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668 · Aug 2012
Timmy Shanti Aug 2012
God to take my soul,
England to take my bones,
Rave to take control
Over ages and stones.
664 · Jun 2012
Timmy Shanti Jun 2012
Four flowers in my hand -
Aren’t they beautiful?

Three tears in my eyes -
I’m at a funeral.

Of my soul
Which I sold

To someone
I never knew...

Four flowers -
Maybe, it’s too few?

27.9.2005 (2004?)
659 · Jul 2021
you come to YOU
Timmy Shanti Jul 2021
your past
and letting go

frozen heart
and drifting snow

warmth within you
dark without

vernal sprout

and ocean blue

letting go
you come to YOU
love yourself; love one another; love love
659 · Dec 2020
xmas yet?
Timmy Shanti Dec 2020
i breathe in
i breathe out
crossing fingers
black out

down my drink
tryina think
i don't blink
why do you?

got somena hide?
take it in your stride!

ride wit me
vibe wit me
be dope wit me
got hope wit me

rubbin shoulders
breaking boulders
we giants
ain't said we compliant

hate the game
not the player
ain't no shame
say a prayer

for yoself
and for us

what's the fuss?

we be  levitatin
xmas yet?
we celebratin
24 xii MMXX

merry, gay, nice, sugar and spice xmas and new year to you, luvs!
642 · Mar 2022
it's been a month
Timmy Shanti Mar 2022
It's been a month
A month of horror, despair and pain
It still hurts

It's been a month
A month of hope, kindness and unity
I'm still speechless

We have never been so different
We have never been closer still

It's been a month
Why then, does it feel like yesterday?
639 · Dec 2012
Timmy Shanti Dec 2012
Getting the words right is never easy. Not in the slightest. And don't think that this only pertains to lay people - politicians, artists, journos, writers, you name it, find it hard most of the time. Even if it seems they're getting theirs right, talking the talk, spinning a story, telling tales, saying things - well, they're just bullshitting. You and themselves. For not a single person in the world at any given moment knows exactly what they are about to say, what should be said - or rather, left out, which is more important. Once you've opened your mouth and let the words slip, they're gone, living a life of their own. Out there to haunt you.
634 · Nov 2019
Blue Girl
Timmy Shanti Nov 2019
when i hear the words 'on fire'
i picture strikers scoring goals,
with skill and prowess to admire -
not self-immolating blue-clad girls

the game can be so cruel...
are you as free as you think you are?
your views and wishes can lead to ruin,
yet your beliefs will get you far

our never-ending dream of a world of equality,
no borders - within or without
some might say you're of inferior quality
but have they a clue about

your struggles, your hardships, your toil?..
your designs they shan't ever foil
your eyes and your heart, shining bright,
will burn right through the day and the night

be the spark and light the fire!
a revolution of love -
something to remember and admire
be the last one to have a laugh
Autumn 2019
Here is to #oneworld
620 · Dec 2020
Timmy Shanti Dec 2020
Break the rules - not promises
Break the chains - not hearts

Make amends - not enemies
Make a brand new start

Take a stance - not hostages
Take control - not lives

Do what's right - not easier
Dream like butterflies

Have the guts to be yourself
Have the grace to go

Love yourself no matter what
Let your spirit glow
xv Dec 2020
Had the line "Break the rules - not promises" for a long long while in my 'started but unfinished' backlog...
Listening to Taylor's 'folklore', came up with the rest (almost) in no time.
Thanks, bae!
Here's to a better, happier 2021 for us all!
619 · Jun 2019
Timmy Shanti Jun 2019
The world was bare,
Nothing happened,
And naught evolved,
Things were so stiff.

There was no light.
No darkness, either.
Forms were all shapeless.
Time stood still.

Then, all at once,
The matter sparkled,
Ideas thrived,
High spirits soared.

Built were the bodies,
Art was artful,
Design exquisite,
Visions bold.

As of today...
What have we gotten?
Where are the wit,
The bloom, the charm?

Haven’t we all
But long forgotten
To say our farewells to arms?

We cannot know
What’s drawing near.
We cannot see
Too far ahead.

But shall we swear –
So loud and clear –
To cherish love,
Both born and bred?
607 · Mar 2022
the game
Timmy Shanti Mar 2022
everything i stand for is alien here
everything i despise is rife
death is glorified at every corner
and trampled upon is life

you're not supposed to speak
but you're required to believe
kindness is called weak
and you're not allowed to grieve

war is peace, they say
ignorance is strength
now i find myself cast away
where lies are being fed at length

i gaze, unblinking, into the abyss
it gazes back, calling my name
i've always felt there's something amiss
with this wicked, cruel game

the game i chose not to play
the game that has no rules
the game you can't expect to win
the game so loved by fools
Peace on Earth
594 · Aug 2018
a world with two moons
Timmy Shanti Aug 2018
I went to a world with two moons
You have to see it to know
How infinitely gorgeous it is

I went back to my earthly home
So cuddly in here
I won’t trade it for aught

These passions will fight forever:
The need to see and the need to stay
My wanderlust is enormous
But so is my homesick pay

At times I wonder
If I could splinter myself
Into fragments of consciousness

To see what I see
To do what I do
To dwell in different places
At the very same time

To be alone
To be with you
To be
574 · Oct 2018
Timmy Shanti Oct 2018
The sands of time,
Dripping like blood.
Free at last.
572 · Dec 2018
We happy few
Timmy Shanti Dec 2018
We happy few,
Who breathe and walk.
(The joy of sunlight, snow or rain!)
Who can – just casually –
Write and read AND talk.
And have a functioning, undamaged brain.
We eat, unaided, *** as planned.
We’re even free to start a band!

And yet we sulk, and whine and whimper…
(That’s what I call “to drop a clinker”!)
We’re never sated, always vexed –
Some people cannot even text!

We have the gadgets, have the shelter…
If you so want: ride helter-skelter!
We cross the oceans, study stars.
We’ll soon be up to go to Mars!

... We spoiled brats, we grouchy goons.
How many more last chance saloons
It’s gotta take to make us see
How blessed and fortunate are we?..

Life’s what you make it,
A point of view.

Yours blissfully,
We happy few.
31-Dec 2018
Count your blessings!
Have a glorious 2019!
567 · Aug 2017
Timmy Shanti Aug 2017
Wringing my hands
Whistling to no tune in particular
Wrestling my ego

And I’m losing
It ***** me up
Every single time
I’m onto something
Something legit
It gets in the way
Bosses me around
Screws me over and over again
Whispers nonsense in my ear
Derails my flawless plans
Turns people away from me
Makes me despicable

But if it taught me anything
Anything at all
Is that you should always keep going
No matter the odds

So here I am
Still wrestling
Won't give up
August 2017
552 · Jun 2021
a billion stars above
Timmy Shanti Jun 2021
a billion stars above
is all I ever asked for
my wish has been granted
many times over
lit is the path before me
every soul a star
YOU can make a difference!
vi 2021
529 · Aug 2018
Timmy Shanti Aug 2018
We’re history the moment we enter this world.
Like it or not. No one cares.

Mystery? We are gone, before long.
Blink of an eye. Fixed stares.

Multitudes single.
Singular masses.
We mingle.

Filling each others’ glasses.
Only to break the glass.
And cut ourselves. Bleeding.
History repeating.

Casting sideways glances.
Treading ever so lightly.

We never leave in earnest.
Not even with the circus.
A letter to the non-discerning.
Hard to find purpose.

Dripping drops of time.
Windows onto the sublime.

No one to blame.
It’s but a silly game.
499 · Jun 2023
Timmy Shanti Jun 2023
can you feel my pulse?
you sure it's there?
coz i'm not

it's been quite some time
since i became a ghost
and all you hear
is but an echo

yet, your hand in mine,
i feel warm and needed
and that's all i ask for

ain't been this alive
in years
June '23
499 · Jan 2022
Timmy Shanti Jan 2022
our life
is but a bunch of chords
stringed together -
some happy, some sad,
some pensive, some tense

we play along,
we get rhythm,
we explore,
we discover

until the string
is cut short

do we get an encore?
482 · Nov 2019
To You
Timmy Shanti Nov 2019
I dream of you
Each time I close my eyes.
The image burnt,
My retina street-wise.
I think of you
With every breath I take.
My mind enthralled,
My life, forlorn, at stake.
I miss you lots
With every passing day:
Then found, now lost...
I don't believe and yet I pray!
To life, to love, to dreams,
To friends who don't just disappear,
To hope, to joy, to you...
So far - and yet so near.
Bittersweet like a melody.
Written [almost] in one take.
9 xi 2019
469 · May 2022
Timmy Shanti May 2022
some people are oceans
some people like puddles
some people are wizards
yet others like muggles

but don't dim your colours
for those deeming them bright
there will always be someone
in love with your light
15 v 22
463 · Jun 2019
Timmy Shanti Jun 2019
Bridges burn and rivers dry,
Kingdoms turn to ashes.
We live on, not knowing why
Eons feel like flashes.

Trees grow old and stars collide,
Powers fall and crumble.
Some would kneel just to survive,
Blindly trudge and stumble…

Birds go mute and maps outdate,
Loses gold its lustre.
Crowds of fools besmirched with hate
Seek another Master.

Darkness now abides in there
Where oft hope sprang eternal.
Foul is the morning air
That much was sweet and vernal.

Sky falls down and ills abound,
Lights are now extinguished.
Gone for good, not to be found,
Freedom once relinquished.
Started way back in Nov'18 and only done now.
Inspired by shows like TWD, GoT and books like LOTR, to say nothing of,to be sure, personal experience.
430 · Oct 2019
mid-autumn summer
Timmy Shanti Oct 2019
mid-autumn summer
(the things I know I did get right)

not ripe, ain't old
and neither young
no saint, no hero,
still unsung

midsummer autumn
feels like a dream...
so much to do
so much unseen

mid-autumn summer
as wise as serpents
still a child

midsummer fall
amidst the leaves...
the snows shall come
only to leave

mid-autumn summer
feels like a song
so full of colour!
and before long

all systems go
and I - with them,
in shock and awe
to Bethlehem

midsummer autumn
-- like a stage --
what do you mean by
"Act your age"?

mid-autumn summer
feels like gold...
it cannot stay,
it shan't I hold

midsummer autumn
barren trees
at five-and-thirty
I am free

mid-autumn summer
too old to live
too young to die
15 x 19
  7 x 5

feels like summer
427 · May 2020
Près de toi
Timmy Shanti May 2020
Près de toi, je rêve encore.
Près de toi, il n'y a pas de souci.
Avec toi je lâche mon cœur
Et ma vie est déjà réussie.

De toi viennent toutes choses :
L’amour, la paix, le bonheur…
Le monde est plein de métamorphoses,
Mais près de toi, chante sans arrêt mon cœur !
Begun a loooong time ago, completed today with a sense of wholeness and blitheness.
18 v 2020
426 · Jul 2021
A Long Goodbye
Timmy Shanti Jul 2021
A long goodbye
Your smile fading
It caught my eye
Still masquerading

We wear no masks
Yet true we aren't
Many a time
So badly burnt

We cannot stay
We cannot leave
We never lie
But don't believe

It's time to say
Our time is up
And overflowing
Is our cup

The chalice
That we chose ourselves
We've been to heaven
And a thousand hells

It's not goodbye
It's but a 'see you'
In love with you until I die
I pray I never get to see you
When letting go is hard, staying together is harder and moving on is nigh on impossible.
421 · Mar 24
tu me manqueras
Timmy Shanti Mar 24
tu me manqueras

chaque fois que je respire la fraîcheur du matin
chaque jour où nous ne sommes pas ensemble
chaque nuit où je m'endors

chaque goutte dans l'océan se sentira vide sans toi à mon côté
chaque fois que j'entends un oiseau chanter, mon cœur sautera un battement
chaque sensation d'une belle journée d'été me semblera faible et banale

me manqueront les sourires et les blagues
les larmes et les sous-entendus

toutefois, je t'aurai toujours ici
près de moi
car tu es à tout jamais dans mon cœur
Aimez et soyez aimé
401 · Jun 2023
Timmy Shanti Jun 2023
it's summertime
but is the living easy?

the sun still shines
the moon still smiles back

the days are long
and wild and breezy
those silver linings
time has lost its track

it's up to you
to make a choice and live it
it's in your hands
to still the hands of time

your dreams - so warm
and wild and vivid

it's summertime
the fields of gold divine
in one breath
Jun 1 - '23
Timmy Shanti Jan 2022
how could an angel break my heart?
its pieces shimmer in my hands.
it's time for our ways to part -
for pastures greener, promised lands...

i know someday my heart will mend,
i've faith someday my mind will heal,
a time shall come to love again -
and bit by bit i'll learn to feel...

now that my angel broke my heart,
i hold back tears and carry on.
and even when anew i start,
i'll wear this scar until i'm gone...
366 · Nov 2020
senseless, lost and empty
Timmy Shanti Nov 2020
love - like water - tends to find a way
time - relentless - always has its say
pain - life's shadow - never goes away
senseless, lost and empty - just another day
346 · Oct 2023
but a game
Timmy Shanti Oct 2023
as the silence falls between us,
as the world falls into darkness,
we know not who could redeem us,
stranded, dazed amidst the heartless...

yet our will is never broken,
lest we live and die in vain,
for we know: gods must be joking,
our life is but a game...
345 · Aug 2020
El aire huele a otoño
Timmy Shanti Aug 2020
El aire huele a otoño,
Las nubes grises me saludan hoy.
Estoy rodando junto a mi retoño,
Me preguntando: donde, donde voy...

Y no encuentro la respuesta.
Sólo me gusta el calor
Que resplandece en nosotros
Viviendo dentro el olor.
15 Aug 2020
Just a touch sad and nostalgic, but mostly uplifting, wrote this having come across the opening line used as a caption. It stuck in my mind and basically made me sit down and write something. Only then was I delivered.
336 · Oct 2021
we talk about the pain
Timmy Shanti Oct 2021
we talk about the pain
and what we stand to gain
and all things in between:
the sweet caress, the joy, the spleen

in circles - round and round
no move feels like it's sound
we swell, then we dry up
we fight, but then give up

we talk about the pain
and what we stand to lose
it's but a flipping shame
the life we gladly choose
17 x 2021
when it feels like choices make you and not you them
Timmy Shanti Apr 2020
we came from space
to space we shall return
to join the void
and the stars that burn

our endless lust
for wand'ring the unknown
our utmost joy
when (safe and sound) we're home

our sense of wonder
taking baby steps
our first endeavours
in this world and the next

from space we came
to space shall we return
to cross the void
and watch new stars get born
12 iv 2020
ad astra per aspera
299 · Apr 2023
Timmy Shanti Apr 2023
isn't it strange
we exist all at once?
we diverge, we dissolve, we domino

we combust, we consume, we concur
to the point of gross misdemeanors

coming to
we ask
(be it ourselves or total strangers)
the only question
that matters
all for naught? what of it?
we keep falling into old patterns

we patch up, torn inside
on the mend, yet we hide
our true nature
as if there were no future

and we cry, and we sing,
and we laugh, and we dance...

shake it off, be yourself
let it go, bad romance


we exist
all at once
for a reason
no doubt

once you find it
gimme a shout
24 Apr 23
280 · Dec 2021
Timmy Shanti Dec 2021
i'm left speechless
by the din of the crowd
and even when i do utter things
my voice is drowned

my brave heart
that once moved mountains
is now in hiding
exiled by the cruel world
it had to face

still, my spirit shines bright
like a diamond
for those able to see

are you one of them?
250 · Jul 2023
une branche
Timmy Shanti Jul 2023
qu'est-ce qu'une branche ?
ce n'est qu'un membre d'un membre
une ligne dans le sable
une réminiscence, un scintillement
de ce qui fut
et de ce qui aurait pu être
des temps passés
et d'avenirs n'ont jamais eu
des oiseaux qui chantent
et des feuilles qui tombent
des fleurs parfumées
et des baies couleur de vin

c'est quelque chose
qui n'est ni vivant ni mort
tout comme moi

parfois, pourtant
une branche n'est qu'une branche
3 juillet 2023
229 · Dec 2022
Timmy Shanti Dec 2022
some amass power
some amass knowledge
counting the hours
bland is their porridge

some wallow in darkness
others shed light
some dare to endeavour
others sit tight

some lost forever
some never found
acting so clever
their spirit unbound

some choose to cater
some not to care
"i'll see ya later"
"i'll always be there"

some make a fortune
some make ends meet
some tread with caution
others drive from backseat

some are forever
some for a day
some are like flowers
others like rain

i tend to experience our world on many levels. to me, it's a mini-multiverse. it's both beguiling and ugly, wise and naïve, loving and neglectful. most of the time, though, it's just there. there's always something for someone, and somebody for someone else
219 · May 2020
Something Simple
Timmy Shanti May 2020
The dog is black, the cat is white.
The mouse is grey - both day and night!
The grass is green, the sky is blue
And when I'm hurt, i turn to you.

The rose is sweet, the lemon sour.
The minute short - so is the hour...
But long and painful is my due -
That which I pay when there's no you.
Written as a part-fun-part-challenge thingie with a student.
15 V 2020
216 · Apr 2020
enjoy the little things
Timmy Shanti Apr 2020
enjoy the little things
they're everywhere you look
a smile on your beloved's lips
a photograph you took

a cup of tea to warm your hands
a record on repeat
a cat - yes, he's a pest! -
who rubs against your feet

a morning ray of light
to gently wake you up
a calm and silent night
a soft and tender hug

a hearty meal made just for you
a tune you gladly sing
a smiley face you daughter drew
a moment to slow down and think

enjoy the things you have for free
the air, the sun, the love
enjoy and one day you shall see
your life fits like a glove
2 Apr '20
Stay safe and be loved!
214 · Sep 2022
Timmy Shanti Sep 2022
i never chose him
never wanted him
never trusted him

knew he's a fraud
from day one

liar, crook, worm
not a thing gentle,
loving or pure about him

thinks himself
some fracking messiah

all the same
not even a common imp

it's on us
he rose so high
dizzied by his false might

the fall won't be only his
everyone's going down alongside

and in his agony
he will say


mad king that he is

jaime, we need you now
more than ever

187 · Mar 2020
Put Pen To Paper
Timmy Shanti Mar 2020
Put pen to paper
- it's so simple -
And wield the might
Of countless words!

Be brave and daring
Or... be nimble:
Your thoughts can be
As sharp as swords.

Pick up a pencil
- pen a poem -
Enlighten, thrill and entertain!
But once it does spring from your *****,
What sway is there to retain?..

The words you say
Are gone forever!
Life of their own,
So free at last!

By humbly scribbling
You endeavour
To stay the future and the past...

Partake in pleasure
- pure and proper -
Both art and craft, it's eons old!

Tread lightly!
There's a world on offer,
A slew of stories to be told.
Happy World Poetry Day!
21 -iii- 2020
173 · Feb 2023
Timmy Shanti Feb 2023
can't fight the moonlight
can't fight this feeling
tell me i'm all right
show me the meaning

can't find my feet
push comes a-shoving
routine deceit
they stand for nothing

can't buy my love
get me a beer
hearts split in half
so loud and clear

you want me back
i want you forward
i'm worth a pack
when i get cornered

you toe the line
i flout conventions
you live a lie
i'm fifth dimension

i light it up
you put it out
i shan't give up
you always doubt

when i is you
and you is me
we realise
what we can be

go tell the bees
that i am gone
not on my knees
but proud and strong

from sea i shine
from hills i ring
the world is mine
of love i sing

can't fight the moonlight
can't fight this feeling
can't hold me back
coz i'm a-healing
13 Feb 23
C la vie, i guess...
160 · Oct 2023
qu'est-ce qu'on fait
Timmy Shanti Oct 2023
qu'est-ce qu'on fait
sans fumer
sans alcool

bien sûr
on peut rêver
trouver des choses amusantes
des sens nouveaux
des amis drôles

on peut voyager partout
particulièrement au-dedans de nous-même

on peut chanter les chansons d'amour et de tristesse
on peut remercier les dieux et les voisins

fumer et boire sont pas essentiels

mais il y a quelque chose
que nous offre un certain regard
sur et dans nous-mêmes

sans juger
sans douter
sans rigoler

avec toute l'acceptation
et toute la grâce

quand on part

on dit pas adieu aux armes

on dit salut à larmes

— The End —