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Karijinbba Jul 2018
I have been shy with you
because in secret I SIN
until I melt in your arms
like a candle all night
shy I will be
Unrequieted I've become
in secret I remained loving you
all of my life since we met
when I've been all alone
mad passionate love
I made to you
all the night long
but mostly
I  missed you that much more
when I wasn't all alone
and that was my misfortune  
in secret I learned how to
be loving to you
after you left me p/r
just like Rhett
left Scarlett
I wasn't greedy in this life time
I've seen what
jealousy and greed
can do to lost souls
hating me for the absence
of what they had in excess
ignorance and superstition
many a time they did hurt me
some bid to take my life
and I did weep
I did CRY for your love
for many other reasons
too painful to mention
my lover of life you
knowing me was loving me
had you given me a chance
it got harder not to miss you
as each desolate year flew by
cruel Mr time added penance
to my treacherous path
another queen
took your heart
reading into my soul's
inscripted scarler "A"
my heart resigned in a void
when despair plunged  
your daggar on me
many times I promised myself  
to show you love if you ever
I planed to blindfold me  
or meet you in the dark
that you may see my secret
stars sparkling in full array
to earn your love back
I planed to blindfold you too
  to break the
nefarious silence and gap
so you could feel how identical
from every angle we were
interchangeable twin flames
what a rare occurance
that is
the sun light of God
in you face did blind me
the look in your grassy eyes
burned me up
blew me or re-arranged me
froze numb me
only you had that power on me!
you too the light of God
in my face you could see
all sumissive to you
the years now passed
its Winter love
my old lovers, silence, grief martirdum & regret
refused to leave me alone
how I hated them!
and then some
the bad with the well intentioned ones I also refused
my inner core loved only you

please thaw me slowly now
don't dig your knifes in me
can't you see
I've put everything to sleep
who can live in your love without you
in every life time you left me
for another woman
each time I took my life
in jealousy I drowned
in silence I died
  the woman who loves you
the MOST
in this whole wide world
Karijin! Jump in my pool
now all my lovers have
finally given up and left me
if you still wish to see me cry
USE honey HUG me
kiss me with your Rhett kiss
spirit breath of life
and if you can't
look at your STAR
in your bed
remember my
constellation is Aries
Gods love bid we should
have married
once upon a time
to change the world.
no more class rich could
marry  poor
You changed my life, love
you Rocked my world
I love you forevermore
don't dig knifes to see me cry for my diamond or my wedding ring try k uphoney to catch my honey bee. Sorry I stung you I died in pain love of my life
I loved you with a love which had no beginning no end omnipresent you remained my twin shy mam
“Top of the Morning to ‘Yuh, Guv’nuh.”*

Oh, to be father of a
Cockney flower girl,
To be Eliza Doolittle’s
Dear old Dad,
Alfred P. of that surname.
Oh, to be a cockney dustman,
On this fine day,
Another fine day in
Northern New Mexico, as I
Sell my daughter to
‘Enery Iggins, or
Some equivalent
Princeton poofter.
I am Rhett Butler,
Daring blockade-runner,
Persona –non-grata*
For any decent
Family—including my own,
Charleston Carolina.
In time, I crave
Social acceptance for
Bonnie Blue—my ill fated
Would-be equestrian offspring;
I surrender my daughter to the
Upper Class.
Don Bouchard Jul 2014
She followed him out the front door
After his failure to give "a ****,"
Her lonely wail above him soared,
And he turned while she took her stand,
She tried begging him urgently,
"Rhett Butler, please don't go!
Old Ashley's gone as you can see,
And I've done what I didn't know...
Oh, Rhett, won't you come back, please?"

But he kept his word, let not even a moan
Gave no second thought to the dame,
Rode off to a life of wealth on his own...
And drove poor old Scarlet insane.
And O'Hara lived her life half crazed,
Yes, she lived but not very well...
Once you've lost at love, it's the end of your days,
And you cannot unring a cracked Southern Belle.
Sorry...bad pun, I know. Talking with Mike Hauser about "unringing a bell" brought this on. Back to work....
Timothy Brown Nov 2012
I awoke alone,
after a horrid dream.
I turned to your face
to feel something comforting.
In the spot that graced your silhouette
were sheets weighted with regret.
My misdirected inflection
coupled with the misconception,
that 1+1=1 not 2 you see,
when the correct formula
is 1+1≥3

Fact is I lied.
When I pronounced "love"
with greater strength than "as long"
Fact is I lied.
When i said unconditional.
It is the beauty in song.

My regret lies in lack of earlier cognition.
This is not the first time this has happened.
Which means I never learned a lesson
inferring  to my lack of a mission
or understanding,
in a man's mind muddled.
I took the position
of sitting down in the struggle.
My body fatigued, eyes bloodshot and wary
I refused to see your definition
of affection realized in the lines of the abstract.

Fact is I lied.
When I said forever;
Knowing I am temporary.
Fact is I lied.
I never finished my sentence.
A more complete thought is "one of many"

The complete truth is my love was uniform.
Designed to let any woman fill the mold.
I lacked passion.
Which gives direction in a sandstorm.
I gave up my attempts to understand why water is wet.
Returned to my dreadful fantasy
wherein my heart would contort and deform.
As I told the truth to you
in a Scarlett and Rhett fashion;
We caressed in a snowstorm.
The message cut deeper than I could ever myself.

Fact is I lied.
When I said I would be fine,smiled
and drank in the last light you would reflect.
Fact is I lied.
When I said it was me
It was the both of us I wished to confect.
Part 2 of the Kutisha series "mwongo
© November 18th, 2012, by Timothy R Brown. All rights reserved.
Karijinbba Aug 2018
I should be combating
no one else but you
for who can tolerate an
arrogant tyrant man like you
sea and sky eyed
love of my life is what you are
your many defects
all your flaws are way so many
you hurt me precious love
not even you can count
them anymore
You are just like Jack for Rose in Titanic, worse then Rhett for Scarlett in Gone With the Wind
at least Rhett asked that blind, past life beauty me,
to marry him with passion in kiss
You wanted me to cry of jealousy to earn my diamond ring and beg you to marry me
like treating me like garbage
leaving me behind in need
would earn you me
for submissive wife all yours
You act more like a spoiled brat capricious child than a grown up man day in and day out
You must always all the time
Be the great conquistador
you always want to be
the winner one
You are the most selfish
and bully man
I have ever known to adore
But one fantastic thing about you
Erases all your selfish arrogances
all at once I want no other lover no other man but you you
When at the right moment
You are able to become this other outworldly other gentleman!
and I fall love with you
mad passionate ever lover mine
You transform you are the best  
crazy lover in the world
And In an instant dear beloved
You mature you get tall
an all grown-up handsome man
You get biger then larger is
and just so huge in my arms
There you see there is
this other you I adore
you make me madly
so madly in love with you I am
You make me crazy and a fool for you over and over
You make me sweat you make me sing and in your arms
i drip i do I do
I get drenched in sweat by you
I cry through every pore with exstasy's joy under you Ruby ivory mine that you are
some often times
you shatter me with one look
and I am put together back instantly as one, and hole again
with just one kiss
a whole new me work of art
in your arms I become
impossible to remember any sorrows past or troubles new
you have ever put me through
eons back twin soul love true
I see how all my friends are loved they seem placid and
calmer with content with their mates than I am in public view
They do not argue or constantly disagree nor fight like you
force me so often to do
They receive gifts and red roses
For their anniversary
and birthdays are a gathering
of simple bliss and joy
Their man always say "yes" to them pleasing them in All
so I tell them I am gold to you
That no favours are denied
no birthing task ever too hard
to grant my man still I cry
They never have constant disagrements convinced
every couple enjoys simple pleasures like they do
and honored by their man
They just seem to ever thrive
Instead take good look at us always fighting through it all
a clown circus event our life is
the life you give me and yet anchored to my heart forever
you remain sweety pie
While you you come and go
faithfully pounding you wave
you give me hope you are my star I drown in tears
with jealousy for you in another
womans arms
you tos me up your wildest ancient waves rip me apart
you are life to me and you are death
All our days wild days of war
I wouldn't change them though
For I am as you want me to be
Alive in your arms only I am
I survive a neglected pet
tasting only crumbs your
passionate love I do forever miss
I am dead in every other place
I hate you, then I love you,
I hate you love you I adore you
Don't ever leave me to die
Transform my grown up man
get big larger and huge
like only you can do!
You make me feel so alife
then I love you, then I hate you, then I love you all over again,
Don't ever leave me behind
I want no other man but you
You are in my arms such
giant ever green that I adore
As only you can transform
in an instant from big to large
to huge
Be grande grande grande
mi amor lay with me I love you
Take my breath away
only you I want I adore only you
I bridge the gap wailing I wait?
Be my grande grande amor
my huge ever
my sad reality.
Revised 07-03-19
A great lover erases all tribulations heals the soul mind heart sealing it with a kiss or with a night of mad passionate love  making like Rhett took to Scarlett up the stairs in her RED gownl oved by Rhett like never before a bitter unrequieted love unleashed sometimes taking a lover by surprise is the best cure for
unrequieted love to apeace.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2016
Stay you
Stay true
Change not
Others has been in your shoes and got talked about and criticized too!

Be different.
Why be the same?
Even twins hates dressing the same way.

Others has faced comments for being different
Critiqued for drawing attention by those seeking control.

Muhammad Ali, totally tested authority of rules.
Got talked about by the same kinds crying about your sportsmanships of being different.

Stay being Cam.
When others cries about your ways.
Goe Rhett Butler and say, you don't give a ****.

James Harris, Warren Moon and Jefferson Street Joe Gilliam all went before you.
And was questioned about being a quarterback too!
Notice if let to some you be playing a different position.
Doug Williams, changed all that when he became the first Superbowl winning quarterback.

Sure you could cave in and pretend the act of a Russel Wilson simply to be liked.
But being Cam is what you most in life should always be like?
Cause the press media doesn't pay your bills at night.
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Not in voice?
If I want to know
if he really loves me so
  in his kiss there's fire,
nowhere else I can know.
I felt this flame in one love
I find it again!
Because it's right
because I own this fire
and my lover owns same

No it's never too soon
or too late for true love
to meet half way masked
The Kiss! Anxient fire
ages asleep awakens díer
twin flames unrequieted.
Memory ignition the key
We long to see that face,
we die to hear that voice
our beloved breaths on.

Our grail lost found
so many times before
so many lifetimes on and on
twin soul ancient divine
the cosmic law of attraction
pairs up beings knowing
what we cannot unravel
we ask to see to marvel
as life times we struggle.
May we meet to tangle.

Let's not live of trinkets
dreams and memories
alone, sharks we are
no liquor can makes us
a sharks meal.
Why become ramora!

We're rascals Rhett
and his Scarlet renewed.
This world will never
own us, let's own it
we are the authors
of our own life and destiny
We know, we intuit
we are loved cherished
in ways so deep no words
exist to describe our
joy and happiness
the battomless loss
abyss free us in courage.
what we ask to see lifetimes before
is now reveled and revered.
Oh the silky breath
my Angel once withdrawn
in sadness
my love returns priceless.
Softly as rose petals tikling
memory chip's lock snapping
the long gap banished.
RhettlvScarlett Oct 2018
A repost:
A Roman poem written before The birth of Christ, inspired the title Gone With The wind
with Scarlett and Rhett Butler

But here you see only old
confessions of a man's true love for his beloved who is all gone
(Or a woman's true love for
her beloved runner wishing she could have chased.)
Last night yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
There fell thy shadow, Cynara! Thy breath was shed
Upon my soul between the kisses and the wine;
And I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
  Yea, I was desolate and bowed my head:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

All night upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat,
Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay;
Surely the kisses of her bought red mouth were sweet;
But I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
  When I awoke and found the dawn was grey:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.
I have forgot much, Cynara! Gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng,
Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind
But I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
  Yea, all the time, because the dance was long:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

I cried for madder music and for stronger wine,
But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire,
Then falls thy shadow, Cynara! The night is thine;
And I am desolate and sick of an old passion,
  Yea, hungry for the lips of my desire:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

By:Ernest Dowson
to honor Karijinbba
in her great loss and healing
of her memory chip.
Copy Rights.
Ernest Dowson (1867-1900) died of alcoholism at the age of 32. His downward spiral began at age 23 when he fell for an 11 year old girl who would spurn him at 14 when he proposed marriage.
The following year, in 1894 his father died from an overdose. Dowson's mother
hanged herself within a year of her husband's death.

Soon after this dual tragedy Dowson left for France before returning back to England in 1897. Curiously he lived with the family of his unrequited love. Penniless, heartbroken and filling the empty voids in his life with alcohol, Dowson would spend the last six weeks of his life in the cottage of the Oscar Wilde biographer Robert Sherard who had found him
drunk in a bar.

Speaking of Oscar Wilde, he wrote after Dowson's death of a,"Poor wounded wonderful fellow that he was, a tragic reproduction of all tragic poetry, like a symbol, or a scene.

I hope bay leaves will be laid on his tomb and rue and myrtle too for he knew what true love
unrequieted love was."
Rhett Buttler might have married other women but he never stopped loving Scarlett his true twin soul.
Leigh Jacobson Oct 2018
My sunny sky you brought to light with  A cuddle as you're by my side.  Kisses on my ear abide. You knew just when we were to go. As you'd run side to side and to and fro.   Now you are gone.  When i wake tomorrow  you wont be there to drop into my arms... for our own routine in the morning as we shared our stretces and  yawns.  There be no waiting for me at the door, no wont see you , just just an empty floor.  And momma will miss you on her chair keeping her company while I'm not there. I miss you.
Tonight my toy poodle was killed in the road he woul have been 7 tomorrow . He was a little fella tje best dog.
Lover of Words Nov 2012
I want a letter written to me,
Starting with Dear and ending with my utmost affection,
I wanna be brought up during those days where guys tried,
Like not afraid to get denied,
Lets pretend the internet isn't alive,
I wanna dance ballroom style, and let a man take the lead,
I want him to pretty much just protect me,
I'm trashing all this feministic ****,
Lets go back to those days when girls were respected and taken care of,
Rewind and replay the parts of Pride and Prejudice,
Or I wanna be Scarlett O'hara battling it out with Rhett,
I want a man who won't be so afraid,
Sure my face is pretty and whatnot, but why don't you say it to me?
Like grow a pair,
Grab me,
Make a move,
Don't be so **** afraid to hug me,
All I'm asking,
And I want to be dressed to the nines with ball gowns that go down to my ankles, and my hair all curled like Maria Antoinette,
Ok so maybe I've lost my mine,
But I sure wanna ride a carriage at twilight,
And have candles light the night,
Silly of me I suppose,
But still I cannot help but want those ancient times,
When men had to act right
Grace Pickard Apr 2014
We're just like Carrie and Mr. Big
You want to be free
We're just like Harry and Sally
We like each other at the wrong times
We're just like Lloyd and Diane
I'll never stop trying
We're just like Allie and Noah
From different walks of life
We're just like Scarlett and Rhett
Independent and Fickle
We're just like Ilsa and Rick
Nothing can separate us forever
We're just like Bridget and Mark
Childhood friends turned accidental lovers
We're just like Hubbell and Katie
I'm just too unique to settle down with

We're just like you and me
Undefined , real, struggling
Gracie Pickard April 17,2014
Miss Clofullia Jul 2016
We’re making movies that no one will see,
about things that mean the world to us,
at a certain moment in time and space,
but that mean less than a rat’s *** to anyone outside our bodies.

We never regret the echo in the large hall,
nor the words that OUR scarlett and OUR rhett say to each other
during the 126 minutes long director’s cut –
their tears are ours,
their love,
despair and
hunger for life
will be included in next month’s newsletter.

We’re making movies about those parts of our lives
that weren’t played out so well.
It’s our way of saying “sorry” or “thank you”.

We’re making movies that some don’t even call “movies” –
intimate quantum leaps, inner fights between our bodies and minds.
It hurts us, yeah. We’re not (all) made of stone.
We, sometimes, get frustrated and don’t even know exactly why.

We wake up in the middle of the night,
running the entire dialogue list in our head,
sleepwalking through the entire movie,
screaming at our non-suspecting sleeping significant other to be quiet and to get out of the frame,
“cause we’re ******* making a ******* movie here and every ******* second matters”.

We’re making (silent) movies because
we’re tired of all this noise,
that’s the only way we can have some “Aaaaaction” in our lives
and some frames to be proud of.

We’re not making movies to prove that the world is wrong
nor that we possess the ultimate truth.
We’re not making movies to prove that the world is beautiful
and that we know nothing and that that nothingness should tickle your funny filmic bone.

We’re making movies that make the entire world think that there’s something wrong with us,
that we can’t relate to our surroundings in a healthy and normal way.

We’re making movies so WE can experience, in the most familiar way,
the new wave long shot convention that YOU all hate
and diss in the digital environment,
as if your lives were made out of fast cut blockbuster shots
and not lonely, long walks through a dull park. Good for you, Max!

We’re making movies because
we don’t wanna have to explain ourselves,
like I’m doing right now.

Reality sometimes needs its own subtitle and.. ****! You know what?
The truth is that we’re not making movies.  
We’re making moves.
Donall Dempsey Feb 2017

Rhett Butler & Scarlett O'Hara
are playing Battleships.

Rhett is playing like he
doesn't give a ****.

Looks like Scarlett is sunk.

"Ok....5 minutes please!
Principals on set!"

And the game is gone
with the wind.

Mr. Gable and Miss Leigh
assume who they are meant to be

position themselves
where they are meant to be.

"Ok. . .action!"
shouts Mr. Fleming.
He swooshes down the mountain
Carving a series of humongous S letters,
Gracefully, brilliantly,
Gliding down the pure white *****.
Admittedly, the snow is hallucinogenic, an
Alphabet soup & smorgasbord;
A diabolic concoction I find irresistible.
He snaps to a dead halt before me, with
Flair & flourish like an Argentine tango dancer.
He is wearing a bright red Mad Bomber Hat . . .
(Mad Bomber Hat...$39.95  ‎‎1-855-371- 2754. Outerwear & Fleece-Top Gifts & Incentives - 20% Off Volume Discounts)
Forgive the poet, a simple refusnik, refusing to die in the gutter. Forgive me for making poetry pay, for once. $Ka-ching! $Ka-ching!
One had to have a shitload of
Self-confidence to wear a hat like that, my
Va-jay-jay getting creamy,
His smile fluttering my clitoral funny bone.
Confidence & humor: for me always a
Lethal combination.
Back in Providence they call me a
Rhode Island Pizza Queen; a
Certified cat litter-box for cads & scoundrels.
The Mad Bomber squats:
He is 50% Rhett Butler, 30% Joey Gallo,
& the other 40%, Cosmo Kramer, (duh?)
Adding up to a deadly duo that gets me every time:
Confidence & Humor snags my guinea ***.
First it’s coffee & Sambuca at the Lodge.
Two hours later I blow him in the shower
At The Green Mountain Inn.
The next morning, we say goodbye in the parking lot.
He promises to call me from Boston, but
Of course, I never hear from him again.
That sums up my MO with men,
Explains how I **** up when picking men.
Every time, again & again, like a
Third generation imbecile, deranged & demented,
Doing the same thing over & over, yet
Expecting a different outcome.
Woe is ******* me!
Another neurotic, myopic, ganglia misfire;
A behaviorist might point out there must be some kind of
Reinforcement going on, seeing I keep
Coming back, going back for more,
Like a lab rat still pushing the lever
Long after the food pellets are gone.
Oh yes! Call me Angie the
Out of control downhill racer.
It’s bipolar moguls & roller coasters,
Another Six Flags ski weekend,
A Stowe, Vermont Coney Island of the Mind for
Angelina Delvecchio, shimmy,
Shimmy Cocoa Pops.
Rosie Dec 2015
One of my favorite books is Gone With The Wind
I read it when I was younger and liked to imagine I was like Scarlett
She was decisive, sassy, bossy; nothing could hurt her
I thought I needed a man similar to Rhett Butler
Someone who was authoritative.
Someone who could "put me in my place"
I thought of myself as indestructible
No one could actually hurt me

But they can.
I've realized I'm just as fragile as anyone else
Maybe even more so
Words can hurt me
And they do

I don't need someone who is mean to me
Or tells me what to do
I'm not indestructible
So I don't need someone to destruct me

It took me growing up to realize
I'm just a little girl
SabreLi Dec 2016
I’ve longed for so long to be
A part of something apart from me
But the seconds and minutes draw near
Turn into days, into weeks, a year
Just what will it take to be,
Just to be, to be free

Will you be the Adam to my Eve?
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
Jack and Sally or Sid and Nancy
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Let’s write our own twisted love story
Who cares what anyone else may say
We’ll be both the judge and jury
And in our own little world we’ll stay

I want to be closer now
Closer than skin and bone will allow
I want to peel away the edges
To remove all the excess
Be closer than we know how
Just be free, you and me

The Romeo to my Juliet
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
I’ll be Scarlett O and you’ll be Rhett
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Let’s write our own twisted love story
Who cares what anyone else may say
We’ll be both judge and jury
And in our own little world we’ll stay

Will you be the Jekyll to my Hyde?
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
And I’ll be the Bonnie to your Clyde,
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
An attempt at a subject I know very little of. My own twisted interpretation of a love story.
anne p murray Apr 2013
I had this fantasy in my dream
I thought I was awake and you were actually tangible
A man any woman would want to have
You were a man that made me his priority
No matter what…
You would always be there
Someone I could count on
You were my rock
You acknowledged my needs, my strengths
Biggest of all, you paid attention to me…

In my dream, you were a mature man, strong and dependable
So loving, unselfish, so giving
You were not self absorbed, stubborn and arrogant
You were actually the person I thought you were in the beginning

All the things you were not in real life
And though I’ve spent more time fantasizing about you
Then being with you
Thank you for allowing me
To indulge myself in this fantasy of you

The most important part of this dream was...
I would have given back to you
More than you could have ever expected
My unconditional love, my admiration and respect
All the support and encouragement
That you would have ever dreamed possible...
Had your heart muscle been fully engaged

It was nice to get your letter last month...
And, that you actually thought of me on that day
I did answer back…immediately, but again, I was ignored
Vainly you seek yourself, searching for others still
Even though we really had no beginning...
There was an end

And as Rhett Butler would softly say;
“Frankly, my dear I don’t give a ****'...
NOT anymore
October Dec 2018
I had a different name
It was "Undiscovered"
Now this name, no longer my cover
There's a darker truth as to why it's updated to "October"
Tears of joy, tears of sadness
They all share this amber month of blackness
A deep history of sight
The pain and origin of why I write

Her name was Erin
She was beautiful
She was young
Erin, was special
and Rhett's, without doubt, the devil
The disease rendered her without brain function
Resulted in physical mutation
Erin, had an expiration
The day came
In the same month born
She would, from this life, be torn
I love you Erin
Karijinbba Jul 2022
rddpc your word of honor lives on
our very heart beat drum is us,
God let his heart beat forever
reign peaceful my lover divine .
He left me as I guarded silence
in shock in my prime later again.
I remained decades sunstruck
in love with this King my twin
no matter what I just do.
His shamanic drum and ink is my heart beat raising and pausing as
I burn bittersweet at the sound
of his drum beating getting closer
thus my beloved materializes
in my arms again and again
whispering "baby baby"  in my ear
for hours in the same hot Atlas.
worshipping him.
{ JC felt like Rhett B in GWTHW
with Scarlet O running
to women mad for his all
instead of being true to himself and stay with me whom he truly loved
to fall in love after asking a few key questions to see me eye to eye.😂}
His foot steps ink and all I hear
as his familiar rose scent
tickles his chin and I see them there;
then slowly my candle is blown off.
my heart stops ✓}✓___
I am never alone our union warps
etched in time and space as a painting safe inside a fortress of loves sacred parameters and divine brain art.
His whispering drum drumming
remained embedded deep in my soul.
The love of my life my heart beating
he guards
His word of honor he gave to be so
and so it is
thanks Heaven for his loving ways .
√/✓\✓\/√√ √\√\√\√\√√ \√\√\√.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
It's no fable.
During the forties, who didn't admire Clark Gable?
With the common sense of Rhett Butler.

For instant.
Who didn't want to be Cary Grant?
In Affair to Remember.
Admiring and loving a woman forever.

Who doesn't know a shy man like Gary Cooper?
Who came across as a true trooper?
Who stood his ground in High Noon?

And what man didn't burn for Elizabeth Taylor?
With the beauty to make them roar like the MGM lion.
Or is it only me.

Maybe, I'm just living a Hollywood's dream.
Thinking of things I wanted to be.

Lights, Action, Camera.
Is all I use to remember.
When I was pretending be Tyrone Power.

Maybe I was Sean Connery.
Doing all the secret agents type things.
Maybe I'm the Lone Ranger or the Cisco Kid.
Out to do justice for those in need.

These are the things that fantasies do.
When you realize pretending is better than a toy.
Which has been replaced by computers.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
The object of love.
Is to keep the one you love.
If it takes working more or harder to do it.

The object of the heart.
Is to keep impressing upon your love.
That if you could you move heaven and hell.
In ways to prove you care.
Yes, frankly my dear.
I give a ****.

Rhett proved his heart and desires to her.
While she over looked what she had before her.
But as soon as reality stepped in before her to see.
He was heading into the wind.
Yes, frankly my love.
I care.
I sincerely give a ****.

Too much is invested into this relationship.
That a simple affair couldn't have.
Notice, the many of folks that feels the hurt.
Once that hunt has been accomplished.

You my stock.
You my bond.
You the person I'll forever want upon my arms.
Ashley R Prince Jul 2012
I cut my finger this morning and it bled forever.
I came out of the shower holding it,
crying for my mother to come fix it
like a scared little girl.
She fixed it.

I paid money for a book of poetry
by a ***** Old Man.
You love his nonfiction and I love
his poetry.
One day I'll read you my favorites.
It was you who introduced us.
I would not be the person I am today
if it hadn't been for you or Him.
(Seduction by Bukowski, who'd have thought...)

What do you think happens at the
end of Gone with the Wind?
Yes, tomorrow is another day,
but does she ever see Rhett Butler again?
I think he gives a lot of damns about Scarlet.
I think he will always love her,
and what is meant to be will be.
Robert Ronnow Feb 2018
Sitting, trying to write, nothing
comes to me. Nothing is what it'll have to be.
Over the weekend and immediately
following the election demonstrations in the streets,
Not my president! But today is Monday
back to work and the business of business in America.
Never have we been fierce warriors.
Rhett Butler got that right: in any confrontation
with the state a platoon of new recruits
with automatic weapons outguns the stately
samurai. Ken and I were eating veggie
burgers and drinking local beers over worries
our fellow Americans will soon start shooting
Jews and Asians, lesbians and disabled veterans
whoever's recommended on the news.
There's a learning curve to disregarding tweets
and the remedies offered on facebook. Our refusal
to be more than the sum of ourselves
is our saving grace. Therefore, let
the peaceful transfer of power proceed.
Democracy doesn't guarantee smart choices,
just a chance to correct the mistakes we'll make.
Karijinbba Jun 2024
Dear poet on HP, G..C; Are you familiar with Dukeoftx?  
SMc. Hu? Do you know them it's imperative
I know please.

I am just a time traveler like the love of my life...but only he or his significant other, his brother her grown daughters, son, parents might know about reading old love letters, written for me alone, not for his significant other" finding them
 distant and faint memories!,
our perils became.
As for being trapped by disillusionment
with misleading comments it
isn't happening with me.
I am, and have been open minded.

I know when comments
aren't from the love my life
writing back
but from others
who wish to inflict further
I don't dwell on such
cheap shady manners.

I am so used to this kind of cruel retoric insinuations to make me feel inadequate and late a nothing, as if I remain in the midst of such shallow concerns.
I know who loved me; how when, where he loved me.

Money wealth given earned or bought to those by his side is not happiness. Neither is deceiving an old sweet Caroline like me who remains lovely loving someone behind their masks visiting Hp.

My beloved will always be the love of my life, and deep down I his very own, sacred imaginary friend companion.

Bittersweet as Rhett Butler, to Scarlet told.
It's my misfortune, as in Gone W The Wind

but knowing I was loved truly, wished well near or far to me, this is very healing
If on the other plane it is the love of my life commenting
saying I am but
faint so and so,
like I too say it's my misfortune. I rather die feeling once upon a time loved then never loved. Until someone loved me I became somebody.
Come to me anytime
Beautiful love divine in spirit and in form young old sick healthy, poor rich.
I forever love you
I pledge my love to yourdd.
All Rights.
Story poem:

It's mother's Day 2024 I think of fame and great fortune
All wealth and wisdom links from you son of God. My Jesus my beloved best friend best lover best husband best father ever in Earth.
Dearest Darning Pat
Saint Patrick's Day passed too; before that was Saint Valentine's Day. And for Christmas I couldn't find a snowy all village card to send you my precious one my all.
I love you more and more with your aka and your fame your good fortunes your generosity your gold heart my everything.
I love you as Jsack for Rose in Titanic, As foolish Scarlett for Rhett in Gone with the wind book.
Meggie in love with in the thorn Birds Rachel Ward and
Richard Chambelane such pain sorrow.
I think of you in Starry Night painting the pain that lasts forever. Stuck in a famed painting my pain too.
I may not ever sing another song but only one about us
"Sing and dance with me with the Violins."
And this one¡: The music played me with RDD vs JPC.
As the music played: Repost

An angry silence lay where love had been
And in your eyes a look I'd never seen
If I had found the words you might have stayed
But as I turned to speak, the music played
As lovers danced their way around the floor
I sat and watched you walk towards the door
I heard a friend of yours suggest you stayed
And as you took his hand, the music played
Across the darkened room the fatal signs I saw
You'd been something more than friends before
While I was hurting you by clinging to my pride
He had been waiting, and I drove him to your side
I couldn't say the things I should have said
Refused to let my heart control my head
But I was made to see the price I paid
And as he held you close, the music played
And as I lost your love, the music played
melli7 Mar 2017
my dear I don't give a **** That's
how Rhett said it with no pause between
dearI no comma or breath just
smooth denial of a fact we all know is
kind of true but mostly
false because of course
he loves her
he gives a ****
L Jun 2015
You are a budding Casanova
A Brett Ashley in the making
Rhett Butler would be proud
Daisy Buchanan might bat her eyelashes
George Wickham would tip his hat
That's all you ever wanted
To be wanted
To be "loved"
You won't get it by chasing every person who enters your life
It doesn't work that way
It isn't that easy
But how would you know?
For a mayfly friend

Karijinbba Mar 2020
Hold me holy lover sinner
worldly lover mine twin soul,
like Rhett Buttler
beheld Scarlet in his arms
as she sobbed

hold me speace me madly
love me long like
Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman) and her husband, John (Sam Neill),
held each other on their yacht
rocked by oceanic waves in
Dead Calm!
Oh beloved gold key come stay rock me hear my plee

regardles of names time and space or sand hour glass
I love you
fly to me I am wearing my red robe waiting for you up the magestic flight staircase,
the captured sacred
chronological dream spell
impregnating imagination

come up quickly search for me
inside your master bedroom
kick the door if you must
grab me apeace my despair
find me shivering in the closet burning with anticipation
save me hold me
put my fire out gold hearted lover mine
praying eons isolated hold on to your photograph
patiently waiting for a word
news thwt you caré as promised
I am breaking save me

Pop up the bubbly bottle is chilled O sweetheart sweety pie
I long to get high with you
fill up my cup full
twist my gold lock open with your
gold key Enter me! I can't live without you

let the fireworks begin to sing
I adore you do with me as you
eternity is ours to love
let me devour you apeace me
the nights long the days and eves long ***
see you ginham shirt buttons popping up strong long
pants zipper tearing up
my He-Man Ruddy divine

the nights eons long I sought you
out of time and space is only for the devil not for true love.

I have dreamt with this dream
since you and I carved it
lovingly photographic memory
and all once upon a time
has come suddently

and though another soul grabs
you tieing you down
as you gave her presence ring and name
I know you love me forever
more as you're a man of your word
hold me for the ocean waves
drown me they now wrack
our boat for you two as I watch
I break uphold me
Oh how it hurts not to feel you
caressing my existence in person

but I have felt your beautiful loving passionate ways
long time ago my gold lock
and your gold key did laid your bridge
openning heavens portal in me.

and that makes all the
difference today

To honor you in memory
closing the chasm with a poem
a gold lock to gold key.
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Maybe maybe
Please, someone,
save me?
Maybe no is okay
Questions about all
exclamation points

What is the point when
it's not ((Ok)) maybe no
But yes is
something to
outweigh the odds

your feelings
Higher force
The Gods
Mowing your lawn-
Until Dawn meets her clown
So underweighted feeling down
((Minds Inflated))
The bad depression
feeling disliked being liked

He's heavily happy
The before or after 400 pounds
Can't you pick your relatives?
Your niece the Alaskan- Huskies
Howling Greyhounds
Maybe stand-up
Maybe waiting stood up
Like the walking dead
diseased no way you became
Or maybe no I'm not
OK? What's in my head
You decide (No-Show)

No, it's not my fault
Maybe she shouldn't
open up the
Bank vault
Increased blood pressure
Not Moms coffee pressure
The world of electronics
Everything Melancholic
Depression became
the liar

Losing your shirt like
Sport big-time gambling
Scattered all broken glasses
Maybe no blind spots
wearing your sunglasses
The reasons Maybe no
I shouldn't
this opportunity up
Buy the video game
Snapping perky eyes up
The flash drive all hyped
Overcharged to get recharged
On your Visa charge
Well what do you know
Is one cup of coffee going to
miss my meter fine

Gives me no joy from
your joystick .).
Maybe the change of soda's
Ms. Coconutty
Cherry Godzilla
On your Mozilla

Joy to the world
fanatics of electronic
Heres to your litter's cats
and dogs
Twinkle star OK Twitter
Maybe Scarlet and Rhett
butler went with the wind
From behind demon's Scarlet, no's
I will be dammed ferocious
The hospital surgery OK
I got eye strains

Maybe no routine is better than maybe
Is it OK to feel guilty getting the guillotine
My Contagious computer
My snacks chocolate
covered drakes

Bending your head down
at your phone, it breaks
my heart spinal
Like a hermit that's
OK!! No home didn't
pay rent

Welcome to our ((Generation))
24/7 and everything will be OK
  those hours don't ever take away
Broken bones earphones
Arthritis, It's Ok

Write something every day

My family is my heart of the lifetime
Once upon a star blessing all the time*
Early birds After hours of words
So maybe no could have
made a lucky, yes

Go to Disneyland and say yes
Those high heels beauty and the beast
OK let it be let it be
No-one will take that part away from me
Maybe No but why is it more so well that's OK I guess we are writers but we are Ok with that electronics became the biggest thing and you're ending up in the hospital no one is calling you like the dead ring
the sky looks
used up

the clouds are stacked like bricks
black against the horizon

I smack my eyes on the nearest one
and watch it break apart

they don't always

I've noticed that

not that it matters
the wind scatters me
across the sea of
the sky
and I die, not one
but a thousand times
and a thousand more.

well you'd think so
I know it's not so.

Every second second counts
third place is no place
and first place is a slam dunk
for the man in the drunk tank

but for the man who comes nowhere,
there's nowhere to go and
I know that is so,

Frank is a dear that would give a ram
for a sheep in wolf's clothing, that's
really a man

(had to put that in, don't ask me why)

there's a bit of Rhett in all men
who'd like to see Atlanta on fire,

but the cloud
allowed me through
to do what it is that a
sunbeam can do

one sunbeam
one dream
acorns and oaks
and a man who
filter tips.
Karijinbba Dec 2020
When a man one adores
shows up a call girl photo card,
make sure you love him more
then you love yourself,
to let such sweetheart
true love best lover go,
like I let mine fly off.
My king understood love by his woman's  jealousy dinamics
shown for him. I understood love
by the trusting self assured
non jealous attitude owned.
So, for this kind of lover.
Fight for his love do cry!
Instead of letting this jeweled king
go to his call girls like I did because
his joy and happiness
was above and beyoud my own.
iI turns out he had given me all his love in written prenuptial contract and had no love for no other queen or slave or call girl to give her he was telling me he was my true love
only mine after two decades!
Foolish me was amnesic and couldn't speak up about the plot of his ancient prenuptial was since he told me
he was married and to never
look back  then he cursed me
to hate him from afar and move on;
which I did, but I didn't choose right .
I fell victim of human predators.
because his lyrics deceived my naive soul in youth I did not tell him I loved him and I lost his love.
slowly but sureky he took his Kammazutra back but I had my own
and just like him my lover brain sixty nine I give to noone I haven't found one worthy to be loved. .
It's disastrous and very foolish.
As I observe a lifetime after,
we both adored each other
in our own well intentioned ways
interchangeably even but other
forces conspire dod to wreck us up.
  without wanting to or knowing how.
We both understood love
in different ways;
this interpretation was
both our downfall my demise was only silence for in my mouth lips and words I had my cure to his live enchantment and end eternal love.
His Karma had pledged
in his Rhett Buttler past life,
he would search world wide,
or buy love if he had to,
but he was going to be loved
only in his way.
So we both lived out our destiny
but life was never the same
ever again as that which
was between us we were identical within m, twin flanes twin souls

Without him physically
my existance was like a dream.
more often like a nightmare.
I lost everything,
and everyone I ever adore.
like a house if cards it came
tumbling all down and,
it materialized even here on HP
since then I learned to close doors
to disconnect say good bye
but to my twin no good bye
it's impossible.
I feel blessed and cursed.
all in all I found misery and pain.
By Karijinbba 1974-95 & on.
Ken Pepiton Jul 2019
no new tricks, my fr'en' Jax, he say, you may learn.

did that happen to you? getting old,

did it happen for you?

did you make that happen?

In my youth, I aimed for an end,
then found life goes on
and I asked,
what haps
when you ask
super, but natural, forces,

wind and water, or
sun and soil to be in your favor?

It's like the movies, only you direct the action,

--- ah, rhett or rick,
give a ****, play it again, Sam I am
--- y'lost this trick,
--- this old man came rolling home,
(Sisyphus gimme a shove, from the top)

See ya,
in the funny papers, yeah,
we said that.
wayback when Krazy Kat was gay.

yes ,oh, no, you lost it all.
Life past,

you failed to pay attention,
you ignored the
ignorance growning around you,
as you aged
full of grace, accepting today
as the starting point.

from here you can see forever,
pay attention,
ever learning, never learning

ever, ever, ever this
last bit of what can be known

lost on the info-super-highway that
Al Gore used to make global
warming seem like

some new thing. Old men who paid
never fretted. We remember polio

and marching dimes giving hope a
booster shot on a sugar cube,

love being more than a four rune symbol,
we used to wake
merry boat rowers who believed,
as they were told,
life is a dream to
dread getting old in.

Hear, ol Adam Clayton Powell laff'n'say
"Keep the faith, Baby" then choke on all
the lies he left for a legacy.
He died, maybe never knowin'

what magi know of faith these days.
make note, young dreamer,
Magi and magic shall never be unlinked.
row, or turn around and flow.
Jax ***** inspired this. Today, all my children and grands are around me, and I am an older man than yesterday, watching a sunrise no man has seen befor me.

— The End —