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Oct 2017 · 349
Andy Hunter Oct 2017

Nov 2016 · 782
12.15 La Corazon Loco
Andy Hunter Nov 2016
We talked before eating
About place


Then went straight
To tapas

One lasagne to share &
Two patatas

We talked so much about timing that
To fill up our mouths
We ate with a relish we'd
Seldom shown
Each other

And took too much

Went to cut up the pasta
Sharing, as ever

But 2 bay leaves
Lying, deep inside
Resisted the knife

Leaving a ragged edge
Between us

We stopped - smiled

Really sure

Nov 2016 · 536
Oct 2016 · 2.5k
Skimming stones
Andy Hunter Oct 2016
That person who gets you, lifts you
As the stone that fits your hand does
Who loves you as the stone from your hand
Skims out across the sea, loves you so
Many times more
Than you can count

Whose love seems older than the stone
Smoother than its perfect roundness
Whose eyes seem deeper than the sea
During the endless time your eyes
Meet. And the feeling

In your heart
Of that stone
That oldest

Skimming light, skimming fast
Skimming away

As it fades
As it

Oct 2016 · 1.7k
Tod lieder
Andy Hunter Oct 2016
6 happy songs

1. Oui hear
What we appear
What, we appear?

Capturing the in
The expressable in it
Capped in it

Together to gather
To Get Her - To Gat Her
Two Gets-together

Troubling isn't it
Very troubling
Trouble some
Some troubles in ning
Inner rings

Der Rinks

2. Vert
Over therr
Overt therr
Knew a woman who was livin
Oh Vert Herr!

Oh Vert Herr!
Over therr
Err a woman who is livin
Oh Vert therr!

3. Bleu
A cloud farmer
I eye the sky
Eye the sky
Eye the sky
A cloud farmer
I eye the skye
Eye the sky

4. Blanc
Here is the blank
The blanking blank
The blanking blank
The blanking blank
Here is the blank
The blanking blank
The blanking blanking blank

5. Rouge
They come to me in ones and twos
Ones and twos
Ones and twos
They come to me in
Ones and twos
Ones and twos it's

6. Noir
Brush away noir noir
Brush away noir
Brush away noir noir
Noir noir no
More No more
Noir noir no
Sep 2016 · 835
Andy Hunter Sep 2016
Let me not forget
The magic of days
Gone by

In love
And in loving

When I'm old let me yet
Be young in my mind

And in love
Sep 2016 · 744
tig & tag
Andy Hunter Sep 2016
you were tig

I was tag

bright pink wellies

a duffel bag

the snowball

that I threw

I wonder if

you ever knew


was always

Jun 2016 · 615
4 Haiku
Andy Hunter Jun 2016
Swallows, House Martins,
making nests under the eaves;
you glance, too busy.

Alone on a bench,
things in mind, as yet - unsaid;
weeds find cracks to grow.

Flowers, by the path;
blue - so overgrown. Today
we go no further.

Dried stalks of grass stand
in an old ink jar, writing
yesterday's words.
Nov 2015 · 379
Super 8
Andy Hunter Nov 2015
Whoever called it that
never knew.

The colors are beyond real - just
like they are in dreams. But dreams

never come back on you, not
as dreams.

The rattling whirr
of the projector; the couple

walking into the distance,
taking everything with them.

Sep 2015 · 707
Andy Hunter Sep 2015
Snake skins

in the dark
- each

  the friction of living
Aug 2015 · 751
God si love
Andy Hunter Aug 2015
I could talk about the fallen.
Pink blossom

lying on the green grass.
As if the fall of something


you might cry


I could talk about the flowers

"smothering the branches of the tree"
thickly. As if

they symbolize love.
Or something

like it -

bright. We

could praise the Lord this way.
Some King

of some Heaven. But
that would be an image.

A pale reflection of our hope
for the wind-

fallen seeds.

it's just a tree.
Not a glance upon the face

of some deity;
a piece

of eternity.

make an image out of love?
Isn't love

May 2015 · 571
Flower shop
Andy Hunter May 2015
Wreaths & Sprays

Fancy Bouquets

All the promised

May 2015 · 484
To stop before
Andy Hunter May 2015
Hey Lady!
Lady! Hey!"

Words approximate to:
are proximate to:

Tickets and newspapers and lights
and people not talking but
silently listening.


Numbers are doors into places that
are yet to be
are not yet been;

are ahead
are rolling ahead
are ahead of us all.

Emptying streets in the sunlight as
something important happens with
outcomes - unknown outcomes.

Beneath everything they say:
nearly everything that is said:
acknowledging what appears to be said.

"Do you think we need to lose some weight?
No, really -
do we ?"

Where did they go with that why
Nothing was said to nobody
Who didn't hear?

- Travelled so far

Additionals attract the many.
Fewer are the fewer and fewer.
The subtractors haven't.

Gather no moss ye rose buds
Ye flying clocks
Melting onto these tableaux

What is it
Is it
It is

How far down do they plumb
This line - how long
Strung along

[Woman] so very far
Yet still so very far
To go

How far?
How to say how far?
How to say?

To the end of anything at all -

is this then the end
of the end of things,

Apr 2015 · 926
The fall of snow
Andy Hunter Apr 2015
It's nice having new snow
covering the back garden
in the morning

like a visitor has come
bringing things

good things

not expecting a gift
given back
Apr 2015 · 2.1k
The Food Chain
Andy Hunter Apr 2015
A Jurassic forest - a
tense moment watching
my T Rex, grazing lightly
on the jugular

vein of some docile lizard, with
a toothy grin, when
Alan's mum stomped into the room
bellowing dinner

time and the intervening million
years or so turned
in a whirl of pages, tumbling
legs and screaming kids, and a jumble

of Alphabetti Spaghetti tubes, limp
in their bloodied ketchup pool,
clearly out-flavoured
the remembrance

of things
Mar 2015 · 879
Andy Hunter Mar 2015
Swimming in brackish waters off of Helsinki thinking
These waves are very high and very frequent I felt ****
(I hoped it was ****) brush at my feet then something rough
Scraped against my thigh as my breast stroke failed
To keep my head held high and slightly salty water went
Into my mouth and across my eyes and I stopped

Treading water long enough to rush one hand over my face to clear
Things up and kept telling myself as I swam further out no
There's no sharks in the Baltic what you felt
Must've been **** or a rock and even

This far away a thing
Can touch you

And you're never really sure
What it is
Mar 2015 · 695
Andy Hunter Mar 2015
In this dream

  you're walking in a wood
  stopping sometimes
  to pick up sticks

In this dream

  you're making up bundles
  tying them with twine
  to carry them home

In this dream

  I'm a couple of steps

Feb 2015 · 550
Andy Hunter Feb 2015
Where does the time go
When your holding those
You love?

Time flows out of you
Into the love. And the love

Only grows
As your time
Jan 2015 · 779
Going through Eden
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
everything stopped

An Oystercatcher paused
orange beak stuck
in the sand

Curlews stood
their long beaks curling
back to the land

A Sandwich Tern caught
also stopped

Even the noisy Ravens didn’t
tumble down

Satellites and stars    unseen

as the tides



Slowly        we made our way

in hand
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
Where the rising field
under the light
taking the land out   up
into the sky
and you've no idea what lies
on the down *****
to a ditch
past a scattering
of cows;

beyond the lamp in the window
where the unshut curtain
as a figure appears pauses
bends to look at something     takes
it away and leaves
to read and read;

at the bus stop people
waiting for a number
a shape

a co-incidence of time
and place;

and you've no idea who
or why:

this the axis
of the mind.
Jan 2015 · 567
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
The cry of the Common Gull
is a yik;

it’s a wild
and high-pitched

It sounds like an Apache
in an old Western
the moment before he strikes the Cowboy
with his Tomahawk.

When there are a few Common Gulls together
all making that high-pitched war-cry
it sounds just like an attack:
I look to draw the wagons
in about.

As soon as I hear them I’m back
down in the Cove
playing Dead Man’s Dive;

it’s almost as if
you were alive.
Jan 2015 · 572
Late snow
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
It snowed on the day
she died

It was April
I knew it wouldn’t lie

I made toast
and tea

the noise of my phone
still ringing

in my mind

I watched the lovely
big fat flakes



They looked like feathers
curled with gravity

drawn back down
to earth
Jan 2015 · 625
On the hill path to Shinjo
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
There's a small temple near here

The dry grass around it bends
   rattles and snaps
   in the constant

Dust blows up in clouds that whip
   across the wooden stilts
   and fall

A temple
   to the ancestors

Hand-painted clay pots
   within a quiet recess hold
   their ashes

at rest
Jan 2015 · 393
Still waters
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
listening to you sleep
I hear your sighs
your little mouth explosions
& cries

surface calm
rippled by an eddy
of whys

you whisper in your sleep as if
the secrets that we keep
are wide awake and turning

somewhere in the deep
beneath your eyes

I wonder in the darkness if
we’re drowning in our lives
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
take away the orchid
from the sill

watch the shadows

close the window on your day

as the lights

pull the curtains
go to bed

put the pillow on your head

they’re coming in
they’re coming in

Jan 2015 · 555
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
languorous monkeys

out across the branches
and the canopy
of the high

up through the valleys every year
with spring among
the flowers
the bees

the quiet hours
the blossoms
the fleas

here the beauty
of genes
Jan 2015 · 631
Quarter past yesterday
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
Twisted water
gives labels
                           of light

Black          Flat

Swaying walls take flight:

Stone upon Stone upon Stone

never seen to dance dance
till quarter to me
Yesterday still

it seems
Jan 2015 · 830
Brasso (con basso profundo)
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
Daffodil binoculars cup
the crispy
yellow rice.
candles pencil
my jars
into receipts.

Mats burn crystal windows
that the wind will eat.

Greener flowers
          that jump
     and book
the sky
will swim towards being.
A crescendo

stuck within the tube
seeding the bird feed.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
the water in the water
tank drips

the waters isn’t water
for my lips

the water is
the drips

somewhere deep within
the level slips

Jan 2015 · 538
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
Up at the top of the acre
where the overflow stand-
pipe comes up
out of the grass,
there's so much running
water that reeds and rushes
have taken over
and choked up the land

In the evening
looking up to the window
as I wash
I see a family of roe deer, down
from the woods
in among the reeds

In the morning
they're still grazing there
as if nothing’s

Jan 2015 · 557
Purple hearts
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
the award of this medal is made to this man for    
I think it was a woman who once said that love
is composure under enemy fire and a small act
of extreme slowness a willingness to endanger
his life between two people who think but time
and again returning to the field he maybe really
didn't know who ultimately sacrificed his life
either of the two parties ever were or when they
whilst carrying the fallen from combat and he
first really gave then broke each others' forever
will be cherished
in our aching
Jan 2015 · 628
Andy Hunter Jan 2015
Having no sense of the new      Having
only the sense
of a continuous now      Having
no sense of the new Having only
the sense of a continuous
now   Having no
sense of the new    Having only the
sense of a continuous now    Having no sense
of the new    Having only the sense
of a continuous now     Having no sense of
the new     Having only the sense of
a continuous now     Having no sense of the
new      Having only the sense of a
continuous now

— The End —