Simple art
Abstract art
Personal art
Expressed in different ways
Some write songs
For the feelings that sing along
Some dances with the beat
And tries to pull the crowds with it
Music it is
Music's your only friend when you feel alone in a crowd
In a party, in won't be fun without
But sometimes the person whom we think we can trust
Can be a traitor and start acting so unjust
Music can be two-faced
Hurt you in the time of sicked-age
Pain will blow up inside you
It won't stop until you decided to think it through
Drawing, painting, building
A bird, a sea, a tree
Anything that kicks from the inside
Would want to be expressed in an artist's mind
You've no choice but to let it go
Cause sometimes, it is the only choice you know
Writing is the simplest and the thorough
It completes all the art show
Can't be understand by the narrow-minded
Can be the escape of the one who's interested
Takes time but worth it
Especially if the message conveyed is at its peak
This poem is my explanation of different kinds of expressing art. Every person has one in their character. It might seem hard to discover but trust me... everybody has.