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A thought ****** again
and again. I cannot hear your
footfalls. In twilight, moon―

Comes, hugs you and
jumps into burning lake.
My ancient pain stands before me.

I have come faraway
from your home. My hand tremble
when I write your name on water.
You could not keep pace
with me. I wanted to give you what
I did not have. I don't like tears.

Do not fall in love.
My heart breaks when it snows
and the viruses laugh.

A periodic pain hurts.
When would science fail and
philosophy start music?
Shortcoming hopes
were fading. Cuss words work.
The nation moves a few feet.

You drink the water
with your hands and break the glass.
What religion will adore the kismat?

You forget the karma.
The repentation passes through you.
I allow the rhythm to accept lineage.
I would not make
excuses. My nothingness let
me go beyond myself.

Sometimes I ask
otherself, why I find you in
pain and sorrow in love and peace.

Will you find freedom
from change, from power
and slavery of the past?
It is humility, when
you can carry in your hand a scorpion ?
A race against love?

I cannot revert the
punishment. Why blue spots on
the body remind me of the hurts?

Do not give me a sacred
sloka. I repeat my victory on your
lips. Two friends become one.
What has happened?
A severed head falls from the sky.
Who wants to sit down and weep?

A dark pink eye in
warm screen explains the door
opens for black roses on white thorns.

A frugal pain explodes.
Why does humanity call the name?
Will we swipe off the truth?
You picked the moonlily
without asking the moon to kiss
the Apollo moon and daisy.

Ariel the lion of Cod
God comes down to smell the man
Are we worthy to save from the earth quake?

The ocean will not sleep.
But what inspires the poetry? No pen
or paper. Who writes on the heart.
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