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Dec 2020 · 999
Priya Gaikwad Dec 2020
I am invisible,
No one can see me,
I’m the lost face in the crowd,
No one would look for,
I’m the lost treasure in the sea,
Sunk deep down,
Gone forever,
I’m the unknown star in the sky,
No one is aware of,
I’m the unappreciated piece of art,
No one would ever discover,
I’m not a fairy-tale,
Cheerful and pretentious,
I’m an apocalypse,
Real and tragic.
Dec 2020 · 552
Priya Gaikwad Dec 2020








Oct 2019 · 691
Priya Gaikwad Oct 2019
And suddenly,
my demons started dancing with me.
Oct 2019 · 439
Priya Gaikwad Oct 2019
This nice guy pretense will wear off soon,
I’ll avoid you, lie to you, and keep secrets from you,
I’ll not even let you know that I’m engaged to someone,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll let you find it on Instagram,
And when you question me, I’ll explain it to you in nice words,
‘Look I’ve found someone else so you –’
I’m a nice guy; I won’t fill in the blanks,
I’ll let you fill in the blanks (you ***** who wasn’t good enough for me),
I’ll leave you broken, shattered and disappointed for life,
But still, at the end of the day, I’m a nice guy.
Oct 2019 · 338
Priya Gaikwad Oct 2019
I’m a nice guy,
Certain boys like to say that often don’t they?
I’m a nice guy,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll open doors for you,
I’ll let you walk first,
I’ll be ‘modest’ with you,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll never lie to you,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll never keep you waiting,
I’ll never ask for nudes,
I’ll wait till you get comfortable,
Then ask for nudes,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll call you from overseas just to check on you during your ***,
I’ll skip my work to cheer you up,
I’ll treat you like a queen,
Always, and forever,
Who am I kidding? Forever? Nah!
Sep 2019 · 246
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
People make mistakes,
Every one of them,
Those who don't make mistakes,
Are the unfortunate ones,
Who doesn't even get a choice to make mistakes!
Sep 2019 · 316
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
Only I will destroy my life,
No one else will contribute to this catastrophe.
Sep 2019 · 324
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
Once I told you a story,
A story about a boy who betrayed me,
You heard my story, every word,
Startled, shocked,
And years later,
You did the same thing to me,
What does that make us?
What does that make you?
A ruthless *******?
What does that make me?
An imbecile idiotic girl?
Sep 2019 · 350
Rot & Die
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
When someone leaves forever,
A part inside us that belonged to them dies,
Sometimes it's a good part,
Sometimes it's a bad part,
But some leave causing gangrene,
They slowly infect our entire system,
Causing each part of ours to rot and die.
Sep 2019 · 460
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
I’ve humored your stupidity,
I’ve cuddled with your weaknesses,
I’ve worshipped your lies,
I’ve shattered my heart waiting for you,
I’ve marred my soul believing you,
And what have you done?

May 2019 · 237
Priya Gaikwad May 2019
And when I leave,
You'll finally understand,
The meaning of,
Silence After The Storm.
Apr 2019 · 449
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2019
When you bite a Scorpio,
You end up poisoning yourself.
Mar 2019 · 286
One-sided love
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
In this age, where one-sided love is often fantasized & romanticized,
It holds a power that no other love can ever hold,
It speaks a language every broken soul will understand,
Paints a picture that makes even the happiest man weep blood.
Mar 2019 · 281
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
The words we don't speak,
Become the haunted house we build for ourselves,
The words etched on our lips,
Crawl the walls of our mind suffocating,
The words trapped inside us,
Keep us awake at night,
Terrifying us like a ghost on a cold night,
The words that decay inside us,
Slowly, **** our souls and leave us dead.
Mar 2019 · 253
L for Love
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
How would you know?
If it doesn’t drive you mad,
If it doesn’t question your sanity,
How would you know?
If it doesn’t make you hate yourself & the whole world,
How would you know?
If it doesn’t ruin you,
How would you know?
If it doesn’t make you talk to yourself or the moon,
How would you know?
If it doesn’t make you do stupid things,
If it doesn’t make you a king/queen of bad decisions,
How would you know that it’s nothing but,
Insane, idiotic, and immeasurable love.
Mar 2019 · 1.0k
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
She’s not beautiful,
She’s not nice,
She’s messy,
Terrifying, haunting,
Radiant, breath-taking,
Just like art.
Mar 2019 · 268
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
It’s not the one who makes your heart skip a beat,
It’s the one, who wipes off your smile even during the happiest moments,
Just by his glance,
He’s the one who’s really touched you.
Mar 2019 · 642
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
Whatever we are,
Whatever we become,
Is the reflection of our past,
Reflection of our mistakes,
Of the lessons learned,
And also of the lessons not willing to learn.
Mar 2019 · 285
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
He turned her ice cold,
Then he left her,
Because she had no fire inside her.
Mar 2019 · 411
Priya Gaikwad Mar 2019
The Sun and the Moon were lovers,
Once they fought and the Moon left the Sun burning,
The Sun burned till there was nothing left in him,
His memory of the Moon too was ruined by his fire,
But the Moon missed the Sun,
The Moon missed the Sun so much that he was filled with nothing but darkness,
Hollowness and loneliness,
This is why lost lovers look at the Moon,
Because when they see the Moon, they remember their lost love,
They remember their Sun.
Feb 2019 · 270
Priya Gaikwad Feb 2019
Who rules the world?
Women with broken dreams and broken hearts,
Women with crass mouths and mesmerizing eyes,
Women with red lipstick guzzling down tequila shots,
Women wearing their scars like crowns and smirking,
Women possessing the power to ****** someone miles away,
Women who order their demons to dress up for dinner,
Women who kissed the devil and bathed in his blood,
Women who chose the forbidden and fought with the world for him,
Women who took bad decisions and created history,
Women dressing like ****** in classrooms,
Women who danced at ***** and when the time came kicked someone’s *****,
Women who tattooed ‘Disaster’ on their foreheads,
Women who gave you skin, water, food, and shelter,
Women who brought you into this world, making you obliged to her for life,
Who rules the world?
Feb 2019 · 449
Priya Gaikwad Feb 2019
Broken can never be mended, it will always have cracks. Always!
Nov 2018 · 397
Priya Gaikwad Nov 2018
He is everywhere,
He is in lonely nights,
He is in pain,
He is in sad words,
He is in my poems,
He is in endless tears,
And yet, he isn't here.
Nov 2018 · 232
Priya Gaikwad Nov 2018
I walk in the darkness feeling your presence,
I feel your hands reaching out to me,
Craving my skin like I crave yours,
My eyes don’t see you but my desires do,
They dance in the moonlight with your desires,
They tease me, tempt me, tantalize me,
The mere thought of your touch sets my mind ablaze,
Don’t bring the moon for me,
Be my moon,
Nov 2018 · 155
Broken Girl
Priya Gaikwad Nov 2018
People see the light coming out of her,
They marvel at her shiny and shimmering aura,
But none of them know the broken parts of her that ignite the light,
None of them see the shattered parts of her that help her shine,
They only see the dazzle,
They never notice the damage.
Broken Damage light
Jul 2018 · 192
Priya Gaikwad Jul 2018
While you stare deep into his eyes for stars,
Don’t forget the endless and painful night that eventually brought out the stars.
Jul 2018 · 188
Priya Gaikwad Jul 2018
When I should have turned into a stone,
I turned into glass,
I felt myself cracking open slowly,
The shreds of broken pieces shattering,
Leaving me hollow and empty.
Jul 2018 · 166
Priya Gaikwad Jul 2018
The day you’ll stop looking for your hero in the villains,
Is the day you’ll begin your fairy-tale.
#hero #villian #fairytale
Jul 2018 · 189
Priya Gaikwad Jul 2018
Women feel all men are same,
But they are different,
Every man disappoints in different ways,
One will charm you with his looks and cheat you,
One will play the nice guy card and leave you feeling bitter,
But they all will experience one thing common,
The madness raging in her body,
The cheater, the nice guy, the boy after him, they will all want to dive deep into her,
But she’s an endless ocean; you can never get out of her sane and alive,
She’ll drown you in her melancholy.
Jul 2018 · 173
What am I?
Priya Gaikwad Jul 2018
What am I?
I’m nothing less than a scandal,
I’m a catastrophe,
I’m the storm that is named after your girl,
I’m not the stars or the moon,
But I’m the never-ending night,
Filled with darkness, magic, and lust,
I awaken the best and the worst in a man,
I’m the saddest Lana Del Rey song,
I’m everything nobody desires to be,
I’m the greatest tragedy,
I’m the most beautiful poem.
lust poem sad Lana del Rey
May 2018 · 162
Priya Gaikwad May 2018
Sometimes we feel we want someone,

And it is only after they return back to us,

We realize that we are better without them.
May 2018 · 203
It's not okay
Priya Gaikwad May 2018
It’s not okay to leave someone,

It’s not okay to walk out of someone’s life leaving them broken,

It’s not okay to hurt someone, humiliate their feelings,

It’s not okay to just forget them like they meant nothing to you,

It’s not okay to break someone’s heart brutally,

It’s not okay to unlove someone and feel nothing for them ever,

It’s not okay to be okay with leaving people damaged.
May 2018 · 252
Priya Gaikwad May 2018
The doors are open,

The windows are open,

And yet, I cannot escape.
May 2018 · 505
Priya Gaikwad May 2018
I can keep writing love songs, love stories, love poems,
But nothing will erase the scars of your betrayal from my skin,
I can go on scribbling on paper, rubbing my wounds,
But nothing will heal my back which you stabbed,
When I was looking for love in your eyes.
May 2018 · 303
Priya Gaikwad May 2018
We see things not as they appear to be,
But as we want them to appear to us,
That’s why; we see the bond and not the betrayal,
We remember the chemistry and not the catastrophe,
We remember the temptation and not the tears,
We remember the happiness and not the heartbreak,
We remember the smiles and not the scars,
We remember their eyes melting us,
But not their egos crushing us,
We remember the touch and not the torture.
Apr 2018 · 257
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
Do you know what am I?

A maze,

At first glance, you’ll be fascinated by my mystery,

Slowly and unknowingly you’ll get lost in me,

And finally, you’ll be running away from me,

But there will be no escape,

No doors, no windows, no getting out,

Just you and me in my twisted world.
Apr 2018 · 1.3k
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
how tragic!

the ones we want to love,
will never know the intense fire burning inside us,
for them,

and the ones we get to love,
are burning for someone else.
Apr 2018 · 267
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
She looked at him like he was colorful fireworks,

But then, he was fireworks,

She could only look at him in awe from a distance,

She could never touch him,

Because if she did,

Then she would burn,

But then, she wanted to burn in his fire.
Apr 2018 · 293
Little Girls
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
Times have changed,

We are no longer meek, little girls hiding behind our knight in shining armor to defeat our enemy,

Sometimes we have to fight for our knight with swords in our pretty, delicate, soft hands,

But more often, we have to fight for ourselves, our honor, our life, our dignity,

Our little hands might shake, our eyes might water, our hearts might stop beating, but we should not stop the fire burning inside us,

We must step ahead for us, for every woman who has suffered, for every unborn girl who will be inspired by us someday,

If we don’t fight today, that girl might never be born, she needs to be born, she needs to hear our story, she needs us,
So, fight!
Apr 2018 · 968
Vill Ann
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
Picture him: He’s gorgeous, thin, tall, and fair, has soft hair; his soft hair falls on his mischievous eyes. He has a pointed nose which makes him look evil. He only wears black which is his favorite color. Oh, you must see him in black; it makes him look like a mesmerizing poem. Imagine him, just close your eyes and imagine him wearing a black, long leather jacket. His eyes are only on you. When he looks at you, your insides churn and you wanna do the unspeakable things with him. He moves closer to you, smiles, oh that smile, which will make the devil weak in the knees. He is a bad, bad boy you always wanted. He touches you setting your body on fire and slowly gets the knife out to slit your throat.
Apr 2018 · 301
You mean nothing!
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
You mean nothing,
You are nothing,
I have strived really hard to reach here,
I cried for days, nights, months,
But now, nothing,
And I’m so glad to feel hollow and empty,
Women want a perfect romance,
They want to feel the butterflies fluttering in their hearts and stomachs,
They want to see their beloved and look for their world in his eyes,
But I?
I want to see your face and feel soul-less, heartless,
I want to feel nothing,
After all, this is what you made me,
After all, this is what you deserve.
#Sad #empty
Apr 2018 · 352
What is love?
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
It's not love if it doesn’t destroy you,

It’s not love if it doesn’t drive you insane,

It’s not love if it doesn’t change you,

It’s not love if it doesn’t make you question the world,

It’s not love if it doesn’t make you fight unknown battles,

It’s not love if it doesn’t damage you in the prettiest way possible,

It’s not love if it doesn’t show you stars, galaxies, sun, moon in his/her eyes.

It’s not love if it doesn’t involve madness.

It’s not love if it doesn’t come with devastatingly beautiful destruction.
Apr 2018 · 364
Sun & Moon
Priya Gaikwad Apr 2018
You are the sun, so alone and yet shining, I’m the moon, so alone and floating in the dark,

You are the sun, so bright, radiant, and full of light, I’m the moon, so empty, rough, and full of shade,

You are the sun, you give life to this world, a new beginning is born with you, I’m the moon; I end everything with my darkness,

You are the sun, the whole world depends on you, I’m the moon; no one cares about me,

You are the sun, people fear you, I’m the moon; people fall for my beauty,

You are the sun, you burn anyone who touches you, I’m the moon; I turn a man poet with my one touch,

You are the sun, you hide the stars to shine the brightest, I’m the moon; I turn black to let the stars shine and shimmer,

You are the sun, the symbol of hope in the entire universe, I’m the moon, the only hope for the lost love and poets,

You are the sun, people look at you and see God, I’m the moon; people look for their lost love in me and find solace.

— The End —