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mk Sep 2016
tiny as a seed,
but there's a life inside of me.
mk Jun 2018
the thing with home being a person is that home can always choose to walk away.
the closer i come, the farther you are.
mk Jul 2017
everything's breaking
and i'm running
to the only place
i've ever known
to the only place
i've ever called home

i'm running to you-
it's time.
mk Sep 2017
everyone has their place
except i, i am floating on the surface
mk Jun 2018
the first holiday is the hardest
the first morning is the hardest
the first meal is the hardest
the first bath is the hardest
the first illness is the hardest
the first joy is the hardest
the first ocean trip is the hardest
the first broken wrist is the hardest
the first loss is the hardest
the first hurt is the hardest
the first love is the hardest
the first hate is the hardest

the second is too
(without you).
they say the first everything is the hardest after a relationship, but seconds **** too lol
mk Sep 2017
they say
if nothing works out
just go home

but i wonder
after all these years
will home remain
waiting for me?
new places scare me
mk Aug 2016
"if your heart is broken, make art with the pieces."
[shane koyczan]
mk Dec 2015
she never could decide
what made her a bigger coward;
that fact that she tried to **** herself,
or the fact that she never tried hard enough
mk Feb 2018
he's getting married
and she's pregnant

i'm lying in my own
***** and blood

i guess when it happens, it happens
i guess when it doesn't, it doesn't
congratulations guys.
mk Dec 2015
too afraid to admit you ****** up
so you carve the apologies on your skin
hoping that somehow the pain outside
will help **** the pain within.
i'm sorry
mk Apr 2017
i wrote a lot of great poetry when i was in love
i wrote even better poetry when i was in pain
i wrote the best poetry when i realized that the two emotions were actually the same.
mk Aug 2016
you handed me a bunch of thorns;
and blamed me for not thanking you for the *"roses".
-wrote this over 6 months ago.
matter of perspective.
mk Aug 2017
this emptiness still smells of you.
mk Mar 2016
you loved me
& i love you
not my own words; overheard conversations
it's sad how love is lost
mk Nov 2018
i found myself smiling in bed. beads of sweat dripping down my forehead and an exhaustion traveling in my veins. my body small, heavy, sunken into the mattress pad. i found myself smiling at the feeling of being all-consumed by the fever. i could not move my body, i could only wait till the fever broke. there was nothing more i could do, there was nothing more i could be expected to do. the blinds were shut but i could tell that the sun was near-setting. the reddish glow, almost like someone had put a wash cloth on top of a lamp: scattered, dim, warm. i had been in and out of sleep all day. i stayed in bed through breakfast, through lunch, through dinner. i was not hungry: i swallowed my painkillers and sipped on water. i was allowed to do this. i was allowed to skip meals, lay in bed, stare at the walls. i was allowed to let loud noises bother me, cry if i felt uncomfortable, i was allowed to sink into the mattress pad without a moment of guilt. my laptop lay on the table infront of me: there was a world of work out there but for now, i didn't have to be a part of it. i clung to these moments of in-between like a breath of fresh oxygen. i pushed all the feelings of unease to the back of my mind and let myself fall. i let myself fall. for now, for here, i could be me with an excuse: i was sick.

you walk around everyday doing what you're supposed to be doing. you're falling apart but you're sending emails. you're mentally fractured but you go to class, you sit through those meetings. you do what needs to be done. you eat a meal, you work out at the gym. you mold yourself into the caricature of your age group, gender, race. you become the person that makes sense to their eyes. it doesn't matter how much is wrong on the inside; but when a fever spreads across your skin and your body is forced to break: you can stop, you can breathe, you can be.
mk Aug 2016
unheard cries;
funeral bells too loud.
mk Jan 2016
if i died
you wouldn't cry
you'd be sad
but it wouldn't be that bad
maybe you'd tear a bit
then instantly realize it's not worth it
you'd turn your head then walk away
because i was never worth the stay
cliché af.
mk Sep 2017
looking from a distance
i can almost love myself
mk Jun 2017
few words are left to say
goodbye is the loudest.
mk Oct 2017
a thousand moons
condensed into
a single drop
of silver.

your eyes
my world.
mk Mar 2018
i miss you
mk Apr 2016
he didn't let go,
he just stopped holding on.
mk Oct 2016
it was a raindrop
it was a tear

it was all the reasons
i wish you were here
mk Jun 2016
the tears of the dead
rivers in march
mk Jun 2016

. my

. hand

. on

. your

. chest;

. warm

mk Jul 2016
leaving you
was the hardest thing
i've ever had to do
july. 09.
mk Jun 2016
she was like the stars
long dead: but her light still shined galaxies away.
mk Aug 2015
// because sometimes you get tired of writing about deep feelings & dark nights; trying something different for a change //
mk Feb 2018
the star of my sky
the moon of my night
with my last breath
for you, i will fight.
i love you on more days than one.
mk Jul 2016
everythings alright
but i don't want to open my eyes

my parents talked about that dark disease
which only inflicted the ungrateful
they called it depression

the sun still rises
and the moon still swings across the sky
in its many shapes
but night or day; i am wide awake

i was concerned in a pleasurable way
when my pen refused to be silent
page upon page of sweet sweet misery
but now my hand is frozen
and the page lies blank
agony to silence
agony to still

they talked about what the bug was
how it ate through you and i listened so intently because even then i knew something was wrong

something was wrong

i spoke to the crow today and he told me a silly story
about how the ruffles in his feathers keep getting heavier
and how one day he fell in the pond and watched himself sink
but did not cry out for help
he did nor cry out for help
some poor soul took pity on him and pulled him out
he did not cry out for help
he did not cry out for help

maybe time is relative but the clock ticks to let you know you're alive in a world that ***** out of you the spark that makes you tick that makes you tick
the clock ticks

maybe i'm too poor
too fortunate
too loved but inside me
i forgot what it's called
let's call it the friend
this friend
my friend-
what was i talking about again?

the smile still frowns
and the gold is still a crown
i will wake up

nothing is wrong
but i cannot open my eyes

nothing is wrong
i did not open my eyes
-read this at my funeral

[if you want a real poem go read the crunch by bukowski; now there's real poetry]
mk Jun 2015
// in the memories of us //
mk Dec 2015
"are you sad?"
"no, just in love."
two sides of the same coin.
mk May 2016
i asked God to surround me with good company-
i lost all my 'friends'

i asked God for somewhere to call home-
*i found you.
-you are my prayer.
mk Jan 2017
i've had a flu for the last week and a half i can't sleep at nights anymore because i can't breathe but i haven't taken any medicine because i want to fight it myself i want to fight this myself i am stronger than these pills and i will fight with my own body my own strength i will go down fighting i cannot rely on external substances i cannot rely on something or someone to save me i have to save myself i HAVE to save myself i have to save myself save myself save myself it's my mantra: I HAVE TO SAVE MYSELF and i'm thinking of the time my luggage was wrecked and my purple lamp was in there and that lamp was a memory because i remember you turned it on while you lay on top of me so that you could see me just a little better (i wanted it dark so that i didn't have to see myself) you wanted to see the curves on my body because you loved me and i can see you infront of me right now while i type this there in those black jeans with your broad shoulders and your mouth just a little softer than my own and just like that lamp my love was wrecked and it came back in more than two pieces the ocean just wasn't kind enough wasn't soft enough it didn't care enough to transport my love with the care it needed and tell me do you remember the time i screamed save me no wait get away from me save me love me get away from me and you touched me then moved back because you didn't know what i needed you didn't know how to save me but you knew how to love me. that was enough. it was enough. you were enough. enough. enough.
and just like the pills i refuse to take you were that drug i was too scared to need and that dependency broke me and that fear is breaking me and i love you enough for the both of us but like that purple lamp i'm just a little broken and i'm fighting to light up the room and see things just a little clearer and on my way back from school today i saw the electric boxes with warning signs and i opened the car door and walked to them and i tried pulling the 440 volt wires to touch them and fry myself; maybe i'd light up then but someone saw me and i ran and i ran to my house and my mom doesn't know that i'm suicidal but that's okay because i don't have the guts to **** myself anyway *(but i tried today).
new year, same me.
mk Jan 2017
my flu turns to a sinus infection and my mom tells me it could have been avoided if i'd only taken medicine to begin with and didn't try to act like a superhero how do i explain to her that for once in my life i just wanted to fight by myself and fight alone and fight to success and so much for that because what started off with a little sneeze is now an emergency and i'm stuffing antibiotics down my throat and falling down the stairs due to vertigo and it hurts you know it hurts it doesn't feel good to have your head full of sinus and i want someone to take a syringe and insert it into my temple and pull out all the liquid and maybe some memories too i think i've reached cognitive overload and okay so maybe my plan to be self-sufficient didn't work out so great but that doesn't mean i can't save myself right? right? i don't know anymore i'm not so sure anymore i don't know if i can get back on my feet when just a little infection gets me in bed praying for light to consume me and end this now i can't even handle a sinus infection for the love of all that is holy and kind how am i going to survive anything in this cruel world when i can't handle a sneeze and it reminds me how you'd still kiss me when i was sick and even though we hadn't met in months you'd be okay with just cuddling and not having *** if i didn't feel like it when we finally did meet and do you remember when our biggest problem was me being on my period on the days i wanted *** and do you remember how we had *** anyway and do you remember how it felt and do you remember how i was (who i was) do you remember? and this sinus infection feels a whole lot like love it gives me a headache and makes me want to die but somewhere inside i want it to stay because being sick is a great excuse to give others when they ask you why you look so pale so sad so down it's a great excuse to give when people ask you why your eyes are so red you can tell them the infection kept you up all night instead of revealing how you had a dinner party with your demons until 4am before realizing that the tea was poison and your demons in your head i'm thinking about the kid in my literature class who showed up ****** and i wonder if that takes away his pain i don't plan on getting ****** but i have red eyes all the time anyway so why not right? why not depend on a drug why not depend on an antibiotic why am i trying to save myself when the world has provided me happiness in a pill and instead of fighting all the time all i have to do is swallow (i've always been good about swallowing, ask him he'd tell you) and i guess this pill is just another thing to close your swallow even though you don't want it down your throat and i guess it's time to lay down my arms and say here, you win. i give in. the food festival is tomorrow and my  aunt tells me not to go because there are open wires on the fields and the rain has given them more life than ever before and oh i've always had a love-hate relationship with food (more love than hate anyday but that's the whole problem anyway) and i think i'm going to go to the food festival- whether for the doodh patti chai or for the danger of open wire shocks; **i'm not so sure yet.
mk Nov 2015
if you are my yesterday
then i wish for no tomorrow
mk May 2016
despite the winds of winter
which blow about my insides
there's just something about the summer sun
which makes me want to **fall in love
game of thrones hollaaa
mk Jun 2016
"don't become who hurt you"*

*-the five words that changed my life
mk Aug 2015
"what's wrong with me?"
"too many memories"
// har martabaa tu chaahiye //
mk Jan 2016
you keep hoping someone will reach out
and lightly touch you;
a reminder that you are not alone,
but you remain uncomfortably numb
in your lonely halo of sorrow-
*untouched, unspoken to.
"untouched, unspoken to."- bukowski
mk Dec 2015
in the fear of being pitied
i left your kindness out on the porch,
slammed the door in your face
& let your love wash away with the rain...
mk Aug 2015
would it be a cruel joke
for me to ask you
*how you're doing?
// babe, misery loves company //
mk Jul 2015
the problem with living in the moment
is that when the moment ends,
*so do you
// we lived too fast, we died too young //
mk Jul 2015
"i need you"
no, just your touch

"stay, don't go"
i need someone to hold me

"your arms feel like home"
no, they just help me forget

"I'll see you tomorrow"
or maybe just tomorrow night

"kiss me"
please do

"i really love you"
i really don't

"yours forever"
more like never

"you're more than just a lover"*
joke of the century
// its funny how many lies we will tell just for a kiss goodnight //
mk Jun 2018
i ran and i ran and i ran
three countries away
three continents over
i ran so that i didn't have to wake up
and take a shower in the same shower
get dressed in the same clothes
smell that same **** perfume
all laced with memories of you
i ran so far that i managed to forget who i was
managed to forget that it wasn't just my addiction to pain that kept us together
it was all those memories and laughs
and suddenly the taste of your lips
doesn't seem too distant when i still see your deodorant on my shelf
when i see our ticket stubs on my wall
when i have the wrapper from the chewing gum i chewed before kissing you stuck to my cork board like a ticking time bomb
i ran so far that i forgot what it felt like to love you and suddenly i'm back in my own skin begging you to love me again
but you're full of anger
and you're full of hate
i'm full of fear
and i'm scared of fate
my purse is still the same one you held for me
my neck is still the same one you kissed
my wrist smells of the perfume i put on before our first date
there are seventeen boxes of hershey's drops on my bookshelf
each one shared or gifted by you
the flowers from my garden
you picked
are crumbled
but fresh, scattered on my bed
i ran three countries away
i ran three continents over
to escape from a love
that i don't even want to get over
maybe it's best to never return home at all
mk Sep 2017
the salesperson
pointed me towards
the petite section
told me
'oh the women's section
isn't for you'

made me realize
how much
i've shrunk

don't get me
i'm still 5'2 (& a half)
still weigh
somewhere near 120
i have bent and burnt
the corners

i have

it's a slow process
you don't
even realize that it is
until you find yourself
smaller than ever
and you
how could a personality
as big as mine
as small as this

perhaps it first began
when i
learnt to
stay quiet
i really
wanted to say
i believe
or i don't think so

but instead

i looked down
my lips
and my
eyes closed
only to
feel my eyelashes
my cheeks

i once
had a boy
tell me
he fell in love
first with my voice
with me

he tried to solve
like a puzzle
putting back the bits and pieces
to create something
but in the process
the pieces got
jumbled up
into something new
and the
i had
that captured
his soul

i started shrinking
i lost my voice
and now
i think i've lost
my heart too
passion doesn't
flow so
loudly in
my veins and
every now and then
it does
but i silence it
be good,
little girl,
be silent

and to
the girls who
are walking on
glass made
of unwanted opinions
and voices
which are far louder than
i say,

remember who you are
remember what
you are worth.
and remember
that not the father
nor the son
can take from you
the fire
that burns
brighter than the
sun above.
my daughter,
i say,
let your voice
be heard and
let your freedom
there is a day

when a man
comes and tells you
that he
will replace
the vocal
chords into
open your hands
offer him peace
and if he rejects
use your freedom
to send
mk Jul 2016
another cup of coffee down the hatch
                  can't find a reason to stay awake;

another cup of coffee down the hatch-
                                             **forced survival.
mk Feb 2020
i am not grieving
nor yearning
or moping
i am not crippling
by the weight of
the thought of

but i miss knowing you.

i miss knowing what time
you'd wake up and what time
you have class and what time
you will call your mother because
she is traveling to a different country
& misses you dearly.

i miss knowing what's on your mind
at any given time
& bumping into you in the bathroom
because our temporal rhythms are
in sync.

and the nights you missed her
bottle of ***** in hand
(the cheap kind,
you were never one to indulge)
your voice shakes but
no tears &
you're all fears and
i miss knowing exactly what you're about to say.

the time we stayed up till 3
the day you told me you cared for me
not love though, you'd never throw that around
maybe love though, just not the romantic kind

i miss knowing you
your smell
the blood on your jacket
the cut on your knee

i miss knowing you
your cough
a sniffle
the way you laughed with me

i miss knowing you
having you around

i'm not broken without you
i am not in grief
nor misery

but i wish
i knew you
and you still
knew me.
another time
another place
mk Aug 2015
you are both
the art
& the artist
every move you make
is painted in color

you are both
the poem
& the poet
you speak
in ballads

inspired & inspirational
motivated & motivational

you have purpose
you have drive
you're not scared
you strive

that fire in your soul
the spark in your eyes
enough to set the world ablaze
a mind bound by no limits
a body willing to test new parameters

never going to surrender

philosophy makes up your very being
your words deserve to be written in volumes
you are
inches away from touching the stars
i suspect you were made of stardust
invaluable, irreplaceable, shining in the night sky

you belong to a different era
& you're not afraid to speak the ancient language
you are from both the future and the past
at the same time
inside you are both fireworks and candlelights
you are a greek statue in a museum
you are a sultan in the ottoman empire

you are both the soldier
and the war
all at once

& never will I
be able to fathom
the fact that
// i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck //
written about someone who means a lot to me x
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