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Priya Gaikwad Dec 2020
I am invisible,
No one can see me,
I’m the lost face in the crowd,
No one would look for,
I’m the lost treasure in the sea,
Sunk deep down,
Gone forever,
I’m the unknown star in the sky,
No one is aware of,
I’m the unappreciated piece of art,
No one would ever discover,
I’m not a fairy-tale,
Cheerful and pretentious,
I’m an apocalypse,
Real and tragic.
Priya Gaikwad Dec 2020








Priya Gaikwad Oct 2019
And suddenly,
my demons started dancing with me.
Priya Gaikwad Oct 2019
This nice guy pretense will wear off soon,
I’ll avoid you, lie to you, and keep secrets from you,
I’ll not even let you know that I’m engaged to someone,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll let you find it on Instagram,
And when you question me, I’ll explain it to you in nice words,
‘Look I’ve found someone else so you –’
I’m a nice guy; I won’t fill in the blanks,
I’ll let you fill in the blanks (you ***** who wasn’t good enough for me),
I’ll leave you broken, shattered and disappointed for life,
But still, at the end of the day, I’m a nice guy.
Priya Gaikwad Oct 2019
I’m a nice guy,
Certain boys like to say that often don’t they?
I’m a nice guy,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll open doors for you,
I’ll let you walk first,
I’ll be ‘modest’ with you,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll never lie to you,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll never keep you waiting,
I’ll never ask for nudes,
I’ll wait till you get comfortable,
Then ask for nudes,
I’m a nice guy; I’ll call you from overseas just to check on you during your ***,
I’ll skip my work to cheer you up,
I’ll treat you like a queen,
Always, and forever,
Who am I kidding? Forever? Nah!
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
People make mistakes,
Every one of them,
Those who don't make mistakes,
Are the unfortunate ones,
Who doesn't even get a choice to make mistakes!
Priya Gaikwad Sep 2019
Only I will destroy my life,
No one else will contribute to this catastrophe.
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