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1.4k · Jul 2015
Medinah Aousunt Jul 2015
A canvas, Acrylic, brush, and pain.
The artist is simple morbidly sane.
Red for anger, love and hate,
Purple for royal, grey for straight.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
1.0k · Nov 2015
We Grew Up
Medinah Aousunt Nov 2015
There was a time when we were innocent, naive, and content , but we grew up.
Some sooner than others,but defaced by life's brute evasion nonetheless.

So innocent we were; danger was no further than the hard wood floor where cushioned pillows and books were our safety to the door, but we grew up.
Faced with hunger, desire, and needs; disgraced for difference, overwhelmed by ****** greed.

There was a time when we were innocent when emotions were simple.
We laughed when we were happy, cried when we were sad, but we grew up.
We learned there were tears of happiness and laughter within the pain deep inside our chest.
We discovered emotions weren't simple; they're more than 123, a thing to keep hidden, or deemed unfit to lead.

So innocent we were when "I love you" meant the world. An intangible bond between us and our Guardian, yet we grew up.
"I love you" are fighting words you have to prove, feel, and fear  'cause it can **** and heal all in the same gear.

Yes,  there was a time when we were innocent then a knock came upon the door. All glasses were shattered  and our innocence nevermore.
Poem Created By Medinah Aousunt
762 · Sep 2015
The Only One
Medinah Aousunt Sep 2015
I ponder over the words then write.
It's flowing,  I'm glowing,  everything is right.
What use to be intimate memories now visible in sight.
Decide on sharing 'cause  I know I'm not the only one.
Turns out I am the only one tonight.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
758 · Dec 2015
Medinah Aousunt Dec 2015
Screaming inside, no one can hear me pleading inside.
falsifying pride, no one can tell I'm dying inside.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
745 · Aug 2015
How to write poetry
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
I don't know how to write poetry;
It's hard to liberate my mind.
I don't know how to write poetry;
can't ruminate a single line.
I don't know how to write poetry;
all the good ones rhyme.
I don't know how to write poetry;
(I just have to find the time.)
Poem by: Medinah Aousunt
731 · Aug 2015
Safe Haven
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
I lay down and wonder while my reality unwind. The more serious  a situation  the deeper I climb.

Where dark things lurk and thoughts rewind.Where dreams render me sublime.

I'm lost through space and time
trapped in the essence of my mind.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
722 · Aug 2015
Irony of Living
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
We are all dead
buried in this grave of life
Constantly gasping for air
searching for the light
secretly dreading the end of sorrow
where everything is right.
We are all dead
cremated by the beauty of this hideous fire
the one we ironically call life.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
691 · Mar 2015
The Mask
Medinah Aousunt Mar 2015
Layers and layers devour me
concealing what I dare not see.
Despite protest, despite proof,
I'm buried alive despite the truth.
A bold face warrior holding back the past;
a cold case murderer molding up the  mask.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
684 · Nov 2015
Medinah Aousunt Nov 2015
I've waited a while to write this;
Dreamed of it for years.
I've waited a while to write this;
Screamed over it with tears.
I've waited a while to write this
Several years at least.
Ladies and gents to you I present my final masterpiece.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
677 · Jul 2015
Medinah Aousunt Jul 2015
Afraid to admit the truth, yet when he do
Judgmental eyes stare him down.
She can’t control what’s in their minds
So she dwell in the shadows and remain shallow.
In due time both will climb
From the warmth of darkness embrace.
Hoping they would’ve forgotten by now their flawless flaws and disgrace.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
656 · Aug 2015
Battle Within Me
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
Afraid  of what I don't know.
love what hate me the most.
Caught in a battle to be myself
when told the best thing is someone  else.

Extricated from defeat.
Accompanied by agony.
Forced to love irony.
Humbled by deceit.

To be myself self I must stay sound
Or change my stars uniquely.
No more innocence to be found
What a battle within me.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
628 · Jul 2015
Medinah Aousunt Jul 2015
I was born near the end,
thrown into the middle, and convinced I’m a sin.
I never belong anywhere,
but somehow I’m always here.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
607 · Aug 2015
Guardian Angel
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
I’ve tasted blood and pain, received scars and bruises, cuts and stabs.
I’ve wasted tears for years felt the knife pierce my back from all the wrong peers.
I’ve wallowed in pity and self-sorrow, looked up at the stars and dreaded my tomorrow.
I’ve seen loved ones maimed by the hand of abuse, hanged by the noose of sadism,
***** by the constraint of religion, killed by the gun of fear.
I’m in a constant acrimonious battle with my mind’s eye to let the past fade,
Let the horrors haze, but they only get stronger leaving a bitter after-taste.
Despite the pressure building inside me, you are the light that set me free,
You are the star that guide me.
You keep my mind looking towards the future and when I look back tear filled eyes as the demons creep back from underneath it is you with the softest touch turning my head by the cheek and with the gentlest of the gentlest kisses it is you who unite me.
Poem Created by: Medinah Aousunt
568 · Aug 2015
The One
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
You're  looking for your one
Your lover and best friend.
The one to compliment you, know you deep within .  

The one to accept your bad and love all your good.
You'd never admit it, (maybe you would.)

You secretly long for her on and off a whim or shyly wait in fear pondering over him.

Under temporary  lovers you wonder
If its right
very high stakes if it turn out not quite.

We are like puzzles you and I
merely pieces at  the start til we find that perfect someone to mend our broken part.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
508 · Aug 2015
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
We have caked our wounds with love
And hidden our pain with laughter.
It's the way we cope with tragic disaster.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
502 · Nov 2015
Secret Dreamers
Medinah Aousunt Nov 2015
Our minds are big, ambiguous,but rigged.
We think one thing of the other yet totally  dismiss  another.
Form concepts amidst time; lose track within its binds.
Tide thinkers, bold fakers, but content  with old makers.
"Tell us what to do"
"tell us how to play "
"Please old teachers, tell us what to say."
We pretend we are grown up in control of what we do, but it's all a lie, a cover up of truth.  Forever we continue  following, burning just a few; yearning and searching for something dangerous, wild and new.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
481 · Nov 2015
Medinah Aousunt Nov 2015
I  haven't written in a while.
It's not that I haven't tried, just
Lately that spark inside me has died.

Ever look at the world and all its wonders in admiration and think,  just maybe,
maybe I'll be a part of that wonder some day.
Well I have.
Shadowed by insecurities I have cried.  Swallowed in self loathing  I hide.  With every tear that escape my eye I have looked at the wonders of life and asked why.
The world's natural wonder doesn't come that easily because wonders don't talk to people like you and me.
We have to prove ourselves you see; weld and Learn scientifically. We have to embrace the night in sight to truly ignite the desired light.

So yeah, I haven't written  in a while. With all my will power I have tried I've been struggling  to survive, yet ironically the most important  part inside of me has died.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
449 · Sep 2015
A Poet
Medinah Aousunt Sep 2015
Everyone feel, but it's the poet who reveals the secrets we can't describe.
The definition of life is in the words a poet writes.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
449 · Jul 2015
So Much I Want to Say
Medinah Aousunt Jul 2015
So much I want to say but that old demon is there again holding my tongue in place.

So much I want to do, but that heavy ball and chain are causing me much strain.

See I don't  let my emotions get the best of me, but it's not my emotions that's the problem really.

It's the grip I hold on for tomorrow, head way in the clouds fill my reality with sorrow.

My negativity weigh me down, but a heavy head wears the crown.

I'm my own worst enemy; I fight wars and battles deep within me.

If I catch a glimpse  of my future,  I run and hide beneath the covers, afraid what fraction of my past may no longer be a mystery.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
432 · Sep 2015
Silent noises
Medinah Aousunt Sep 2015
A dog's bark echo in the distance.

Crickets chirp beyond brick walls.

One faintly hears the owl's sweet call.

A pounding heart beneath the shall.

In the silence noises seep

leaving the listener to silently weep.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
403 · Aug 2017
When you smile
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2017
Tears trickle down my face as I sit and wait.
The silence, the lightning, all makes me frightened.

when you smile I can't hear it the screaming of my demons.
When you smile all my pain wane and fade away my shaking heart.

My aching heart's awaiting,  wondering what's missing.
Iv'e been dreaming for a while now old dreams with a furrowed brow,
but When you smile I can't hear it the screaming of my demons. when you smile all my pain fades and wane away my shaking heart.
song written by Medinah Aousunt
396 · Aug 2015
The Poet
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
There are a million words to describe  one feeling, but never enough to start the healing.
No one knows this better than the poet.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
361 · Jul 2015
The Host
Medinah Aousunt Jul 2015
I have everything compared to some and nothing compared to most.
My mood doesn’t fit my personality;
My shoes are ******* gross.
My name shout “stranger!” to the mind.
My fist cause danger all around.
My hairs uneven (I never cared) and my styles the symbol of “the weird.”
I have everything compared to some and nothing compared to most.
In this body I’m a guest; and a stranger stranger is the host.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
328 · Jul 2015
Most Days
Medinah Aousunt Jul 2015
Most days I'm okay.
I get by with a smile, a nod
or sigh so delay.

Most days I suppress
blabbering thoughts and memories of chaos and stress.

Most days I try
To find empathy inside
but it's to hard to comply.

Most days I struggle
Finding where I belong
Drowning in what may appear a puddle.

Most days I see
And I mean clearly see
There's just no point for people like me.
Poem Created by Medinah Aousunt
297 · Aug 2015
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
I have heard many times
"No one's perfect," but that's a misconception.
Everyone is perfect  in their own way.
You are perfectly you and I'm perfectly me.
poem by Medinah Aousunt

— The End —