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7.8k · Sep 2018
the world is showing me
insecurity is eating me
the world is showing me
that you have to be having it all
or you have nothing.
i should be happy
with my natural blessings.
my hair
my face
my me
because it all belongs to God
and i was made special in his image
and if he supplies all of my needs
then my natural self is okay
that is all i should need.
those people that i envy
those people aren't happy
those people are irresponsible
those people are temporary
because they waste their life
and feed on
on temporary things
and you are what you eat.
those people don't care
those people are full
of the gigantic meal called
their ego.
i see
but the would feeds me
a different meal
which i am the cook
they feed me my own
this is how i eat and be eaten.
what does the world show you?
in a van
with an ex-friend.
lose again.
sitting in the front
you in the back.
we’re so far
but tension dense.
i sing the same sad songs
a symphony of sorrows.
mis-created mini meals of sensitivity
things won’t ever be the same again.
i lose again
ex win.
with an ex-friend
in a van.
what are you sensitive to?
1.4k · Oct 2018
life sucks
life *****
but so do those with
sweet teeth
in the presence of
candy on a stick.
what *****?
823 · Sep 2018
wishing for happiness
i wanted to change but
i found my soul rearranged instead
pretty soon
i started making bad decisions
i was in over my head
sinning until i accomplished my mission
happiness was the only thing that i was missing
only thing i'm
what are you wishing for?
799 · Sep 2018
she spoke
but nobody believed her
nobody will believe her
so she doesn't speak
do they believe you when you speak?
515 · Sep 2018
i don't get it
i don't get it
i don't understand
the chemistry
the frequency
is falling out of my hands
what is it about me?
what is my problem?
why aren't i like them?
them like me?
things like that
could never be
what don't you get?
409 · Sep 2018
at this point i'm tired
with the negativity that won't stop
until my life falls
every second, every minute
i walk through the halls and what's supposed
to be the walls
are demons closing me in
suffocating me to
do better
it's rare
they would never want me to succeed
unless they feel that they would conquer me
how good it would feed
them but not i
that's why i try to change
to change i try
what are you tired of?
403 · Sep 2018
too far
there comes a time when you go
too far
all you can do is wait
for whoever or
to catch up
so that everything can be
alright again
have you ever gone too far?
397 · Sep 2018
just because i'm speechless
doesn't mean i don't know how i feel
it's just that i can't put it in words
for you to understand
my broken english
i don't know, i just
i mean its
sometimes i wish
i never meant for it
to happen
of course you don't
you never do
how do you feel?
364 · Sep 2018
apple tree
hold of me
apple tree
i think i am controlling
but it's holding me
can't frolic
can't be
the apples that grow on this tree
are no good for me
what is no good for you?
322 · Sep 2018
i made this in seconds
i felt these before
i type and write and type and write
iv'e felt this way before
when all i can do is creative away
the pain right away
coming from the side walls of my heart
something meaningful and powerful
to me
to we
to us
later on in life
what can you write in seconds?
322 · Sep 2018
role model
i feel a role model coming up
the photo of an object
in my head
it won't die
it's not dead
what/who do you look up to?
i liked him
at first
he was sweet
at first
made me laugh
at first
i didn’t feel uncomfortable around him
at first
he didn’t want anything from me
at first
he was a gentleman
at first
seemed to be able to control himself
at first
had a bright smile
that made me produce the same
at first
i thought that what i saw was what i got
and everything is what it seems
at first
271 · Sep 2018
you lose
you lose when you let them take your joy
from you
and when you don't ****** it back
it's all on you
the one who is in control
of your life
nobody can take anything that belongs to you
don't let them
****** it back
or else you'll lose
are you losing?
243 · Sep 2018
all human beings do
but what's the purpose of this thing
of these collections of free-styled
why are they together and
what do they mean as a whole?
i used to think that a poetry book had to make sense
used to think that
it was wrong to bounce from one feeling to another
but then i thought
that's all a human being ever does (do)
what is your purpose?
235 · Sep 2018
go and be gone
and so long
and goodbye
will you go?
185 · May 2019
a monster
i'm a monster.
i hurt.
no fair cause i hurt.
all hurt.

i'm definitely going through a season of loneliness.
all because i don't know how to
give my attention
to what matters.

i feel a thing.
someone is a thing.
i get wrapped up.
forget i have a life.

a god.

it's dangerous.
that's how i love so hard.
all this energy i wanna give to someone.
someone except Jesus.

what's really the problem here

who am i?
and why am i so afraid of being alone?
when in all actuality
i'm not.

it's too much
all is too much
no luck

it's hard for me to trust
i need someone
someone with my same energy
or better

God, why are you doing this to me?

— The End —