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Apr 2017 · 657
Rachel Keating Apr 2017
i was wondering
i had a headache
to understand the pain
but it was right in front of me
taking up
too much space

-it was you
Mar 2017 · 752
what keeps me up
Rachel Keating Mar 2017
i lay awake at night
with a thought confined mind
going over
what’s already over
between us
and how
love changed
to the dust under our feet
i can’t sleep
i can’t stop
wondering why
you’re so consumed
with fitting in
within an unfit people
why can’t you realize
that in my eyes
we only have to fit each other
Mar 2017 · 983
that smile
Rachel Keating Mar 2017
you're like a song
an endless melody
weaving words together
with just a smile
it's been awhile
but you make my heart run for miles
something about that smile
gives me butterflies inside
I swear, that smile could light up the sky
Mar 2017 · 378
Rachel Keating Mar 2017
when i first saw you
i knew
what your smile
would do
to a mind
like mine

i waited
for you
to ask my name
to hear
your voice
for the first time
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
the hurt
Rachel Keating Mar 2017
i always knew
there'd be an end
i guess i just
never knew when
i thought our love
would last
but then came the hurt
the words
cut deep
invisible scars
that would keep
me up at night
replaying in my head
all the hurt
you said
you'd never do to me
but there you were
hurting me
Jan 2017 · 783
Rachel Keating Jan 2017
home isn't just a four letter word
it isn't just a house or a place
with rooms and walls and boards

home is so much more

it's seeing your sister sleeping
soundly on the couch
next to the snoring dog

it's looking at old pictures
laughing about that one time
with your family by your side

it's the look your parents
give each other across the kitchen
like they've just fallen in love for the first time

it's sitting down for dinner
and smiling at each other across the table
thinking that life couldn't get any simpler

it's holding the ones you love
so tight they might break
for fear that home will lose its true meaning

home has many faces
not just simply words or places
home is full of endless love
feeling pretty thankful for my family and my home tonight.
Jan 2017 · 988
i've loved you
Rachel Keating Jan 2017
i've seen you cry
felt your pain
i've dried your eyes

i've seen your worst
felt your anger
i've helped your hurt

i've seen your best
felt your smile
i've forgotten the rest

i've seen your heart
felt your pulse
i've touched every part

i've seen your love
felt your love
i've fallen in love
Oct 2016 · 754
we can be
Rachel Keating Oct 2016
tell me what it is you want
and trust me, i'll listen
if you jump, I jump
i'll make truth out of all your wishes

i can be anything
the shelves that hold your favorite books
the blanket that wraps around your skin
the mirror that tells you how you look

just tell me, and i'll be

i can be the warmth that you need,
a safe place to come home to
i can be the winter wind,
lifting you off your feet

i can be the sun that touches your body,
take me all in
i can be the light that guides you,
follow me

i can be here
and i can be yours
and if you let me,
together we could rule the world
Sep 2016 · 362
not with my soul
Rachel Keating Sep 2016
the hand on the clock
moves with my heart
meticulous and non-stop
running in circles
but the workings of my mind
cannot be measured
by a single moment in time
neither the end nor the start
but i've made my mind up
i've found my role
the hand on the clock
moves with my heart
but not with my soul
i'd like to think that i live life to the beat of my own drum. today's free write.
Aug 2016 · 359
the hardest things to say
Rachel Keating Aug 2016
the hardest things to say
often take up the most room in the heart
the way the mind refuses to allow
the mouth to let it out
that thin layer of sweat on your lips
before you finally let the news slip
and your mind takes a deep breath of relief
but now you find your heart
might have a missing piece
Aug 2016 · 660
when you love someone
Rachel Keating Aug 2016
when you love someone, you let their little imperfections become irrelevant but you learn to love every single one of them because of their heart - and to love the whole is to love each part
Aug 2016 · 339
Rachel Keating Aug 2016
how can something seem so wrong
yet feel just right
can lead you, string you along
how can it completely change your mind

he did that to me
the way he smiles
he has my knees weak
makes life feel a little more worthwhile

i caved into his touch
fell into his open arms
hoping that was enough
for my fragile & open heart

he reminds me what it's like
to remember my favorite dreams
bringing my deepest thoughts to life
he makes me feel free
Jul 2016 · 354
don't go -
Rachel Keating Jul 2016
don't go
no, I can't lose you yet
10 word poem
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
mind after midnight
Rachel Keating Jul 2016
a mind after midnight is a scary thing
that undiscovered country of thoughts
throughout your brain & running in your veins
pulsing, begging to be acknowledged
but you feel your heart beat faintly
and it meets the pace of your steadfast brain
slowly synching into sleep
hoping to forget everything
the next morning
Jul 2016 · 467
a reminder to breathe
Rachel Keating Jul 2016
you are your heart
you are the art you hang on your walls
you are your 2pm thoughts and your 2am sulks
you are the whole and you are the parts
you are your heart,
reminding you
what it means
to be and to breathe
Jul 2016 · 543
when you went
Rachel Keating Jul 2016
your breath sings a song
a constant melody
dragging me along
until finally
it stops-
you're gone

and I miss you more than I did yesterday
and more than the day before I found you
laying still, painted and lifeless.

without you here to dry my eyes,
I dream of the day when I cry without pain
Jul 2016 · 617
love & time
Rachel Keating Jul 2016
tonight I hope you'll join me
play with my hair as we sleep
softly and you breathe deeply,
blowing innocent wind
onto my bare skin

wrap your arms around my armored heart-
hold tight

tonight I hope you'll stay with me
and remind me
why this love
takes time
Jun 2016 · 465
familiar feeling
Rachel Keating Jun 2016
you dance in my head
running circles in my mind
can't seem to shake
the familiar feeling
that words you say
have no meaning
when our love is dead
Jun 2016 · 931
to pass the time
Rachel Keating Jun 2016
we spend so many of our days
just trying to pass the time
barely looking out the window
to see that life is passing us by

the sun sets and the sun rises
method becomes routine
as we move along
with robots in our minds

days become months
months melt into years
are we standing steady and still
or facing our faults and our fears

when the sun and the moon
take their final spin
will we have been satisfied
with the way we've lived-

how we've passed the time?
Jun 2016 · 644
the real you
Rachel Keating Jun 2016
alcohol always
brings out the truth
all the words
you couldn't say
it shows the real you
maybe I'm just blind
to it during the day
Jun 2016 · 766
living free
Rachel Keating Jun 2016
when it comes down to it
your choices
are what change you
your mistakes
are what make you human
your life
is a string of events
waiting to unfold
your time here on earth
is a never ending story
waiting to be told

but at the end of the day
when you can't decide
how to spend your remaining time,
whether you wish to travel the world
or stay put in one place
remember that wanderlust doesn't need a degree
it's hard to say
that there's a cost to living free
May 2016 · 3.7k
Rachel Keating May 2016
the most intimate minutes
are the ones spent with you
when the lights are off and it's quiet
wrap your hands around my hips
hold tight
kiss me on the lips
spend these intimate minutes with me
before we say goodnight
May 2016 · 863
loving you
Rachel Keating May 2016
loving you is like the wind
the way my lungs fill with air
when I breathe you in

loving you is like the sun
the way your skin keeps me warm
when the cold nights come

if falling asleep in your arms
means waking up to the same alarm
then I've never wanted to fall as hard

loving you is like loving your heart
May 2016 · 794
won't you slow down
Rachel Keating May 2016
won't you slow down
take a chance to look around
the world is so much brighter with you in it, i've found
take it all in, all the smells and the sights and the sounds

you're only just a kid
at 8 years old, you've got the whole sky to be seen
for you, magic is as real as the stars and the galaxies in between
won't you slow down

you're only just a teenager
at 16 years old, you've got the whole world at your feet
youre driving now, but don't go too fast because these years are fleeting
won't you slow down

you're only just a mother
you've got a husband and a family of 3
before you know it, your kids will move away and plant their own seeds
won't you slow down

suddenly you're 70 years old
thinking if all the memories and you look around
your time on this earth coming to an end - you're heaven bound
why couldn't you slow down
May 2016 · 986
only us two
Rachel Keating May 2016
love is a funny thing, it's true
sometimes it seems made up
until it happens you
until you find yourself in a crowded room
and you realize , suddenly
that maybe this world was made for just two
May 2016 · 4.9k
it's not your fault
Rachel Keating May 2016
you've grown up
with the notion
that you're at fault
for all your flaws

you've convinced yourself
that your shoulders
are an okay place
for other people's problems to fall

you've got this twisted idea
that you're responsible
for other's mistakes,
that somehow you're the one to blame

           you've got it all wrong

you should never apologize
on behalf of other's actions
that's like saying sorry
for being too compassionate

your heart is as real
as the sun in the sky
your mind is just evil
an enemy telling you lies

don't fall for any of it
look in the mirror
wipe away all your tears
and tell yourself, always:

it's not your fault
it's not your fault
it's not your fault

*it is not your fault
food for thought/written version of my daily thoughts
May 2016 · 1.0k
for you, mom
Rachel Keating May 2016
i love you mom
you've watched me grow up &
you've watched me leave home
but i promise i'm not gone

i love you mom
you've smiled at my best &
you've stuck with me through my worst
i now know right from wrong

i love you mom
your tough love toughens me up &
your witty humor keeps me young
if only you could tuck me in at every dusk and wake me up at every dawn

i love you mom
even when i don't show it &
even when i don't say it
i feel it more and more as the days go on

i love you mom
your heart and your warmth
are the closest things on this earth
to living proof of God's love

this is for you, mom
a little belated poem for the woman who i owe it all to. i love you mom
Apr 2016 · 578
life and death
Rachel Keating Apr 2016
the only certainty in life is death
the only thing we can be sure of on this earth
from the time of our birth
is that at some point, we will have our last breath

our days are numbered, our clock is ticking
its only a matter of time until time has swept us under
time is running out, so what else in life are we missing
today is almost over but what about tomorrow, i wonder

the life we live is infinitely finite
each event a thread weaved into one
we are all quickly fading, it's almost time to say goodnight
the moon is bright but will we be alive to see the sun?

the only certainty in life is death
the only thing we can be sure of on this earth
lies not within our worth,
but rather the exact moment when we run out of breath
Apr 2016 · 279
Rachel Keating Apr 2016
on your mark
get set
don't go
Apr 2016 · 605
won't you slow down
Rachel Keating Apr 2016
won't you slow down
take a chance to look around
the world is so much brighter with you in it, i've found
take it all in, all the smells and the sights and the sounds

you're only just a kid
at 8 years old, you've got the whole sky to be seen
for you, magic is as real as the stars and the galaxies in between
won't you slow down

you're only just a teenager
at 16 years old, you've got the whole world at your feet
youre driving now, but don't go too fast because these years are fleeting
won't you slow down

you're only just a mother
you've got a husband and a family of 3
before you know it, your kids will move away and plant their own seeds
won't you slow down

suddenly you're 70 years old
thinking of all the memories and you look around
your time on this earth coming to an end - you're heaven bound
why couldn't you slow down
Apr 2016 · 1.8k
unconditional love
Rachel Keating Apr 2016
nothing beats the unconditional love of a dog
the way they greet you on your worst days
lick your face clean and smile as you lean in to pet their head
the way they watch you grow up
they're there for the birthdays and the family holidays
for the bad days and the good days,
they'll always be in the mood to play or to just lay with you
the way they'll cuddle with you and lick away your tears,
they'll stay right by your side through all your trials and all your fears
dogs are like a built in best friend
we'll never be able to love like them

nothing beats the unconditional love of a dog
because to us they're just apart of the journey
but to them, we are their entire universe
Apr 2016 · 700
just a friend
Rachel Keating Apr 2016
it's nearing 1am and I can't help but see you as just a friend

Your arm is around mine and I feel safe but even if it wasn't I wouldn't mind
How did I let it get this far
I promise I didn't mean to drag you along, to bruise or to scar your heart
Something doesn't belong
Forgive my trying,
I just wanted to see if I felt the same
If there was a spark that ignited, or if it was a weak flame
I'm excited that you're in my life, don't get me wrong
I just think I want something different, something that might not last as long
i hope you understand that I tried to find the flame
If I cause you pain to withstand or sadness to bear, you have me to blame, I swear

it's almost 3am, and I still can't help but see you as just a friend.
#friend #sad #forgiveness #change #relationships #different #realization
Mar 2016 · 410
Rachel Keating Mar 2016
I always run from the ones who care the most

but it scares me to bare my true self, to be fully exposed

it takes a lot for me to come undone, to let my mind repose

but the ones who care the most never run.

they love me for me - all my flaws and my ripped seams - and they pull me in close

but somehow I still find myself lying to my own heart

I guess I've been running from the start.
Mar 2016 · 341
How do I know
Rachel Keating Mar 2016
How do I know, to love you or to leave you?

What will it feel like if I lose you? Did I ever really have you?

Through every toss and every turn, every night without your arm across mine

I wonder what it would be like

If I went through life without ever having known you

Would I be happy or sappily obsessed with the idea of happiness?

Would I smile the way you made me smile? Laugh with the same joy that yours brought mine? Or would I find joy in different things without you by my side?

Maybe I would meet someone new, another one I could pursue and who could make me feel the same way you used to

Or would I still wish it was your arms around mine every time I got close to someone else at night?

How do I know, to love you or to leave you?
It's 2am and I can't sleep but I can write.
Feb 2016 · 364
Rachel Keating Feb 2016
I'm willing to admit an amount more than I've been given,
is about the love that I've so longingly hidden,
deep inside a place -
where doors are locked and walls are dark
where I don't even go
for fear that I might know,
what love looks like -
even in the shadows
Feb 2016 · 570
the storm
Rachel Keating Feb 2016
I remember the night we had our first fight,
it was like the tide that crashed too high -
         and pulled back only for a little while
until it met the shore, kissed it once more
before the night was over -
it was the storm that somehow brought us closer
Feb 2016 · 344
the sound
Rachel Keating Feb 2016
hearing my name on your lips,
and your hands wrap around my hips

this is where I want to be,
when the lights go out and we can't see

darling, please don't leave, you're not one that I want to miss
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
I can't sleep
Rachel Keating Jan 2016
When I can't sleep I know it's because of you

you're running through my mind,
keeping my eyes wide open

When I can't sleep I can't dream

because the reality of you is always better than it seems
Jan 2016 · 687
mending my heart
Rachel Keating Jan 2016
I can see you clearly now, but I don't know how that can be, when you're so far away from me

but I can still see the times we shared in the lines on my forehead -
and I can count the amount of laughter you gave me, imprinted in my dimples
and I can feel the softness of your skin -
the scent of you better than any perfume, the presence of you better than the essence of any being

but I don't know how it slipped away,
so quickly and so swiftly -
and like the wind, you went

how am I supposed to mend my broken parts,
if you're still beating,
in my head and in my heart?
Jan 2016 · 488
you are yours
Rachel Keating Jan 2016
don't ever for a second
assume that you are any less
than the best person that you could possibly be
you are human and you should know-
that you are nobody else's but your own
you are your light,
the one that shines bright when the rest of the world goes inside
you are your light,
your own guide when you feel blind

you are yours,
but God,
someday I hope you're mine

— The End —