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2.4k · Jan 2017
Pollination Poem
The silver moon
With the southern wind

The papers of poetry,
Wandering with thousands
of unspoken words,

Resonance in the sky,
In the wind and mind
but grew pollination in the pen and the poetry

This glorious night
The poet
Very lonely
With the mystic brightness of light
Only speaks the antiquity
@Musfiq us shaleheen
*When I saw grandma was spinning yarn at moon
Mother's lullaby was just a fairytale
The measure would not have to weigh the legs
Flew colorful kites in the sky
Had a chat with friends at idle hours
The dreams came but never went with wind
We, all friends were wandering in a fairyland
The words of the poem as the rain came
She loved to hear the poems
When romance flowed with blood
Air, flowers said Spring
When in a lazy Summer afternoon  
She stood at my door
Sitting beside me
Sang a song of future
Lost ourselves
When time moved in the forth dimension  
You and me
Sometimes Sunshine,
Sometimes Rain
Horizon spoke with Rainbows
Then dreams played with my blue Sky
And I was bright as the Evening Star
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
if like please share, write your views and repost
2.4k · Jan 2015
dust of bright star
One day
When all events will be finished,
Then you will see
Over and over again
Is this why the door closed,
By that time the window next to
The road is full of trash

Little by little
I will be almost removed
From your mind
Then Red Sun will be appeared
In a new horizon,
The birds will sing the same as before
You will laugh
For some reason mystery

Flowers will be dancing
Before you
You will be singing with someone
Moonlight will brighten
Your night
And your Sky will be filled with
Full of dreams

But then you will not feel the,
Moonlit wet night
As your first feeling flourished
Like a Red Rose,
Either an Evergreen Love Song
Or As a Romantic Poem,
Hold your hands in a way
That will be mystic wandering

Remember My Darling,
And then I will exist
Thousands of Millions of miles
Away from you,
As a Bright Star
Will be burned myself
And be Fallen as dust
On your Eyes-
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
dust of bright star
2.3k · Jan 2016
Songs of Farewell
Then it became a blue afternoon
while came to evening
They were the realities of her farewell
Glowed in the dark blue,
what an abstract shadow cast!
Floating Autumn Clouds,
away the red hibiscus grew gray
heard a vague weird tune

Then one morning
Along with a purple flower
red hibiscus saw inset
and the dark chorus of a clay oven
covered her face
away in the loft several gourd hanging
walking down the way
at the end,
stood beneath a banyan tree

Doors opened in the silence
southern wind followed
to move in the room
randomized the bed cover,
poetry books,
morning news paper
while closed the door
opened the northern windows

The tireless long night
while I left the room,
wandering as the lonely clouds
went through the garden
where the sky came down
wanted to say life
walked on foot
A long sleepless night
saw the stars fairs
heard a vague weird tune

At that April's night,
Caught the sight of
dry dropping leaves
The smell of gardenia
to bring me the new ideas
of poetry
touched the sky
wandering on a raft of clouds
filled with
see you decided to

Then it all went down together
in the dark with blue
anyhow a golden sun bought
a yellow day
and all the red flamboyant trees
while standing beside
the two sides of the road
with the wind in breath,
my dying

And instead of go with them
mingled the ways of life is changed
when the ways rolled along a curve
One January morning's mist
coming off the sun on the dew
I liked to walk barefoot
in the soft sun
with a woolen blanket covering

At noon,
the river flowing
with streaming sound
took flock a small Sampan
toward upstream
uprising mind grew cool
with stream
Today is just going to get lost
beyond the horizon
Feel to see back,
Slowly known nature
grew small with time,
after some times
shadows mingled
with a dark space

While came the night
Footprints remain in the dust
of shadows
after millions of years
to become fossils
In the mind and
In the deep heart of
the Milky Way

Her fade face is still
to come and go
Over time,
in terms of conservation
of energy
Again when I opened the window
At a long sleepless night
Saw the stars fairs
Heard a vague weird tune
@Musfiq us shaleheen
2.3k · Dec 2014
Merry Christmas
A long day of shadows--
Never glisten the meadows---
We have chosen the wrong--
Day by day,
We have almost forgotten
that divine song,
Losing the spiritual light of the god---
Moving ourselves in a darkness broad----

I see the sky has grown red crucified--
The spiritual light is being satisfied---
The Satan is being terrified--  
Mother Mary becomes merriment---
That her holy son again removes the darken---
We are wondering again to be unified-
The earth is growing with magnified---

Flowers aroma blowing amour of love
The children singing the reception's song,
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!

Angels play divine melody--
Truths coming too merrily--
We are waiting for the light of the prophet (Jesus)
in the darkness of the horizon---
Merry Christmas
2.3k · Dec 2015
A bed, A bier
This is called a bed, a bier
All the faces who have
gathered in the windows have blurred
The lens is worn around
Still, I am going away from
the bottomless star

They have moved away from road
Sounds become smaller sighs
Anymore I do not see,
The yesterday's busiest bird
Alone in the silence,
The haze pine forest standing  

It is a pleasure to wait for the bird
while close the eyes,
Springtime in the gray forest
My hand in her hand,
In the late afternoon's soft light
Strong wet black hair smell

All that is going
To move away from my sight
Pull together in the dark
The childhood, her hand, the drunk smell
Covered with a black screen

I'm going up from the CoT
Are mixed in the air,
moving clouds, rafting
unfamiliar tunes of fair, anywhere
At Times, Unseasoned, without any reason!
@Musfiq us shaleheen
***I like your comment if you like***
Spring is going to back
Silently dropping  the purple petals  
Bored noon,  
The melancholy flute's of Shepherd
Seeking the missing spring

Roll up,
Roll around the idle noon
Random impulsive air
Bunch of dark clouds at the sky
Seem illusion of that known
Pied crested Cuckoo

Beyond the horizon,  
The eyes looking for
Sounds (Tip Tip) of the sudden drops of rain,
On the leaves of Quail,
Differentiation of mind

On the leaves of Arum,
Ever Keeps as the containers
Compiling of soul 

Weird one wrapped in mystery

Coming up the lyrics of rain
Fusion with thy mystic music
Afternoon has grown heavier  
How my mind moves!

Chased away birds returning home
The heart is rapidly expanded
Rain continues to move around
Nature demands a new ground

Looping, hearing of the same song
Shadows filling with the feelings
Perhaps this change of thy
Bound to sketch
A new face of impression
*weird one wrapped in mystery*

*if like please put your comments/share*
Thousands of doors are going
To open Today
After a Long Day
Of Sultry Dark
Slowly moving Clouds
But what it is!
As if the speed of the wind more than
A Hurricane

Extreme sound Rocking the Sky,
The Home
And the Expanding
Barren Field,  
Repeatedly being Thunder Around
As far as I can See
Across the Horizon
The Rain has come down
As Cats and Dogs
Dim Light in the Room
Hope, despair shaken
Windows Open
Southern waves
Randomize the Poetry Books
Flying Pages,
Never before or after in the

The Scent of the Poetry
In the Air
Sky-word Sentences
I have seen my Reflection
In the Light of the Short
The past Knocking
On the Closed Door
To open the Wide Sky

You have sat down
In the Horizon
That has reminded
The First Love Poem
Where I read
And planted my Dreams
Bringing the garden

Where there the moonlit
Of moonlight has
Crafted the Dreams  
Like an Imagination
As if,
Unclogging Peacock's Feather

But the sudden wind  
Increasing the Velocity
Light has been Extinguished
Yet the Flame Alive
But don't see my Reflection,
In the distant Glass,
In the Poetry,
In the Words

In an Angular way,
Through the Windows
Rain coming into the Limelight
Put away the Poetry
And the Dreams
As the Books of Poetry has Seemed
Like the Stones

But Yet I'm waiting,
For The Next morning
Where the Hope will Come Again
In the Shining Smile of Light
poetry pages flying never before or after in the
if like please share and repost
2.3k · Jun 2015
Both Lost In Transit
The dream was broken in transit
with an ant's bite
the rest of the part in another night,
in another dream
but that didn't happen

Then one day
at the last bus of the night,
I saw her with someone
Not in a dream rather in the reality  

She got to the next stop
I called out,
She left with a mystic smile,
disappeared within the shadows

Then  didn't go anymore
I missed the bus or the bus left me  
Either couldn't went back to home
Or not to go any other place in front  

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
When your dreams and reality both lost in transit then you have no way to move/ This is the reality of millions of people who lost their both ways ( dreams and reality) but there is still a reality and that is noway..
if like please share/comment/ repost.
Thank you for reading my poem.

In touch of you,
one day, thousands of dreams grew on me
after that you left me in halfway
then little by little I have almost forgotten my dreams
forgotten that dreamy highway where there we walked together

Today I'm walking alone,
so alone,
towards an unknown way,
where there I hear my wounded dreams
and my love calling me,
calling me as if they are in a trap
As if they are in a cage
where there I see a narrow way,
I never go through such a way,
very congested,
little bit hazy,
too shadow,
and a few footsteps that I have seen
where there my dreams calling,
my lost love calling,
calling too loudly

Again I feel my heart has overflowed
floating over my lost dreams,
flooding over my lost love

I'm walking through that narrow way
little by little that sound has seemed strong,
little by little I have heard her voice to grow long
may be I am so close to my love,
so close to my dreams
my right hand moving,
moving through the dark
I try to break the shadow,
try to catch my dreams
I have become tired,
Try to take a little breath
and finally,
I break the shadow,
shatter the dark
and finding her within the dark
seeking my dreams within the shadow
but I can't see anything,

Yet the clock moving on--
still I'm uttering her name
and dreaming within my thousands of daydreams
where I had left one long spring--
@Musfiq us shaleheen

হাজারো স্বপ্ন ও একটি ভালবাসা
তোমার স্পর্শে
একদিন যখন হাজারো স্বপ্ন
বুদবুদ করতো--  
তারপর মাঝ রাস্তায় রেখে
চলে গেলে তুমি--
আস্তে আস্তে
ভুলে যেতে থাকলাম সপ্ন গুলোকে,
ভুলে যেতে থাকলাম সেই স্বপ্নের রাজপথ
যে পথে হাটতাম আমরা -

আজ আমি একা
বড় একা-
এক অচেনা রাস্তায় হাটি,
যেখানে শুনতে পাই,
আমার আহত সপ্নেরা,
আমার হারানো ভালবাসা,
আমায় ডাকে-
শুনে যেন মনে হয়
তারা বড় অসহায়,  
মনে হই তারা বন্দী,
সেখানে একটা সরু রাস্তা দেখতে পাই
এমন রাস্তায় আগে কখনো যাই নাই
খুবিই দমবন্ধ করা-
খুবিই দুর্ভেদ্য-
ঘন ছায়া,
ঔইখানে কিছু পদচিন্হ দেখি
সেখানে স্বপ্নরা ডাকে,
হারানো ভালবাসা ডাকে,
উচু স্বরে ডাকে-

আবার হৃদয় প্লাবিত হয়
যা ভাসছে হারানো সপ্নের উপর
প্লাবিত হচ্চে হারানো ভালোবাসের উপর

আমি সেই সংকীর্ণ রাস্তা দিয়া হাটি
আস্তে আস্তে শব্দগুলো স্পষ্ট হয়
আস্তে আস্তে  তার সুর সুনতে পাই
হইত আমি ভালবাসার খুবই কাছে
হইত সপ্নের খুবই কাছে
ডান হাত সরছে
চলছে আধারের মধ্যে দিয়ে
চেষ্টা করি ওই ছায়াকে দূর করতে
চেষ্টা করি স্বপ্নকে ধরতে
দারুন ক্লান্ত,
চেষ্টা করি একটু শ্বাস নিতে
এবং শেষে,
মুছে ফেলি ওই ছায়া
বন্ধ করি ওই আধার
খুজি ওই আধারে ভালোবাসা
খুজি সপ্নকে  ওই ছায়াতে
কিন্তু পাইনা খুঁজে কিছুই-

এখনো ঘড়ির কাটা ঘুরে
প্রতিনিয়ত তার নাম উচার্রণ করি  
সপ্নদেখি শত সহস্র দিবাস্বপ্নের মাঝে  
যেখানে আমি ফেলে এসেছি দীর্ঘ এক বসন্ত--
@মুসফিক উস সালেহীন
"thousands of dreams and a lost love"/ হাজারো স্বপ্ন ও একটি ভালবাসা

I think everybody will enjoy this poem
and I tribute this poem to the greatest poet " **Langston Hughes**"
2.2k · Oct 2014
existence of believe

I see you
You see me
And it is true both we exist

You love me
I love you
And it is true both we exist

One day you saw me
At least one day I also saw you

One day you felt me
At least one day I also felt you

One day I saw your beauty
at least one day you felt that I was in your mind
we felt that we loved each other
even you can believe it
cause still I'm loving you

Yet you never see the god
and me too,
but we both believe in god
The believe,
the most mystic invention on the planet earth ever
yet the gentlemen never can see under the microscope

Too many thoughts in our life
but we can't exceed the thought of death
always we feel a threat of death
when we grew older to oldest
and we carry it till our death

It is true that we see the death
and its pain that we have gained
when someone's closet moves to the past
but we can't lose his existence in our mind
and in the existence of our soul

I see the death,
the mystic beauty rises up to its spiritual height
and I say, it is true that is more than the truth,
the existence of death

Though still we exist on earth
yet we can't see any event that will be happened after death
but most of us believe in after death
there is a life,
the unlimited life
where we both will meet again
either we will exist in heaven or hell
Ah! The ultimate existence

It is true that we all have a fear of death,
the very dear fear,
moves us very near
to the god
the god,
space less-
existence less-
but an ultimate divine existence of god
so that we believe in spiritual existence of god-

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Existence of life, death, after death and the god that we believe..........
2.2k · Aug 2016
Alone Else
From womb  to born
Every morn
Each breath
Even on the road of death
I’m alone
Walking with broken bone

While the Summer wind blows
In this narrow lane
Love flows in my wide vein
As the Streams of heavy rain
Alone else
Only the past tense

In the dark, I hark
A distant bark
In the dream there was
A beautiful park
With a few sign of paws
Yet I couldn’t find any cause

The Streams going down
While flowing in this old town
The Stone grew worn and torn
Rolling else alone
Like my broken bone
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Away from the white Stork feathers
Often seemed to be gentle breeze
On Kans grasses
Superficial white clouds
Small dinghies on the river
To navigate the life

Far away on the bridge
The Silent movement of the Brahminy kite
Southern breeze blew
Tilting the tall grasses toward the North
Leak of the light fell into the Kans,
Into the Soft green grasses

Sunlit mingled with light fog
Seek heavenly feeling
Without the knowledge
The lips Stir of

Walking beside the river
In the air Kestrel's mystic music
The river running with full of chime

What are the forms of you!
Thee bind me with deception!
What a Strange tune!
What those thirsty words!

So that I draw your image
Moving away from the shadows
Soft light blended with the estuary
Little by little,
To see your face
Like the rig of Ship

Behind the path
A magical dream
Seems like a White Shirt  
That I had left in the Kans grasses
Then I never saw you
even didn't hear that song again
how everything got lost in uncertain
begins the rules of funeral  

Those morning dews,
how beautiful  the silver shines!
surely lost after a few hours
ah! the dreams grew and lost in daylight  

Moonlight falls on this large meadow
Certainly clears my distinct shadow
what a brightness in the face of horizon
get lost after the clouds covered

Hope grows love
where river moves towards the upstream
when loses
the time, untimely  

Love is a foolish pride
Find after lost,
as the day within the days,

Lonely time as the pain of the poetry
In words, paper of poetry submerged
Find thy, say into the darkness
what a restless mind, drunk!
@Musfiq us shaleheen
2.1k · Jan 2015
Thy Existence
I was very immature
My Sixth sense until then
Could not understand his words
Listened to all the strange things
How to tune in to that!
It would be a void in my soul
Felt a strong gravity
Ever would leave the door open
Pull away the home would have been without

Consistently in the nature of
Deep darkness,
Off and on beside a Chime river
Ever in the green meadow under a tree
What to get a!

But I remember
The smell of the ancient world,
The taste of the salt water,
Think the creation of
The epoch learned
After Rain very earthy flavor,
I would think would be the essence
Of the air *******

But what a surprise!
How do I know thee fragrance,
Didn't see thee before
Didn't imagine thee face
Only I have to paint
The dark night sky color in,
Sometimes wings to fly
Like a free bird,
Ever saw the weaver birds scatter house,
To be surprised to see the purple color inside
The Black berry

Slowly I grew older then
My Fifth sense,
The more active
My Sixth sense,
Like the branches grew
I saw the the ground to make
I put the plants saw the,
Seen Counterpoint to the creation of,
Seen be created of the soul
You have caused me
When I have seen
I understand that
You do not someone else
Thy existence
Is hidden within me-
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Thy Existence
This afternoon wears the dark Shirt
After demonstration of the moon,
End of the waiting of pied crested cuckoo,
I did not end

A little bits of interval,
Blinking the distant Stars
My friend could count,
very romantic,
In me cast the shadow

Her beloved lives outdoors,
All the apartments of the mind has rented
Taken from the first floor up to twelve
I did not

I saw the race of cars on the street,
Standing at corner of the roof
When hunger the fingernails,
Playing an illusion of gravity

This time the drone of insects,
Occasionally shout of bull frog
In fresh water of the rainy season,
Breeding multiply
Nature of the Nature

Cut off the yarn, the kite ran out of the sky
In the Kans forest,
The shadows of white clouds,
very Absurdly,
I could not even catch you  

In the body of mind,
Emptiness came home
Lost days song come up from the deep sea
In the silence the sound of sighs

Sleepless night as the rhythm of the strange poem
While the star drops in front of a traveler
Even though when my time has gone
Still could not understand the unknown poetry
@Musfiq us shaleheen
2.1k · Sep 2014
A Painting

If I see it under a lens
It seems ripples,
that might be made with sand and clay
And it grew gray
but it left several footprints

If I see it from a simple distance
It feels like a vigorous stream,
that might be shown a time with full of tide  
and they tell it's a painting  
that can say a fairy tale

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
A Painting: resembling time and can say
2.1k · Aug 2016
Cradle of Clouds
In this edge of the end
Where simplicity flows
Through the straight river
The upstream songs
As the ****** sunshine of Lost spring

There today,
Exhausted Myna drying feathers
In the wet air
Sitting on the shade of the window
Steadfast attention on the distant horizon

Slothful day in a comfort bed
With a cup of tea
A longed cigarette,
Romanticism become struck

Outside the open window
Inside out
Light clouds of August
As if the "will" cradling to and fro
Dropping the ageless poetry
Filled with the words of dance

Rain comes down on the unleash field
Essence of mystic tunes flowing
From the tearful trots of rains
Moving, Flooding
The both sides of the river
@Musfiq us shaleheen
In the bend of my road
That way offshore
Call me with my old name
What song I sing for her

Someday in some moments
Did I leave something!
In this dusts of the way
Maybe in the monsoon of May
Or my empty way can say!

What that I couldn't understand
Wanted to understand
How all is lost
In the wheels of time
And why today all those
Cast me

I'm a tired traveler
Sitting in the shade of shadow
At the time of sunset in the meadow
What causes of an illusion!

What I have lost
Behind the mind
Does she come back certainly!
In that lost obsessed path!

I think the day has turned
Lost in the bend of road
Maybe taken the new way
In the bend of the road
@Musfiq us shaleheen
*****if like please share your comments.......
2.1k · Aug 2016
Stream takes possession of the land
Made wetlands
There are plenty of fish
Meet your protein needs

Clouds are playing in the sky
The dark and the shadows are dissolved in water
You drink
To quench thirst

Yet you have an existence
With a Continuous form
He who cast the shadow on the ground
Where love and hope locked in a home
Binds within a loop with Only a God

Words which are uttered
Of course diluted within air
Has written in the book of divine
Many do not understand while they read

See a beautiful garden
They are more steadfast
And that Red Rose is for yours
I have seen a lot of values to be gloomy
Then they lost

I have seen so far
Wandering Star to Star
Again in the Fog, tried to recognize
She lost!

Ah! How come all!
Alas! How Everything lost in the time
From Empty
Or Nothing
As if an Existence of Non-Existence!  

When Silence come down
Dark touches the death role
Nothing Exist without the Spiritual Soul
From Lost to Found
Everything Answering Nothing!

But where is the balance
You will get back everything
One day!
2.1k · Oct 2014
A Fairy Tale

One day these bricks and buildings were meadows
These fields the processions of spring garden

One day on these meadows used to play the cowboy’s melancholy flute  
These fields the playground of the furious grasshoppers

These bricks were rivers
These buildings processions of water

In these rivers the moon's dispersion played on the uprising waves,
How softly the sailor sang his lonely song, disappearing within the shadows!

Have I told you a fairy tale?

A Fairy Tale
2.1k · Apr 2015
As the Juice of the Fruits
Break the time like the twisted tins
on the shack
which had broken at the time of tornado
Squeeze out of the truth
As the juice of the fruits

The old saying
but the truth
Forcibly changed history
Erase from the mind
understand that false

The poem on the torn page
piece set of words
blowing together as a new blend
Just like the Rubik cubes to match
with wit and strategy

Man I
Still hidden inside
Persist - for defeat - burn and broken
Wrath - dreams breaking tension
Anger - failure to prove myself worthy of
Huff - your aloof exit
Boast - a liking to thee,
            love for getting

- The ability to be able to still speak of love
Like to wandering away from the land of Stars
For no reason
@Musfiq us shaleheen
2.1k · Feb 2015
The ultimate way to
When turning to cross
The  known road
Nightfall sought at transition
Juncture in the global
The road was not going
To go straight to,
Long trees standing as rows
The situation was the frolic of shadows

What a strange illusion
In the air
All the time together
Calling with his hand  
Meantime few steps to the New street
Evenings Came
Tuning of falling leaves
It was all the upset heart
Of the tune
Dry leaves on the road
With the wind in love
The impatient soul

Known moon far away,
Moonlit falling on the street
In the gap of trees,
Half-light, half shadow
Of aesthetic
Sudden heart bothered
For whom
Restless reflections breaking the heart
Known music floats
In the air
Yet too mystic!
As if the time,
Passing thousands of dreams  
Moving toward the ultimate way to
@Musfiq us shaleheen
The ultimate way to/
Much before the door closed
Can be seen regularly when walking on the road
Though dark, see the mass of trash
But did not hear any noise ever

On the side of the sky touch wall
My constant movement
Though shadow yet trademark cynicism
I can go away even closed eyes

Closed eyes within the dark
Yet unbelievable, but brings a dream
A dream within the dark,
See a diamond crystal
Where only light and light dispersion
From each dimension

Suddenly, in dream
I am in front of the closed door,
See a footprint,
Known voice with tune,
Can hear the illusive song

Now neither there exists any tall wall
Nor any closed door in the mind
2.0k · Sep 2014

Either if that land comes to me
or if I go to near the moon
rather, if I count the distance between the heaven and the hell
whatever you see or say
but I see and say there is a space

How long or thick I don’t know, but there is a space
where there is a vehicle or wind even empty
and the spaces, we run through air, land or the sea
if there exists any light or dark,
even I go through the time on the light speed
there I have seen a long space

Even between you and me
a little or big space
the shadow,
when I close to you
it has grown compact and even sometimes turned to dark
I can't see you
rather I see there is a space between you and me

And the star to star
sun to other stars
earth and the moon
and the moon and me
where there is a you there is at least a little space
even it dark or light
neither true nor false
either life or death
there is a space between you and me
your road to my road
your home to my home
at least a river, ocean or a wall that has created a space
your heart to my heart
your soul to my soul
there is a little space either light or dark
my love, that grew the difference between you and me
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Tribute to Stephen Hawking
the space time and difference between you and me....................
2.0k · Nov 2014
blue sapphire
when you feel shame insight
the foolish road trends to misguide
you can discover an apple
inside a dark basket

I sigh too long to lose the time
that could make a space between us
the clock is unmanageable,
the horizon grew gray

yesterday night turned on,
the sleepless romantic torment-
I made my hand long,
too long to hold my dreams

where there you were standing
behind a wall,
very thick, and dark
shuttered my eyes

I grew gray
underneath a dusky black moon
finding myself within you,
no focus point imagined

the forgotten days clapping
mystic, bleeding on the red carpet
turned too dark when storm wind
closed the windows-

dreams uttering on a blue sapphire
till the twilight has broken
making a waterfall on a rising sun
but coming closer into a vain of the vale--

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
blue sapphire: ------------------------
After born, a child subconsciously
engaged with the nature
she (nature)doesn't play well as usual,
all the time of his life
because someone somehow
plays the negative role with her

He who does not know the life,  
and doesn't know how and why
she originated the waterfall,
And generated a vigorous stream
but when someone cuts in the face of a river,
and moving water whatever he liked
otherwise, his own purpose ( in a negative sense)

Day by day the river moved slowly
slowly and slowly,
water didn't carry,
the overdue sediments toward the sea
day by day,
the river grew inflated
and becoming a silted bed

One day the rain came as cats and dogs
slowly and slowly,
it has made the flood over the flood plain
and swift away lands and roads
then the water has seemed useless

The child grew older
now he feels consciously
about the worst work
that someone did with her

And he (older child) thinks,
what does he feel?
when someone cuts in the face of a river
@Musfiq us shaleheen
never cut the nature, it cut your possibility and life grew as lifeless...
Once you uttered
And do not be reversed
It remains either in the air or in the disc

Just as

Once the heart when I gave you
The freedom went to exile
Birds are caught in the cage

And the words within the words are lost
As like as your mystic form,
Vanished slowly on the horizon

Some songs roll over your mind
Some words are as deep marker
Still exist, after the departure of

Just as

Even after the train going away
You're standing at the station
But the mind does not want to return

What is the fault
Lost in the wind of memory
Seeking the truth beyond the existence

Was written in order to leave
Ah! What a difficult moment!

Life is the game of light and shadow
Stay away from the dark for some time
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
2.0k · Aug 2014
Romantic Torment
Essence and colors of twilight
ceased my heart,
yet, still I have looped
on your thinking, my darling

Snowflakes have covered the trees
underneath cold wind blows from north
my spirit become low,
what a teach of the nature!

Darkest horizon what it has meant,
that threats my nights and days-
stars have blended, apart from hopes
clouds are whirling on drifted edge,

Dreams have broken,
run with autumnal cloud
I can rather want to you,
my darling

As alluring attention that dies,
with illusion and hallucination

The last, ever and forever,
my confession

I will die with a claim
of romantic torment,
‘O' darling and you will face,
the rude reality at the end -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
romantic torment: Actually a romantic poem
This is not a value of all the guests
who come for two days
At the end of all their hair grew gray
day after tomorrow nobody remember their words

Yellow, red rose of day
Even when it has become fade,
However, when the bursting of the land after rains
Still to stand a dry old tree as the witness of time

Then any other reason If ever come back the spring
The forgotten days song if ever robin reminds you
And all meaningless, the faces skin has felt fold
In front of eye tall wall has touched the sky

Yet  there is a gray afternoon
if you see a red glow in the sky black clouds
Silly, the frivolous legs once try to
Then after all events, remains only a long dark endless night-
@Musfiq us shaleheen
1.9k · Sep 2014
The Tributary River

After a long time from its origin,
the river has bend into two ways
it has intersected by a *******,
on a meandering belt,
created an angel between two lives

One has moved toward the right,
a narrow uneven sway,
that tributary stream has flown on fight
as if it one will be die within a short way

Another, that I have traveled
the straight stream,
a simplest form of life with a distinct velocity
may be at the sea where it will be settled
but that little one has made my curiosity

Yet, I see that one
how it has gone
i think about its trend
and feel how it will be end

A boat is waiting along with the *******
i don’t know,
why do it wait and whom for!
and where, it will go!  
all sorts of thing I feel when I have stood on my toe  

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
life is moving straight but it flows through sway...........
1.9k · Feb 2015
Your form of mystery
If it were not for Some
How was the Start of the
And even though some may Start
Something must have
Means automatic did Not

Your Earthly Life
This day
And This night

The tree needs Soil
It takes Light

Just as you Are
So Love Exists
There are Smiles

There is Nothing
Where you Can't
All the Dark
The Stars in the night Sky,
Even I couldn't See
There is no Moon,
In the Darkness

Why one for Another
Everyone why Each
The inside address seems quite Difficult
But not too Difficult

If you Try,
You can Catch a Few
It's your Secret to Everyone
I think you are my creation this Address
Have Taught

Very Simple
Such Life
So there is Death
The Earth exists so there is Light
The Trees are
So Fruits,
Has its branches for the Birds
Embroiled Nest
Sing the Songs
The Songs are in the air to You

You have come to Me
Together in Love
Is made from the River
Goes out to the Sea
Get lost in the Midst
Of a wave of a Thousand Million
Back Again
In Another Form
Mystery of any other Occasion
Any other Day
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Your form of mystery//
if like please share your comments//
repost/ share
Those might have been told in any other way
but you could not understand
No, No this is not a spring song
Not even a fairytale

An exclusive secret,
a pain which originates within a love,
reverberates with the rebel song,
within your known sky, wind

Naturally has seen in dreams
Rarely meets with the real
Crops of thousand wishes,
As the Vinci's Mona Lisa

Truly forms in nature
which has a vitreous luster
As the Crystal of Sapphire blue
where the beauty beyond

Of the words mystery unveiled,
yet the fascination of the Poe's uncovered poetry,
As the fathomless depth of Mid Atlantic ridge,
which goes a long way

Tastes like the first kisses of love
which is full of longing
where whole life is covered with dissatisfaction,  
within the prospect of ever known

Like an old wine
where levels of alcohol is too high
After spreeing over the night,
Still hanging in,
Even after taking the morning black coffee
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
1.9k · Oct 2015
In the Stars Fair
Sometimes it's falling
Lost in the dark

My love,
Mingles with millions of stars
Same but hundreds of thousands of light in the line

Who are given
What I have found
But all I have taken

Among thee who am I
Even where are you
Or maybe known to me as the North Star

Lost within everyone
Beyond the known path
Apart from the light

Footprints fade out in the same path
Still spots on the shadows
Even yet it's called the galaxy
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
1.9k · Apr 2016
Counter Clock
Alone, wandering within a dream,
Moving Perpendicular of Counter Clock
Rolling with the Round Stones, Knocking,
Echoing restlessly one after another
Not a romantic tune at all
Feelings are falling randomly
while lovely aromas in the air,
Lights dimming all the ugly duration
while some Faces of Friends hanging
with the Smiles of Sunshine,
Goes slowly between the dreams and shadows
And the sorrows those borrowed
From the chimes of the river,
Over the Silver water while moonlight
Shimmering in a very full moon night.
@Musfiq us shaleheen
1.9k · Dec 2014
the ladies look odd---
helpless, powerless---

when I see
girls waiting at the corner of the road,
in front of a brand new black Ford
red lipstick with red rose--
in a nightclub with a **** model pose--
buying, selling and contracting
with thee,
they are paying, trading,  
and making  X- Film,
online *** service,
growing *** worker,
making capital to grow capitalism  

I can't do anything,
only I can sigh,
I am too worn only a smile
and making a sad love song for her(victims)
you, my friend, hear in a car
and moving so far

Ah!! my friend,
'O' ! my love--
you see, we are in dark!
slowly and slowly we feel,
how the poison grabbing our body and soul!!
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
1.9k · Feb 2015
In Memory of St.Valentine
We know the truth of this history
If the time is upon us to sin
We can refuse to
But the charges do not

Men move toward the classic way
To love
To Light
To Dream
To Release

One thing I want to say
to Claudius:

Not a War
Not a ******
Take away any child smile
Anyone can't be happy

Who Murdered Love
Anyone can't bring peace
Who does not love the flowers
He may even ****

My dear Valentine:

On that day you captured
Thought so
Is not something else,
Love is the only way of Salvation

Human life like a hill track
Somewhere in ups and downs,
This prompts the love constantly Friend
And So "Hate is the only word for Claudius"

Though You put to Death,
Hundreds of thousands of years later
Yet Love glistens in the hearts of millions,
Everybody a Valentine One

And Today I say,
Say with my thousand friends

"Long Live the Love
  Long Live Valentine"

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
//In Memory of St.Valentine//

Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome.
Claudius, The Emperor of Rome who ordered that Valentine be put to death.
if like please share, comment and repost the poem/

1.9k · Aug 2015
under lock and key

This love is so exclusive
That turns me too illusive

When I am in a dream
She builds the stream

When I write a poetry
She recites the piece fluently

When she sings a song
Dreams longing me too long

So my heart is under lock and key
Which could only open by she

@Musfiq us shaleheen
1.9k · Oct 2014
Misty Memories
A golden past dematerialized within a shadow light
As a full boat of time toted time to a black hole
A shadow canvas of heart has retorted the reality,
Of those darkest stripes of sky-

Your inspiration has created dynamic dream
As like as a kite swings on air
As my springtime I ran with grasshoppers to and fro
An Amour of aroma flowed from flower to flower

A Jerry-rigged time streams as murmur of river
As a gray fade pained pale sky-
Run away together with my past, present and future
Sometimes my child has reacted reverse what I have wished

I float a boat on sea when she is far from me
My mind has grown shrink as my body bended already
Someone has vamoosed toward the horizon within a shadow fog,
A dry but misty memory -
Though faded but has dreamed me again and again -
@Musfiq us shaleheen
when memories flow through mind has grown  so many mystical imagery and again it has created so many dreams
1.9k · Dec 2015
caught between two stools
You are always beneath the sky
though you can think above all the heights
even behind the origin
and following just after

A bit ahead
just before the end of the evening
a distinct dark and a shadow
caught between two stools

I'm moving between the line,
blessing in disguise
stepping forward,
taking the best of both worlds

Shadows have a sound of mist
within the shadows
and the dark has a light
at the bottom on the line of dark

but I caught between two stools
@Musfiq us shaleheen
1.8k · Sep 2014
thy unfolded beauty
Alone in a blank meadow
even that night hadn't grown any shadow

Certainly I had seen
the mystic moonlight was falling on the purples of the valleys, dancing  with the sweet summer breeze

Certainly I had seen,
Her smile on the dark side of the moon,
how did she unclosed herself in an unclogged sky!
how did her glimmer attract the arbitary!
did you see her streaming  beauty anytime?

I am not a poet at all,
So I could not write an ode about her beauty,
Yeah, finally dreams were coming slowly from the wide open sky_

Slowly and Slowly,
I was mingling with her shimmering
even I could not bear her long
wild and mad looks,
such a heavy unfolded glee,
Oh! very smashing shines spreading beyond  the valley,
That only be vented by the poetess Shelley....

@Musfiq us shaleheen
sometimes beauty grabs us and it feels unspeakable but we enjoy it in our mind and soul and it grows romanticism....
1.8k · Apr 2015
Classic words, True,
Yet divine
But inhumane activities growing
The flowers are trampled yet again

There is a magic
Where a group of people who have been in search of food
In the desert
And they are true, but stupid!!

Octopus builds a Camouflage
Not only for the trap
But also they proved to finesse
And we are quickly going to lose the road

They made my fortune
Even God can not change their minds
When they are laughing loudly
Even who could **** the birds in the cage
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Camouflage every where ... mask over the face
in the grip of Satan
yet the love is struggling
Where I stand
Hundreds of thousands of years,
I see
Among times, a time,
In the form of waves
repeatedly touch my feet on the shore

In one milliseconds
with the speed of light
I go to the back of time
response could kiss my ancestors forehead
Come back again
In front of you

I beg love to you
If you give
After a moment,
An angel carries me to Space
To learn the secrets of creation

I do not know where is the end of the road
not to return home
not even call you at all
But continuing with the dreams
Running from one end to the other end of the universe

Anywhere else in the thought
The outcome beyond what is love
Then Another bunch of waves
Seemed to push my feet again-
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
dear poet/poetess/viewers
If you really like this poem please put your comment here or share/repost this piece as much as you can.
Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing my poem....
Many and
Many years later
My Poetry books
That I had lost
From the middle of the bookshelf
Within Thousands of many other books
Where I have found
Utterly Unknown
Some Pages
Is very difficult to read
Yet quietly reading
I read with a lot of the force
As a Small child walking
Many years later,
Become that Strange Poem

The Poem
Showed me Dreams
Told me to Love
Bought all the Colors of my Canvas
Drawn your Images
That happened,
Many and
Many years before
In my Heart and the Soul

You and I
Grew as a highly Sophisticated
In an extreme
Nice One

My Heart put on your Heart
In a Romantic Tune
Bode on a Small Boat
Toward a Tough Sea,
That happened,
Many and
Many years before
In the Song of the Sea

Sudden Sea Storm Came
Made Substantially Vortex water
We Drowned
Lost you
That also happened
Many and
Many years before
In this Sea and my Soul

Today I have found you again
In a Sprung Dream
As I lost you
Many and
Many years before
As if I'm standing
On the Shore of the Sea
You as a form of Sea Angel
Come forward to me-
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Tribute to the Greatest Romantic Poet Ever, Edger Allan Poe
If you like please Comment, Share and Repost the poem........
1.8k · Jan 2015
an oil painting of thy
I want to paint an image of Thy
That's not to be made with Water Color
Indeed desire to paint an Oil Painting
Blue will take from the Sky
Green from the Grass
I will take the Yellow from Barren Fields
Red will be borrowed from Parrot's Lips
And water from Your Tears
Will be grown thousands of Lost Dreams
After mingling of all the Colors
Thy face will be floated,
As the thousand year's "Mona Lisa"
With a patch mystic Smile
On my Gray Canvas

The bottom of the image's will be written
"You, My Beloved"
@Musfiq us shaleheen
an oil painting of thy,
if like please share your comments/ share / repost
best wishes all of you/
1.8k · Sep 2014
Jack fruits for Jackals
*I saw those reddish exposed ice age soil
There Jack fruits were growing without any toil
After rain the smell of the volatile mud
had seemed very earthy flavor
The Jack fruits had grown that you could eat
The ripe aroma was blowing around the forest
At night wild Jackals were barking  
huka hua….
huka hua ….

Mother was lip syncing the lullaby
A Little baby were trying to turn a sleep
huka hua….
huka hua ….

The hungry Jackals were barking
An owl night was calling in my mind
And the Jackals were grabbing
All those Jack fruits in that dark night
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
i was wandering alone in the forest where i saw the reddish mud after rain and so many jack fruits in the forest when owl was crying and jackals were barking at night.
1.8k · Dec 2015
Not remembering, wandering
While the dawn flashed
Even rest of the friends went away
Exhausted cigarettes were on the Ash Tray
Evidence of the lost existence of

None didn't recall her, her words
But everyone moved with his head
Morning to evening, random
Not remembering, wandering  

How many people came
within too many ways
Again went through,
Once I saw
even they didn't come back

At the late afternoon
in the window of my gray days  
I remember some faces
Mystic flowers remained
prostrate in the dust of
meandering ways

Came back
and picked up her
Loved, love
Far away on the other end,
rose up schematically
with the seventh
tunes of the guitar  

None didn't recall, her words
within the crowd
of a thousand faces,
In the counter path
of the clock
again I heard the song

The old song replaced
by the new,
morning shines
with the new sun
I hear the sounds of cry
of a new baby
Fungus has seen on the tape
of the old cassette

You are captive
within a dust covered album
My friend,
The lost spring,
The richness of our love,
As if I have left thousands of dreams  

Intangible time passing gently
with the tic tic of the timepiece
As if I have passed on the fastest train
Recognized the great known,
unknown wilderness

I woke up,
On the one hand,
your faded picture
The other hand,
holding hands of
The New Stranger of time
@Musfiq us shaleheen
1.7k · Aug 2016
If composed a true poetry
Not an interesting metaphor
To Keep the brain on
Or just showing day dreams
Even an unnecessary composed poetry
Made to be happy for the king and queen
Decorated with false songs of a garland victory
Just defile your voice
Or Just a lie of fabricated cry
Acting as the heavy down eyes
Just showing forged mercy to love
Even a painting of an outward woman
While stupid men became tickle with a synthetic beauty

Then If composed a true poetry
However, So many illustrative metaphors
which have a form of sacred truth
Perched the purple nature into you
Knowing Spring with the aromas of mango buds
Saying the real life
Demonstrates the truth of death with death
Like inventions of science

Rendering with expressions and feelings
Owing water to thirsty men
Explain the friction between light and darkness
Dragging the stone of truth
Thousands of music grant the intangible beauty of life
Love became harmonious
And the dreams are to raise thousand colors of love
Life flows like spring water
Of course a poem calls an eternal love
There a hidden beauty craving all time
And an upstream pouring the pure love
@musfiq us shaleheen
1.7k · Jan 2016
Where The Earth
This is where the earth
There were piles of refuse time
Over millions of years
Wants to stand up

Walk the walk where the stand
Hundreds of thousands of
Light-years away
My friend, the North Star
Of his many friends
Lost in the pit of time

Mother's hair grew gray
All sides of the wall
Of the house has broken
Rust is over the grills of window
Said goodbye to dreams

White childhood,
Blue adolescence,
The red color of youth,
Instead of
Bruises under the eyes
Sending love to the jail
My friend is now hanging
within four frames of the wall

This is where the earth
Everything turns to be
A graveyard
Gray ash color valley
On that
History's foot print
will be exist

Nobody did not come back
The sun may never
rise again
Love is beneath
the silent dark of trash
All the truths will be turned
into devour
@Musfiq us shaleheen
1.7k · Jan 2016

Love is beyond the logic
And all we say love is a magic
Though sometimes it may be so tragic
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
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