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Petal pie Aug 2014
Bazooka that veruka
Wage war on your warts
Charge the canons against corns 
And ills of other sorts

Conscript regiments of Rennies
Antacid to supress indigestion 
Establish naval fleets  
Of fisherman friends sweets 
To banish nasal congestion

smear your chest with Vick
To ensure victory is quick
And if headaches ensue
Aspirin will win and subdue

If your enemy is constipation
Let  senna be your friend 
And if your throat is sore
Let strepsils make swift amends 

Show viruses they're not  welcome
Fight back with all your might
Give germs no easy terms
And soon you'll feel alright!
I've been thinking about world war one starting as today, my birthday its one Hundred years since the war was declared. Then I was helping my son with his veruka and this came to mind x
Taylor O'Hara Feb 2016
I lumber sluggishly,
dragging the weight of my body.
Every pound is tethered to me,
I can’t escape the heaviness.

I am stuffed into clothes,
encased in figure-hugging fabric
that looks better on the hanger
than my rounded, fleshy torso.

The scale is an unlucky lottery ticket
displaying a number
that I will carry around
shamefully like a scarlet letter.

I count calories like beads on a rosary,
making sure I shrink to conformity
critical of every extra curve
because to love my size is a societal sin.

Airbrushed beauty queens
and slender starlets
wear their size 0 like a badge of honor
in the battlefront of glossy magazine covers.

I’m crushed with the weight of the world I inhabit
a place that teaches girls to be self-conscious
of each pound that sticks to their body
instead of teaching them to be confident in their own skin.

I’m tired of micromanaging each nutrient that touches my lips,
to achieve a slender frame that resists my big-***** body
self love is not a one-size-fits-all
and I will radically adore every ounce that is tethered to me.
-Taylor D. O'Hara
Michael Marchese Oct 2016
All weapons of
   the fates you've sealed
Are no match for
   this pen I wield
The power to
Ticking rhyme bombs
   to detonate
The conflicts waged
   gambling mankind
My perfect hand
   is treaties signed
Hellbent hounds pray
  like dogs, I hunt
Frontline this notebook
With metaphors
  of mindless drones  
Like similes
  to brainwashed clones
Whose C4 booms
  and IED's
Can't build bridges
  like ABC's

Or tear them down
  with death regimes
By rusting through
  the war machines
Flamethrowin’ my
  verbal grenade
With ****** noun
  scorched-earth tirade  
On militant
  cold-blood elite
King cobras know
  I'm packing heat
Seeking missile
Winged raptor
  extinction bones
We're cavemen carving
  fallout stones

My Hiroshima
  prose explodes
With nuclear
  bushido codes
Released from my  
  katana's ward
To free my press
  from shogun lord
Oppressing haiku
And samurai
Expressions of
  my ronin soul
Omitted by
  the daimyo
Satsuma is my
My final draft's
Ink cartridges
  strapped 'round my neck
I print no charge
  or background check
And ****** every
  live round free
Of innocent
  blood elegy
And killing sprees
  of gunned-down news
Domestic violence
  black and blues
A Number 2
  pencil dependent
  lead-head amendment
Open carry
  shoots a blank
Empty shell case
  at my think tank
So grip this peace
  then **** and pull it
**** my diction
  write the bullet
Michael LoMonaco Aug 2016
Persistence is the fuel for success,
Ignited by the sparks of passion.

Attacked by the enemy of imperfection,
Facing hardships on every battlefront.

Dueling problems with a strong sword,
Fighting for the ultimate cause in life.

A warrior never admits defeat in battles,
No surrender in the war for excellence.

When success is finally won by glory,
The blade of victory will shine with pride.
VioletNova Jan 2013

zero hour
tunnel vision
( Emperor Menilik II)

An enemy
That covets
Your land, your
Natural wealth
And your wife
Creating a strife
Stripping you of
Your liberty
And identity
Is all out
To mar your life!

This blatant aggression
Standing together
It is better we deter.

So, if intentionally
Or otherwise
On you, if
I might
Have posed
A grievance
To date,
I ask apology
Let us bury
The hatchet.

Among us,
An axe to grind
For a divisive wedge
An enemy cruel & wild
Must not find.

Thus, while
In full command
Of your health
If you fail
To march
To the front
I will take that
To the dignity of
Our sovereign nation
And me
An affront.

I swear to God
I swear to God
Up on return
There is
No restraint
My anger
My punitive
Measures against
Such malingers
Back to hold.

Of course,
We need
The prayer
Of the feeble
And the old,
The heavily-armed
Invading army
When we fight
Supper bold.

I assure you
By the grace
Of God
Victory for us
Is what
The future hold.

(The Chief of the provision wing)

Women of the nation
Pull your sleeves;
As provision
Dry food—
Roasted chickpeas
Roasted peas
Dry meat—
If you prepare
It will be good.
Also to boost
Immunity in
The original way
Prepare and ready
Garlic, red chili
And ginger
In a form of
A powder.

(The principal of transport)

Array pack animals
Provisions to transport
From every corner
Of the nation,
The palace
To the battlefront.
S/he who has
A horse or a mule
Must come along
With some hays
For its fuel.

(The master of musicians)

Take on board
Musical instrumentalists
Vocalists, who
War songs that chant
About victory
At hand not hesitant.

(Traditional Health Professionals)

Also take aboard
Women, herbalists
That will nurse
The wounded
Back into shape
Also the recuperating
To fight back
Who help.

(The logistic head)

Our resource gap to fill
While in the battle mill
We have to take along
Bullet swaggers
Ammunition repairers.
Utilizing such skill
Would allow us
With limited resource
More troops to ****.
This way
The cavalry
And infantry
Will fight
About logistic
With little worry.

(Menilik II)

Let us march
Let us march
To the place of
To write
Golden history
Like Golead & David
That has no match!

Let us be
A standard bearer
If united
Freedom fighters
Could a giant enemy
Like Goliad deter.

On my sword
I have engraved
Menilik’s power
Is Almighty God
So behold
Those who pick
Against the peaceful
A sword
Will perish by
The sword.

About colonization
As I earlier grabbed
The import
I had accessed
Enough arsenal
Via the port.
If divide & conquer
Is their aim
With Ethiopians’
Oneness &unity
I will foil
Their game
They will have
Themselves to blame.

In the meantime
King Aba Jifar
Taking over inland
Maladministration, disorder
Will bar
In such a way
Ethiopians’ chemistry
Will be heard
Wide and far.///
Prior to the battle of Adwa
Michael LoMonaco Aug 2016
Persistence is the fuel for success,
Ignited by the sparks of passion.

Attacked by the enemy of flaws,
Facing hardships on every battlefront.

Dueling problems with a strong sword,
Fighting for the ultimate cause in life.

A warrior never admits defeat in combat,
No surrender in the war for excellence.

When success is finally won by glory,
The blade of victory will shine with pride.
Scarlet London Dec 2012
it's a game of cat and mouse we play without any reservation at all
we always had nothing more than the space between us, so small
our shared breath on the frigid air spoke dreams we'll take to the grave
i so desperately wish i could for once be even a little brave
when i glanced your way i could see your disappointment in me
the armrest we shared that morning was a battlefront only we could see
i sailed a beautiful sea of blue for months in fear of freezing to death
but your arms kept me safe and every time I held my breath

take a deep breath and swallow the lump that's found home in my throat
and eventually i'll probably come to peace with the words I wrote
all those years ago

what do I do with all these memories?
one day i'll be able to set them free
oh won't you come swim away with me
for you it's way too easy

the night i chased you down forbidden corridors is burned inside
with all the rooms they should of locked where we tried to hide
i still remember the way you fell asleep in the backseat
it was just you and i, and the lights reflected on concrete
everything just feels so melancholy tonight
especially the reminder of you in my life

take a deep breath and swallow the lump that's found home in my throat
and eventually i'll probably come to peace with the words I wrote
all those years ago

what do I do with all these memories?
one day i'll be able to set them free
oh won't you come swim away with me
for you it's way too easy

there was once a crooked smile that kept me alive
and i used to adore two shining blue eyes
it was never to be
you wouldn't float away with me

what do I do with all these memories?
one day i'll be able to set them free
oh won't you come swim away with me
for you it's way too easy

i will gladly give you every word I wrote
all those years ago.
the blue and the brown
Dawn Treader Jan 2017
It was in April we met of last year
Never thought I'd hold you so dear
A curious thing I thought you were
Loud, eccentric, and certainly belligerent
Of my feelings, mostly inconsiderate

At odds were we from the start
With every argument we rip each other clean apart
We clash like demigods on the battlefront
I, petulantly persistent and you, cruelly blunt
I am stubborn and prideful just like you
An abundance of intense feelings between we two
Polar opposites in personality are we
But some of the things in you I see in me

Leery was I of your intentions
Following every reply with even more questions
See, no matter how hard I try can't read you
So handing my trust over to you is an issue
I've never had someone be so true
It scares me to death, because true people are so few

Even if you are not meant to be my lover
You'd be a genuine friend--like no other
(Even at times when we can't stand one another)

Patient sometimes you are with me
As I slowly release my grip and conceed to our reality
For whatever twisted reason there may be
I love you for you and you love me for me
We are like fire and gasoline, passionate lovers usually end in smoldering ash. We'll see how it goes
Jeremy Betts Mar 2024
If this goes down like the Christians are sayin'...

Ain't no one getting in and god knows it
That ash hole loves it
He's super into punishment
That and judgment
Those two seem to be his favorite
Bringing true enjoyment
So arrogant he wrote it down,
A confession in print
It's obvious no pastor is oblivious,
There's just a willingness,
A complete lack of acknowledgment
They preach benevolent
All I read is maleficent
All I see is a battlefront
A holy deficit
How he treats his creation,
Love and compassion destructively absent
It's an embarrassment
Secondhand, none from firsthand involvement
Unless you think abandonment is an accomplishment
Or fraudulent is some kind of complement
Yeah, I've read it
I wouldn't have taken it public
It's a narcissistic story of sin and atonement
Punished for the failure of a first experiment
Because one decided to be disobedient
Now ungodly pain will accompany pregnancy,
Fuuck the pregnant
Punishment doesn't fit the crime,
But don't question it
That's how it had to be,
But I don't understand that argument
Does the almighty have a limit?
They say no,
There's nothing he can't do
This is exactly how he CHOSE to do it
And when it comes right down to it,
If this shiit I hear is legit,
Let's see if he can feel regret
Will we
Get any
For this kind of "heaven sent" treatment
Force it to admit to all of it
Even if it takes an eternity,
I'll have all of eternity to do it

Beleif Jul 2014
A Billion Stories
Book I: The Wreckage
Part I: Demolition

Look at the wave,
I cannot breathe,
A maple in the forest.
A timer ticks infinitely,
A globe that couldn't save its face.
I gaze across the evergreens,
Each had its own life story.
They fell along the battlefront
And lost their lives and glory.
Each stump was bloodied 
And was thrown,
Into a broken honor.
To watch the maple's swaying leaves,
To ponder of its journey.
Alfredo Prado Oct 2014
What is love?
Where do you find it?
How do you define it?
Is it spiritual?
Is it mystical?
Or something physical
Maybe it's fictional

What is love?
Is it a feeling?
Or a state of mind?
Something appealing
Or something blind
It all depends on the naked eye
Many are hurt
And call it a lie
“I Love You”
People use those words to much
And pretty soon their meaning will die

What is love?
Kids fall in love,
But honestly they don’t
And when it comes time to confront
The reality of things they don’t accept
Their lives will become a battlefront
And when they’re rid of the butterflies
Left in rags
And the lady cries
The boy will hold up the white flag
Lonely, cold and done
Soon their love will all be gone

What is love?
In reality love is non-existent
Idiotic, pointless and a killer
Just to end up a horror story and a thriller…
Cedric McClester Aug 2018
By: Cedric McClester

As President Trump’s
History has shown
The list of felons
Has grown and grown
As a consequence
Of the bad seeds he’s sown
He's the worst president
That we've ever known

He likes to call it
A Witch Hunt
Which is shy of a touchdown
And short of a punt
Witches are everywhere
Just to be blunt
And Mueller is catching 'em
On the battlefront

Trump could give out pardons
If he’s so inclined
But the party bosses
Would be quick to remind
Him of the fact
He’d place them in a bind
When the mid-terms arrive
Voters wouldn’t be kind

Let me say this
In any case
He’s between a rock
And a hard place
He’ll be ****** if he does
While tryin’ to erase
The corruption that has
Stared us all in the face

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
Aleiana Zelin Feb 2018
My father once told me
he wouldn’t hold it against me if
I were to fall in love
with a woman

And I asked him how he’s so sure
it’s going to happen to me
He looked me straight in the eye,
stopped peeling my apples
and pointed at me with his knife,
“Duks, it’s because you’re me.”

And that terrified me to no end.
Not even because he looked
ready to stab me
but because I didn’t want
to be like my father

Yet here I am
seven years later
following every little footprint
he left for me in the sand
because he may be a lying,
cheating, fickle-minded swine
— but he is a good man
and he is half of me

And this half of me
left me a breadcrumb trail
leading to the part of myself
I will offer to you

He once told me
to never let someone you love
walk out the door angry
and I met this girl
(because there’s always a girl)
who walks in the room
and plants sunflowers in fields
of goosebump-riddled skin and waters them
with the tears of boys who think
their shark-grins and googly eyes
would make up for their
inability to hide their ****** during her shows
and they still have the audacity to think
their half-assed existence
would be good enough for her

This girl —

She picks the best and brightest
sunflowers and hands them to me
wrapped in a peach-colored smile
on the days the sun doesn’t shine for me
and even after the longest days,
I’d tiptoe through her field
until she hugs me goodbye and sends me off
with petals tangled in my hair
and pollen clinging to my fingertips

She turns me into a haven
for bees and hummingbirds alike.

My father once told me
I was named after a revolutionary
and that if I were to love another,
I would have to raise my banners high
and shout over the cries of the crowd
I would have to prove
I am worthy
of my namesake — I am the fulfillment
of the prophecy left shattered
by a hail of bullets

Dad, I’ll tell you now,
I won’t be starting any wars
for this girl — I won’t be
risking my life to save hers

She’ll be at the battlefront
already going head-to-head
with the pigs in blue while she’s red in the face
and she won’t have a problem
if you shove her against the barricades
and blast her with the water cannons
but no god will save you
if you so much as touch her eyebrows

Dad, if you’re looking for revolutionary,
I’ve found it
in the way she says my name
when we’re standing on the cusp of change
and just about ready
to claim justice
from those who so gleefully
took it from us

My father once told me
that I should appreciate classical music more
when we watched an orchestra play in the mall
and the musicians that poured their hearts
into their craft

At the time, I didn’t see the appeal
of music without words
And I wish you could see me now, dad,
because I finally appreciate
the little things that I never noticed before —
like how Botticelli’s Birth of Venus
is just a painting
until you tell her you never knew
she was Botticelli’s muse
(because who the **** looks like that
without being mistaken for a goddess
meant to be immortalized through art and poetry?)
like how poetry is only poetry
if you take the mundane
and turn it into something grandiose —
a pretentious way of saying
you have to be pretentious —
but honey, you already do this
well enough on your own
(so are you really the Muse
or the Poet?)
like how love isn’t always trembling —
sometimes it’s just staying still.
Root me into place
and tell me there can be nobody else
and I’ll tell you, dearest,
there hasn’t been anyone else
since I found out you want to be a teacher
since I held your hand in prayer
and simultaneously turned into a devout Catholic
since I told you promises are meant to be broken,
but not mine —
never mine.

Dad, it takes the right person
to show me what’s there to love
in the most minute of things.

My father once told me
to love with everything I am
till I have nothing left
“To hell with it!” he’d say.

Until now, I still take the last
slice of graham cake on Christmas Eve
even when I’ve taken more than I can stomach
I still give away
the stuffed animals that are broken and tattered
because I don’t want to be left with
things I no longer find the beauty in
I still find myself in relationships
where I have one foot out the door
because I know the exact route
to the fire exit and I’d only planned
to stay until intermission

But then, there’s you —
you take from me
only what you know I can give.
Without even noticing, I’ve given you
more than what I thought I had in me.

If I could, I’d tie a string
around the sun and carry it around
with me like a balloon
so when I come home,
your sunflowers would grow and by then
I’d have picked the ones that bloomed
on my way back to you

If I could take you to the moon,
I’d build a rocketship that uses my words
for fuel so, honey, you’ll never have to worry
about making it back home
I can take you to the Milky Way
amusement park and make
a merry-go-round of the planets
and I’d still have enough words for you
to keep as souvenirs when you land back home

Honey, I’ll never run out
of things to give you
and I take my time savoring what I have
because I know it’ll take me three times
asking you if you want the last piece
for you to try and take it from me
without me noticing
(You always fail.)

Dad, I am the end of your trail.
Let me tell you now
that you have led me to my death —
indeed, I am doomed!

Here lies the body
that was once your selfish daughter!

Now, father, watch her lay
sunflowers on my grave:

Dearest —
here rises the body
of who’ll love you
with all the tremble it took to get to you
with all the honey still sticky
and seeping into the pages
with all the faith one could afford
to give with arms outflung

Dearest —
here is when I tell you
there are no accidents.
You were meant to find me
in this exact spot.
Now, come take me home
and root me into place.

For the girl who got me to stay still when all I wanted to do was go.
Caroline Lee Mar 2016
I know that heaven will be a summer evening
And we'll be back ******* around on that hill overlooking the city
And all our past lives
Will be dust in the wind
And all that will matter is our hands in the grass
And the skyline before us
But now all we see is the war before us
The physical and the unseen
And we are being shipped off one by one to the battlefront
I wonder if when they cut your hair you will still think of me in the front seat of your car
I wonder if you will wish for me on some distant star
Or pray to some god to bring us back together as if fate hadn't been gunning for us at all
I wonder if when home is only a memory you will take the time to remember the streets we used to drive endlessly
up and down
And back and forth forcing time to talk in all honesty about our changes
I wonder if your change will change me
If we'll ever even meet again
If we'll ever even speak again
All in all, I know I will love you till the very end
Even if I only love the memory of the hopeless ******* you were swearing quietly in the church
Smile on your face like you had something to say
Hands in your pockets like you'd never go away
Heaven is a summer evening where we turn back time and it all gets reversed and we get to stay together in innocence for the rest of our eternity
In truth, I'm not sure every eternity would be enough to lie back and remember with you
Heaven is a place where I look at you and I tell you I love you and you feel it in full
Where every cancerous thought of destruction is removed from your body and you are free in spirit to be as I have seen you can be
Heaven is a place where you look into me
And I look into you
And innocent.
And I have loved you for the duration of our never ending Now, but I hear the Fates call that our portion of time together is now Enough
And it hurts.
Because Enough will never be enough for me.
Because for me, Heaven is us
back ******* around on that hill overlooking the city
Heaven is your porch in the dead heat of summer
Heaven is almost burning down your father's field setting off fireworks on the fourth of July
Heaven, to put it simply,
isn't on earth yet
and it ******* hurts.
Goodbye ******* hurts when you have to turn the page from the most beauty you've ever see.
Goodbye ******* hurts when your friends tell you it'll all stay the same even when we're thousands of miles away and all you can do is smile and nod because you know,
You just know that it won't.
And nothing makes it go away except surrender to our individual up and overs
Giving way to the void of 'what happens next' in the never ending Now
And I know that now.
So I will watch you ship off to fight your holy war and I will fight the war within me to fight the Change
Because the Change makes us whole
The Change makes us new.
The Change builds us into who we were meant to be in the darkened theater of life by tearing us down to our core
And your core is something terrible and wonderful to see indeed.
You were a beautiful mess of man
But you have greater things to do
And I do too
So for the goodbye for this never ending Now
I'll see you when we meet again.
for you.
Viseract Nov 2016
What you said, breaks me
And how I react, makes me
Seen some stuff that's shady
These memories, haunting

I tried to run, tried to fight
By tooth and claw, spit and bite
But sometimes, with head in hands
It hits so hard that I can't stand

Turns to red, drips to the floor
Zipping skin, can't take no more
Making mistakes that I can't face
And praying for it to be erased...

This broken life....
Live and die....

By my word, I will stand
Whether I'm alone, I. Don't

Fighting back, battlefront
Too familiar to get lost
With these words you draw my blood
Knock me down into the mud

You push me away...
Fading, every day!

By my word, I will stand
Whether I'm alone,
I don't care!

Use my mind, got a plan
Time to rise, to take a stand
Fight the evil, banish these demons
Internally so you can't see them

Better run, it's my time
To make or break this cursed lifeline
Face the darkness, fight to win
I'll say goodbye though it's not the end

*I will stand, alone again,
Til the end, I won't pretend
It's not easy but it must be done...
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
An eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth
violence birthing violence
an unfortunate truth

Attitudes today
put on a strong front
in the face of society
and its battlefront

We've created a world
of dissension and discord
and the a payment for this
we can't begin to afford
Eric Fraley Jan 2018
I've risen up from the bottom
I’ve free fallen from the top
I'm down to earth
But the free fall never stopped
I was eventually battered by the waves
Hit my head on the rocks
I drifted for days
I awoke surrounded by the ocean so misty and clouded in this grayish haze
Just like the sea
I felt sometimes so clear blue and so free
Then sometimes I felt as deep and as black as could be
The world had cast me away because I had questioned its wars
I had questioned its ways
Once again
The silver lining that had been behind this life had withered and frayed

As I looked around
Bullets began to stray
The ocean was flipped upside down
The sea floor became a battleground
Barbed wire raised
The ditches sunk
The scene unfolded into a battlefront
But that grayish haze didn't change
You couldn't mistake the sound  

The struggles

The shouts

The whizz of the bullets

The doubts

The moments of silence

I’m thrown back by the sight

The bloodshed

The violence

The sound and sight of artillery shells as they shatter the ground
Covered by the ash strewed grass
Once again
I'm thrown back
I was battered by the blast
I hit my head on a rock
Out cold
No longer than three minutes I'd last. . .
Bled out on the already blood stained grass

They arrived with a letter after only a day passed
My mother. . .
Her heart shattered like glass
My father. . .
To his knees he collapsed
An honorable death in the letter somewhere it read
But so many words left unsaid

Wasted life
Jesus Christ
What a pointless sacrifice
Sleepless nights
Sorrow filled flicker of the candle lights
Devastating letters to family. . .

Just wait till’ dad sees. . .

The 21 guns salute
The flag strewn casket

Inside his son. . .

Who he, himself, taught to shoot a gun at 6 years young
Lil’ sis’ still can't grasp it
Too young to understand the senselessness of a topic so sensitive

There truly is no sense in this
Our patriotic grievances
With all these wars and smothered grins
I wonder if anyone actually still believes in sins
I myself no longer see the light
I try so hard to catch another glimpse
I once saw it as a young boy
But then I grew up
The shadow of the real world was too immense
So it died out back then
I haven't seen it since

The human race
The United States
Says it strives for peace
Yet the world’s becoming more and more of a crazy place
They think being capable of the most destruction keeps us safe
Yet it's dangerous so they develop destructive weapons behind closed gates

The sins of humanity are clearly pointed out in our history
We've had two world wars soon to be three. . .

Undoubtedly. . .

Guess Planet Earth is now a wars world
It is this that makes the world so unworldly

One race

One world

Divided we've always stood
Divided we'll inevitably fall
Tripped over our own two feet
Caught up in the waves when our engines stall

Capsized by the waves of our history. . .

Sometimes so clear blue and so free
Then sometimes as deep and black as could be

History's developing a pattern so sink or swim won't matter
A shadow over our own people we so easily cast
Drowned in the darkness
Caused by the ignorance so easily hidden and masked
Caused by the heartless
So oblivious to the past
It's now just a matter of how long we can hold our breath
How long we'll last

One thousand years won't save our lives
But thousands of lives can be saved for a lifetime if we understand the fact that...

Wars don't determine who is right...

Only who is left
Only who is left to fight another day
It's sad to say
So sad to see
Wish these soldiers could come home and live happily

But when they close their eyes they see their brothers in arms meet their demise

Again and again and they beg and they beg

“Please god when does it end! ”

"What do you want from me? ”

"If it was only me and not them! "

“Why couldn't you have saved my friends? ”

“They were clearly the better men.”

They had wives
They had children
They had lives
Now what fills in?

A flag in a glass case
Right above the fireplace
A picture frame of their smiling face
An angel lost to amazing grace

A silent dinner table . . .

An empty space. . .

A whole future. . .

A whole life. . .

Gone and erased. . .

Lost to The Waves of War
Ken Mears Nov 2019
On Halloween night,

Monsters emerge,

Ready to instill fright,

An unearthly scourge.

Monsters of all kinds,

Stalk the Earth,

No longer trapped in confines,

Deep-set fear to unearth.

Ghosts and ghouls and goblins,

Zombies and skeletons and spiders,

All come hobbling,

Out as night riders.

Ready to ***** and chill,

To haunt and hunt,

To fill with thrill,

And fight at fear's battlefront.

Creatures of ill intent,

Unite for one night,

Creating discontent,

A vile blight.

Amongst children,

Ready for tricks or treats,

Seven billion,

People's fears to eats.

On Halloween night,

Dark forces arise,

And take flight,

For fear is their prize!
Nathan Young Jun 2014
It's now apparent that I hardly sleep.
Perhaps too many thoughts racing
or subconsciously, I'm plagued by nightmares.
Either way, I suffer every night.

Could it be that interest in a certain someone?
Her mind is purely intoxicating to say the least
and I spend many an hour in exchange for conversations.
I do not and shall not regret this trade though
for in my eyes, it's definitely worth it.

Maybe it's my doubt in the ability to transcend
through school and achieving my professional dream.
It's entirely possible that I worry too much,
but it's in my personality with such matters,
however important or trivial.

The times I do allow myself some sleep,
I succumb to pure darkness.
Often, I fear that I'll never find a way out;
The light at the end of the tunnel.
Daily, it becomes harder to escape.

Nightmares in form are twisted.
They corrupt the very fabric of your well-being.
That being said, how ill am I?
I wonder if my light still exists.
If so, please shine, do not just glimmer.

Thoughts swirling with hope
while nightmares brood in doubt.
This is my mind in a nutshell;
A brutal, unforgiving battlefront.
sundial iris Jun 2020
six trees gathered, a single stand,
looking for a gathering, standing of four more,
a prayer circle to make, branch to branch
holding onto each other, to have their bark better
heard, the question on the table, today’s agenda:

why must trees die?

overheard their human querying same, the proud trees
too, puzzled, sending their inquiry to the heavens that
feed them never failing, water to quench a rooted deep
thirst, their role, job description well understood, purposed
to shade the world, give off fruit, so tasked, so asked:

why must trees die?

Caught the busy Lord unawares, dealing with seasonal pandemics,
endemic hatred from the frailings of  human weakness, who honor
pretense by their mouth moving, but don’t believe their enunciation,
oh! tiresome battlefront, millions of casualties inflicted on each other,
Lord could not countenance another self-interested questioning of his earthly architecture

why must trees die?

on a beautiful paradisal day, cumulus whites decorating a blue coloratura that never be quite replicated, quieting, five-sense waters at ease, minimal moving, lunching noon hour,the birds, insects, rabbits all retired to cooling reservoirs, munch, gnaw, pollinate, yet the trees misjudge the sun dial iris quietude in the manger, the grove, as the Lord’s good graceful forgiving demeanor, therefore shocking, disbelieving the unforgiving ruthlessness of a deity of love, so the

cracking of a single bolt of punishing, purposed lighting, that knocked all the trees down, single blow, roots embruing, ember glowed, a “sounding” the world hears unoften, unremitting, not understanding its other-worldliness, so rare appearing when an actualized answer is returned, declarative, tangible, glorious words:

because I am who I am, The Eternal, alone, who keeps the imperfect balance of all my creations, without oversight, asking only from them
acceptance of things beyond earthly comprehension...
Mark Toney Nov 2019
Feeling deep regret for our misguided debt
Which gives us pause realizing the hurt we’ll cause
So let's raise our glasses to the lads and lasses
Who will bear the brunt on the battlefront
10/14/2019 - Poetry form: Leonine - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
KathleenAMaloney Aug 2016
Rattle Snakes along a Dried Creek
Reveal Tracks of Endless
Ridden Upon the Flesh of Man
Mini Me's Again and Again
Babushka Dolls Lifted
From Another Time

As Bright Sun Risen
Reveals Daylight
Upon Dead Flesh
ReAwakened For
The Battlefront  Foretold
Moons of 12's  Lost
To Hungry Specter Of World Teeth
Gnashing  Harvest From their Wifely  Souls

Who Shall Take
The Wedding Ring
From the Finger
of The Left Hand
Held In Mourning?
By Limb or Will Shall Loose
God's Life
Foretold By Greater Words
Than These
As Knives of Unseen Hands
Prepare Themselves
And Gather For Certain Circus
Too Much Known Now
For the Picture is a Pretty Thing to Own
As Shame Dances To Other Hosts
In Search of Fresh Fields Devouring Ripe
Skeletal Remains Rise Afresh

Friendship But a Useful Compass
To The  Appetites of ORDER Sold
I like to Place Stones In my Creaked of Poetry, Erasing and Adding, so my  Words Have an Extra Little Labyrinth Play for  Flow so Fun!!!!!
Michael LoMonaco Apr 2018
Persistence is the fuel for success,
Ignited by the sparks of passion.

Attacked by the enemy of imperfection,
Facing hardships on every battlefront.

Dueling problems with a strong sword,
Fighting for the ultimate cause in life.

A warrior never admits defeat in battle,
No surrender in the war for excellence.

When success is finally won by glory,
The blade of victory will shine with pride.
Karishma Gupte Sep 2019
My heart sank when the doctors said, " You have delivered a girl."
Your battle began from that moment onward.
They will criticise you in every step of your life.
Whether you are tall, short, fair or dark.
They will stab you in your back with smiling face and kindness in their eyes.
They will abandon you in middle of nowhere. Lonely, lost and dazed you will wonder what you did was wrong.
Cry! Cry your heart out! Coz, crying is not a sign of weakness but a sign of self expression.
Cry till the fear, anger and hatred flows out.
Then get back up with your trembling knees, look in the mirror and remember words of your mother - YOU are Strong, Brave and Fearless!
You don't need a prince to rescue you coz I will raise you to be a warrior!
Dance, painting and positive books no longer serve purpose in this Kaliyug!
You will have to learn Karate, Self defence and Business tactics.
To survive on this battlefront.
Age of Parvati and Sita is long gone.
You will have to train hard to be 'Kali' of this Kali-yug!
LCP Aug 2018
Is ignorance bliss?
Or is it simply lying to another?
Are you keeping them for yourself?
Or taking their air?

Is it being so honest that the truth is blunt?
Or is it keeping loved ones away from the true battlefront?

Honesty can be
Rarely confessed
So here’s the question you must answer:
Is it better to keep a lie tidy?
Or reveal that the truth is a mess?
Satsih Verma Sep 2018
It is a
chilled embrace,
separated by distance.
Why the grief has brought us together?

The time ejects
you― from your hot niche.
You smell black. The apples rot.
Nigella. The love-in-a-mist
was gone.

The history will not
forgive me. Leaving your horse
in battlefront. Going for a
moon. O god― I was trying to
stop the bleed.

You climb again
the steps to meet the beast
of the jungle. Don't measure
the faith. I will wait for

— The End —