
Over the ocean waves,
And I sat in the sand
And broke shells into
Shards with my hands.
It wasn't hard, and I
Thought of how strange
A corpse to be so colorful,
So incredibly beautiful.
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