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Zoe Grace Jun 2021
I am drawn to it
Theres no doubt
Now that ive glimpsed behind the curtain
Theres no way I could live without

The wisdom there, the fantasy
All grounded within reality
Cleanse a room with a loud noise
Poise is no longer mandatory

Crystals, carving sigils
This is where I belong
After so long
I have finally found a place
About a month ago, it drew me in. I feel an intangible but irresistible connection.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
It happened again
I thought i was past these things
God ******* **** it
Another panic attack, another depression spiral, another fit, another part of my life where im left feeling numb
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
**** yeah, it's snowing
Tiny specks of white float past
This is so much fun
It hasn't snowed in my town in YEARS, i'm just really excited XD
Zoe Grace May 2019
I want to scream
I want to shout
I want to laugh
I want to doubt
I want to live
I want to cry
I want to smile
I want to lie
I want to love
I want to gasp
I want to shake
I want to grasp
I want to think
I want to speak
I want to see
I want to peek
What else?
I want to be held
I want to be loved
I want to be kissed
I want to melt
I want to turn on the radio
I want to dance to my favourite song
I want to turn it up real loud
I want someone else to simg along
I want to look
I want to hear
I want to learn
I want to be held dear
I want to be hugged
I want to break free
I want some comfort

I just want to be me
Zoe Grace May 2019
Most people dont believe me
When i tell them something isnt quite right
When i tell them i got overwhelmed
That one dark night
Alone in my room
Nobody answering my calls
I did something im not proud of.
And since then,
Ive done it again
And again
And again
And again
I cant seem to stop
But thats not what people dont believe
They dont believe me when i say
There is no blade involved.
It is still just as harmful
Its just easier to conceal
Easier to hide.
In public, it helps me
In the dark, it helps me
In the noise, it helps me
In the light, it helps me
I can hide it
Tell people its simply a bad habit
That i can stop easily
When in reality
It couldnt be furthur from the truth.
People ask
But how can there be scars if there is no blade?
And i say
There are thousands upon thousands of ways in which to inflict harm
I simply picked one.
I picked one that gave me pain
I picked one that teaches me strength
It makes me cunning
It isnt healthy, what i do
But it wouldnt seem that bad to you
After all, its just a tiny scratch.
Only a little pink scar.
For me,
Its how i deal with everything.
Its just a tiny scratch
Just a few pink scars.
After ive covered it to the best of my ability
When its fresh
People dont need to see
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
I know i need sleep
But im really not that tired
And also, **** school
Zoe Grace May 2019
Theyll never know.
They dont see me for who i am.
They see the version of me that they want to see
Smiling and happy
Laughing and bubbly
Sometimes it makes me sick.
But despite it all
I go back to them everyday
With the same old mask plastered on my face
And pretend im happy.
I do it for them.
I do it for everyone.
They dont need to see the real me, because
They might leave if they did.
This is my first poem, so... enjoy i guess? I´m still learning how this site works.
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
I'm not tired
But my eyes are sore
That's bad right?
Oh well
I probably need to sleep before the sun comes up...
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Do not mistake a cry for help
As a cry for attention
I don't want your attention, or your pity. I'm not faking this. I just... i want somebody to notice that I'm not okay, i want someone to look at me and see past all the walls ive built.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
The smiles hide the screaming
The laughter hides the hurt
The "love" hides the cruel intentions
The gifts hide the truth.

My mask hides me

The insults don't lessen
The arguments don't cease
The swear words are abundant
The yelling never ends.

My panic overtakes me

The tears won't stop flowing
My fingers won't stop twitching
My arm won't stop itching
Help me hide from My Family
Zoe Grace Jul 2020
I love you
I will always love you
I will love you until I die
And if there is life after that
I will love you still.
I stole a quote, but it's worth it for you, H. Every word is true.
Its not an exact quote don't shoot me
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Mother is not home
She is more than two hours late
Mum is never home.
She barely, if ever comes home on time any more, and always worries me when she doesn't answer the phone.
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
You used to go by another name
Now you're somebody new, and your name is

When i was with you
My heart was at W.   A.    R.  
Questions and screams and bloodshed
Now you have my friend
I just hope you treat him right
You made out with him in the park
But did you really feel?
He doesnt deserve
To feel what i felt
When you had my heartstrings in your hands
I found this out today. New news.
Zoe Grace May 2020
Your touch lingers on my skin
A hand to my cheek
One passionate set of lips to another
Your teeth that grazed my neck so freely

You call me your siren
Beautiful and fair, a voice to match

To that, I call you my Sailor
For I am drawn to you as much as you are to me
I know in my heart that I chose you
And I'll follow you wherever you go

You call me your fae
Irresistable and enchanting

To that, I call you my Angel
You saved me from my darkest place
When I'm with you, my heart soars
And I feel so high above the clouds I forget my own name.
<3 H
Zoe Grace 11h
How do I write a poem about the fact that in my childhood bedroom I had about 10 glow-in-the-dark stars blue-tacked to my ceiling, and that I could touch them if I stood on my bed on my tippy toes, and now, in my 3rd year of university, in the the house I rent with my friends, I have ridiculously high ceilings and a projector that shows me a galaxy?

How do I describe the feeling of staring into the bathroom mirror at my 20 year old reflection and seeing the ghost of my younger self looking back at me from behind my bloodshot eyes? We both stand there at two thirty in the morning with tears running down our cheeks, our hands angrily ****** in our hair and our stomachs ****** in to the point of pain. I can't tell her that it'll stop, because it hasn't.

The dreams she had slip further and further away from me. I can't reach the stars anymore.
I find myself back on this site after years. I don't know what that means for me, but we'll figure it out together.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
I lay here at night
Thinking about everything
Yet i feel nothing.
I'm numb. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
I have no emotions at the moment, and thats pretty ****** up. Things that usually make me upset or happy have no effect on me at all.
Zoe Grace May 2019
Why do i feel numb?
I used to be so happy
Now i feel nothing.
I just want this to go away, i want to FEEL something. I hate it when i get like this.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019

I need someone to hold me
In their arms
And tell me
That i'm going to be okay
I need it. Always.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
I am Pansexual
No, that does not mean i am romantically or sexually attracted to kitchenware.
It means, simply, that:
I like boys
I like girls
I like everything other and in between.
I will support you and love you
No matter what you want to express yourself as.
You do you.
You are amazing.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I just wanted to say this <3 Happy Pride Month everybody ♡♡♡
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
I am pathetic
I will fall for anyone
Who is nice to me.
My little heart can't take the stress anymore. It's just too hard.
Absolutely Pathetic
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
Arranged in neat rows
Colours bursting from the ground
Such a sweet smell
All around us is the sound

Of tittering old ladies,
And boasting old men
Life is wonderful, the sun is bright
Here in the peony garden
my family took a little field trip today and this hit me on the way home
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Your hair so soft
Your smile so sweet
Your teeth gleam white
You laugh with me
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
I'm not what you want
But I'm exactly what you need!
Take a bite and feed
Your satisfaction guaranteed.

I'm your sunshine, woah
I'm gonna burn down your parade!
I'm the shotting star that you wish,
You wished you never made!
As much as i wish i could say this was mine, it is not. All of the credit to an amazing artist, NateWantsToBattle, a.k.a Nathan Sharp.
He has some fantastic music.
Go to Youtube right now and listen.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
I really dont know
How i feel at all, but i
Want to feel loved please.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Homework looks at me
I really do not want to
... **** it. Tomorrow.
I just really hate Trigonometry and i won't ever use it in life. That is all.
Zoe Grace Jun 2021
Who knew I could be so
But so
at the same time?  

It seems like my emotions are chosen at
               R                                      D

Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Let me get this STRAIGHT.
Hold on, I'm gonna run this BI you.
I wanna see how this PANs out, ok?
LES just see how this goes.
I need you to TRANSfer those papers.
Come on, I bet you ACEd the test!
It's late and I'm delusional and my sleep deprived brain thinks I'm funny. Shhhh, don't tell me I'm wrong.
I'm a proud panromantic potato btw.
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
One friend persues the other
Cloaked in twisted fantasies
Oblivious to her discomfort
His ears unwilling to hear the word
Making comments unsolicited
Longing looks innappropriate

She doesn't want it.
Zoe Grace Apr 2020
I'm reading through all my old poems
And uh
I can't believe I was that bad 0.o
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Pillows muffle silent screams
Gone is the blood that fills my dreams
Im sick in the head, fevered whispers
A voice in my head i don't want to hear

Around me people laugh and smile
Ask me if i want to stay a while
I'm stuck so deep i'm barely moving
Once I was bubbly now i'm brooding

Biting lips and scratching arms
Nervous tick and lack of charm
I don't trust myself around a knife
I'm clinging to the side of life

Blasting music really loud
Blocking out all other sound
Panic attack in science class?
Thats easy! Drop and break the glass!

Press it deeper, deeper, on my skin
Its leaving marks, i'm sporting a grin
Whisper whisper, scream, shout!
Too much, too much, i need an out!
I guess i need help if this is how i feel, right?
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Is it possible
To smile and frown
At the same time?
For that is the emotion i feel.
My constantly mixed emotions continue to baffle me.
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
I ******* love the snow, i was dancing around like a little five year old.
Zoe Grace May 2019

Im dizzy and tired
My head is pounding
I'm ready to explode
I feel like i'm drowning.


I'm awake and energetic
My feet are flying
I can't keep away the smile
I just don't feel like crying.
I don't know what this is, but it's true. There are two sides to me
I guess its because I'm a gemini, and, you know, that makes us two faced XD
Zoe Grace May 2019
Things are better when
I'm not there to **** them up
I'm really sorry
I'm so sorry that I'm such an idiot. That I'm stupid and useless and i ask for too many things. I hate myself, so Its only fair that everyone else hates me too. I'm a horrible person.
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Guys, I'm in Spain!
The S is silent.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
I do not understand
My thoughts are all twisted in my head
So the mere thought of untangling that mess
Fills me with dread.

Threads tangled together.
The red for love, the yellow for friendship, the blue for isolation
All of them tangled in a heap
Complete and utter desolation.

More strings form more confusion
The colours blur together and make things unclear
Is that red i see? Orange, yellow or maybe green?
I cannot work out my feelings using the imput i get from here.

I cannot tell if i love or like you,
If i simply care for you the way a friend would
But i certainly dont look at you
The same way a friend should.

You make me laugh like nobody has in a while
Make me rethink my actions and other things.
So you can see why im confused
To find you pulling on my heartstrings.

I know i need to wait a while
Before saying anything to you
This is because i know i need to find out
If my feelings for you are true.

And if they are true,
Then, pray tell, what are they about?
Which feelings are they?
This i D E F I N A T E L Y need to find out.

So ill spend a little time pulling on my threads
Finding out when and where each feeling begins.
Where they end and where they meet
My little colourful strings.
I'm not sure if i like this guy or not, and i need to take the time to figure it out, but im not good at that. So ill try. Wish me luck.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Darkness around me does nothing
I used to run in fear
Afraid of the thoughts in my head
Now i embrace them

They only make me stronger
The shadows want to protect me
If i get hurt along the way
It is my own fault
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Thank you for trusting me enough
To tell me
Who you truly are
On the inside.

I love you,
No matter what your name is
If you're my sister or my brother
You'll always have a place in my heart
I love you so much. You're my best friend and my favourite.
I feel so touched that you trust me enough to tell me.
I would do anything for you, A. I want you to know that.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Both legs under the covers
Nope, it's too hot.

Neither leg under the covers
Nope, it's too cold

One leg out of the covers and hanging over the side of the bed
But the demon
In the shadows hiding,
Will get you
And pull you under
And eat you
Zoe Grace Jun 2020
Whispered words
Hushed tones
Breath that quickens
Face that reddens

Trembles take over
Shaking, reaching
Sweat starts to form
Your touch frees me
You see a side of me that nobody else does, H.
Zoe Grace Jul 2020
I texted him

Three times

He hasnt responded in two hours

Hes annoyed at me
Hes not annoyed at you

Hes mad at me
Hes not mad at you

He doesnt want to talk to me
Hes probably doing something important

I dont want to bother him
*Then don't. Hes busy, you ******* baby. Stop whining
A conversation I had with myself.

I tried to fix the italic, it wouldn't work, i'm leaving it.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
The world dims when you're around
Everything stops, every single sound
We're friends, but you need time to think about becoming something else. And that's okay.
Zoe Grace Sep 2019
I'm going to the markets
In a group of homophobes
Dressed like a ******* lesbian
I am a secret Gaygent
I'm not out, i seriously feel like a spy ****
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Who is this girl
Staring cold and lifeless
From within reflected glass?
She is not me.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Hate feeling like this
The dried tear stains on my face
I smile anyway
You wont ever read this, but oh well. You helped me tonight, C, when one of my oldest friends told me he couldnt talk. So thank you.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
I am forced to watch
As the one i think
That i might love
Laughs with another
Its not your fault, C. I don't blame you.
Zoe Grace Apr 2020
I have all i ever wanted
In the form
Of the most perfect human being
To ever exist

I love him so much
I never want to let him go
And now all I can hope
Is that he won't want to either
He's perfect and I love him so
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
For once in my life
Words are not enough
To express what i feel

It is as if I feel every emotion
All of them and once, and yet
None of them at all.
I know, I'm confusing.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
I need to cry
I want to cry
So why won't the tears flow?
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Blasting music in my ears
All of my emotions disappear
Turn the volume up, can't hear a thing
I don't care that it makes my head ring
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