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Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Teenage Mess Jan 2016
I’m so tired of that just friends ****.
How far can we take this? When do we stop labeling our love as a friendship and call it what it is?

I’m so tired of these one night stands, rushing to put my clothes on after ***, leaving no trace of myself but the sent of our lust filled passion on your sheets.

I’m so tired of hiding in the shadows, being your late-night *******, saying “I’m just not ready for a relationship.” Yet your ready to spread my legs, and i let you because of the trance you put me in when i look in your eyes.

I’m so tired of being that girl.
Jan 2016 · 536
Teenage Mess Jan 2016
I’m seeing signs on the road map that aren’t actually there, On the high way to hell I really don’t care.
Jan 2016 · 540
Teenage Mess Jan 2016
You **** me every night in my dreams and the sad thing is, I let you just to feel your warm skin touch mine, even if it’s only for a few seconds.
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
Sink or Swim little one
Teenage Mess Mar 2015
As a kid your parents always tell you not to go in the deep end till you can swim.
But not mine, she threw me in, told me sink or swim.
Oh how I sank like a 90 pound rock.
Oh how I hit the bottom with bone breaking force.
Oh how I tried to scream but was welcomed with lungs full of water.
Oh how she turned her back, to busy to care.

I died that day, the thing that swam up was in fact not me, she began to welcome it with open arms...

Till she shoved it back down too,
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
Train Station
Teenage Mess Mar 2015
I stood there waiting for what seemed like eternity.

Right there
Where I was supposed to be.

4 o'clock on the dot
that's what you said.

"We'll run away together, just you and me love."

But there I was, waiting at that lonely train station, alone and broken.

So goodbye my love, I am running away, but I suppose I'm leaving some baggage behind.
Jan 2015 · 591
Teenage Mess Jan 2015
You said we'd be forever, a love that'd go down in history.
But where it went wrong is a mystery.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Teenage Mess Jan 2015
Close your eyes drift into a peaceful dream state.
But wait it's not peaceful, it's a war zone.
Destruction surrounds you, can you feel the hate?
This isn't a dream.
This isn't a nightmare.
Welcome to reality.
Jan 2015 · 722
walk alone
Teenage Mess Jan 2015
Is there love in store for me?
Or will I always be just a fling?
Oh can it be?
Cuppid shooting arrows, hear him sing!

But alas its a lie.
The arrows are fates cruel messangers,
Delivering my tail of woe.
The tale stating I must walk this road alone.
Jan 2015 · 627
Teenage Mess Jan 2015
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Now that's a trick question because I don't even see myself surviving till tomorrow.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Pursuing Happieness
Teenage Mess Dec 2014
Life, the pursuit of happiness.
Some will go insane trying to fine this "happiness".
They say its just a chemical in balance in your brain,
"Here pop some pills, tell yourself you're happy!"
But what if somewhere along the way we forgot what happy was.
How can we pursue something when we have no idea where to find it, how it feels, what it looks like.
Everyday we'll wake up and place a twinkle in our eyes, a 1000 watt smile on our faces so that those around us don't know.
So that even though the chemical imbalance is there,
And even though we don't know what it feels like, the others around us can go on finding their happienss , forgetting about any of our troubles.
I wrote this because I do it, I see it everyday, I see the pain behind the twinkle and the sadness behind the smile. Please keep fighting my little soldiers, you are strong and beautiful. But most importantly, you are not alone in this hellish struggle.
Dec 2014 · 936
Teenage Mess Dec 2014
I know it's coming, call it woman's intuition.
I see it in your eyes like a sick, twisted vision.
Dec 2014 · 545
This is the song
Teenage Mess Dec 2014
I'm sleeping, no not living.
The beat wakes me up, no brings me to life.
The lyrics speak to my soul, singing the perfect tune.
Like a puppeteer it controls me, dancing, moving my body across the room.
This is the song, the song that keeps me awake.
This is the song, the song that keeps me alive.
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Teenage Mess Oct 2014
A cut here.
A cut there.
I am in need of such repair.

A tear on the left.
A tear on the right.
Oh, so many sleepless nights.

One pill..
Two pills..
Three pills more.
Oh, what the heck I'll just take 24.

Anyone there?
I'm starting to get real real scared.

I made a mistake.
Now it's to late.
I'll see you later, at heavens gate.
Oct 2014 · 730
All of Space
Teenage Mess Oct 2014
Float through the milky way.
Watch a star die.
Ask for a love song from an alien.

Dance around Saturn on it's rings.
Rearrange the stars to spell your name.
Anything for you, My love could fill space.
Sep 2014 · 586
Teenage Mess Sep 2014
Every cut, new and old.
Every drop of warm blood.
Every salty tear.
Every suicidal thought.
Everything traces itself back to you.

You, who beat me till I broke.
You, who ***** me to hear my screams.
You, who said "I love you" everyday.
You, who created the monster inside of me.
Sep 2014 · 8.6k
Like Super Mario
Teenage Mess Sep 2014
I thought I was cured.
I thought that life might be like Super Mario, you were the villain that shrunk me and all I had to do was find a super mushroom to make me big again.
But life is never like a video game.
My super mushroom tricked me, it only worked for so long.
Now everything triggers your memory and I feel so small.
So I've been falling back into my old habits, I guess I'm not as over it as I thought.
Sep 2014 · 15.9k
Teenage Mess Sep 2014
Princess in your tower, won't you please come down?
I know your hiding, afraid of the world but I promise to protect you.
Sep 2014 · 14.0k
King and Queen
Teenage Mess Sep 2014
This time I'm going to take the crown.
Ruler of my own life.
Be the Queen and the King,
No more bowing down.
Now you'll see you no longer have control over me.
I've always let his opinion of me rule over what i think of myself, but I'm trying so hard to be more confident.
Sep 2014 · 701
A Song to Sing
Teenage Mess Sep 2014
When your smile begins to fade,
Princess please remember me.
You are not alone on this treacherous road.
Down the country side we'll go
Leaving trails of marigolds.

If you ever forget me,
Please don't say its easy.
You are not alone on this treacherous road.
Back and forth we must go,
Living life solo.
So i sing this all the time, I've looked to see if it an actual song like everywhere and i can't find it. But yeah, i sing it like a lullaby i guess.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
You're the reason
Teenage Mess Sep 2014
You're the reason looking in the mirror is so painful.
I can't even glance at my reflection in fear that you'll be there.
You're the reason i don't let guys touch me.
The thought of feeling the way you made me feel is sickening.
You're the reason dragging the blade across my skin feels so **** good.
Honestly it feels better than remembering what you did to me.
You're the reason suicidal thoughts come so easily.
So please just leave me be.
So this is about my former step dad. um so yeah.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
The boy getting beat by his father will grow up strong, never backing down because he's had to fight his whole life anyways, right?

The girl being ***** by her step dad will grow up loving everyone and hating herself because everytime she looks in the mirror she sees him. But no one can know. So the mask goes on, right?

The 16 year old got pregnant but the daddy bailed, now she's gotta figure out how to care for a baby. She deals with all the stares cause she loves her and now she's just some *** not a regular person, right?

The single dad is raising his daughters as best he can. He knows nothing, just wishing their mom haven't died giving child birth. But now he's looking for help in another woman and suddenly he's incompetent, right?

But I guess what I'm trying to say is everything society as painted on us like big warning labels isn't always right. Right?
I don't know how I feel on this one, pointers would be great. :) peace out home skillet
Aug 2014 · 357
When you
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
When you stopped touching me, did you think I would be needy for you?
When you said "its over" , did you think I would cry?
When you walked away, did you think I would crumble?
When you pushed past me with your new *****, did you think I would go crazy?

I did become needy, everyday wishing your ice cold glare would shoot my way just once.
I did cry, all night, wishing I would wake up and realise it was all just a dream.
I did crumble, I fell like a statue in an earth quake and you weren't there to piece me back together.
I did go crazy, but long before your *****... I went crazy the day I met you.
This is from like 3 years ago. Lol I know it ***** ****.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
She Used To
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
She used to yell when i stayed up for four days straight.
She used to cry when I'd come home late.
She used to scream every time i got high.
She used to ask about every cut i tried to hide.
She used to do a lot of things.
She, my mother, used to care...
Now she doesn't even have an ounce to spare.
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
Close Your Eyes
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
Close your eyes.
Dream of the day when happiness isn't forced upon your face
Close your eyes.
Inhale the sent of wildflowers surrounding you.
Close your eyes.
Let the sun warm every inch of your cold heart.
Close your eyes.
Believe in better days.
Close your eyes.
Everything will be okay if you just close your eyes.
Sometimes i just need to close my eyes and take a deep breath, telling myself it will be okay, i always imagine myself in a field of flowers. This is what helps me calm down i suppose.
Aug 2014 · 22.0k
Lust and Lovers
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
All colliding into one.
Mingling together,
Keeping the flame of lust burning as bright as the mid-noon sun.
Cool breath fanning over burning skin.
The love they feel never wearing thin.
Wrapped safely in her lovers arms feeling far, far away from any harm.
Aug 2014 · 652
Long Dark Hallway
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
A hallway with a door at the end.
All the lights lining the hallway are as bright as the sun.
Suddenly one by one they turn off.
You start running
Afraid of what is lurking in the now dark corners.
You're so close to the light, you can feel the warmth caressing your outstretched hand.
But your legs are getting tired, you've been running for far to long.
So as you slow down, hope starts to slip away that the light will ever be that close again.
You no longer see the light.
But don't worry, if the demons don't get you the angels surely will...
This is my explanation of how MY depression feels.
Aug 2014 · 417
I am
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
I am the girl sitting alone at the lunch table.
I am the boy who reads to escape the world.
I am the teenager hiding their wrist in shame.
I am the single mom drowning in bills.
I am the Person standing on the edge begging for courage to fall.
I am the shadow no one would miss.
Aug 2014 · 296
Just Forget
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
The ***** burns going down but that's nothing compared to the pain you put me through.
I'm still just trying to forget, but every dream i have makes me re-live it.
Every bruise on my skin, Every cut from the dull knife, Everything from that night still burns so bright in my mind.
But i never spoke, i never screamed, i never shed one single tear.
Yet you kept going, you kept hurting me.
That's how you taught me of the birds and bees,
And this is how ****** up you made me.
Aug 2014 · 585
I still remember
Teenage Mess Aug 2014
I still remember the feel of your warm touch against my cold skin,
The way i held onto you for dear life and you hardly touched me.
I still remember your laugh,
Like a musical melody playing as i told a cheesy joke.
I still remember the pain i felt as you told me of your latest hookup,
Hiding the hurt in my eyes, the breaking of my heart.
I still remember the day i stopped calling you first.
Waiting, hoping that maybe your name would pop up on my screen showing you cared.
But you didn’t, you never cared.
Too you? I was just there.

— The End —