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Zoe Grace Jul 2019
I need to cry
I want to cry
So why won't the tears flow?
Zoe Grace May 2020
Nothing comes to mind
I promised you a haiku
I'm sorry baby
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Why did I fall for you
If you won't
Even talk to me anymore?
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Blasting music in my ears
All of my emotions disappear
Turn the volume up, can't hear a thing
I don't care that it makes my head ring
Zoe Grace Apr 2020
I have all i ever wanted
In the form
Of the most perfect human being
To ever exist

I love him so much
I never want to let him go
And now all I can hope
Is that he won't want to either
He's perfect and I love him so
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
The darkness hides in plain sight
It has realised that i won't fight
Reaching fiercely as i might
My outstretched hand can't touch the light.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
For once in my life
Words are not enough
To express what i feel

It is as if I feel every emotion
All of them and once, and yet
None of them at all.
I know, I'm confusing.
Zoe Grace Oct 2020
A wheel inside my heart spinning so fast it makes me dizzy
And the farther away he gets
The faster it spins
As if there is an invisible chord un-reeling from it
Stretching the distance between us
A real connection
I dont know what i would do
If the chord ever snaps
H you know how much I love you. We're a year and almost a month strong now. ❤
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
My body is a canvas now
I need to express my feelings somehow
But where do i put
These little red lines tonight?

On my wrists?
On my thighs?
On my stomach?

Behind my knees?
Behind my arm?
Behind my back?

Where would bring me the most pain?
Where would be the easiest to conceal?
For not everyone understands my art.
And so i must keep it hidden.
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
You looked cute today
Why do you do this to me
You don't look my way.
I've been hit strong with the feels. Help.
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
It sounds like someone
Is knocking on my window
If there is anyone there
Please go away
I'm scared shitless my bedroom is a story above the ground and it sounds like someone is knocking and i have no trees or anything near it and I'm not gonna go look.
Zoe Grace May 2019
Vines are so funny
This ***** is empty, YEET, lol
Why am i like this
Im bored and its late and you all have to put up with me because of it
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
You are what i have always wanted
You wear the face i wish to have
You live the life i work so hard for
You love someone who loves you

You are carefree and strong willed
You fit into clothes i'll never be able to
You make anything look achieveable
You laugh so easily


You dont even know it
So many people have it better than me. All i ask is for a few days when life is good? Please?

— The End —