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Oh, you forgot?
You forgot my kisses; you forgot my hugs.
You forgot the one I truly love.
Go figure?
I tell you every day.

Oh, you forgot my effort.
You overlook my messages.
You forgot what I told you many times before.
Oh, go figure.

Don't be shocked?
When you call me?
And I go---oh.
Has this world revolved?
Has this world changed?
But some through centuries opinions stays the same.

We, hear scriptures say this or that.
And guided to control folks' perspectives.
God so love the world about the gift he gave us.

Still, some twist the scripts right before us.
If two are happy of whatever gender they might be?
Just watch how some uses the scriptures to lecture a different theme.

Some, even attack another minister for their view.
Without realizing the disciples had disagreement too.

Men treated more righteous than the women that more faithful.
And to some that's a serious problem.

Trouble of the world does not outweigh love.
Thats the strongest emotion motivating us.
Even, if we ALL see things different.
I can and will whisper, I love you.
In the morning when we are laying there.
Even, when we are dancing close and slow.

Read, my lips so you know.
I shout it out louder for many to know.
But love whispering I love you.

Just to see your eyes a-glow.
And that sweet smile below your nose.
As I whisper, I love you.

Many doesn't hear it enough.
Some hardly at all.
Like it not meant to say.

But to you, you deserve to hear it.
I love you.
I love you.
Hear my whispers, feel my love.
I am me; you are you.
And this touching and agreeing only works for a while.
Because you will disagree.
Believe, you me.
You will disagree.

Might be about time.
Might be about claiming a person as mine.
Or money or bills.
Folks just doesn't keep things real.

A liberal speaks their voices by choice.
A conservative stays silence upon things needed to know.
Then, becomes that whistleblower, we soon come to know.

I am me and forever will be.
Love me, like me, it's irrelevant to myself.
Maybe to someone else.
Do fool uses the word supremacy?
Without comprehending, you're no better than anyone else.

We ALL, can play that game to think it.
And that all it be.
But the TRUTH will tell you various things.

You a fool, living in falsehood.
Or discriminated and secured only in your neighborhood.

Or created laws to only benefit you.
And you think you a supreme race
Look in the mirror and check your face.

Apartheid, used by South Africa back in the day.
And various Jim Crow's laws in grand America.

And this group lost in falsehood thinking they love competition.
Now, that it's ending, finally over.
You are forgetting all the good things I've done.
Totally negative.

Now, that this concluded.
You are just plain nasty with lies to everyone.
I figure you would be.

It's just a part of your personality.
What's in you?
Did I ever, ever did see.

I heard the rumors but played no part in my chase for your heart.
Only if I had the mind of God.

Figure, you can't admit your wrongs.
Good thing my heart still standing strong.
Eyes, open and I speak to you, yes, each morning.
Even, without a warning.
Each morning, I speak to you with love.

Just to see the glaze in your eyes.
Just to see the brightness of your smile.

Each morning, I say I love you.
Like each night too.
That's what those in true love try to do.

There is no certain routine to it.
Or any command to do it.
I just have to stick to it.
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